Chapter 111 Blue Eyed Golden Ape
"Hurry up, there aren't many things left, leave as soon as you finish moving!"

"What! It's almost time, why don't you leave, do you want to see me do something?"

Seeing all the Foundation Establishment cultivators moving their things, still looking like they were dawdling, or standing where they were, as if they didn't want to leave, Li Mu immediately understood their intentions, and wanted to see him make a fool of himself Woolen cloth!

Li Mu chuckled, as he had expected it, he reached out and took out a white jade array tablet from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and poured it with spiritual power.

Immediately, a powerful formation erupted from the Tier [-] formation card.

This Tier [-] formation card that was picked up from the Foundation Establishment Trade Fair showed its power again today, but it is a pity that Huanlang Lingshan is too dangerous, and Li Mu's cultivation base is not enough, so he is unwilling to take risks. The cave of the first-class monks.

Soon, the light released by the white jade array flashed.

The images in front of all the monks changed at the same time, and everyone’s expressions changed drastically. They suddenly realized that the world in front of them had changed. The huge figures of high-ranking monsters, some imagined their appearance kneeling in the law enforcement hall, and some imagined the scene of them being chased and killed by the demon cultivator,...

The illusory heart array depicted on the formation card outlines the most feared things in the hearts of the monks present, which is no different from their previous experiences.

"Wow! You, don't come here!"

"Hurry up, get rid of the phantom formation! I'm leaving now..."

"Nine mother evil spider, brother save me!"

"Master, you are not dead!"


For a moment, all the monks showed their ugliness, some waved to drive away, some shrank to avoid,..., all of them were panic-stricken, revealing the fear hidden deep in their hearts, even the Jindan monk-Wang Jianfeng changed his face , with a look of trembling all over.

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, Li Mu stopped injecting spiritual power into the white jade formation card, looked at the monks who were slowing down, and drove away coldly: "Hurry up, leave Yueqiong Peak quickly, if you don't leave, don't blame me for changing it." Cruel means!"

"Oh! If there is any other way, do it quickly, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

"I won't leave, you have nothing to do with me!"

"It's just a phantom formation, what else do I think!"


Several male foundation-building cultivators in the crowd couldn't help but respond stiffly.

"Oh! Seriously!" Li Mu asked with a smile as he looked at the only Golden Core cultivator at the scene - Wang Jianfeng.

"Elder Li, what other means are there to use? If it's just a mere illusion, it's not that easy to give in and leave easily if you want us to wait." Wang Jianfeng looked at Li Mu coldly, and said indifferently.

"Okay! Let you completely give up. As the peak owner of Yueqiong Peak, he naturally knows something you don't know. This peak has not only set up a misty phantom array to cover up, but also set up a trap that can deal with the enemies who invaded Yueqiong Peak. Lingyuan Subversive Formation, are you sure you want to try the power of this formation? If so, I will not be polite!" Li Mu introduced with a slight smile.

After entering Yueqiong Peak, when Li Mu was wandering around, he observed the terrain of Yueqiong Peak, and at the same time planned what kind of magic circle to be added to Yueqiong Peak in the future, so he casually checked the original defense methods of Yueqiong Peak. Formation, one by one spirit stones were inserted into the eyes of the formation that had lost its power source, and the power of Yueqiongfeng's original formation was re-radiated.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mu took out Yue Qiongfeng's array card from his bosom, injected a spiritual force, and triggered Yue Qiongfeng's peak spirit array, the ground of Yue Qiong Peak shook, and the aura of heaven and earth was restless, and there was a subversive flow .

All the foundation-building monks in the formation, Jindan monk-Wang Jianfeng quickly changed their faces. They all felt that the spiritual power in their bodies was agitated by the influence of the magic circle, as if they were about to run away uncontrollably.

If they continue to stay, their cultivation base may regress, and if it is serious, their cultivation base will even be wiped out.

"Elder Li, it's a good idea. We're convinced, stop the formation, and let us go!" Wang Jianfeng immediately didn't dare to underestimate Li Mu, and said softly.

Hearing this, Li Mu quickly manipulated the formation cards and stopped the formation at the peak of Lingyuan.

