Chapter 103 Fourth Order Spiritual Seal
Various fourth-order refining materials, one piece after another, were thrown into the Five Elements Spirit Fire under Li Mu's control, quickly dissolved, and gradually liquefied into a ball of metal solution.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu used the spiritual smelting method to finalize the embryo for the spiritual weapon in the refining furnace.

I saw that the molten metal suspended in the refining furnace was controlled by a mysterious force, and gradually condensed from a large ball of molten metal into a square seal shape, gradually shrinking in volume, exuding a terrifying spiritual pressure.

Li Mu was going to refine a seal-style spiritual weapon, which was similar to refining the wishful seal for Yun Xiaozi.

However, to refine the spirit weapon for himself, Li Mu must be willing to spend all his money. He must use the best. If the fourth-level materials are insufficient, he uses thousands of catties of third-level materials to increase the weight of the Ruyi seal.


Xiaobai looked at the Five Elements Spirit Fire and the Indian-style metal embryo in panic. Such a large mass floated above his head, which made him suffer from giant phobia, and he wanted to crawl back into the spirit beast bag.

Li Mu's brows were tightly frowned, the consumption of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power of the five elements was quite huge, but the embryo of the Ruyi seal had already been condensed, the material in the embryo, the basic array of artifacts, the basic pattern of artifacts,..., the complex array , all recorded in it.

Li Mu took a deep breath, the huge spiritual consciousness and spiritual power consumption forced him to take a break.

"Xiaobai, next, I need your help, you just need to scare it, don't eat it!" Li Mu explained to Xiaobai with a smile.

"Chichi!" Xiaobai opened his mouth, nodded his head, and responded obediently.

Li Mu's spiritual sense swept towards the storage bag storing the soul-absorbing bottle, and selected a soul-absorbing bottle containing the spirit of a third-order monster, and slowly flew into the air.

With a crisp sound of "Bo", the bottle cap was opened, and a black mist gushed out of the soul-absorbing bottle, which turned into a giant black bear in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the spirit of the bear demon appeared, he roared to the sky, and a ferocious, violent, and cold aura erupted, shocking the audience.

However, the two 'spectators' at the scene seemed to have no one to buy it.

A Foundation Establishment cultivator sat cross-legged, looked at it with pity, his body exuded a frightening aura, and on his lap lay a small white bug, exuding a frightening aura.

It was this little bug, which was no bigger than its fingernail, called out "ji", and the spirit of the bear demon immediately shook, and lost control of its own soul.

"Throw in this weapon, become a weapon spirit, or let it eat you, you choose!" A voice suddenly sounded from Xiong Yaohunhai.

Hearing this, the bear goblin looked at the square seal floating in the air, glanced at Li Mu again, and immediately understood it. With the remaining strength, he plunged into the square seal without hesitation.

What a joke, becoming a tool spirit is much better than being buried in the belly of a bug, what choice is there!

Seeing that the spirit of the bear demon has merged into the embryo, Li Mu immediately began to inject spiritual power into the embryo of the square seal, condensing the pattern of the artifact, and outlining the spirit of the artifact.
"Buzzing...," the sound of the weapon, the aura of the Fangyin weapon embryo bloomed, and the pattern of the weapon pattern intersected and condensed one after another. Soon, the spirit of the bear goblin merged into the core of the weapon array, and the state of the soul changed rapidly , was washed away by the powerful force of the array, turned into a spirit of mist and injected into the core of the array,...  

The first weapon pattern: Yuling, the second weapon pattern: gravity, the third weapon pattern: mimicry, the fourth weapon pattern: lock spirit,...,
Li Mu stimulated his spiritual power again and again, and the Fangyin embryo successfully condensed one pattern, the aura shines, the No. 15 pattern: destroying the soul, the aura is condensed and formed, the aura of the anti-printed embryo reaches its peak,...,
Li Mu gritted his teeth, and continued to inject a wave of spiritual energy, condensing the last weapon pattern, and helping to create a fourth-order top-grade spiritual weapon.

With a sound of "噗", the fourth-order square seal bloomed with spiritual light, and the strength of the spiritual light reached a new height, and the refining was completed. At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and the wishful square seal with the spirit of the weapon suddenly magnified and rushed towards Li Mu. Bombarded down.

The demon bear spirit, who was coerced into becoming a weapon spirit, harbored hatred towards Li Mu. The moment the weapon pattern was condensed and the weapon refining was successful, it immediately launched a backlash.

"You have a bad temper! Do you think I'm not on your guard?" Li Mu chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, a flash of spiritual light landed on the wishful square seal.

The next moment, the smashing momentum of the Ruyi Fangyin stopped, and the size of the Ruyi Fangyin quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it became only the size of a palm, and flew lightly into Li Mu's palm.

It turned out that Li Mu had tampered with the Ruyi Fangyin when he was refining the base array, and easily took away the control of the Ruyi Fangyin.

This artifact was personally refined by Li Mu. Even with the infusion of artifact spirit, no one knows it better than Li Mu.

