Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 141 Mountain and River Fire Order

Chapter 141 Mountains and Rivers - Fire Order
【Mountain and River-Fire Order】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact]

[Characteristics: Controlling fire, dispatching souls far and fast, setting spirits and launching arrays]

[Status: Sending souls]

[Fifth-rank Vulcan Stone, fifth-rank Red Lotus Fire Crystal, and fifth-rank Chiyan Linghuo, the Shanhe-Huo Token, which is one of the nine holy orders of the Shanhe Immortal Sect, which can be used to enter and exit the Zongmen’s core Shanhe Formation, Qiju was distracted. 】

Innate supernatural powers - identify the detailed attributes of the red token under the spirit, and present it in the virtual box of the character.

After reading it, Li Mu was startled.

In a strange soul?
The next moment, a powerful soul power surged in the Shanhe-Fire Order, and a powerful soul pressure was released. Without even thinking about it, Li Mu released Xiao Bai from the spirit beast bag, urging the Yuling Deed Seal to fall into a sleep state. Xiaobai forced to wake him up.

"Hey!" Xiaobai yelled in a daze, and then a pair of small black eyes stared at Shanhe-Huo Ling, as if he had discovered a rare delicacy, and the corners of his mouth were salivating.

"Bold, to steal the fire phoenix stored by the old man!" Shanhe-Huo Ling asked angrily with a distracted phantom of an old man.

"Ji!" Xiaobai pointed at the old man, opened his mouth and sucked.

"What! What the hell?" The old man living in Shanhe-Huoling was startled and looked at Xiaobai in horror.

"Xiao Bai, don't rush to eat, let me interrogate him first!" Li Mu hurriedly stopped Xiao Bai, and motioned.

"Chi!" Xiaobai glanced at his master, and obediently responded, then closed his mouth, and the terrifying soul power disappeared.

However, Xiaobai stared at the soul-shaped old man with a pair of small black eyes, full of longing and impatience.

Facing Xiaobai's gaze, the old man in Hunju panicked.

What kind of zerg is this?Why is there such a huge suppressive force on the body of the soul, and the soul power cannot be released in front of it.

Now, he is locked by a terrifying force, as long as the young man gives an order, he will be swallowed by the little bug, and even if he hides in the mountains and rivers, there is no possibility of escape.

Shanhe-Huo Ling was also suppressed by a powerful spiritual power and spiritual consciousness at the same time, unable to drive it.

How could this be?
What kind of insect is this?so scary?
Who is this young man?Such a powerful spiritual consciousness and cultivation base in a mere Golden Core Realm?
The soul-splitting old man who just woke up saw the situation in front of him, and couldn't help asking a lot of questions.

"Who are you?" Li Mu's spiritual sense 'grabbed' Shanhe-Huo Ling, and asked curiously at the soul-body old man.

"Old Master Shanhezong-Master of Transforming Gods-Honest Venerable, quickly put away that zerg, if you dare to hurt this deity's distraction, this old man will not let you go wherever you flee." The soul-body old man asked himself and introduced All of a sudden, watching Li Mu sternly warned.

The soul power exuded by the soul-body old man is very powerful, and Li Mu is not surprised that this deity has the cultivation of transforming spirits.

Fortunately, Xiaobai's ability has firmly restrained the opponent, otherwise, the situation will be dangerous!

Li Mu couldn't help feeling a little bit afraid.

Before, when the Shanhe-Fire Token was taken away, the distracted old man living in the token should still be asleep, but Li Mu took away the Shanhe-Fire Token easily.

It never occurred to me that the distraction of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god resided in the Shanhe-Fire Order. He was there to stare at the fire phoenix demon egg and wait for it to hatch!

Now, the problem is a bit tricky!
Li Mu didn't expect that the fire phoenix egg actually belonged to the owner, and it was kept by a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

"Chichi!" Seeing that Li Mu was suddenly stunned, Xiaobai urged impatiently.

The soul power of this soul state old man is very powerful, containing a trace of law power that can allow it to continue to evolve, Xiao Bai is very eager to devour it.

"Junior, don't blame those who don't know, you put the fire phoenix egg and the mountain and river-fire order back to the original place, the old man doesn't care about your theft, how about it?" Venerable Huotian was distracted and worried secretly, his current state was overwhelmed This little bug restrained himself and couldn't use many methods, so he could only look at Li Mu and persuade him with kind words.

Li Mu frowned, weighing the pros and cons.

