Chapter 138
"Pfft, puff..."

A pair of golden knives sank into the ground, and the blue-scaled thunder lion had already disappeared in place.

The blue-scaled thunder lion swung its claws and rushed towards Li Mu.

Li Mu's eyes became yin and yang, and when he turned on the supernatural power - yin and yang eyes, the flight trajectory of the blue-scaled thunder lion, the changes of the thunder element on his body, and the narrative were presented in his eyes.

Captured the figure of the blue-scaled thunder lion, perfected the sword technique - Eighteen Ways of Yijianjue's water breaking style, and slashed straight down.

The blue-scaled thunder lion felt the terrifying sword intent contained in the sword move, and went straight to the fatal part of the waist sword, changed his move quickly, and escaped from the range of the sword move.

How could Li Mu let it escape? He used his yin and yang great five-element magical powers to lock onto the blue-scaled thunder lion's body. With the help of the five-element escape technique, the figure followed closely behind him. With one move, he pierced the clouds and chased the moon, and took the blue-scaled thunder lion's head straight. Angry.

Li Mu's sword skills and supernatural powers unfolded, and all the trees and dead branches along the way turned into sword energy in the thousand-foot sword field, rushing towards the fleeing blue-scaled thunder lion.

In the dense forest, the blue-scaled thunder lion is as fast as lightning, and its silhouette is covered with thunder snakes. Sometimes it flees, sometimes it is struck by lightning, and it quickly counterattacks. A fierce close-quarters pursuit began.

The two figures came and went, the trees and the ground exploded and flew.

Around, the fifth-order blue-eyed golden tiger, the fifth-order blood-crowned demon snake, the fifth-order white-feathered witch who was seriously injured, the three-headed demon wolf who has not been injured so far, and the fifth-order golden-winged demon hovering in the sky Peng, they vigilantly surrounded the fierce battlefield, watching the battle silently.

This battle is beyond their ability to intervene.

The human monk's mastery of the five-element escapism is superb, and his speed is comparable to that of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion. Not to mention, he also has a very strong swordsmanship, just like a monster's body.

A mere Jindan cultivation base, but has an incomparably thick true essence, which can come and go with the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, which is comparable to it.

Do not!
This is not a fair fight.

The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion had the strength of Thunder Tribulation, and was besieged by them again, with more injuries, and its injuries were extremely serious.

Coupled with the countless sword qi around the human monk, they suppressed the blue-scaled thunder lion all the time. As the fierce battle continued, the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, which was seriously injured, gradually fell into a disadvantage.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the blood burst out.

The two fiercely fighting figures missed the moment, and the gold-type spirit sword cut through the thick scale armor on the chest of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, and pulled out a sword mark five or six feet long, penetrating to the bone.

Li Mu was also kicked away by the sixth-order blue-scaled Thunder Lion.

However, at the next moment, with a "bang", the figure of the human monk exploded into a ball of puppets, shattering and flying.

With a "whoosh", Li Mu's figure flew out of a pile of dirt pits.

Before that, the substitute puppet released by Li Mu saved his life.

However, the stand-in puppet that was only refined with the fourth-order soul wood heart is now ruined just like that.

Li Mu glanced at the shattered stand-in puppet, and focused on the sixth-order blue-scaled Thunder Lion who staggered and fell to the ground, then stood up quickly.

At this time, the aura of the sixth-order blue-scaled Thunder Lion did not weaken, but became stronger. Although there was nothing good about it, it didn't look like it was seriously injured at all. Locked, there was a "sizzling" sound, and the gushing blue blood stopped in an instant.

The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion's whole body exploded with lightning flames, as if breaking through again in a desperate situation.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's complexion changed drastically, and his brain turned sharply.

In the fierce battle with the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion just now, Li Mu has exhausted all kinds of supernatural powers and spells. Now that the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion has increased combat power, if it touches it, it will kill half of its life even if it does not die.

Got it!

Li Mu glanced at the fifth-order monsters that were still watching the battle, and an idea immediately came to his mind.


The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion roared angrily, staring at Li Mu with murderous intent in his eyes, suddenly, a string of blue thunder flames burst out from all four feet, and the speed increased again, turning into a thunder shadow to kill him.

The speed has more than doubled compared to just now.

Li Mu had expected it a long time ago, his face turned cold, and he performed the Five Elements Escape Technique in advance, and the figure emerged from the earth escape behind the fifth-order blue-eyed golden tiger.

