Chapter 114 Yin and Yang Qi
Seven days passed in a flash.

Bailian Peak,
Yin Xianwen received Li Mu with a smile on his face.

"Elder Li, it's time to hand in the refining task so soon, young man, your hands and feet are fast!" Yin Xianwen praised with a smile.

"Elder Yin, the four spiritual artifacts are inside, please check!" Li Mu smiled modestly and presented four storage bags.

Li Mu refined four top-tier fourth-tier spiritual weapons without weapon spirits in one day, and by the way, he also refined four top-tier fourth-tier spiritual tools for himself that were integrated with weapon spirits, divine refining fusion spirits and five-element spiritual fire, plus With Xiaobai's cooperation, the efficiency is so high.

However, Li Mu is not planning to sell these spirit weapons with spirit weapons to the outside world. Instead, he is planning to use them for planting, and to match them with the five-element unit array to provide a suitable growth environment for spirit plants.

In order to avoid attracting too much attention, it is inconvenient to sell these spiritual artifacts!
Li Mu was distracted thinking about something.

Li Mu has found some clues about the cultivation method related to his cultivation, improving the Yin and Yang Qi in the Yin Yang and Five Elements Classics-Building the Foundation Chapter, and now urgently needs contribution points to exchange for corresponding materials.

"Good! Good! They are all fourth-order high-grade spiritual weapons. The refining technique of this fire dragon spirit weapon is really amazing. It has the ability to transform dragons, and the minor training has also done it! There is also this child-mother twin spirit sword. It's really exquisite!... Good! Good! Those true masters will definitely be satisfied!" When Li Mu was distracted, Yin Xianwen took out the four spiritual weapons, checked them one by one, and applauded with satisfaction.

"It's good to be able to complete the refining task. I'm afraid I won't be able to do the job, and I'll fail Elder Yin's entrustment!" Li Mu smiled and said modestly.

"Elder Li, don't worry too much! Your refining skills surpass those of the elders in the sect. As long as you perform normally, you can't complete the refining task without you. Do you want to pick up a few more? I still have a lot of refining skills here. There is no arrangement for the weapon mission." Yin Xianwen encouraged Li Mu affirmatively, and asked with concern.

"No problem, I just need contribution points to exchange for some minor resources!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and quickly handed over his identity token.

"Haha, that's good! This time, I will finish the four refining tasks for you first, and then I will pick up six for you...Young man, you must work hard!" Yin Xianwen laughed heartily, encouraging Li Mu road.

After finishing speaking, Yin Xianwen took Li Mu's identity token and began to operate.

Soon, Li Mu got back his identity token, earned 20000 contribution points, and six storage bags full of refining materials. This time, he received the refining task of refining six fourth-order spiritual weapons.

Refining a spirit weapon, one obtains a piece of refining materials, and accumulating at this rate, Yueqiong Peak will soon become a treasure mountain of spirit weapons full of spirits!
After bidding farewell to Yin Xianwen and leaving Bailian Peak, Li Mu Yujian flew to Taixuan Peak, and went to the Contribution Hall to exchange supplies.

In the past few days, apart from refining weapons and arranging magic circles at Yueqiong Peak, the main thing Li Mu did was to confirm the spiritual plants related to Yin and Yang Qi.

Li Mu has already figured out how to obtain yin and yang energy.

In the way of heaven and earth, yang is always based on yin, and yin can nourish yang. Therefore, the sky is not a corridor but empty. Attached to the vital qi, it rises all the time, the qi of the sky always falls, the qi of the earth rises all the time, the yin and yang two qi are most important when they meet, the place where they meet, and when they meet, they are not omnipresent...

This passage from the summary of "Nanling Chronicle" records the description of Yin and Yang. In short, Yin and Yang exist between heaven and earth and are omnipresent.

When the yang energy is the strongest, it occurs in the first ray of sunlight when the sun rises. At this time, breathing is easy to capture: yang qi, while yin qi is the most concentrated during the month, and yin belongs to the sinking spiritual qi, which is easy to capture.

Therefore, the best way to practice the Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic-Building the Foundation Chapter, Li Mu needs to get up early and work hard to absorb the two qi of yin and yang, and practice.

However, Li Mu, who is still accustomed to relying on farming to solve the problem of cultivation base, does not want to practice from morning to night. As long as he finds spiritual plants that gather yin and yang, plant them to maturity, and harvest them in a good harvest, there is a high probability that he can get them To the attributes of yin and yang.

The emperor does not bear the painstaking people.

After exchanging a large number of high-level spiritual plant seeds, Li Mu found several spiritual plants that needed a growth environment of yin and yang from 39 shares of fourth-level spiritual plants.

After some screening, Li Mu was going to choose two of the spiritual plants.

Next, a large number of plants need to be exchanged, as well as high-level spiritual creatures to create a growth environment for cultivating them.

Li Mu Yujian flew to Taixuan Peak.

