Chapter 102 Foundation Building

[Ding, you consume a little free proficiency point, the proficiency of Yin-Yang and Five Elements +1, the level of Yin-Yang and Five Elements is upgraded to: level nine, perfect, evolve five elements, your spiritual root is upgraded to five elements high-grade spiritual root, evolve five elements, mortal flesh The advanced stage of the fetus is: five elements spirit body]


[Ding, you consume a little free proficiency point, the proficiency of Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic-Building Foundation +1, the level of Yin-Yang Five Elements-Building Foundation is upgraded to: Level [-], you are promoted to Foundation-Building Realm, and your cultivation level is upgraded to: Foundation-Building On the first floor, you comprehend supernatural powers - the five elements produce yin and yang]

[Ding, Yin and Yang Qi are insufficient, and the level of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics-Building Foundations cannot be improved. 】

[Ding, Yin and Yang Qi are insufficient, and the level of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics-Building Foundations cannot be improved. 】


With a crisp sound of "pop", the color became gray and dark, and the fourth-order Taixuan Shenjin, which had no metallic color, suddenly exploded and turned into dust and fly ash.

The fourth-order scarlet flame spirit fire was extinguished and disappeared without a trace.

The fourth-order Cangmu spirit marrow is snow-white, without any spirit element of the wood attribute.

The fourth-order Tianyi real water has shrunk by more than ten times, and its color is dim.

The black soil of the fourth-order loam was like Taixuan Shenjin, and it turned into a cloud of gray dust, scattered on the ground.

Li Mu opened his eyes and woke up, the five-color aura flowed under the skin of his whole body, and a large amount of five-element overflowed between his breaths. The five-element spiritual power flowing through the meridians in his body turned into a liquid state, the sea of ​​consciousness expanded a hundred times, and his soul almost condensed into a real state .

At this moment, Li Mu felt extremely powerful, and was extremely closely connected with the aura of heaven and earth. A single thought could give birth to the five-element spell, and there was no need to pinch formulas and chant spells.

Heartbeat, act now.

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness was released, he looked towards the sky, and silently summoned a blow of wind and rain.

The next moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, followed by pouring rain.

The red wolf, who was lying in the yard basking in the sun and sleeping late, was instantly drenched into a drowned dog. He fled to the eaves, quickly shook off the rainwater on his body, and looked at the sky suspiciously, wondering why the sun suddenly fell. rain.

'Seeing' this scene, Li Mu laughed out loud, and immediately, silently used the Inverse Yuan Condensation Jue to suppress the powerful aura overflowing from the five-element spirit body, and returned to the normal appearance in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Li Mu glanced at the log in the character's virtual column to remind him that the Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic-Building Foundation Chapter needs to collect Yin-Yang and Qi objects to continue to upgrade.

What is this yin and yang thing, Li Mu has no idea for a while.

Li Mu thought of the supernatural powers that he had comprehended after the establishment of the foundation-the five elements produce yin and yang, and then he used all his supernatural powers to gather the spiritual power of the five elements with his hands to deduce yin and yang.

In the center of the secret room, on the tabletop of the stone table, with the gathering of a large amount of spiritual power of the five elements, the primordial spirit transformed by the spiritual energy of the five elements began to evolve. The change of birth position, as well as the change of the opposite direction of wood restraining earth, earth restraining water, water restraining fire, fire restraining metal, metal restraining wood,...

The two kinds of changes are continuously deduced, the life is endless, and the good fortune is constantly evolving, and finally two aura clusters, one black and one white, gather together in the center of the five-element aura cluster and run smoothly.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu was like a thunderbolt, and he froze all of a sudden, as if some switch had been triggered, falling into a state of epiphany.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth in this world, based on the five elements, has evolved into numerous great thousands, and the evolution process is deduced from the good fortune of yin and yang. Yin and yang include the five elements, and the five elements contain yin and yang. It can also transform the five elements,...

The Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic is not that simple, it is a practice that directly points to the avenue of good fortune!

Li Mu came to a clear understanding from the brief epiphany state, what he gained from this deduction, but he didn't gain much. To get to the bottom of it, his foundation is too shallow, he has just built a foundation, and the avenue of good fortune is not something he can explore .

Li Mu took a deep breath, dispersed the spiritual power of the five elements, and ended the deduction.

Li Mu probably knows how to obtain the yin and yang two qi things. It should be the spiritual things produced by the evolution of the five elements' aura to the extreme. I am afraid it is difficult to obtain!

Li Mu thinks about it. This Yin-Yang Five Elements Sutra should be a practice that has been handed down from ancient times to the present. Can do harm to nothing.

Li Mu sighed with joy and helplessness.

I have obtained a remarkable exercise, but it is too harsh to practice.