This peak formation of spirit essence hurts others as well as oneself, and if it continues to run for a long time, it will also damage Yue Qiongfeng's spirit veins.

"The fog array has been opened, everyone is good to go, don't send them off!" Li Mu watched Wang Jianfeng and his group of Foundation Establishment monks.

After confirming that the spiritual energy in his body had calmed down, Wang Jianfeng gave Li Mu a meaningful look, and said goodbye like a threat: "Elder Li, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet again later!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Jianfeng led a group of foundation-builder monks, and Yu Jian flew out of Yueqiong Peak.

Watching Wang Jianfeng and his party leave, Li Mu chuckled and didn't care about his threat. It's just a Golden Core cultivator, and it's not like he hasn't killed him before.

Li Mu manipulated the array card, and quickly activated the misty illusion array, covering Yueqiong Peak.

Looking at the empty Yueqiong Peak, nearly 200 acres of top-grade spiritual fields, middle-grade spiritual fields, Li Mu was in a good mood, and quickly took out the spiritual storage box for storing spiritual plants from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and put the Yunwu Lingcha plants , Hundreds of experimental seedlings of Lingzhi beads were transplanted to two acres of top-grade Lingtian.

Apply a breeze and rain spell, and the spiritual rain pours down.

Soon, the dying plants were transplanted in the two acres of top-grade spiritual fields, and under the watering of spiritual rain and the blessing of the fertility of the top-grade spiritual fields, their mental state quickly recovered.

Li Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, looking at the large vacant spiritual field, frowning and thinking about what to plant.


Suddenly his chest moved, and there was a crisp cry, and after a while, a small white bug as thick as two fingers came out of Li Mu's bosom pocket.

"Wake up! Hungry? Got it!" Li Mu looked at Xiaobai, and knew what Xiaobai expressed through the Yuling Deed Seal.

Li Mu took out a soul-absorbing bottle from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and pulled off the cap.

Before the spirit of the monster in the soul-absorbing soul could fly out, a white shadow flew towards it in an instant, blocking the mouth of the bottle first, "chie-chee, coo-coo," twisting his little buttocks, excitedly inhaling, the soul-absorbing bottle There was a frightening soul shock from the spirit of the monster.

Seeing Xiaobai's cute and terrifying appearance while eating, Li Mu frowned, quickly shifted his attention, and poured out the red wolf in the spirit animal bag and the golden ape cub he picked up by hand.

Chilang came to his senses, stood up shaking his head, and lay on Li Mu's legs excitedly.

Li Mu smiled slightly, took out a pill bottle, and casually threw him a spirit pill.

"Wang!" Chi Lang swallowed the feeding pill in one gulp, and yelled at Li Mu contentedly, as if expressing his gratitude.

"Squeak!" The cry of the golden ape cub came from under its feet, it pulled Li Mu's pants, screamed and stretched out a small hand, begging for the elixir, it did not belong to Li Mu at all.

The little golden ape has already been sealed with the imperial deed, and has already regarded Li Mu as his master.

Li Mu smiled and put a panacea in the little golden ape's hand.

"Squeak!" The little golden ape stuffed the elixir into his mouth, and yelled at Li Mu contentedly.

"Chilang, let's take Xiaojin to play!" Li Mu patted Chilang's head with a smile, and his eyes fell on Xiaojin's ape.

【Blue-eyed Golden Ape (young period)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Monster Beast]

[Characteristics: Affinity to the golden spirit, intelligent and sensitive, a born war beast]

[A blue-eyed golden ape cub with a weak atavistic-armed demon ape blood, violent and stubborn, with extraordinary fighting spirit, characteristics: intelligent, perverse, not easy to tame, feeding gold spirits can accelerate its growth, use high High-level bloodline spirits can purify their bloodline and promote their return to their ancestors and advancement. 】

His eyes fell on Xiao Jin, and the innate supernatural power - identifying all spirits took effect, and Li Mu immediately obtained all the information about the golden ape cub.

Li Mu didn't expect that the golden ape cub he picked up casually was mainly to let it break the animal skin seal, but he didn't expect it to be a golden ape cub with extraordinary aptitude and ancestral bloodline.

