Chapter 129 Tiansuo Spirit Ship
"Alright Elder Li, what kind of spiritual seed do you want to exchange?" She Xiuhua looked at Li Mu respectfully and asked.

"Third-level ginseng, 50 mu; third-level kirin fruit, 50 mu; third-level wood dragon rattan, 50 mu; third-level golden sword grass, 50 mu; third-level jade green lotus, 30 mu." Li Mu reported with a smile. .

She Xiuhua was dumbfounded, she didn't expect Elder Li to exchange so many third-order spiritual seeds, he was more diligent than a full-time spiritual husband!
"Elder Li, wait a moment, let me see if there is so much stock in the warehouse." She Xiuhua responded and checked the warehouse.

Li Mu doesn't know how much innate energy of the five elements is needed to advance to the Nascent Stage of the Golden Core Realm.

I am afraid that the innate energy of the five elements harvested by this batch of Lingzhi still cannot meet the needs of the advanced Nascent Soul.

However, Li Mu has plenty of time. After being promoted to Jindan, he obtained the Five Elements Eucharist, and his lifespan was increased to 2000 years. In such a long time, as long as he is safe and does not die halfway, it will be a matter of time before he advances to Nascent Soul.

In addition, Li Mu plans to expand Yueqiong Peak's spiritual field to open up more spiritual fields, but if it doesn't work, he will breed a few batches and advance to Nascent Soul as soon as possible.

Li Mu plans to eliminate the other spiritual plants one after another. He only needs five kinds of five-element spiritual plants, which are much easier to manage than before, and it is completely manageable to develop another four or five hundred acres.

As for leaving Qingxuanzong and looking for the Lordless Spirit Peak, Li Mu did not consider it for the time being.

After staying in Qingxuanzong for a long time, Li Mu is used to the convenience and excitement of the sect. Besides, Qingxuanzong is not in danger of exterminating the sect right now, so it won't be a risk to unknown places.

"Elder Li, among the five kinds of spiritual plants, only the third-level jade green lotus is not enough. There are only 15 acres, and there are others. In addition, these five kinds of spiritual plants have spiritual planting tasks. Would you like to get them by the way?" What?" She Xiuhua looked at Li Mu and asked for instructions.

Li Mu thought for a while, and decided: "15 acres is fine, and I will pay for it. As for the task of Lingzhi, forget it!"

With the lessons of Ziyang Lingzhi and Yin Poguo, Li Mu no longer plans to do sect missions.

The third-order Diyuan ginseng is one of the main medicines for refining Earth Yuan Dan, which is suitable for earth-type spirit beasts, and the third-order Qilin fruit is one of the main medicines for refining Huosui Dan..., the fruit plants harvested from these spiritual plants, All of them can be used to feed the spirit beasts of the Five Elements.

Before planting this batch of spiritual plants and waiting for them to mature, Li Mu plans to gather the other three five-element spirit beasts together. These spiritual plants will then become the rations of the five-element spirit beasts, and there will be no waste at all.

"Okay, Elder Li, this batch of spiritual seeds cost a total of 17.5 contribution points." Yu Xiuhua performed the exchange operation, looked at Li Mu and signaled.

As soon as the words fell, the light of the small teleportation array flashed, and five storage bags came out.

"Elder Li, you still have 43.7 contributions left. Do you need to exchange the auxiliary materials for spiritual plants? The growth of several spiritual plants requires the corresponding five elements." Yu Xiuhua looked at Li Mu and asked.

"No, I have other arrangements for this." Li Mu put away the five storage bags, waved his hand to refuse, looked at Yu Xiuhua and asked, "By the way, how much contribution is needed to exchange the fifth-order Qingxuan Talisman?"

"It takes 75W contribution to redeem the fifth-order Qingxuan Talisman Strategy, Elder Li, you can exchange it to the fourth-order part only: 20 contribution points." Yu Xiuhua glanced at Li Mu in surprise, and quickly responded.

"Well! Just help me redeem the fourth-order part. I have the rest. In addition, the remaining contributions will help me redeem the next two parts of "Yin-Yang Tianyan Formation." Li Mu nodded and gestured.