The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion seemed to be dazzled by anger, and regardless of it, the figure followed closely, vowing not to stop until he killed Li Mu.

The next moment, the blue thunder came in a flash.

With a loud "bang", the fifth-level blue-eyed golden tiger blocking the way was slammed into the air by the sixth-level blue-scaled thunder lion.

With a sound of "boom", the huge body of the fifth-level blue-eyed golden tiger flew heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and couldn't even stand up. The impact of the sixth-level blue-scaled thunder lion killed half of it.

Li Mu's figure escaped from behind the three demon wolves again.

Right now, the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion exploded, and its momentum was in full swing. Li Mu didn't dare to rob it of its sharpness, but he couldn't dodge it, so he thought of a good way to use these fifth-order monsters as meat shields.

The fifth-level three-headed demon wolf was startled and angry, leaving behind Li Mu who was close at hand, and turned around to run away.

Li Mu slashed out with his sword, and a sharp sword energy was released, forcing the fifth-level three-headed wolf back to its original position.

The next moment, there was a loud "bang", and the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lions flooded in again, stomping hard on the place where Li Mu was originally standing.

The three demon wolves devoured their bodies like thunder, and were knocked away by the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, and ended up in the same fate as the golden tiger.

The Blood Crowned Black Snake and the White Feather Demon Fairy were startled and ran away as if fleeing.

Li Mu chuckled, and used the Five Elements escape technique one after another, chasing the figures of the two fifth-order monsters, escaping back and forth, without giving them any chance to escape.

The blue-scaled thunder lion already knew about the plot of the human monks, but it didn't care. Besides, these guys were suspected of robbery before.

The blue-scaled thunder lion continued to rampage, chasing Li Mu crazily, from the dense forest, to the mountains, to the canyon, ..., where the two figures passed, the beast overturned the tree and fell, the thunder roared, and the murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

Time flies, two days and one night passed.

In a valley, Li Mu's figure emerged from the rock wall. The figure flashed, and the next moment, a thunderbolt crashed down.

A blue thunder shadow revealed his figure.

It is a strong man with a lion head and a human body, nine feet tall. Its whole body is wrapped in a blue thunder flame. It is a sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion that is gradually humanoid.

After two days and one night of hunting, the condition of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion is getting better and better. It has survived the transformation thunder, and its huge body has gradually transformed into shape, and its speed and spellcasting power are getting stronger and stronger.

However, that human cultivator was extremely proficient in the five-element escape technique, his soul was extremely powerful, and his true energy was extremely abundant. After chasing him for so long, he still failed to capture him.

The sixth-order blue-scaled Thunder Lion's blue vertical pupils were filled with boundless anger, and his figure flashed, turning into a thunderbolt, and continued to chase and kill the human monks.

The pain in Li Mu's heart!Even if he used the technique of earth escape and hid in the ground ten feet deep, the blue-scaled thunder lion still refused to give up and wanted to pierce through the ground to find him out.

Two days and one night passed, and Li Mu was chased by it to the sky with nowhere to go, no way to go down to the ground, and nowhere to go.

The recovery power of the sixth-level monster is amazing. Without a higher-level spiritual weapon, it cannot cause fatal damage to it. No matter how much superficial damage is given to the blue-scaled thunder lion, it can recover in a very short time.

If you don't get rid of it sooner, if you encounter a seventh-order monster, then you will die without knowing how!

The only way to get rid of it is with the help of bad terrain.

Tianfeng Mountain has a huge abyss pit with magma flowing out, and it is also the territory of a sixth-order demon sparrow. If you lure this blue-scaled thunder lion there, maybe it will make them hostile to each other.

If this plan fails, you can use the fire escape technique with the help of the spirit void ground fire to avoid its pursuit.

If the spirit fire is the spirit fire lost by the Tianxu cauldron, then there is still a chance to use the Tianxu cauldron to fight back.

As for the risk of being chased and killed by two sixth-order monsters jointly, it is also possible, but this probability is not high. If the Qingyang Zhenjun did not lie to him, the monster bird should be in the breeding period, and it should not be the same as the one who invaded the territory. The blue-scaled thunder lions teamed up to hunt him down.

However, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little worried when he thought of the scene where the fifth-order monsters who had besieged the blue-scaled thunder lion suddenly joined forces to hunt him down.

However, the thunderous sound of "stabbing" followed closely behind, and Li Mu couldn't help but think too much about it.

Li Mu gritted his teeth, fully opened his consciousness, and fled away in the direction of Tianfeng Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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