This time, Li Mu learned the lesson from last time, instead of wearing conspicuous elder robes, he changed into a set of ordinary clothes, lined up in a low-key manner, and entered the secret room for exchanging resources.

"What cultivation materials do you want to exchange? Disciple order to bring it out!" The disciple in charge who was sitting at the table to exchange materials saw Li Mu, and begged for it unceremoniously, without any intention of getting up.

Faced with two very different attitudes before and after, Li Mu didn't care at all, and understood very well.

It is inevitable for everyone to respect Luo Yi first and then others.

Li Mu walked forward with a smile, handed over his identity token, and asked, "How much contribution do I need to exchange for one mu of Tier [-] Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum, and one mu of Tier [-] Yin Soul Fruit Spirit Seed?"

Hearing the two high-level spiritual species reported by Li Mu, the disciple in charge accidentally took a look at him. After receiving the disciple's order, he quickly checked his spiritual sense, and his expression changed drastically.

"I don't know if it's the elder who is here, but the disciple has been rude, and I ask the elder to forgive me!" The disciple in charge quickly got up and apologized to Li Mu.

"It's okay, hurry up and tell me how much contribution you want!" Li Mu waved his hand and asked urgently.

"One acre of Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum requires 1 points of contribution, and one acre of Yinpo fruit spirit seeds requires nine thousand points of contribution!" The disciple in charge replied with a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned. After his contribution was exchanged for two acres of spiritual seeds, it was not enough to exchange for other supplies.

Sensing Elder Li's expression and thanking him for his indifference, the disciple in charge reminded him kindly: "Elder Li, Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and Yinpo fruit are the main medicines for refining Ziyang Pill and Huntian Pill, and the sect has always compared them. No, if you are willing to cultivate these two kinds of spiritual plants for the sect, you can take over the mission of the sect's spiritual plants first. The exchange of these two spiritual seeds only costs one-twentieth of the original contribution, and at the same time, you can also receive free A batch of materials for cultivating spiritual plants, but if you can't complete the task of spiritual plants by then, the contribution of exchanging spiritual seeds and receiving materials will be deducted according to the original price and part of the interest will be paid."

Li Mu's eyes lit up, he didn't even notice that the sect still had such preferential measures, it's really great!
Li Mu only needs to reap the leftover Zhi Ling Guang group after planting, and does not need mature Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and Yin Po fruit. It would be great if they could be sold to the Zongmen, and they could earn another contribution.

"Okay! Help me get these two kinds of spiritual planting tasks. I also need to plant ten acres. No, give me fifteen acres instead!" Li Mu looked happily at the disciple in charge, and gestured.

"Elder! Elder Li, this is your first time planting spiritual plants! The growth requirements of Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and Yin Po fruit are very strict. It takes more than ten years to plant them, and problems are prone to occur. If you plant so many at once, halfway If something goes wrong, you will have to pay a lot of contributions! Would you like to pay less?" The disciple in charge reminded Li Mudao kindly.

"No, just do as I say. If you really fail, I can afford to pay for this little contribution, so help me get the task!" Li Mu waved his hand indifferently, and signaled.

The disciple in charge threw his spiritual sense into the token, glanced at Li Mu's record of contributions, and immediately stopped persuading him.

Good guy!
The fourth-level craftsman elder, just received the four crafting tasks a few days ago, completed the delivery today, and earned [-] contribution points in one fell swoop.

Looking at his task record, there are still six unfinished refining tasks, and one task has [-] points of contribution.

After more than ten years of spiritual planting missions, when the time comes, the real planting has failed, and this loss of contribution is really nothing to others!
He is the disciple in charge of the Hall of Contributions. After a year of busy work, he only earns seven or eight thousand contribution points. The income he earns after a few days here is not comparable to that of others. What a waste of time to worry about!
The disciple in charge sighed silently in his heart, with a professional smile on his face, he said to Li Mu respectfully, "Okay, Elder Li, I will receive the task of spiritual planting for you and exchange for spiritual seeds!"

Soon, under the control of the disciple in charge, he helped Li Mu get two long-term spiritual plant tasks.

The small teleportation array had a flash of inspiration, and two jade boxes, a black iron box, and a spiritual weapon bottle appeared.

"Elder Li, these two big jade boxes contain [-] acres of Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and [-] acres of Yin Po fruit's spiritual seeds, and the mysterious iron box contains fifty Ziyang jades. This Naling bottle contains a thousand drops of Taixuanyue. Lu, they are the key spiritual objects needed for the growth of the two kinds of spiritual plants, but they can only meet their growth conditions for about a year. Next, you need to continue to collect these two resources for the growth of these two kinds of spiritual plants. !” The disciple in charge looked at Li Mu and introduced.

"Two spiritual planting tasks have been collected for you. You will deliver them to the sect in 21 years: 25 Yinpo fruit. After 47 years, you will deliver them to the sect: [-] Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum. At that time, you will get [-] points contribute."

