Chapter 113 Golden Pulse Pill

Yueqiong Peak.

The spiritual rain poured down 'crash, clatter', irrigating the [-]-acre spiritual field, and the spiritual energy and water vapor were extremely rich.

The spiritual seeds planted will be able to reap fruits in the coming year, such as cultivation base, spirit points, free attribute points,..., and so on.

However, there was no joy on Li Mu's face, instead, there was some melancholy.

High-level spiritual plants are not as easy to grow as first-level Wind Spirit Grass and Emerald Spirit Fruit. They have harsh growth environments and planting requirements.

For example, the third-order Golden Sword Grass requires not only a top-grade spiritual field, but also a metallic nature and a spiritual plant growth environment with sword energy.

Another example: the third-order Tianmai fruit also needs a top-grade spiritual field, and even better a top-grade spiritual field. Moreover, it needs to be irrigated with Tianmai real water frequently, at least once a month, otherwise, it will not bear fruit, and it will easily die. The maturity period is long and takes as long as 10 years.


The requirements for third-tier spiritual plants are so strict, and for those fourth-tier and fifth-tier spiritual plants, their demands are even more extreme.

First, first-order wind spirit grass, emerald green spirit fruit, second-order, yellow tooth spirit rice, azure seed, these spiritual plants that are not in high demand are planted.

Next, Li Mu plans to overcome the planting needs of spiritual plants one by one, and use the five element array to create a special environment for the growth of spiritual plants.

Li Mu deliberately raised the five-element array to the fifth level, which deepened his understanding of the five-element array. Inspired by analogy, he was inspired by setting up an ice element array for the storage room last time. The requirements for the growth environment of gold-type spiritual power.

As for the second growth environment requirement of Golden Sword Grass, it is even simpler. Refining a gold-type spirit sword with a weapon spirit and letting it rest on the spiritual field where Golden Sword Grass grows can meet their needs. up.

If it's not enough, refine two or three gold-type spirit swords, until it is enough to satisfy ten mu of golden sword grass.

This batch of third-tier spiritual plants was selected by Li Mu after careful selection. As for the planting needs of fourth-tier spiritual plants and fifth-tier spiritual plants, they can only be satisfied one by one later.

With the cessation of the spiritual rain, Li Mu was going to enter the refining room to refine the weapons. While completing the four refining tasks, he was also preparing to refine the gold-type spirit sword that could meet the growth environment of the Golden Sword Grass.

However, before refining the weapon, a few little ones had to be fed.

"Chilang, Xiaojin, stop playing, come here!" Li Mu took out two pill bottles from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and waved to the two frolicking guys.

"Wang!" Chi Lang responded and ran towards Li Mu excitedly.

The next moment, Xiao Jin flew up and nimbly rode on the back of the red wolf, like a general, grinning majesticly with his teeth bared.

Li Mu smiled and gave Chilang a feeding pill, and then took out a golden pulse pill from another pill bottle, and handed it to Xiao Jin.

Seeing Jinmaidan, Xiaojin's small eyes lit up, he quickly took it, and stuffed it whole into his mouth.

Soon, the medicinal power of Jinmaidan erupted in Xiaojin's body, and a powerful demonic power burst out from its petite body.

"Squeak!" Xiaojin jumped on the spot in pain, screaming, feeling the benefits of Jinmai Pill, and at the same time, it also had to bear the pain of the powerful Jinmai Pill.

"Wangwang!" Seeing Xiao Jin's pain, the red wolf shouted excitedly, pounced on Li Mu from time to time, asking Li Mu to save Xiao Jin.

During this time, Chilang and Xiaojin were almost inseparable, and their relationship was very good.

Li Mu lowered his head and glanced at the Jinmaidan in the pill bottle, then looked at Xiao Jin's state, his nervous face relaxed slightly.

"Little Jin is fine, he will be fine in a while!" Li Mu stroked the red wolf's head and smiled to comfort him.

There is nothing wrong with Jinmaidan, Xiao Jin is absorbing the power of the medicine, and his condition is rapidly improving.


[Rank: Tier [-] panacea]

[Characteristics: Golden Sha quenches the body, strengthens the golden veins, strengthens the iron bones]

[Golden Beast Spirit Pill refined from third-order Golden Sword Grass, Hundred Golden Fruits, Golden Fiend Spirit Grass, Golden Yuan Beast Demon Pill, taking this pill for a long time can greatly improve the qualifications, roots, and physique of gold-type spirit beasts, Because of the use of the golden evil spirit grass, there are hidden dangers in taking it by non-gold spirit beasts. 】

The attribute information of Jinmaidan is displayed in the character virtual column.

Xiao Jin, who belongs to the same metal system, is very effective in taking Jinmaidan, which is why Li Mu chose to use Jinmaidan to enhance it and cultivate it among the many spiritual beast pills.

Xiaojin's aptitude is good. If he can find a high-level spiritual object with a purified bloodline in the future, there is a certain chance that his bloodline will return to his ancestors and hit a better realm. This is also the reason why Li Mu did not hesitate to waste some resources to cultivate it.

As for the red wolf, without the qualifications and conditions, just be a pet with peace of mind, a stupid dog that eats, drinks and has fun!

Li Mu patted the red wolf on the head, and made arrangements for its future life.

"Wow!" The red wolf looked at Xiao Jin worriedly, had no time to pay attention to Li Mu, shook off his master's hand, and moved closer to Xiao Jin.

"Roar!" Xiao Jin raised his head to the sky and roared angrily. He successfully absorbed the Golden Vein Pill and released a powerful aura.

"Woooooooooooo..." Scarlet Wolf was taken aback and hid behind Li Mu.

