Chapter 104 Fighting Golden Elixir

Leave Wanbao Pavilion.

Li Mu flew back to Nanyin Mountain with Yujian, swept away his consciousness, put the red wolf that rushed towards him into the spirit beast bag, and then packed up the belongings of the villa, rose with the sword, and flew to Xiaoliangshan.

The spiritual plant seedlings from the half-acre experimental spiritual field were pulled up one after another, and put into the spiritual plant storage container that could continue life, as well as the seedlings of one mu of Yunwu spiritual tea.

The remaining ten acres of Yunwu spiritual tea in the spiritual field can only be allowed to grow on their own.

Li Mu sighed regretfully, then thought of something, took off the Linglong mask, silently manipulated the Niyuan Condensation Art, and compressed his cultivation to the peak of the ninth level of Qi refining, and then rose with the sword, flew to Qing'an Town, went straight It landed in the resident courtyard of Qing'an Town.

"See you, brother!"

At the Qing'an town station, all the handyman disciples looked at Li Mu who was approaching with the sword, and paid respectful respect.

"Where is Wang Feng, tell him to come here!" Li Mu glanced at a few handyman disciples and ordered.

"Yes! Brother wait a moment, I'll go invite Brother Wang right away." One of the handyman disciples hurriedly obeyed and rushed to the deacon's yard.

Not long after, Wang Feng hurried over with the handyman disciple.

"That senior brother came to visit, eh!" Wang Feng was about to greet the visitor when he saw Li Mu and was speechless.

Seeing Li Mu's face, the scene of the broken arm couldn't help reappearing in Wang Feng's mind. His face was pale. Although the severed arm was attached, the after-effects were not small. Now, Wang Feng's hands and feet trembled uncontrollably.

"Brother Wang, don't come here without any harm. This is the sect's rent paid in advance for two years. I'm going on a long trip. Don't let anyone go up to Xiaoliangshan Lingtian!" Li threw Wang Feng a few Zhongling coins, smiling Said non-smilingly.

"Uh! Where are you going?" Wang Feng took the Lingshi in a daze and asked curiously.

Li Mu glanced at him, didn't answer him, and rose directly with his sword, flying to Lingyang City in the north.

Zhao Huairen's identity as an outer disciple is still useful. There are ten acres of Yunwu spiritual tea and eleven acres of middle-grade spiritual fields on Xiaoliang Mountain.

After flying a certain distance, Li Mu released the Light Cloud Spirit Boat and flew towards Lingyang City at a faster speed.

After two days.

Relying on the token of Wanbao Pavilion's high-level weapon refiner, Li Mu successfully boarded the treasure ship from Wanbao Pavilion to Qingyun City, and also got a VIP room with a large size.

The treasure ship of Wanbao Pavilion travels to and from various cities. While transporting treasures and delivering goods, it also carries some VIPs of Wanbao Pavilion, the management members of this pavilion, and the space on board is limited. Li Mu's VIP room still occupies a shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion. of.

Knowing that Li Mu is a high-ranking craftsman, the shopkeeper immediately took advantage of this to flatter him, which made Li Mu so annoyed that he closed the door.

Taking a piece of thunderbird skin, Li Mu held a peeling knife in his hand, raised the knife and dropped it, and after a few efforts, he peeled off a piece of talisman paper.

The skin of the thunderbird skin has some holes after the feathers have been pulled out, and it is generally very difficult to peel it off to make a rune paper for drawing talismans.

However, Li Mu's skinning technique and talisman skin refining technique have been ordered to level [-]. His skinning skills are exquisite, and he is also proficient in several drawing methods of second-level thunder talismans. The feather holes of the thunderbird skin are cut, and peeled off one by one, the skin of the second-order thunder talisman can be drawn.

Time passed day by day, and the spirit ship of Wanbao Pavilion flew quickly in the sky. Li Mu hid in the VIP room, closed the door, and devoted himself to making Thunderbird talisman skins.

A piece of thunderbird skin is in Li Mu's hands, and it can be peeled into more than 400 pieces of second-order thunder-type rune skins. The value has increased by hundreds or thousands of times. The income from the talisman skin can also guarantee not to starve to death.