"The material has been exchanged for you! A total of 15750 contribution points have been used, please check and confirm!" The disciple in charge returned the token to Li Mu and introduced.

Li Mu accepted the token, scanned it with his spiritual sense, confirmed the tasks and remaining contributions, and asked with concern: "Ziyangyu and Taixuanyuelu, how much is the sect in stock? How did you exchange them?"

"Ziyang jade is a fourth-order spiritual mine, and it is the main spiritual object for minoring in the Ziyang Heart Sutra. A Ziyang jade: 1200 points of contribution, less inventory. Taixuan Yuelu is also a fourth-level spiritual object, and it is the main spiritual object for minoring in the Taixuan Wangchen Sutra. Spiritual object, a drop of Taixuanyue dew: 500 points of contribution, and the amount is also not much. These two resources have always been the secondary resources that several Zhenchuan often exchange. It's over." The disciple in charge looked at Li Mu and replied with a wry smile.


Li Mu nodded, put the things into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, looked at the disciple in charge and continued: "Yes! I understand, and you can exchange the rest of the contribution for me for a formation book "Yin-Yang Tianyan Formation"."

"Okay, Elder!" The disciple in charge gave Li Mu a strange look, put his spiritual sense into the token, and signaled: "To exchange this formation decision, you need [-] contribution points. Elder, can I help you exchange the upper formation decision?"

"Is there a diagram of the Yin-Yang Hunyuan Grand Formation in the upper battle?" Li Mu asked with concern.

"Yes!" The disciple in charge confirmed.

"As long as you have it, change it for me, and I will replace the rest another day." Li Mu nodded with a smile.

The array map is the same as the fifth-order Qingxuan Talisman Strategy, which needs to be exchanged for all the spirit patterns. The array map cannot be upgraded by adding points like other remnant skills. Patterns, the reason why the relationship between different patterns is not close enough.

After exchanging the materials and learning the inheritance of the Jade Slips, Li Mu used the remaining contribution points to exchange for a batch of second-order monster meat. Only then was he satisfied and left the Contribution Hall in vain.

Soon, Li Mu Yujian flew back to Yueqiong Peak.

Xiao Jin gave up the red wolf who was playing with it, jumped up and down a few times, and flew to Li Mu, greeted him with a "squeak", but looked straight at the storage bracelet on Li Mu's hand.

Good guy, I am addicted to drugs!
Seeing Xiao Jin who had grown up in front of him, looking like a gluttonous child for the panacea with his eyes, but not anxiously urging him, Li Mu couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Mu took Yujian away, landed in front of Xiaojin, took out a pill bottle from the bracelet, poured out a golden pulse pill and threw it to it.

"Squeak!" Xiao Jin got the Golden Pulse Pill, bared his teeth and yelled at Li Mu in gratitude, stuffed it into his mouth, with pain on his face, but closed his eyes with excitement and enjoyed it.

"Wangwang!" The red wolf came belatedly, calling out to Li Mu anxiously.

Li Mu didn't lose sight of the other, and threw a feeding elixir to Chilang, and immediately began to inspect the [-]-acre spiritual field.

At the bottom, 180 acres of first-grade wind spirit grass, [-] acres of green spirit fruit, [-] acres of second-grade yellow tooth spirit rice, and [-] acres of second-grade azure. These spiritual plants with low demand have all been planted.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and the wind spirit grass had sprouted tender seedlings, and there was no other movement.

One acre of Yunwu Spiritual Tea has recovered its growth, but it lacks the mist cover. Even if it is planted in the top-grade spiritual field, it looks like a lack of energy. The next acre of top-grade spiritual field is planted with hundreds of plants of various one, two, three The seedlings of low-grade spiritual plants grow unevenly, and most of them are in a state of malnutrition. There is no special growth environment. The spiritual plants planted in these experimental fields grow extremely slowly.

In addition, there is also a special spiritual field, ten acres of high-grade spiritual field, shrouded in a pale gold magic circle, and two fourth-order top-grade gold-type spirit swords are like fish in the circle, chasing and swimming, so comfortable.

The ten acres of high-grade spiritual fields were separated by Li Mu alone, and a gold element formation was arranged to create a unique environment for the growth of third-order golden sword grass. The gold-type spiritual energy is abundant, accompanied by sword energy.

However, plans can't keep up with changes!
Li Mu originally planned to plant four more low-demand third-tier spiritual plants. With the advance planting of the fourth-tier Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and the fourth-tier Yin Soul Fruit, the planting plan has changed.

Except for the third-order Tianmai fruit, which Li Mu plans to continue planting, the other three third-order spiritual plants will be cancelled, freeing up [-] acres of high-grade spiritual fields for planting fourth-order Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum and fourth-order Yin soul fruit.

However, before planting these two types of spiritual plants, Li Mu had to spend a lot of energy arranging a unique growth environment for them.

(End of this chapter)

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