"Okay, Elder Li." Yu Xiuhua respectfully complied, and manipulated the identity token to deduct contributions.

Immediately, one blue and one purple, two inheritance jade slips appeared in the small teleportation array.

Li Mu received the two inheritance jade slips, invested in his spiritual consciousness, and accepted the inheritance one by one.

Not long after, Li Mu woke up with his eyes open, accepted the new talisman, the inheritance of formations, and learned nine fourth-order talisman formulas and six new formations.

After returning the other party's inheritance jade slips and taking back the identity token, Li Mu turned around and left.

"Elder Li, please go slowly!" Yu Xiuhua watched Li Mu respectfully.

Leaving Taixuan Peak, Li Mu Yujian flew to Qingyun City.

At this time, there were not many spiritual plants that Yueqiongfeng needed to manage in real time. A piece of third-grade jade net green lotus was about five acres, so it didn't need much management. In addition, ten acres of third-grade Qingxu spirit tea didn't need much energy.

Li Mu planned to go to Huanlang Lingshan to explore the unknown cave before the Five Elements Spirit Plant was planted.

Before exploring the unknown cave, Li Mu needs to make some preparations.

Wanbao Court

Customers come and go, and business is still booming.

Different from other customers, after Li Mu entered Wanbao Pavilion, he was warmly invited to the inner hall reception room by the staff of Wanbao Pavilion.

"I've met Master Li!" Gongsun Chu hurried over, bowed to Li Muying and greeted him.

"Shopkeeper Gongsun, do you have any clues about Tianhuo?" Li Mu nodded in return, looked at Gongsun Chu, went straight to the point, and asked angrily.

After being promoted to the Golden Core, Li Mu became more and more eager for the sixth-level Imperial Spirit Bracelet. This trip, he also had the idea of ​​catching the other three five-element monsters.

However, the matter of entrusting Gongsun Chudai to obtain Tianhuo was delayed again and again, and it was impossible to re-smelt the Yuling Bracelet.

Li Mu couldn't help being a little annoyed.

The resource channels of Wanbao Pavilion are getting worse and worse. In the past, it was okay to say that even Wanbao Pavilion was a little bit powerless when it involved fifth-level and sixth-level high-level spiritual objects.

As for whether Gongsun Chu was trying to push back, Li Mu could tell that, otherwise, he would have ended his cooperation with Wanbao Pavilion long ago.

Faced with Master Li's anger, Gongsun Chu showed a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Master Li, I'm really sorry. Before, I asked a Supreme Lord Wan Lei who had Heavenly Fire for you, but he has already refined that Heavenly Tribulation Thunderfire into a natal Spiritual Fire, and he will not give it up no matter how much it costs! In addition, there is no monk who possesses Skyfire, and it is really hard to find Skyfire in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, and it is easy to find Skyfire if you go to a large spiritual realm like Zhongzhou." Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu and explained embarrassingly.

"Doesn't Zhongzhou Lingyu have a branch in Wanbao Pavilion? Why can't we find out?" Li Mu frowned, looked at Gongsun Chu, and asked in puzzlement.

Li Mu knows a little about the situation in Zhongzhou Lingyu. The Tianxuan Sword Sect above the five sects is one of the five major sects in Zhongzhou Lingyu. The spiritual veins and resources there are far more abundant than here.

However, Wanbaoge's stores are spread across several continents, so you should be able to get it right?

Gongsun Chu's evasive words made Li Mu a little puzzled.

"Master Li, what you don't know is that there is indeed a branch of Wanbao Pavilion in Zhongzhou, but Zhongzhou and Nanhuang are two different spiritual lands. First, the distance is too far away. Second, they belong to different superior systems. It’s okay to transfer a large amount of low-level resources between the two spiritual domains. Due to the scarcity and strategic nature of the spiritual materials above the fifth level, there are very few dual-method transfers. The resource cost is extremely high, and the price will double. About three times, it is difficult to transfer goods, and it is not cost-effective." Gongsun Chu quickly explained.