Xiaojin's originally weak and small body had swollen muscles, the color of the hair on his body became darker, a weak spiritual pressure was produced on his body, and he grew a lot taller all of a sudden.

"That's right! Little guy, he's grown up a lot! Go play! Don't scare the red wolf!" Li Mu patted Xiao Jin's head and signaled.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin responded to Li Mu, restrained his momentum, and went to appease the red wolf.

Seeing the scarlet wolf fleeing in embarrassment being chased by Xiao Jin in fear, Li Mu smiled slightly and stopped paying attention. With the assistance of Jinmaidan, the gap between the two of them will become more and more obvious.

However, Li Mu rest assured that Xiao Jin, who was influenced by the seal of the Yuling Deed, would not go against his wishes and hurt the red wolf.

Li Mu turned into the refining room and started refining.

No one was watching, Li Mu directly used the Five Elements Spirit Fire, and began to refine the weapon using the divine refining and fusion spirit method.

However, before refining the weapon, Li Mu recruited Xiaobai first, fed him the spirit of a third-level demon wolf, and let him assist in refining the weapon.

In the material warehouse of the Hall of Contribution, there are a lot of resources such as monster spirits and spirits. There are many high-level and low-level resources. There are many types, and they are also the cheapest among many resources.

Monster meat can be eaten, alchemy can be made, high-level monster bones can be refined into weapons, monster skin can be used to make talisman skins, monster blood can be refined into spirit ink,... The whole body of a monster has value that can be used.

Qingxuanzong has the most hunting disciples, hunting monster resources everywhere for cultivation.

Only monster spirits have the least effect. Monster spirits are generally used to refine soul exorcism instruments, or to raise spirit beasts. No one knows how to use monster spirits to melt souls to refine tool spirits like Li Mu.

Firstly, the spirit of a monster beast is a soul beast, and its resentment will not be resolved after death, so it needs a strong spiritual consciousness to conquer it.

In addition, Qingxuanzong is a decent school, and there are very few disciples who use horcruxes, and there are very few disciples who raise spirit beasts in captivity. As a result, Qingxuanzong has accumulated a large amount of resources of monster spirits, and some low-level monster spirits are beaten directly. Are too lazy to collect.

The Qingxuanzong has accumulated countless years of storage, and the monster spirits are all cheaper for Li Mu. Li Mu exchanged a large number of high-quality monster spirits with very little contribution points.

Before, Li Mu was worried about Xiaobai's rations, but with the "backer" of Qingxuanzong, the problem was easily solved.

Once again, Li Mu was satisfied with his decision to join the Qingxuan Sect as an elder craftsman.

"Chichi, coo!" Xiaobai swallowed the spirit of the third-order demon wolf in one gulp, and called out to Li Mu, signaling that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep.

"What! Go to bed when you're full! Little bastard, you can't! Help me with the work first, and then go to bed after I'm done!" Li Mu poked Xiaobai's head with his finger and signaled.

"Chichi! Hiccup!" Xiaobai hiccupped and called out, urging Li Mu to hurry up.


As soon as Li Mu's words fell, he immediately shot out a burst of fire-type spiritual power to condense the five-element spiritual fire. With the other hand, he slapped open the material storage bag, and pieces of fourth-order materials flew out. into a golden solution.

God refines the shape of the plastic vessel, erects the base array, and then melts the spirit.

With a flash of consciousness, a soul-absorbing bottle was taken out from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, the bottle cap jumped away with a bang, and a demon soul of a fourth-order golden horned python emerged.

As soon as the demon soul of the golden horned python appeared, it roared and wanted to pounce on Li Mu.

"Chichi!" Xiaobai roared with his head held high, a terrifying soul power burst out from his small body, and the demon soul of the golden-horned jade python stagnated.

Soon, under the restraint of Xiaobai and other high-level cup spirit insects and natural enemies of the soul, the golden-horned jade python demon soul seemed particularly "obedient", and simply plunged into the golden sword embryo neatly.

Li Mu smiled with satisfaction, began to melt the spirit, and then shot out a note of spiritual power, forming a golden sword embryo agglomeration pattern.

The golden spirit sword shone with aura, and the blade hummed continuously, as if it had come to life.

There was a sharp sword cry of "嗡", the fourth-order top-grade gold-type spirit sword was refined, and a very strong sword energy was condensed, and it was about to shoot out, straight for Li Mu's head.

A look of helplessness flashed across Li Mu's face, why would he do this every time a spirit weapon with a spirit weapon is made in the refiner, how much do you hate him!
The fourth-order gold-type top-grade spirit sword possesses the spirit of the weapon and is full of sword power. If it shoots out this sword energy, let alone the refining room, it will destroy the [-] acres of spiritual fields below.

Fortunately, Li Mu was prepared long ago, with a flash of consciousness, he stopped the fourth-order spirit sword that was shooting out sword energy, stretched out his hand to grab it, injected spiritual power, and refined it in an instant.

"Chichi!" Seeing that Li Mu had practiced the spirit weapon, Xiaobai yelled urgently, and then asked the master if he could sleep in the pocket.

"No! There are three more! Go to bed after helping me practice!" Li Mu quickly refused.

If the third-order demon soul eats it, Xiaobai will probably sleep for a month.

Be careful when you go down, you can only prepare some first- and second-order demon souls for Xiaobai as rations, otherwise, such a useful child laborer, what can he do if he sleeps every day!
"Chichi!" Xiaobai didn't know what the unscrupulous master was thinking, and anxiously urged Li Mu to hurry up.

"I know, I'll be fine right away!"

Li Mu put away the fourth-order gold-type spirit sword with a smile, opened another storage bag, and began refining the next spirit weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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