Li Mu injected spiritual power casually, and refined the spirit of the Ruyi seal together, and then, a burst of spiritual power hit the Ruyi square seal, and with a click, the milky white Ruyi seal changed color immediately, the aura shone, and the supernatural power Also turned into a miniature little black bear.

"Chichi!" Xiaobai cried out in surprise when he saw the little black bear whose size was similar to his own.

"You guys have fun! You interrupt my refining!" Li Mu smiled slightly, confessed, and then took out two bottles of pills from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, poured out two and took them.

Refining the Ruyi Fangyin fourth-order spiritual weapon, Li Mu consumed a lot of spiritual power and consciousness. He needed to take drugs to recover before he could continue refining the weapon.

Fortunately, refining spirit weapons for Wanbao Pavilion does not need to consume so much energy.


[Ding, you have successfully refined a fourth-order spirit sword, your proficiency in refining: +90]

[Ding, you have successfully refined a fourth-order spirit shield, refining skill proficiency: +90]


Time flies, two days have passed.

The stone door of the refining room slowly opened, and Li Mu walked out with a tired face. Refining a fourth-order spiritual weapon consumes more energy and mind than refining a third-order spiritual weapon. Moreover, this time, Li Mu did not Using the refining furnace, instead, directly using the five-element spiritual fire condensed by oneself, consumes more real energy and spiritual power.

Fortunately, Li Mu is no longer a Qi-refining cultivator, but a foundation-building cultivator who uses the ancient foundation-building method to build a foundation independently, so he can finally persevere.

"Master Li, what's the result?" Wang Wenbao, who was waiting at the door, saw Li Mu coming out, and rushed to meet him, asking impatiently.

"Fulfill your trust, shopkeeper Wang, there are seven fourth-order spiritual weapons in total, and they failed twice!" Li Mu smiled slightly, and patted the storage bag, and all seven spiritual fourth-order spiritual weapons flew out and floated on the ground of Li Mu. side.

"Master Li, you are amazing! I thought that if you can successfully refine four or five pieces, you are already very powerful. I didn't expect you to successfully refine seven pieces. This, this, thank you, Master Li!" Wang Wenbao was a little incoherent excitedly , Thank you again and again.

"Thank you for my words, just calculate the commission more, don't talk empty words." Li Mu said with a grin.

Hearing this, Wang Wenbao gritted his teeth and said: "Master, you should, you should, you have worked hard, and this time I will give you a 30% commission."

"Oh! In this way, shopkeeper Wang won't lose money!" Li Mu looked at shopkeeper Wang in surprise and asked with a smile.

"Master Li is joking! How can I, Mr. Wang, do business at a loss? In fact, Master Li, your weapon refining skills are too powerful. Other masters of refining weapons have a lower success rate in refining fourth-order spiritual weapons. The commission is due!" Shopkeeper Wang said seriously.

"Then Li Mu is welcome, thank you, shopkeeper Wang!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and then asked: "By the way, did you find the storage device for the continued storage of Lingzhi?"

"Yes! Yes! I mobilized my contacts and asked about it. It was a coincidence that Taoist Lingyin had one on hand. I decided to buy it for Master Li!" Wang Wenbao nodded excitedly, and took out a box-like spiritual object.

"This is a continuation spiritual box made of azure star crystals and ethereal animal skins. It contains five hundred catties of second-grade lark rot, and can hold about 7 to 2 spiritual plants for 15-30 years." For [-] days of vitality, the more spiritual plants are placed, the greater the consumption of spiritual stones, and the shorter the maintenance time." Wang Wenbao introduced to Li Mu in detail.

Up to [-] plants!It seems that only hundreds of seedlings in the experimental field, as well as some Yunwu Lingcha, can be used.

"Thank you, shopkeeper Wang, the fee will be deducted from the commission this time." Li Mu gratefully accepted the spirit box, and with a move of consciousness, he brought seven fourth-order spirit weapons to Wang Wenbao.

"Master Li, there is no way to sell these seven fourth-order spirit weapons at once. This time, the commission can only be estimated by Mr. Wei." Wang Wenbao said after receiving the seven spirit weapons, looking at Li Mu embarrassedly.

With so many Tier [-] Spirit Artifacts, they definitely couldn't be released all at once. Wang Wenbao decided to keep them as the bottom of the box. Each auction will release one of them as the highlight to earn the maximum profit.

"Well, let Mr. Wei come! I should leave after I get the commission! Shopkeeper Wang, I'll come back later!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, agreeing.

"Master Li, take care all the way, and look forward to working with you again." Wang Wenbao said reluctantly.

Soon, Wang Wenbao called Wei An, a spiritual appraiser, to estimate the price of nine fourth-order spiritual weapons.

Looking at the seven newly released fourth-level spiritual weapons, Wei An's hands trembled nervously. This is the first time he has seen the most high-level spiritual weapons in his life of appreciating spirits. It feels like he is dreaming.

"Old Wei, don't dawdle, estimate the price as much as you want, Master Li is still waiting!" Wang Wenbao urged angrily.

"Shopkeeper, it's really difficult to estimate. I can only estimate the third-order spiritual weapon at most, and the fourth-order spiritual weapon is rarely circulated in the market. I'm afraid the estimate will be inaccurate." Wei An said with a bitter face, struggling.

