Chapter 112 Exchange for Lingzhi
Handed the disciple order to Yin Xianwen, and he operated the disciple order to help him receive the four refining tasks.

When Li Mu retrieved the disciple order, he also got four storage bags for storing the refining materials. The amount of materials is enough to refine the spirit weapon twice. If the refining is successful, the remaining refining materials will belong to him, and there will be contributions from the sect to receive.

This treatment is too fat for Li Mu!
For other refiners, it is a normal configuration, because the failure rate of refining is too high, but for Li Mu, it is different. The five-level refining technique, coupled with the blessing of divine refining and melting spirit, can refine The success rate of the fourth-order spirit weapon is over 90%.

If it weren't for the condition of lack of spirituality, the success rate of refining fourth-order spirit weapons should reach [-]% if the weapon refining technique is upgraded to level six.

To find a way, get a spiritual plant with the attribute of spirituality as soon as possible.

After receiving the refining task and refining materials, Li Mu bid farewell and happily left Bailian Peak, went to Taixuan Peak, the storage area of ​​the Contribution Hall, and consumed the required spiritual items in exchange for contributions.

Previously, the 10 contribution obtained by completing the reward task of "Illusive Blood God Son" was not deducted because of receiving the first-level Yueqiongfeng. It can be exchanged for D-level Lingfeng.

With a full contribution of 10 points, even Jindan True Inheritance may not be able to make such a contribution at once, and Li Mu can exchange many high-level spiritual objects from the contribution storage area.

In Taixuan Peak, in the Hall of Contribution, Yujian disciples came and went, those who received tasks, those who handed in tasks, and those who received resources, the number was several times more than that of Bailian Peak disciples, and it was very lively.

Li Mu was dressed in a golden elder robe, and he was respected by the Foundation Establishment disciples wherever he went.

"See elder!"

"Disciple of Baiyun Peak - Mu Shiqi, pay respects to the elder!"


When the Foundation Establishment disciples met Li Mu, they all greeted Li Mu with disciple courtesy.

It was the first time to experience this kind of battle, and it was not right for Li Mu to return the gift, nor was it not right to not return the gift.

Li Mu grimaced, ignored them all, and walked towards the contribution exchange area expressionlessly.

"Elder, I'm here for you!" A Foundation Establishment disciple who was in the front line offered to give up his seat, and said courteously to Li Mu.

"Yeah!" Li Mu responded lightly, and he was at the front of the line as a matter of course.

Soon, as the Foundation Establishment disciples in the exchange room came out, Li Mu followed closely and entered the material exchange room. The door was closed to isolate the detection of spiritual consciousness outside the room.

The disciples in charge in the material exchange room saw the arrival of a person of the elder level, and quickly stood up to greet them.

"Hello, elder, disciple Wang Changming, what materials do you need to exchange?" The disciple in charge of exchanging the donated materials looked at Li Mu respectfully, introduced himself and asked.

"Bring me a catalog of spiritual plant seeds." Li Mu gestured as he handed over his identity token.

"No problem, elder, please take a look, there are all the spiritual seeds on it." The disciple in charge - Wang Changming took the token and quickly handed Li Mu a green jade slip.

Li Mu took the jade slips from the catalogue, put his spiritual consciousness into it, and quickly selected them.

It is better to check the high-level spiritual planting seeds.

Tianyue Spirit Fruit, fifth-order spirit seed, 3000 points to contribute one

Purple golden bell flower, fifth-order spiritual seed, 2800 points to contribute one

Pure Blood Lotus Seed: Tier 2500 Spirit Seed, [-] points to contribute one


"Is the highest level of spiritual seeds only up to the fifth level? There are only 12 types of fifth-level spiritual planting seeds? Why are they exchanged at different prices?" Li Mu frowned and looked at the contributing disciples, and asked with concern.

"Elder, there are several kinds of sixth-level spiritual seeds, but they are only open to the suzerain and the supreme elder. As for the difference in the contribution of spiritual plants, it is because of their functions and the difficulty of cultivating them that they are different. This is customized by the suzerain himself. What about the exchange price!" The disciple in charge, Wang Changming, looked at Li Mu and replied respectfully.

"Well! 12 kinds of fifth-level spiritual seeds can be exchanged for one each, and 39 kinds of fourth-level spiritual seeds need ten copies each. I want to try planting and see. In addition: third-level golden sword grass exchange: ten mu of spiritual seeds, third-level Ice purple spirit flowers: ten mu of spiritual seeds, third-level Tianmai Guodui: ten mu of spiritual seeds, third-level Illusion God grass: ten mu of spiritual seeds, third-level Qingxu Lingchadui: ten mu of spiritual seeds, second-level Yellow tooth spirit rice seed: 180 mu, second-level Tianqingzi spirit seed: [-] mu, first-level emerald green fruit spirit seed: [-] mu, and finally, give me another [-] mu of first-level wind spirit grass spirit seed, you count How much contribution will be spent in total, and the contribution in the token, is it enough for exchange." Li Mu looked at the other party, and reported the exchange list incessantly.