Fortunately, he also has a talent for absorbing planting spirits. It is hard to find high-level spiritual objects with both yin and yang energy. Maybe, planting high-level spiritual plants may not be possible to obtain!There are so many spiritual plants in the world!
Among the many known spiritual plants, which spiritual plants are most likely to grow Yin and Yang!Yinfeng grass, Yangyang grass, soul wood? ... Li Mu fell into deep thought.

"Chichi!" A cute voice suddenly sounded, waking up the pensive Li Mu.

Li Mu looked down, and at some point, 'Xiaobai' got out of the spirit animal bag, climbed out of his pocket, and looked at him with a pair of black eyes.

"Xiaobai is awake! He has grown up!"

Looking at Xiaobai who has grown a lot bigger, Li Mu couldn't help laughing. Before, it was only as thick as an index finger, but now it's as thick as two fingers. It has snow-white skin, piled tender flesh, and a pair of black eyes. , looks very cute.

However, under this cute appearance, who knows that it is a fifth-order Gu insect spirit that devours souls without blinking an eye!
"Chichi, chichi!" Xiaobai held his head up, chirping anxiously!
"Are you hungry? Got it. I'll go get you something to eat right away. You're not allowed to show up when there are people around, you know?" Li Mu nodded with a smile, told Xiaobai something, and then stuffed it into his pocket .

"Hey!" Xiaobai responded obediently, indicating that he understood.

Soon, Li Mu changed into a clean magic robe, took a short rest, Yujian flew to Gangyang City, and prepared to take Xiaobai's food with Wang Wenbao, settle the account by the way, and bid farewell.

Wanbao Pavilion, reception hall.

"What! Master Li, you are leaving tomorrow? So fast, doesn't it mean that you have to wait for half a month!" Hearing that Li Mu was leaving soon, Wang Wenbao became anxious, and he transferred a large number of high-level practitioners from other places. The materials for the utensils have not been refined yet, if Li Mu leaves, these things will be thrown into his hands.

Immediately, Wang Wenbao told Li Mu about gathering high-level spiritual objects from all over the place, and asked him to refine all these materials into spiritual weapons before leaving.

"Shopkeeper Wang, you're like this, it's hard for me to do it! Didn't I tell you that I would leave at any time! Why did you transfer so many materials!" Li Mu sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Master Li, please help! Most of these spiritual objects are fourth-level materials, and no one can refine them except you. If I transfer the work back again, I will lose a lot of spiritual stones this time around. If I don't I really can't bear to transfer so much stuff into my hands, please help me this time because you see that we have cooperated happily for so long!" Wang Wenbao begged bitterly.

"Treasurer Wang, Mr. Li is really in a hurry, so I can't stay for a long time, or else this is the case! You can exchange all the profits I earned during the refining process with refining materials, and I will digest part of it for you, and then help you refine two. If you still can't digest the Heavenly Spirit Artifact, then I can't help it!" Li Mu thought for a while and suggested.

"Thank you, thank you Master Li, it's ok, it should be ok, just wait for me for a moment, I'll go to the accounting room and settle the accounts right away." Wang Wenbao thanked him gratefully.

"En! Don't forget to take the monster spirit!" Li Mu reminded with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will always remember what you told me!" Wang Wenbao responded with a smile, and then hurried to the accounting room to settle the accounts.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Shopkeeper Wang went back and forth, coming in a hurry, holding two storage bags and an account book in his hand, handing them to Li Mu and saying, "Master Li, during this time, you have refined 127 third-level spiritual tools in total. Among them, the third-level top-grade: 92 pieces, the third-level top-grade: 35 pieces, which record the selling price and your commission, deduct the cost of Tianyi Zhenshui, and a fee you paid in advance, and the remaining Lingshi will help you Exchanged into fourth-level refining materials, monster spirits,..., here are the detailed accounts and the exchanged items, please take a look."

Li Mu took the two storage bags and the account book, looked through the account book, and confirmed that the number was correct.

"I'll exchange this batch of fourth-tier refining materials for you at the cost price, Master Li, you are still satisfied." Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu bitterly, and motioned.

Li Mu smiled "hehe", the words of merchants are hard to tell from the truth, just listen to them, don't trust them.

However, this time the harvest is quite a lot. According to the market price, it is really not an easy task to buy so many fourth-order spiritual objects at once.

"Master Li, next, there are still a batch of fourth-level refining materials for you to refine. Will the commission be based on the materials, or be replaced by spirit stones?" Wang Wenbao continued to ask.

"Half and half! You have high-level thunder beast leather here, if you have some, give me some." Li Mu thought for a while and responded.

"Yes, yes, Qianlei Island just delivered a batch of goods not long ago, and there are some second-grade thunderbird skins. Master Li, how many do you want!" Wang Wenbao quickly responded.

"Give it all to me! By the way, you have a spirit treasure that will survive the spirit plant. I need one." Li Mu thought for a while and then asked.

"Continuing Lingzhi, Master Li, are you going to transplant a large number of Lingzhi?" Wang Wenbao asked inquiringly.