Who knows if this guy can believe what he said, if he repents when the time comes, and the deity comes over in person, is he still alive?

If Xiaobai swallowed it, no one would know it, even if the real Huo Tian knew it, as long as he hid it, he would have nothing to do with him, and at the same time, he could harvest a seventh-level fire phoenix egg , and Nine Suns Spirit Grass, and other high-level spiritual plants.

Li Mu doesn't want to control his own destiny in other people's thoughts.

"Chichi!" Fearing that the master would be persuaded by him, Xiaobai suddenly became anxious and called out to Li Mu anxiously.

"Got it! You can eat!" Li Mu smiled slightly, having already made a choice, and motioned.

Xiaobai was overjoyed, opened his small mouth, and aimed at Venerable Huotian's distraction, and sucked it hard.

"Bold boy, dare you, I will never let you go,..., no, no,..." Venerable Huo Tian was startled and angry, and before he finished speaking, he flew into the room by himself. There was no sound in Xiaobai's mouth in an instant.

"Hic!" Xiaobai devoured Huotian Zhenzun distracted whole, and belched contentedly, his white and tender body was a little pink.

"Chichi!" Xiaobai moved his small body, and called out to Li Mu, indicating that he was going back to the spirit animal bag to sleep.

Xiaobai has gained a lot of benefits from devouring the distraction of the cultivator who transforms the spirit, this time it will sleep longer.

"Well, go to sleep!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and put Xiao Bai into the spirit animal bag.

Immediately, Li Mu put Shanhe-Huo Ling into the storage compartment. This object can only be stored in the storage compartment for a long time in the future. Relying on the ability of the storage compartment to isolate all forces, it prevents any force from locating and searching.

Li Mu thought for a while, and put the Tianxu Cauldron in the storage compartment. If there is no accident, he will not use it in a short time.

This is the world of cultivating immortals, and cultivators who transform gods should be able to use methods such as deduction, fortune-telling, and divination to obtain clues from Tianxu Dinggai.

As a precaution, Li Mu decided not to use the Tianxu Cauldron lightly.

Then, Li Mu changed the flying direction of the Tiansuo spirit ship, and flew straight towards Qingxuanzong. Huanlang Lingshan would not go, and water-type and wood-type spirit beasts would not be caught.

After being hunted down by the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, and also eliminated the distraction of the god-transforming monk-Honor Huotian, Li Mu didn't dare to continue wandering outside. Let's talk baby.

As long as there are more than ten years or even decades of spiritual plants planted, the cultivation base will be able to break through the Nascent Soul True Monarch. It is still too dangerous to take risks with only the cultivation base of the Jindan state.

After controlling the core array card of the cave, the Guxiu cave in Huanlang Lingshan will not run away again, so there is no need to rush there.

Soon, Li Mu drove the Tiansuo spirit ship, and drove away from the Wanyao Mountains quickly.

What Li Mu didn't know was that at the moment Xiaobai distracted and devoured Venerable Huotian, in a cave in a mountain thousands of miles away, there was a loud "boom", and a red fire shadow appeared through the sky , a painful howl erupted in the air.

"Who! Who the hell!"

Venerable Huotian roared loudly, and the spiritual pressure of the cultivator of Huashen poured out, scaring the faces of the four Yuanying Zhenjuns who were present at the scene to turn pale.

"Master Huo, what's the matter? What happened?" A beautiful female cultivator in a blue palace dress hurriedly flew forward and asked with concern.

"The distraction I placed on Tianfeng Mountain was destroyed, and the fire phoenix egg that was hatched hidden in Tianfeng Mountain was stolen." Venerable Huotian restrained his momentum and explained with an ugly expression.

"What! Who did it? Does the master know?" The palace skirt nun's complexion changed drastically, and she asked with concern.

The fire phoenix egg is the natal beast prepared by Venerable Huotian to break through to the next level. If it is stolen, the loss will be great!

"I don't know, the other party's methods are too superb, and the information about the soul power has not been spread out." His face was as dark as ink, and he said angrily.

"Where's the guardian sparrow! Didn't you find any enemies?" The nun asked again.

"It fell into someone else's trick, and it was just fighting with a thunder lion. I'll go and see!" Venerable Huotian said angrily. As soon as the words fell, the figure turned into a flame and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Venerable Huotian was going to arrest the sixth-level thunder lion first and ask him who the hell was, who easily broke through the protective formation he set up, and so simply wiped out his distraction without leaving a trace of clues.

(End of this chapter)

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