Chapter 110
"Junior Brother Li, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Yueqiongfeng with you. I'll bring a gift to celebrate your housewarming at another time." Yun Xiaozi, who was suddenly receiving a flying sword, apologized Li Mu bid farewell.

"It's okay, Senior Brother Yun, just go and get busy, let's get together again after I clean up Lingfeng!" Li Mu wished that Yun Xiaozi would not follow, and responded with a smile.

"Mmm! Junior Brother Li, if you need to change the array, remember to ask Senior Brother Liu at Baiyun Peak! If you want to recruit disciples and help clean up the cave, you can stay in the outer sect. In addition, there should be many inner sect disciples renting out the Yueqiong Peak." Zong Tian, ​​if you can't drive them away, wait for me to come back..." Yun Xiaozi did not forget to give a few instructions before leaving, and then released the newly acquired Qingfeng giant sword, and hurried away with the sword, looking very anxious look like.

Seeing Yun Xiaozi flying away and not coming back again, Li Mu couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He felt a lot of pressure with a Golden Core cultivator by his side.

Hearing that Yun Xiaozi was going to leave temporarily, Li Mu was overjoyed. Li Mu listened to his explanation with his right ear and left ear, and didn't pay attention to what he was saying. Yue Qiongfeng had other disciples or something?

Following Yun Xiaozi's departure, Li Mu relaxed, and Yu Jian galloped away, avoiding some of Yu Jian's fellow disciples, and rushed to Yueqiong Peak in a hurry, impatient.

Soon, a spiritual peak that was much shorter than the tall peaks around it came into view. Li Mu was overjoyed, took out the white jade array card, input spiritual power to activate the array card, passed through the fog, and flew away. go in.

Li Mu flew into the spirit peak formation, and immediately felt a wave of pure spiritual energy rushing towards his face. The concentration of the spiritual energy was more than a little stronger than that outside. It covers an area of ​​about fifteen acres of buildings.

With a sweep of Li Mu's spiritual sense, the internal layout of the building complex is clear at a glance. Here, the cave is equipped with a gathering spirit formation, an alchemy room, a weapon refining room, a mid-level spirit beast garden, thirty independent training rooms, three large, two small, and three performing martial arts. In the field,... there are eighteen Foundation Establishment disciples working in the cave, huh?There is also a Golden Core cultivator in retreat, isn't it!

The spiritual fields that Li Mu cares about the most, the top-grade spiritual fields are located on the mountainside, and the middle-grade spiritual fields are located at the foot of the mountain. The stepped spiritual fields are planted with various spiritual herbs and medicines. The disciples of Ling Zhifu who established the foundation, they should be in charge of managing the Lingtian.

Li Mu frowned, Senior Brother Yan didn't tell him that Yueqiongfeng still rents so many inner sect disciples, but, thinking about it, Yueqiongfeng has such a good spiritual mountain resource, although there is no peak master, but the sect does not Let it be wasted and vacant, and it will definitely be rented to other disciples.

"Which peak are you a disciple of? How did you break into Yueqiong Peak?" A foundation-building female cultivator flew up to Li Mu and asked.

"Junior Sister Mo, let me help you!"

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Following the Foundation Establishment female cultivator, several Foundation Establishment disciples flew over, staring at Li Mu together, and questioning him vigilantly.

Li Mu had no choice but to take out his disciple order and explain to them: "I am the new Elder of Artifact Refining of Bailian Peak, and now I am the peak master of Yueqiong Peak. From now on, this peak will be transferred to my name. You don’t need to pay Zongmen’s land rent, you can leave now!”

"What! Qiongyue Peak has a peak owner, when did it happen!"

"No way! Why don't we know!"

"The new refiner elder, it's real!"

"Senior Brother Wang, come out quickly! Yueqiong Peak has a peak owner, and he told us to move away!"


All the Foundation Establishment cultivators at the scene became tense, just like tenants who have been evicted. The new landlord came and wanted to evict them.

Inner sect disciples who have just built their foundations, but they can rent on the Lingfeng Mountain where true disciples and sect elders are qualified to live. They must have spent a lot of money to move in. If they are driven out, then The investment was in vain, and there will be no such excellent resources in Lingshan for them to practice in the future.

It might not be that easy to get them to move away, Li Mu frowned, and only then remembered Yun Xiaozi's words.

Li Mu's expression froze, and he immediately noticed that all the Foundation Establishment disciples had quickly surrounded them. There were a total of 31 of them. They had ugly faces and looked a little excited.

All the Foundation Establishment disciples made way for a Jindan cultivator with sword eyebrows and star eyes, who was dressed in white clothes that surpassed the snow.

"Please show me the token!" The white-clothed Golden Core cultivator walked up to Li Mu and begged for it.

Li Mu nodded, and handed the disciple order to the other party.

"It turned out to be Elder Li. Congratulations on becoming the master of Yueqiong Peak. I, Wang Jianfeng, can you negotiate with me and rent half of Yueqiong Peak to me. After the next disciple competition, I will move out of Yueqiong Peak after I win the true biography! "The golden pill in white confirmed Li Mu's identity, returned the disciple order, and discussed with Li Mu in a discussing tone.

"I'm sorry, I've always been quiet, so I'd better ask Senior Brother Wang and other juniors and sisters to help me somewhere else!" Li Mu withdrew his discipleship order and politely declined.

