Chapter 130 Battle ([-])

During the fierce battle, Li Mu saw Yun Xiaozi whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Qingxuanzong, five Yuanying Zhenjun, Qingchen, Qingyang, Chen Yuan, Zhou Hong, Tianfu, led thirteen Jindan Zhenzhu, and a group of elite foundation-building disciples returned to the sect. Zhenjun Wei Yuanying led dozens of Jindan disciples and Foundation Establishment disciples to ambush.

In the great formation of the Nine Yins, tens of thousands of corpses gathered, and the sea of ​​blood was churning..., all the elites of the Qingxuan Sect were besieged to death on a lone peak, slowly eaten away by the people of the Nine Demon Sect, and fell into a desperate situation.


The Nascent Soul True Monarchs of the Nine Demon Sect are not for display, except for one who presides over the Nine Yin Formation, the Ten Thousand Corpse Formation, and the Blood Sea Formation, there are six other Nascent Soul True Monarchs who can Free activities, one-on-six, Li Mu asked himself if he had the ability.

After staying in Qingxuanzong for more than ten years, Li Mu has always pursued fair trade and exchange of equal value, and helped Qingxuanzong refine many spiritual weapons. I'm sorry.

If you don't save it!

Qingxuanzong's group of elites are dead, so don't think too much about it. Next, the Nine Sects of the Devil's Cave will definitely continue to invade Qingxuanzong.

"Try it! If it doesn't work, withdraw!"

Seeing that Qingxuanzong's group of Foundation Establishment disciples were about to lose their hold, Li Mu sighed helplessly.

People are not grass and trees, how can one be ruthless, seeing Qingxuanzong's elite die in front of him like this, Li Mu couldn't bear it, relying on the speed of the Tiansuo spirit ship, coupled with his own means, even if the rescue failed, he could still escape of.

Li Mu thought for a moment, then drove the Tiansuo spirit ship, and quickly approached the battlefield.

On the top of Biyun Peak, a group of demon cultivators gathered.

"There's a mouse coming in, old blood shadow ghost, please go." The Bone Demon Lord who presided over the Nine Yin Formation looked at the Blood Shadow Demon Lord who was dressed in blood, and motioned.

"Just a Golden Core, Xue Fiend, Xue Cen, you two go!" The Blood Shadow Demon Lord glanced at the two Golden Core disciples beside him, and ordered.


Xue Fiend, Xue Cen gladly took orders, turned into two blood shadows, and rushed straight towards the dense forest under the peak.

The blood shadow is like an arrow, and it arrives in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Li Mu in the dense forest happened to be arranging the five-element protective array, and when he noticed the two golden elixir demon cultivators approaching quickly, he remained calm and patted the imperial spirit bag on his waist.

"Xiaojin, Xiaobai, come out and help."

As soon as Li Mu's words fell, Xiao Jin's huge body came out of the imperial spirit bag in a blink of an eye, and a white light that was hard to find with the naked eye attached to Jin Yuan's body.

The three-foot-tall golden ape was wearing a suit of armor and holding a golden stick. After appearing, he strode forward and headed straight for the two swooping blood shadows.

"Fourth-rank demon ape? One person, one." Xue Sha glanced at Xue Cen, signaling to split up.

As soon as the words fell, the two blood shadows were about to scatter, and one person went around to deal with Li Mu who was setting up the formation.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the golden ape roared suddenly, and the next moment, a powerful shock of soul power erupted from it, covering the two blood shadows.

Xue Fiend, Xue Cen Qiqi let out a muffled snort, his soul was suddenly severely injured, his consciousness could not be used, and the blood shadow movement came to a standstill.

not good!

Xue Fiend, Xue Cen's complexion changed drastically, he was unable to manipulate the blood technique to escape, and watched the golden stick whizzing towards him.

The thick golden stick was like a golden mosquito swatter, and it slapped down on the top of the two of them.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the golden stick hit the ground fiercely, the ground cracked, broken branches of ancient trees, and boulders shattered in all directions.

In the huge pit under the golden stick, fresh blood flowed, the blood was evil, and Xue Cen had become the soul under the stick.


Xiao Jin Yangtian roared, holding up a bloody golden stick, as if he had beaten two mosquitoes when he appeared on the stage, as if he didn't feel like he was having enough fun.

