Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 142 The villain comes to the door

Chapter 142 The villain comes to the door
Three days passed in a flash.

Li Mu flew into the territory of Qingxuanzong with the Tiansuo spirit ship, put away the Tiansuo spirit ship, and walked with the sword. Put on the Qingxuanzong inner disciple uniform.

Flying low-key all the way, Li Mu returned to Yueqiong Peak. Looking at the familiar scenery around him, he felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart, and his fatigue was swept away.

Flying into Yueqiong Peak, Li Mu began to get busy, inspecting the spiritual fields, checking the growth of the third-level jade green lotus and the third-level Qingxu spiritual tea, and then recultivating a batch of spiritual fields, setting up gold element arrays, fire element arrays, etc. , Wooden Yuan Formation, expanding Lingtan, preparing for the planting of several third-order five-element spiritual plants.

Within a few days, Li Mu cleared out more than 300 acres of spiritual land, arranged a five-element unit array, and planted [-] acres: third-order ginseng, fifty acres: third-order kylin fruit, fifty acres: third-order wood Dragon vine, fifty acres: third-order golden sword grass.

The Lingxi water pool at the bottom has also been expanded by more than [-] acres, planted with [-] acres, three-level jade net green lotus, and a large amount of five-element spiritual material is used to assist the growth of several five-element spiritual plants. For a time, the entire Yueqiong Feng, full of spiritual power of the five elements.

Li Mu was full of joy, patrolling the spiritual field and inspecting the fruits of his labor. Suddenly, Li Mu sensed a messenger flying sword flying around outside the protective formation, like a headless fly, unable to bypass the magic formation to find him.

Seeing this, a strange look flashed across Li Mu's face, he hurriedly flew out of Yueqiong Peak with his Yujian, and took the Xunxun Feijian away.

It turned out that it was Yun Xiaozi who sent him a message Feijian, asking him if his retreat was over and if he had time, hoping to get together with him to catch up on the old days.

Li Mu thought for a while, did not refuse, released the Chuan Xun Feijian, and went as promised.

In Qingxuanzong, Li Mu has been living a low-key life, and the only people who can talk are Elder Yin of Bailian Peak and Yun Xiaozi.

Last time, Li Mu attacked the nine demon lords and rescued the Qingxuanzong elite, partly because of Yun Xiaozi's face.

Li Mu rose up with his sword and flew to Qingyun Peak.

Qingyun Peak, a spacious reception hall.

Yun Xiaozi hosted a banquet for Li Mu. On the table, there were delicious spirit meals, spirit snake soup, sauced monster meat, and various spirit fruits, spirit peaches, and spirit wine, which were extremely rich.

"Junior Brother Li, come and have a drink. This wine is the third-level spirit-calling wine. I finally bought it from Huanglongfang. It is good for improving your cultivation. Drink a few more glasses to ensure that you can advance to the Golden Core soon!" Yun Xiao Holding a wine glass, the son warmly greeted Li Mudao.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and raised his glass as a gesture.

After finishing speaking, Li Mu drank the spiritual wine in the cup in one gulp. The next moment, the spiritual wine entered his stomach and turned into a warm current that nourished his body and mind. However, the amount of enhancement of the true essence in Li Mu's body was very limited.

Li Mu couldn't help sighing in his heart, Yun Xiaozi's painstaking efforts were wasted!The spirit devouring body cultivation technique has been completed, and for this reason, he swallowed a large amount of high-level monster meat, which made his body and his cultivation base reach an extremely deep level. The improvement effect is very weak.

"Not bad! Come, have another drink." Seeing Li Mu's reminiscence, Yun Xiaozi hastily poured another glass for Li Mu.

"Senior brother Yun, I don't know what you want from me, but do you need a weapon?" Li Mu drank the spirit wine, looked at Yun Xiaozi with a smile and asked.

"That's true. The last time the attack was extremely dangerous, I plan to refine a fifth-tier defensive weapon, Junior Brother Li, are you sure?" Yun Xiaozi looked at Li Mu and asked shyly.

Hearing this, Li Mu immediately understood, and probably understood the reason why Yun Xiaozi was so courageous and wanted to refine a fifth-level defensive spirit weapon.

"Senior Brother Yun, to be honest, I can indeed refine a fifth-order spirit weapon, but the failure rate is too high, and I'm only [-] to [-] percent sure. I'm afraid I'm wasting the materials of Senior Brother Yun." Li Mu thought for a while, looked at Yun Xiao Zi replied truthfully.

"One to two percent! It's really not enough!" Yun Xiaozi nodded thoughtfully, hesitating whether to entrust Li Mu to refine it.

After all, the value of fifth-order materials is much higher than that of fourth-order materials.

In order to raise these fifth-order materials, Yun Xiaozi went bankrupt.

"Brother, if it doesn't work, you should entrust Elder Chen! To be honest, I'm not very sure about refining the fifth-order spiritual weapon." Li Mu said with a wry smile.

This time I went out and got the storage rings of nine demon lords, and harvested a large number of fifth-level refining materials. Li Mu also planned to refine some fifth-level spiritual weapons for himself.

However, Li Mu has been busy planting several third-order five-element spiritual plants recently, and has not yet started refining them.