Thanks to Chen's Kungfu Tower, that Miss Chen, Li Mu has read many books on monsters, and knows that Tongtian Monster Ape is a sixth-order spirit beast.
Li Mu didn't expect that a little second-order monster would have anything to do with it.

However, thinking about the previous battle with the Golden Ape King, under desperate circumstances, the Golden Ape King broke the ranks in the battle, which can indirectly prove that the ancestors of the second-rank golden ape group may have a close relationship with the full-armed demon ape.

It's a pity that high-level spiritual objects that purify the blood are not easy to get!Have a chance to look for it!
Watching the red wolf having fun with the little golden ape on Yueqiong Peak, Li Mu smiled, and put his mind on Yueqiong Peak where everything is waiting to be done. Next, some people are busy!
First of all, Yue Qiongfeng needs to add a few magic circles, spirit-gathering circles, five-element big circles, dragon-elephant phantom spirit circles, etc. In addition, the yards where the husbands of Lingzhi live must be demolished, and the spiritual fields need to be rearranged. ,…….

Li Mu released fifteen puppets to help him get busy.

Time flies, ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Yueqiong Peak has changed its appearance, a mountain spring stream flows down, and the spiritual fields on both sides are neat and orderly, well-arranged, forming a fan-shaped terraced field from top to bottom, and there are several spiritual fields in the middle. It has just been reclaimed, and the spiritual energy of the entire Yueqiong Peak gathers in the sky above the spiritual field, and the spiritual field area has absorbed the essence of the main spiritual vein.

At the tip of the fan-shaped spiritual field, a brand new courtyard is built, covering a small area of ​​about four or five acres. In the center of the courtyard is a small martial arts arena. A red dog is playing with a golden ape cub the size of a three-year-old child. .

There are stone houses around the martial arts field, a refining room, a leather room, a reception hall, ..., there is also a small vegetable garden in the yard, a unique gazebo, a fish pond with spiritual spring water, ..., the entire building of the stone courtyard The style does not look like a cave for cultivators, but a low-key and exquisite farmhouse with complete functions.

After completing the purchase of the ice array in the storage room, Li Mu happily took out various things from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, including the wine barrel containing the emerald spirit wine, the stored spirit fruit, the ice equipment for making ice, and the storage of monster meat. The wooden frame,  ….

Next, go to buy a batch of monster meat, then you can live in Yueqiong Peak with peace of mind, and work hard on farming and practicing.

After coming out of the storage room, Li Mu walked to the gazebo. Looking around, the aura of Yueqiong Peak was full of charm, and the scenery below the mountain was unobstructed. There are 56 mu of high-grade spiritual fields and 170 acres of middle-grade spiritual fields. The degree of spiritualization of the soul will quickly catch up and improve.

These days, Li Mu spent all his time arranging magic circles for Yueqiong Peak and building caves to live in. He also cleaned up and reorganized the spiritual fields along the way. The dozens of acres of newly reclaimed spiritual fields were successfully transformed into low-grade spiritual fields.

Next, plant all kinds of spiritual plants in these spiritual fields, and when they are harvested, one's cultivation level can increase gradually,...

Li Mu couldn't wait any longer, and had to plant spiritual plants for these spiritual fields as soon as possible.

Li Mu took out a brand-new golden robe from the Jiuzang Lingzhu. This was the identity certificate he obtained after passing the examination of the craftsman elders. The fourth-order golden flame robes can only be worn by Bailianfeng craftsman elders.

After putting on the golden robe, Li Mu, who had a low-key temperament and ordinary face, immediately exuded an extremely noble temperament.

"Chilang, you watch the house with Xiaojin, I'll be back soon!" Li Mu told Chilang, rose with his sword, and flew towards Bailian Peak.

Yue Qiongfeng has been won, and there are some refining tasks to be done. Li Mu is going to take the refining task, and then go to the Contribution Hall to exchange some high-level spiritual plant seeds and auxiliary materials.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Mufei arrived at Bailian Peak.

The eighteen entrances under the Bailian Pagoda are still lined up with long queues, and there is an endless stream of Yujian's Foundation Establishment disciples coming and going.