"The last one is peeled off, haha, I'm getting rich!"

Li Mu laughed happily. Of course, these talisman papers will not be sold, and they will all be kept to draw the second-level or even third-level thunder talismans.

The self-explosive spider puppet has been transformed. In his spare time, Li Mu also carved a large number of them. However, there is no suitable charm to match the self-explosive spider puppet. Large, but the attack range is too single, and the hit rate is not high.

Now, with this large amount of second-order thunder-type talisman skin paper, it can be drawn into a second-order thunderbolt talisman, and combined with the self-explosive spider puppet, tsk tsk tsk, this effect should not be too easy to use!

"Boom" with a loud noise.

Just when Li Mu was thinking about beautiful things, the treasure transport boat in Wanbao Pavilion suddenly vibrated, and the hull was violently bumped. Li Mu didn't react, and suddenly fell a big somersault. Come on, the fruits of labor will be destroyed once.

"I'll go, how to open the boat!"

Li Mu was so angry that he cursed loudly, his consciousness quickly swept away, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

"It's so unlucky to meet someone who hijacked the ship!" Li Mu looked unlucky, never expecting such a thing to happen.

A Jindan Jiexiu led seven Foundation Establishment cultivators and was attacking the captain's cabin of Wanbao Pavilion. Many of the crew and guards of Wanbao Pavilion were killed. Two Foundation Establishment Jiexiu began to touch other cabins cautiously.

It's all because the security level provided by Wanbao Pavilion's VIP Room is too high, so that Li Mu didn't warn about the situation outside the ship in advance, and he was too immersed in peeling the skins, which caused him to forget to be vigilant to the outside world at all times.

Li Mu took a deep breath, and quickly summed up his 'mistake' this time, so as to avoid making it again in the future, and the next step is to find a way to avoid this disaster.

"Master Li, open the door quickly. There are robbery repairs and boats. Come with me!" Outside the door, the treasurer of Wanbao Pavilion - Huang Wende knocked on the door and shouted.

Li Mu was slightly taken aback, surprised that the shopkeeper could think of his safety in times of crisis, but at this moment, the spirit ship of Wanbao Pavilion seemed to fly into a remote mountain range, full of high-level monsters, without the combat power and power of the spirit ship. Speed, the chance of flying out of this mountain range is very slim!

The only chance is to win the Golden Core Tribulation Cultivator. As for the other Foundation Establishment Tribulation Cultivators, releasing battle puppets made of blood iron wood can kill them all!

"Treasurer Huang, where are the two Jindan masters in the Guige! Why haven't you come forward at this time?" Li Mu asked curiously to understand the situation.

"The Golden Core Jiexiu is one of the Golden Core Priests. He rebelled, and suddenly shot and severely injured Lin Priest. This was a premeditated boat robbery. Let's get off the boat and run away! I have a third-order spiritual ship here. Zhou, Master Li, if you don't leave, I will leave first!" Huang Wende urged anxiously through the door.

"Since they seized the ship premeditatedly, would he let you escape so easily! It's serious to find a way to resist." Li Mu said lightly.

"How can you fight to win! That's Jindan Daoist, the only one who can fight with him. Daoist Lin is the only one who can fight against him. Now, Captain Wang, I'm afraid it's dangerous now." Huang Wende was slightly stunned, and said with a sad face.

"If you want to go, go first! Don't worry about me!" Li Mu's divine sense observed every move outside, and said calmly.

"In that case, Master Li, goodbye!" Hearing this, Huang Wende saw the figures of two Foundation Establishment Tribulation Cultivators again, and resolutely abandoned Li Mu and left.

Huang Wende's figure disappeared outside the door, and Li Mu also 'saw' two Foundation Establishment Tribulation Cultivators, and then opened a black iron window, five third-order spirit swords flew out, and directly took their heads.


"Whoever released the flying sword will have a seed!"

Suddenly being attacked by a sharp flying sword, the two Foundation Establishment Tribulation Cultivators were startled and angry, panicked, looked around and reprimanded angrily.

However, no one answered their questions, and some only had sharper and more ferocious sword aura.

(End of this chapter)

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