On the top of Biyun Peak, the demon cultivators 'dropped' their eyes when they saw this scene.

what's the situation?Two Gold Core Blood Cultivators were hammered to death by a fourth-order monster ape?
This is outrageous too!

Xue Sha and Xue Cen are the direct disciples of the Blood Demon Lord, and both are one of the blood god sons of the Blood God Sect. Even against ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, they are capable of fighting!
But, that's all?
What is the origin of that monster ape?
All the demon cultivators showed a serious look on their faces, and they were very surprised.

"Old Blood Shadow Ghost, you'd better go there yourself! Those two disciples of yours are too useless!" Bone Demon Lord looked at Blood Shadow Demon Lord with a solemn expression and signaled.

The Blood Shadow Demon Monarch's eyes were sharp, but his face maintained a look of vigilance. He was very clear about the abilities of his two disciples. However, he died without reacting to a face-to-face. The matter must not be that simple.

"That kid is setting up an formation! Since he dares to come, he must have some support, Bai Yu, Xie Tong, let's go and have a look." The Blood Shadow Demon Lord looked at Bai Yu Demon Lord, Xie Tong Demon Lord, and motioned.

The White Jade Demon Lord and the Xie Tong Demon Lord looked at each other, and a look of curiosity appeared on their faces.

There are so many demon kings around here to kill the elite of Qingxuanzong, a mere Golden Core cultivator dares to approach the battlefield with confidence, and it looks like they are coming for them.

Who gave him the courage?
Not to mention, the imperial beast he recruited killed two of them Golden Core Blood Cultivators in one encounter, and this man was full of weirdness.

The two demon lords did not refuse the invitation of the blood shadow demon lord, and the three demon lords flew towards the dense forest thirty miles away together.

"The three Nascent Soul Demon Lords, no more, no less, just in time!" Li Mu set up the five-element formation, and his spiritual sense 'saw' the arrival of the three Demon Lords, not surprised but delighted.

Facing too many demon kings, Li Mu has no choice but to run away, three!In addition, with the help of the three imperial beasts, they should be able to barely fight.

Feeling the pressure from the three demon kings, Xiaojin held the golden stick tightly, stared at them, and waited for them.

"Get up!" Li Mu shouted loudly, activated the five-element formation, then patted the beast-controlling bag again, and released Xiaowa.

Immediately afterwards, he took out five fourth-order five-element spirit swords from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and turned them into five sword lights and submerged them into the five-element formation.

The five-element formation plus the five-element sword formation, adding Chen to the formation, two-pronged approach, greatly increased the power of the five-element formation.

"This kid is not easy!" Bai Yumojun frowned when he saw this scene, and stopped his steps to enter the battle.

"It's just a golden core, hurry up and forcibly kill it, so as not to increase the number of accidents!" The Blood Shadow Demon Lord said fiercely.

As soon as the voice fell, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord waved his big hand, and a sea of ​​blood gushed out, drowning towards the Five Elements Formation.

At this moment, the Five Elements Formation spontaneously urges a ball of blazing spiritual fire to resist the invasion of the blood sea. The terrifying flames are about to evaporate the blood sea, and bursts of black fog rise up, quickly dissipating between the sky and the earth. shrink rapidly.

"Five Elements Spirit Fire, how could it be!" The Blood Shadow Demon Monarch's face darkened suddenly, and the bloody sea of ​​dirty souls he worked so hard to refine was completely restrained by a Five Elements Formation.

"Blood Shadow, take back the sea of ​​blood! This is not a simple five-element formation. It is guarded by the spirit-transforming formation, and your blood sea cannot corrode it." Xie Tong Mojun stared deeply at the five-element formation, beckoning.

The Blood Shadow Demon Monarch glanced at Xietong, waved his hand, and silently took back the sea of ​​blood.

"Is there a way for Xietong! The old blood's blood sea is restrained, and my ghost means will not work against it." The White Jade Demon Monarch looked solemnly at the Golden Core cultivator in the Five Elements Formation, and asked with an ugly expression.

"Look at me!" Xie Tong Mojun chuckled, and suddenly a majestic Buddha's true essence surged out of his seven or eight-year-old body.

The next moment, a ten-foot-tall black evil Buddha statue condensed behind the evil boy devil.

Looking at the five-element formation in front of him, the evil boy devil smiled contemptuously, and pinched the magic formula with his hand, and the body of the evil Buddha changed accordingly, and the right foot quickly gathered the powerful magic power of the evil Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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