After listening to Gongsun Chu's explanation, Li Mu probably understood.

Although Wanbaoge is a 'transcontinental' commercial organization, the organizational structure of the area where it is located is independent, a large number of low-level resources can be bartered, and high-level spiritual resources have high strategic value, and transactions are set up as obstacles.

Li Mu looked at Gongsun Chu helplessly and asked, "Okay! You can continue to inquire about Tianhuo for me. Now, can you help me get a Tier [-] or Tier [-] spirit ship? I'm going to travel a long way!"

"Spirit ship? This is no problem! Master Li, when do you need it, do you need to help you with the crew?" Seeing that Master Li no longer bothered about the Tianhuo matter, Gongsun Chu cheered up and asked quickly.

"Forget about the crew, I'll travel by myself, the faster the spirit ship, the better!" Li Mu thought for a while and responded.

"Master Li, the Tier [-] Spirit Ship needs at least four crew members to operate it. If you travel by yourself, can I equip you with a Tier [-] Tiansuo Spirit Ship? The Tiansuo Spirit Ship can be transferred in three days." Gongsun Chu Looking at Li Mu, he motioned.

"Okay! In addition, I will exchange the remaining proceeds from my weapon refining commission with a batch of five-element materials, and I will pick them up in three days." Li Mu nodded happily and continued to order.

"No problem! Master Li, what materials do you need? I'll see if there are any in the warehouse!" Gongsun Chu eagerly nodded.

"Definitely, some Tier [-] and Five Elements materials..." Li Mu indicated with a smile.

Soon, the two chatted about the Five Elements materials, and chatted about some other matters.

Time flies, three days have passed.

When Li Mu came to the inner courtyard of Wanbao Pavilion again, there was a small spirit ship parked in front of him, the whole body was bright silver, shaped like a pointed shuttle, with two sharp ends, the closed hull was about six or seven feet long, and the height of two people. ...with a peculiar shape.

"Elder Li, this is a Tier [-] Tiansuo spirit ship, made of Tier [-] light dust silver, Tier [-] phantom mirage animal skin, and Tier [-] Tianfeng stone. By the way, there is also a very strong mirage lurking effect, and one can control it alone,..." Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu, and introduced the information of the Tiansuo Spirit Ship in detail.

"Not bad!" Li Mu nodded in satisfaction.

The Tiansuo Spirit Ship recommended by Gongsun Chu is very suitable for him to use. It not only flies fast, but also has a very spacious personal space.

Under the innate supernatural power-recognition of all spirits, the information of the Tissot spirit ship is presented in detail in the virtual frame of the character.

【Tissot Spirit Ship】

[Rank: Tier [-] small spirit ship]

[Characteristics: Extreme shadows like shuttles, mirages and phantoms, walking against the wind. 】

[A wind-type spirit ship made of third-level light dust silver, fourth-level phantom mirage animal skin, and fourth-level sky wind stone. Yuleizhen, length: 7.8 feet, width: 0.9 feet, height: 1.1 feet, travel against the wind, travel 36 miles a day, consume: [-] Zhongling/day. 】

Li Mu was very satisfied.

With the assistance of this Tiansuo spirit ship, even if he went to the depths of the Wanyao Mountains, Li Mu dared to take the risk.

After the trip to Huanlang Lingshan is over, Li Mu is going to drive the Tiansuo spirit ship, and then fly to the depths of the Wanyao Mountains to see if there is a chance to gather the five-element spirit beasts.

"Master Li, I don't know where the destination of your trip is. I specially prepared several maps for you. There are maps that record in detail the various deserts in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Realm, as well as maps of several other spiritual realms. , and some supply resources, I wish you a smooth journey and a safe return soon." Gongsun Chu handed Li Mu a storage bag with both hands respectfully, and said wishing.

Thanks to Master Li's blessing over more than ten years of weapon refining cooperation, Qingyun City Wanbao Pavilion has always occupied the top of all Wanbao Pavilion branches in the Southern Wilderness Spiritual Domain in terms of refining income.