"Yes! Is there?" Li Mu asked in confirmation.

Next, Li Mu is going to go to the Qingxuanzong headquarters to occupy a spiritual mountain. However, the eleven mu of spiritual tea left in Xiaoliangshan and the half-acre of various spiritual plants for seedling cultivation cannot be left alone. Now there is a lack of one that can be stored and transplanted halfway. Lingzhi, a storage device that keeps Lingzhi active.

"This kind of storage requires a large number of magic circles and spiritual soil. The refining is very complicated and expensive, and there are more people who can buy it. I don't have it in stock here. I need to go to other stores to transfer the goods. I'm afraid it will be too late." Wang Wenbao. Sorry to explain.

"Well, go and ask. If you have the goods, you can get one. If you don't have it, don't force yourself." Li Mu nodded and said understandingly.

After successfully establishing the foundation, the lifespan has reached 560 years, which is about 200 years longer than that of ordinary foundation-building monks. Li Mu has time to cultivate spiritual plants, but he really can't buy this spiritual storage device for transplanting spiritual plants. For the batch of Lingshan tea in Liangshan, the experimental Lingzhi had to discard it, and plant it slowly in the future.

However, the rest of the batch of Yunwu Lingcha seeds obtained last time can only be planted for about one or two acres, so it would be a pity to discard them.

"Master Li, don't worry, I will try my best to get it for you." Wang Wenbao nodded and promised.

"Okay, please take care of the shopkeeper Wang, I'm going to refine the weapon!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, got up and walked to the refining workshop of Wanbao Pavilion.

After successfully building the foundation, he obtained a new batch of fourth-level refining materials. While refining spiritual weapons for Wanbao Pavilion, Li Mu was also preparing to refine a batch of spiritual weapons for himself.

In the refining workshop, there are five refining rooms, and the two stone doors are closed. It is presumed that there are other refining guests refining weapons in it.

Seeing Li Mu's arrival, Liu Zhong hurried forward, handed over the storage bag, and said respectfully: "Master Li, the Earth Fire Refiner is ready, here are the refining materials."

"Hmm!" Li Mu took the storage bag and walked straight to No. 2 refining room.

Amidst the muffled sound of "Boom", the stone door of the refining room was slowly closed. In Nuoda's refining room, there was a large refining furnace more than ten feet high in the center.

"Chichi!" Sensing that there was no one in the refining room, Xiaobai got out of Li Mu's arms.

"Understood! This is for you to eat!" Li Mu chuckled, and opened the storage bag where the spirit of the monster was stored.

In the storage bag, there are 27 eight soul-absorbing bottles, each of which contains a monster spirit. There are first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier monster spirits.

Li Mu chose among them, and in order to prevent Xiaobai from falling into a deep sleep again, he took out a soul-absorbing bottle containing the spirit of a first-order monster, and opened the bottle cap with a sound of "Bo".

Before the first-level demon fox spirit could escape from the soul-absorbing bottle, there was a "whoosh", the white shadow flashed, Xiao Bai jumped up like a spring, and blocked the bottle mouth all at once.

A mournful wail soon came out of the soul receiving bottle. The soul cry of the fox fairy soul before death was the most terrifying voice from the depths of the soul.

"Gee chi, chi chi!"

Xiaobai plunged into the mouth of the bottle, twisted his buttocks excitedly, and sucked the spirit of the demon fox into his stomach in one breath.

"Chichi! Uh!" Xiaobai looked up at Li Mu and yelled, belching.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu didn't know whether to laugh or fear, this little guy is really the natural enemy of soul life!
Thinking of this, Li Mu's heart moved, and he couldn't help having an idea. He decided to use Xiaobai's weapon to make a fake.

"Chichi, chichi!" Xiaobai yelled at Li Mu twice, looking sleepy, as if telling the owner that it was going back to sleep in the bag.

"Xiaobai, let's talk later, do me a favor first." Li Mu suggested with a slight smile.

"Hey!" Xiaobai looked at Li Mu suspiciously, wondering what the master wanted him to do.

Li Mu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to condense the spiritual power of the Five Elements, and released the supernatural power - Five Elements Transforming Spirits. In the next second, a ball of Five Elements Spiritual Fire was condensed in midair.

After breaking through the foundation establishment, Li Mu's true essence spiritual power was several times stronger than that of the Qi refining period, and the power of magical powers was also greatly improved. The five-element spiritual fire condensed from the five-element transformation spirit had no less firepower than the fourth-order Chi Yan Linghuo.

Take out a wish-fulfilling stone from the storage compartment, about two catties in weight, and use the Five Elements Spirit Fire to liquefy it. Then, open the storage bag that stores a large amount of fourth-level refining materials, and find pieces of meteorite black iron and ink-sinking fine gold. The dust spar,..., flew out of the storage bag one after another, and was quickly melted under the burning of the Five Elements Spirit Fire.

(End of this chapter)

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