Chapter 139 Tianfeng Mountain

Tianfeng Mountain is shrouded in yellow mist all year round, not a single blade of grass grows, desolate and silent, as far as the eye can see, there are dry, strong third-order red spirit trees, without leaves, and bare.

At this moment, a thunder shadow came over in an instant and smashed heavily on the mountain rock. With a loud 'boom', the thunder shadow blasted out a deep pit tens of feet wide, and the whole Tianfeng Mountain trembled.

A huge rock rolled down into the deep pit, and the next moment, a blue thunder shot out from the bottom of the pit.

With a sound of "pa", the huge boulder rolled down by ten thousand catties exploded in an instant, shattering and flying.

A thunder shadow flew out and slowly landed on the ground, revealing his figure. He was a tall burly man with blue hair, a pair of blue vertical pupils, a naked body, and mysterious blue skin. Powerful lightning thunderlane, muscular development implies terrifying power.

The fully transformed sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion has recovered its strength to its peak, and there is no injury on its body. However, after chasing the human monk to Tianfeng Mountain, his aura is becoming more and more concealed, and the blue-scaled thunder lion let go Sensing with spiritual sense, he could only roughly sense his breath, looked around, but couldn't lock his exact position for half a while.

After several days of chasing, not only the strength of the blue-scaled thunder lion was recovering, but also the human monk's ability to escape and conceal his breath was also rapidly improving.

Otherwise, the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion would not have been able to deal with him so far.


After searching for a long time, he still couldn't sense the exact location of the human monk. The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion became angry, and Ang Tian let out a long roar. The next moment, a violent thunder element gathered all over his body and blasted away.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Blue Thunder Snakes shot out from buckets of buckets, rushed out frantically, and blasted away in all directions.

"Lumpy! Do this trick again!"

Li Mu quickly escaped from the soil and flew towards the center of Tianfeng Mountain.

Sensing the overflowing mana, the blue-scaled thunder lion stopped casting spells, and the figure followed with a 'whoosh'.

Flying for more than forty miles at once, his figure was hidden in a thick red spirit wood. Li Mu's face was pale. Nothing, true essence slowly recovered.

The condition of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion was getting better and better. Under its frenzied pursuit, Li Mu didn't have any time to recover his true energy, and the true energy in his body was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, Li Mu's cultivation base is extremely solid, and the Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic, a heaven-level exercise, is very effective in restoring true energy. As long as he is allowed to pause for a few tens of breaths, he can absorb the spiritual energy of the five elements of heaven and earth, and restore Yin and Yang. A little real money.

However, that sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion was extremely cunning. Relying on its monster body and high-level powerful monster power, it didn't give him a chance to recover. It couldn't find his exact location, so it used a large-scale attack to force him to attack. show up.

They seem to be playing hide-and-seek now, Li Mu has to maintain a high degree of vigilance, and dare not release his spiritual consciousness, otherwise, it is easy to be spotted by the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion.

Li Mu fled all the way towards Tianfeng Mountain. He didn't have time, so he used his spiritual sense to check the situation of this mountain.

However, it should be getting closer to the magma pit where the fire of the spirit void exists, and Li Mu could clearly feel that the fire element spiritual power filling the world is getting stronger and stronger.

Not long after, there was a "boom", a violent thunderclap, and it exploded not far from Li Mu. The powerful shock wave hit the thousand-year-old red tree where Li Mu lived and shook violently.

Li Mu compressed his consciousness within a hundred feet, and didn't find a fatal threat, so he continued to remain silent unmoved, striving for a chance to recover every minute and every second.

One more point of true yuan recovery means one more chance of escape.

The strength of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion is too terrifying. Even the Nascent Soul True Monarch at the peak stage can hardly parry it. Li Muquan relied on the Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic to derive his supernatural power-the Five Elements Escape Technique, in order to save his life under the Golden Core cultivation base. .

There was a loud "boom", and a more violent explosion was heard.