Relying on the golden robe of the Elder Bailian Peak Artifact Refiner, Li Mu easily flew into the Bailian Spirit Pagoda, and the disciples guarding him all extended their salutes, and no one dared to stop him.

"Who is that elder! Why haven't I seen it before!"

"That's right! Are you new here? You're only here to build your foundation! Why did you become an elder of our Bailian Peak?"

"It's the new Elder Li! He even drove Wang Jianfeng and his group out of Yueqiong Peak a few days ago!"

"No way! Where did you get the news? Is this new elder so powerful? Even Wang Zhenchuan is at a disadvantage?"

"No way! Senior Brother Wang is a popular candidate for the next True Inheritance Disciple!"

"Really, I saw Senior Brother Wang at Lingyue Peak!"


Watching Li Mu enter the Bailian Spirit Pagoda, the disciples of Bailian Peak talked a lot and rumors spread frequently.

Li Mu turned a deaf ear, seeing Yin Xianwen's disciple - Chen Zhuo on duty, quickly asked, "Is Elder Yin free?"

"Yes, yes, Elder Li, I will take you there." Chen Zhuo nodded quickly and greeted the road respectfully.

For this newly promoted Elder Li, Chen Zhuo knew a lot of information better than others. His master was full of praise for Elder Li's refining skills, and solemnly told him not to underestimate Elder Li because of his age.

Soon, under the guidance of Chen Zhuo, Li Mu saw Yin Xianwen who was researching a special spiritual weapon.

"Elder Li, why did you come here? Are you done with the matter in the cave?" Yin Xianwen looked at Li Mu in surprise, and greeted him with a smile.

Because Li Mu was about to move into the new cave, he didn't arrange the weapon refining task for him for the time being. He didn't expect Li Mu to move so quickly and come to Bailian Peak to find him so soon.

"Well, the cooking is over, when Elder Yin is free, welcome to visit Yueqiong Peak!" Li Mu invited with a smile.

"Yueqiong Peak! Alright, I'll visit another day!" Yin Xianwen smiled and nodded.

The two chatted for a while, and Li Mudao understood the purpose of coming, and also conveyed his intentions to Yin Xianwen, indicating that he would respect Yin Xianwen's arrangement for refining, and he did not want to live in contact with other entrusted refining.

Hearing this, Yin Xianwen was not surprised but happy, happy to see and hear, and very willing to accept Li Mu's wish.

There are quite a few refining elders in Bailian Peak. However, due to structural reasons and the complexity of refining, the elders have the right to directly communicate with disciples who need refining without going through him, accept the entrusted task of refining, Just report to him, not many people like Li Mu are willing to take this opportunity to broaden their contacts and make friends with sect disciples like Li Mu.

Li Mu's arrangement of directly receiving the refining task from him has greatly increased Yin Xianwen's authority in Bailian Peak, if every elder of the refining wanted Li Mu to be so worry-free!

"Just right, I have a few refining tasks for you. The first one is the fire-type spiritual weapon refined by the true disciple Ling Hongyu. This is the refining material she provided. The flame marrow spar, the red dragon bone, the black Yan Rongshi,...she hopes to refine a fourth-order high-grade spiritual weapon. In terms of form, there are no special requirements, but she hopes to have a minor, "

"The second is the refining task of the true disciple - Shi Changhe. This son is a water-wood double spiritual root, and he majors in Tianhe Mu Tongjue. He wants to refine a water-wood double spiritual weapon..."

"The third one is the refining task of the true disciple-Jian Chen. This son, the gold-type alchemy root, takes the path of sword cultivation, and the refining materials provided are: Tianyun Star Gold, Taixuan Chen Jin,..."


Yin Xianwen was eloquent, and conveyed the four refining tasks to Li Mu, and enthusiastically gestured: "You first refine these five refining tools and practice your hands, um! If you need other materials, you can go directly to the warehouse to get them and hand them over." Just report to the time, if you need to use the refining room, you can tell Chen Zhuo and let him arrange it."

"Okay! Elder Yin." Li Mu readily accepted the refining arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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