"Old Wei, don't be too burdened. You can make a bold estimate based on the refining materials and the prices of other fourth-order spiritual weapons." Li Mu smiled and quickly comforted him.

"Okay! This fourth-order spirit shield is made of fourth-order meteorite crystals and goblin stones. Its spirituality reaches the fourth-order middle-grade level. The shield is thick and strong. ,..., and other high-level artifact patterns, with extremely strong protection. Last time, Wanbao Pavilion in Yuxue City sold a fourth-order Tianling Shield, which was inferior to this shield overall. The price of Tianling Shield: 3W Zhongling, here The shield is estimated to be 3W2 thousand spirits." Wei An picked up a fourth-order spirit shield, looked at Wang Wenbao, Li Mu analyzed it in detail, and commented.

"Look again, this fourth-order spirit sword, this sword is made of Taixuan Shenjin and Xingyuchen Gold, its spirituality has reached the middle-level fourth-order level, the sword is three feet and seven inches long, and the sword body is sharp and restrained. Soul-breaking, Nirvana,... and other high-level weapon patterns, the body of the weapon is integrated, and the refining technique is extremely high. Use this sword to maximize the lethality. If you use this sword to face fourth-level monsters, you must be able to easily cut them off. Its demon bones, last time, a fourth-order dragon-slaying sword was sold in Wanbao Pavilion of Tianling City, which is much inferior to this sword, so the estimated price: 4 Zhongling."

"This fourth-order spiritual hammer is also good,..."


Listening to Wei An eloquently appraising each fourth-order spiritual weapon, Wang Wenbao, who was sitting beside him, was sometimes pleasantly surprised and sometimes heartbroken. After a while, he was sweating profusely and fidgeted.

Seven fourth-order spiritual weapons, each of which is almost a high-quality product, has been highly appreciated by Wei An. For each one that is less than 30 Zhongling, Li Mu will be given a [-]% commission. Drained!
Thinking of this, Wang Wenbao immediately felt restless, feeling a little regretful, why he was so impulsive just now, and offered a 10% commission all of a sudden, how much spirit stones he had to pay!

"Treasurer Wang, what's the matter with you? If you have something to say, just say it!" Li Mu asked with a smile as Wang Wenbao opened his mouth to him with a look of difficulty in speaking.

"Master Li, the estimated value of the seven spiritual artifacts is quite a lot. If I pay you a commission, the funds in Wanbao Pavilion's account will probably be exhausted. You should get more materials." Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu, embarrassed explain.

"What am I supposed to do? No problem." Li Mu nodded with a smile, "It's not limited to refining materials, monster spirits, and leather materials. If there are high-level spiritual plant seeds, spiritual fruits, and spiritual wood, I will You have to look at the arrangement! If possible, give me a list of warehouses for me to choose!"

Hearing this, Wang Wenbao breathed a sigh of relief immediately, Wanbao Pavilion only had a lot of these materials, if deducted according to the market price, the commission given up this time can earn back a lot.

"Thank you, Master Li, for your understanding. I'll go get the warehouse account book now." Wang Wenbao thanked gratefully, and hurried to get the warehouse account book.

Soon, Li Mu took the material ledger, checked and selected a lot of materials suitable for refining weapons, making puppets, and drawing talismans. Of course, there were also many spiritual plants, which were all taken away immediately.

After finishing the accounts, Wang Wenbao immediately notified his subordinates to distribute the goods.

"Master Li, have you decided where to go for this trip? Do you need the treasure ship from Wanbao Pavilion?" Wang Wenbao looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"Let's go directly to the Qingxuanzong headquarters! Is there a treasure ship in Wanbao Pavilion?" Li Mu decided to give up going to Huanlang Lingshan to explore the ancient cave mansion. He only needs to find a Lingshan and farm well. Besides.

"There must be, but there is no direct connection. There are several cities to be transferred on the way. If Master Li doesn't mind, I can check it for you." Wang Wenbao gestured.

"Can it be arranged tomorrow?" Li Mu asked with concern, it would be great if he could catch the boat of Wanbao Pavilion, and this trip will be much safer.

"The result will be available now. I'll check it now. You wait a moment." Wang Wenbao confirmed, then took out a token and put it into his spiritual consciousness to check it.

"Master Li, there will be a treasure ship from Lingyang City to Qingyun City in the future. If you can catch up, you can use the Keqing token to catch a ride." Wang Wenbao put down the token, looked at Li Mu, and introduced.

Lingyang City!It's only about five hundred miles away from Gangyang City, and if you drive the spirit boat well, you can fly there in an hour or two.

At this moment, a Tang Yueru walked slowly towards them holding a tray with three storage bags, and asked for instructions: "Shopkeeper Wang, the goods are all ready."

"Master Li, the materials for this commission are all here, please check." Wang Wenbao passed three large storage bags to Li Mu.

"Hmm! Shopkeeper Wang, miss Tang, see you by fate." Li Mu took the storage bag and said goodbye to Wang Wenbao and Tang Yueru with a smile.

Wang Wenbao and Tang Yueru got up quickly and sent Li Mu away.

(End of this chapter)

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