Li Mu thought that the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion had gone berserk again, and was about to use the escape technique to leave. However, the shock wave of this explosion contained a rich fire element, and the fiery fire element mixed with the violent thunder element violently hit the ground.

Fortunately, the source of the explosion was a little far away from Li Mu's position, with a deviation of four or five miles. Li Mu could still bear the shock wave.

Soon, burst after burst of explosions spread continuously.

The high-pitched and shrill cry of birds and the roar of violent and angry lions spread fiercely, and the sound of violent explosions continued one after another, and the shock waves became more powerful with each wave.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and there was a happy-to-see situation, that blue-scaled thunder lion fought with the sixth-order demon sparrow in Tianfeng Mountain!
If you think about it, after the blue-scaled thunder lion entered Tianfeng Mountain, it would wantonly destroy other people's territory and be extremely arrogant.

Having learned the lesson of surprise last time, Li Mu did not dare to release his consciousness to observe the fierce battle between the two sixth-order monsters. Instead, he continued to maintain a hidden state and hurriedly recovered his exhausted true energy.

Time passed bit by bit, and a quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The sound of fierce collision and explosion became more and more intense. The two sides seemed to be fighting a real fire. The source of the explosion was getting farther and farther away from him. Li Mu's state recovered to about the fifth floor, but he still did not let go of his spiritual sense to investigate.

Li Mu put his spiritual consciousness into Jiuzang Lingzhu.

In the next second, a palm-sized butterfly puppet appeared inconspicuously on a main pole of red spirit wood.

Li Mu attached his consciousness to watch the battlefield through the 'compound eyes' of the butterfly puppet.

Sixty or seventy miles away, two sixth-order monster beasts appeared in their original bodies, a sixth-order demon bird with wings three to four feet wide, and white flames that distorted the void all over its body, and a sixth-order blue bird that was more than two feet tall. The scale thunder lions fought fiercely in the air.

The sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion is as fast as thunder, and the sixth-order demon sparrow walks in the fire, and the speed is not inferior. The incandescent fire is blazing, and thousands of thunder dragons are berserk.

Seeing this, Li Mu couldn't help but smile on his face: "Let's fight! Fight hard, don't hold back."

This time, Li Mu no longer had the idea of ​​reaping the benefits of being a fisherman. After being hunted down for so many days, he deeply knew that the sixth-order monsters were not something he could afford to provoke now.

Li Mu was going to wait until he was promoted to the Nascent Soul to refine a few fifth-level spiritual weapons, and then he would settle accounts with the sixth-level blue-scaled Thunder Lion.

Li Mu was going to see if there was a chance to achieve the purpose of this trip. Taking advantage of the sixth-level blue-scaled thunder lion to drag the sixth-level demon bird, he went to the sixth-level demon bird's lair and harvested a fire-type spirit beast.

Li Mu held his breath and concentrated, and continued to maintain a state of seclusion, focusing on three tasks, paying attention to the battle situation of the two sixth-order monsters, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness was attached to the butterfly puppet.

With a 'whoosh', Li Mu controlled the butterfly puppet, flapped its wings quickly, and flew towards the nest where the sixth-order demon sparrow lived.

The butterfly puppet incited a pair of cicada-like bone wings at high frequency, like a ghost, and flew nearly a hundred miles at an extremely fast speed without sound.

An orange-red tree exuding illusory flames appeared in Li Mu's 'eyes'.

Impressively, it is the sixth-grade blazing paulownia that True Monarch Qingyang mentioned.

There is indeed a huge bird's nest built by a sixth-order demon sparrow on the top of the forty to fifty-foot-tall tung wood. However, the huge nest is empty, with no eggs or chicks.

Is it a waste of time to return empty-handed?

Unwilling to give up at this point, Li Mu continued to control the butterfly puppet and flew towards Chitongmu.

The butterfly puppet quickly flew close to Chitongmu, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he made an unexpected discovery.

(End of this chapter)

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