This time, Master Li suddenly said that he was going to travel far, which made Gongsun Chu a little caught off guard, and he was not mentally prepared.

Gongsun Chu couldn't help being a little nervous, afraid that if Li Mu didn't come back together, their cooperative relationship would end, so he hurriedly prepared a large amount of supplies for Li Mu, hoping that he would return soon.

Over the years, Gongsun Chu has responded to Li Mu's requests. However, the resources he needs are increasingly exceeding the resource channels she controls, such as sky fire, high-level spirit beast cubs, various high-level spirit planting seeds,... ,etc.

Gongsun Chu had a premonition that the day when she 'lost' Master Li seemed to be getting closer.

However, Master Li had only just established his foundation, yet why the level of resources he needed for minor training was getting higher and higher, unlike other guest officials in the pavilion, Gongsun Chu couldn't figure it out even if he tried his best.

Gongsun Chu looked at 'Master Li' seriously, with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

"I'm determined! I'll be back in about two or three months." Li Mu smiled and took the storage bag, probably understanding the meaning of Gongsun Chu's words.

Hearing this, Gongsun Chu couldn't help but relax, with a smile on his face.

Soon, Li Mu's spiritual consciousness covered the Tiansuo spirit ship, and a powerful five-element spirit waved out, directly submerging into the Tiansuo spirit ship.

In less than ten breaths, Li Mu refined the Tiansuo Spirit Ship.

"Shopkeeper Gongsun, Mr. Li is leaving!" Li Mu smiled slightly at Gongsun Chu.

As soon as the words fell, Li Mu picked up the Tiansuo spirit ship and flew up. Then, his figure got into the Tiansuo spirit ship and quickly activated the Tiansuo spirit ship's wind control array.

With a "whoosh", the Tiansuo spirit ship flew up at an extremely fast speed, galloping like lightning.

Soon, the figure of the Tiansuo Spirit Ship gradually faded, activated the phantom array, and the figure quickly merged with the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Watching the disappearance of the Tiansuo Spirit Ship, Gongsun Chu was slightly stunned.

I didn't expect Master Li's actions to be so quick and quick, and the time it took to refine the Tiansuo Spirit Ship was so short, it was a Tier [-] Spirit Ship!

Moreover, when Li Mu was casting spells and manipulating the Tiansuo spirit ship, Gongsun Chu was close by, and she could vaguely feel the mana fluctuations, revealing a spiritual pressure that only Jindan monks had, and it was extremely powerful .

Master Li is a Golden Core cultivator?

No way!
Master Li is so young!
Is it because I feel wrong?
Gongsun Chu Xing's eyes were wide open, and he looked at the sky from a distance, with a confused expression on his face, unable to feel relieved for a long time.

The fluctuation of the golden core and true essence occurred too briefly, and disappeared in a flash. Gongsun Chu couldn't clearly distinguish what was going on.

Two hours later, the Tiansuo Spirit Ship flew out of the Qingxuanzong core control area, located two thousand miles away, in a wilderness mountain range.

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness kept being released in real time, took out the map, compared the terrain, and galloped all the way, with a clear purpose, flying towards the location of Huanlangling Mountain.

However, upon discovering the special situation [-] miles ahead, Li Mu had to slow down the speed of the Tiansuo spirit ship and 'observe' from a distance.

After being promoted to Jindan, Li Mu not only achieved a qualitative improvement in terms of physical strength, mana and essence, but even his spirit, which became extremely powerful after practicing the idea of ​​nebula conception, also underwent a qualitative change. The spirit became condensed, substance.

Li Mu can easily 'observe' things five hundred miles away when he fully releases his consciousness.

Flying in the spirit ship of Tiansuo, Li Mu narrowed the scope of his consciousness to enhance the accuracy of 'observation'.

Li Mu frowned as he watched the 'fierce battle' that took place three hundred miles away.

The victory or defeat of this battle may affect whether he can continue to live a stable life in Yueqiong Peak in the future.

Do you want to help me out!

Li Mu was in a dilemma and fell into hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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