The disciple in charge - Wang Changming looked a little nervous, trying to memorize the materials exchanged by Li Mubao.

"Enough! Enough! 12 copies of the fifth-order spiritual seeds cost a total of 27120 contribution points, 39 copies of the fourth-order spiritual seeds cost: 38650 contribution points, third-order spiritual seeds: 15370, ..., you have 15960 contribution points left, elder, Are you sure I will exchange it for you!" The disciple in charge - Wang Changming thought for a moment, then watched Li Mu reply respectfully.

"Change it!" Li Mu smiled and nodded.

This exchange made Li Mu confirm once again that it is worthwhile for him to enter Qingxuanzong, of course the elder craftsman, otherwise, how could he get so many high-level spiritual plants all at once.

Hearing Li Mu's confirmed reply, the disciple in charge quickly operated, put Li Mu's identity token on a contribution token, and took away the contribution deducted from the token exchange for materials, and then began to search for the corresponding spiritual plant for Li Mu's delivery. seed.

I saw that the disciple in charge - Wang Changming took out a gossip round mirror and put his spiritual consciousness into it.

Not long after, the small teleportation device next to him "swished", and a small pile of things came out, such as small jade boxes, cloth bags, jade boxes, blue bottles, ..., all kinds of storage boxes containing spiritual plant seeds. tools, piled up like a hill.

The disciple in charge, Wang Changming, stretched out his hand, put the storage containers in the teleportation array in order, put them on the table, and began to introduce to Li Mu: "Elder, these twelve second-level storage containers: Qingling bottles, are five First-order spiritual species, these 39 jade boxes store: fourth-level spiritual species,..."

"Elder, everything is here, please check to make sure the number is correct." The disciple in charge - Wang Changming looked at Li Mu and motioned.

Li Mu nodded with his spiritual sense, confirmed the number, and immediately put them into storage bags.

"Elder Li, you have 15960 contribution points left, do you need to exchange for any supplies?" The disciple in charge, Wang Changming, looked at Li Mu and asked respectfully.

"Yes! Demonic beast spirits, spirit pills for spirit beasts, list of exercises, runes, list of formations, show me all of them!" Li Mu smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" The disciple in charge - Wang Changming quickly took out five jade slips of different colors from the storage ring and handed them to Li Mu.

Li Mu first picked up a piece of yellow jade slip and threw himself into his consciousness.

"Qingxuan Talisman, redeem it for me!" Li Mu silently handed the yellow jade slip to the disciple in charge.

"Elder, the Qingxuan Talisman Policy is the inheritance of the fifth-order talisman. If you exchange the whole copy, your contribution is not enough. Can I help you exchange the third-order part?" The disciple in charge looked at Li Muwen.

"No, as long as the first-order one is fine, I will study it." Li Mu waved his hand, picked up another red jade slip and looked it up.

"Okay!" The disciple in charge, Wang Changming, readily complied, and began to operate, withholding contributions and obtaining exercises.

"Third-level Jinmai Dandui: five bottles, first-level feeding spirit Dandui: 30 bottles," Li Mu gestured as he handed the jade slip to the other party.

"it is good!"

"You have left: 9670 contribution points!"


About half an hour later, Li Mu came out of the contribution exchange room, with a happy smile on his face.

'Phantom Blood God Son' is really a good man!I gave him a fourth-level low-grade storage bracelet, 10,000+ middle-grade spirit stones, and a hundred pieces of various spirit materials. Let him use his reward contribution to harvest various high-level spirits in the Qingxuanzong Contribution Hall. Zhi, high-level monster spirits, exercises, panacea,..., are worth more than a million spirits.

What a nice guy!
In the Disciple Order, there are still many rewards for the Nine Demon Sects of the Demon Cave, and everyone on the list has marked a very high contribution reward.

Knowing the value of contribution points, Li Mu wished he could slay demons and defend the way, and eradicate them one by one. You know, he made a fourth-order spiritual weapon and earned only 5000 contribution points. However, killing a phantom blood god child To earn 10 contribution points, he needs to refine 20 fourth-order spirit weapons.

Forehead!Refining 20 fourth-order spirit weapons is indeed not many.

However, the fourth-order spirit weapon cannot let go of the refinement of hands and feet, and it is almost a hundred pieces a year to refine it!It's really not as fast as the contribution made by magic cultivators like hunting the phantom blood god son.

Flying out of Taixuan Peak, Li Mu quickly changed into a set of magic robes of ordinary inner sect disciples, and rushed towards Yueqiong Peak with his sword. As for the idea of ​​slaying demons and demons, he had long since forgotten them.

Next, Li Mu is going to let go of his hands and feet and plant various high-level spiritual plants on a large scale in Yueqiong Peak. To verify, he has recently studied the idea of ​​planting spiritual plants, so he has no time to go out to kill demons.

(End of this chapter)

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