"That's it! The success rate of Elder Chen and the others is not much higher. I believe in Junior Brother Li even more..." Yun Xiaozi said with a wry smile.

However, Yun Xiaozi hadn't finished speaking,

At this moment, a burst of explosion sounded suddenly in Qingxuanzong, and the guardian array suffered a huge impact, and a huge spiritual force erupted, shocking Qingxuanzong from top to bottom.

Yun Xiaozi quickly stood up and looked up at the sky in horror.


Master Qingfeng, the patriarch of Qingxuanzong's Transformation God, flew out of Qingxuan Peak to meet the enemies attacking the protective formation.

"Shanhe Zong - Venerable Huo Tian took the liberty to visit for something, and please forgive me, fellow Taoist." A loud voice spread throughout Qingxuanzong.

"Shanhezong? Where did the sect come from?"

"Shut up, Shanhe Sect and Xuantian Sword Sect are both great sects of immortality."

"What's going on, what did he come to our Qingxuanzong, and he attacked our sect's great formation."

"The visitor is not kind! I hope you are all right!"


Countless disciples of Qingxuanzong were discussing and uneasy. It was not easy for a Venerable Huashen to come to his door so aggressively.

"Junior Brother Li? Are you okay! Are you scared?" Yun Xiaozi looked at the pale-faced Li Mu and asked with concern.

"I, I'm fine, senior brother Yun, why don't you go and see what's going on! How could someone attack the sect!" Li Mu managed to regain his composure, and beckoned to Yun Xiaozi.

Hearing Venerable Huotian's voice, Li Mu just wanted to use his consciousness to check what was going on, but when he remembered something, he immediately stopped the thought, instead, let Yun Xiaozi spy on the situation.

"Alright then! Let's talk about the crafting at another time." Yun Xiaozi nodded and said in agreement.

"Well, I just have something to do, Senior Brother Yun, I'll take a step first." Li Mu nodded solemnly, and left Qingyun Peak with Yun Xiaozi.

After flying out of Qingyun Peak, the two parted ways.

Yun Xiaozi flew to Qingxuan Peak to deal with the unknown enemy together with the sect, while Li Mu flew towards Taixuan Peak with his sword, and went straight to the Contribution Hall, holding Buddhism temporarily, and then exchanged for a few hidden breaths, which can change the face .

Li Mu was terrified, forced himself to calm down, and prepared to gamble big, he did not believe that Venerable Huotian could find his position.

It must be looking for a needle in a haystack. The one who happened to find Qingxuanzong had no idea that he was the one who stole the fire phoenix egg and eliminated his distraction.

Li Mu walked quickly with his sword, and at the same time changed into the golden robe of the elder of the craftsman, and arrived at the Taixuan Peak Contribution Hall unimpeded all the way.

"Two people came, one is the ancestor of the God Transformation, and the other doesn't seem to be human, with blue hair and vertical pupils, it should be a transformed monster."

"Do you know what they are here for? How arrogant!"

"It shouldn't be! It seems to be asking Patriarch Feng to find someone for him!"

"It must be arrogant. That is the Shanhe Sect. They not only have Huashen Venerables, but also Mahayana Immortals!"

"No way! Shanhe Sect has Mahayana immortals? Is it true or not?"

"I will be satisfied if I can break through Nascent Soul in this life!"


As soon as Li Mu arrived at the Contribution Hall, he heard the discussions of the disciples queuing up.

Right now, the news of Shanhezong's visit to Venerable Huashen has spread throughout Qingxuanzong. As the news spreads and conveys,

The inside story of the news gradually became clear.

Hearing what they were discussing, Li Mu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. The situation was similar to what he had expected. Venerable Huotian was really looking for a needle in a haystack. He was probably out of Qingxuanzong. He also went to many sects. He does.

At the same time, Li Mu was satisfied that he did not let go of his spiritual sense to investigate the other party's behavior, and was very fortunate, if not, he would have been exposed now.

The transformed monster brought by Venerable Huotian should be the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion. That's right, that guy is also unlucky enough to be led by Venerable Huotan to search for his traces everywhere!It has suffered.

If he released his divine sense to spy just now, he would definitely be found by the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion. That guy has been chasing and killing him for so long, and he is quite familiar with the characteristics and breath of his divine sense. If his divine sense is discovered by him, he will definitely not be able to escape .

Li Mu was very glad that he endured it, and did not rashly use his spiritual sense to investigate. At the same time, he was also very happy. In order to meet Yun Xiaozi and prevent him from recognizing him, he used his full strength to perform Niyuan Xijue. .

Before, during the hunt with the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, Li Mu used all his true energy and spiritual power to escape with all his strength in the five-element escape technique, and his true aura was completely exposed under the eyes of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion.

It is different now, it is in the Ming Dynasty, Li Mu does not believe it, it can still find itself among the 10,000+ disciples of Qingxuanzong.

Without the accurate guidance of the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion, Venerable Huo Tian would definitely not be able to find him. This is something Li Mu is very determined to do, otherwise, he would be able to find him by himself, why bother to bring a monster in shape .

Just in case, Li Mu is still going to exchange a few concealment formulas to strengthen the concealment effect.

"Elder, please go ahead!" The disciples in front made gestures and gave way to Li Muli.

Li Mu nodded bluntly, and walked straight into the contribution exchange secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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