Hearing Li Mu's categorical refusal, Wang Jianfeng's expression darkened immediately, and he looked at Li Mu coldly and asked, "Elder Li, you really can't sell me off? So abrupt, where do you want Wang to move?"

Hearing this, Li Mu sighed. He didn't want to offend anyone, but he didn't want to have such a neighbor. After weighing the pros and cons, he quickly made a decision.

"It's none of my business. If you don't move, I can only ask law enforcement disciples to come over!" Li Mu looked directly at Wang Jianfeng and said apologetically!

"Bold, how dare you talk to Senior Brother Wang like this!"

"You, don't be ignorant!"

"So what about the Elder Refiner, wait for Senior Brother Wang to advance to the True Inheritance, and you will look good!"


As soon as Li Mu's words fell, the Foundation Establishment disciples behind Wang Jianfeng glared angrily, and spoke harsh words one after another, wishing they could devour Li Mu.

Wang Jianfeng stared at Li Mu and fell silent. He really asked his law enforcement disciples to intervene. He is an elder craftsman, and he went through the peak master formalities in a legitimate way. They really can't stand this matter.

"It's okay to move, Elder Li, can you allow a period of time before we find a place?" Wang Jianfeng sighed and asked again in a deliberative manner.

Now it's Li Mu's turn to get big.

Let them continue to live, Li Mu is definitely not willing, who knows how long it will take them to find a new place, otherwise, it would be too unreasonable.

This guy is tough!

Li Mu glanced at Wang Jianfeng angrily, then at the group of passionate Foundation Establishment monks behind him
No, we must not let them hang on!

Li Mu immediately made a decision.

"I'm afraid it won't work. We've already talked about it. We've already had a lot of trouble. Let you continue to live. I'm afraid there will be a bloody incident. I advise you to pack up your soft spiritual materials and leave! Otherwise, I will call the law enforcement disciples." Come to drive people away!" Li Mu shook his head resolutely, and refused again.

"Elder Li, don't push me too far!" Wang Jianfeng glared at Li Mu angrily, his voice was cold and full of murderous intent.

"I'll give you an hour to pack up and leave! If not, don't blame me for using other methods!" Li Mu and Wang Jianfeng looked at each other without any fear.

"Senior Brother Wang, don't move your sword! Don't move your sword!"

"Yes! If you see blood, the Law Enforcement Palace will definitely not be able to explain it. Senior Brother Wang, please calm down!"

"Senior Brother Wang, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"Yeah! After you advance to the true biography, come and deal with him!"


Several Foundation Establishment cultivators held Wang Jianfeng tightly. Li Mu's words just now almost provoked him to draw his sword to kill people. Maybe Wang Jianfeng also had a sliver of reason in his heart, and was persuaded by the Foundation Establishment cultivators.

"Relax! I'm fine!" Wang Jianfeng's eyes regained clarity after listening to their persuasion.

Hearing this, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Brother, what should I do? I want to move away!" A female foundation-builder asked Wang Jianfeng reluctantly.

"It seems that we can't do it unless we move it. That guy won't take his word for it. If we let him sue him in the Law Enforcement Hall, maybe we will be punished." A male cultivator who established the foundation stared at Li Mu and said fiercely.

"Yeah! How can such a villain become an elder craftsman? God has no eyes!"

"Go and clean up! An hour is a bit tight!"


All the Foundation Establishment cultivators cursed and cursed at Li Mu, but he had no choice but to put his identity on the line!There are also strict laws and regulations, and they can't do anything to others at all.

"It's really impossible to live here, let's move to Lingyun Peak! You all go to prepare, but I want to see what he can do to force me to leave after an hour!" Wang Jianfeng stared at Li Mu who was wandering around. , motioned to his subordinates, and sneered.

"That's right! Don't leave after cleaning up, let's see what he will do!"

"Well! Let's watch him make a fool of himself with our senior brother!"


All the foundation-building monks nodded in unison, ready to wait an hour later to watch the show of this new elder craftsman, forcing them to leave by means, it is really brazen, just an early stage of foundation-building.

Soon, the thirty Foundation Establishment disciples quickly packed up their belongings, and Wang Jianfeng also returned to his residence to pack up his things. After living in Yueqiong Peak for several years, he more or less bought a lot of things.

Fortunately, they all have storage bags, which are extremely convenient for moving, just put them in the storage bags!

"Pull out the spirit grass and the spirit medicine, and transplant them elsewhere. Don't keep them. It's a waste to keep them for me."

"Remember to take away all the spiritual pets you raise, and die if you stay!"

"Clean up your things, don't look back, I won't open the door for you!"


Li Mu wandered around the Yueqiong Valley, reminding those Foundation Establishment cultivators who had moved from time to time. The kind reminders got disgusted and cold eyes. They all wanted Li Mu to die, hated this murderer The guy they moved in a hurry.

Living well in Yueqiong Peak, Senior Brother Wang discussed with him kindly, and asked them to give them a few days before they would move. , looking hideous.

Several foundation-establishing female cultivators spat at Li Mu's back several times, wanting to hate him so much.

Li Mu had already noticed it, deliberately ignored it, and continued to chase people away with a dull face, feeling that he had become the second landlord that he hated all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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