Chapter 143 The Boring Years
Qingxuanzong, the suzerain hall.

The ancestor of Huashen - Master Qingfeng, the suzerain - Qingyi, Qingyang, Qingchen, Zhou Hong, Chen Yuan, several Yuanying elders gathered in the main hall to discuss matters.

"So, this Shanhe Sect - Venerable Huotian came here to find that 'Jian Chen'." Master Qingfeng looked at several Nascent Soul Elders and asked confirmingly.

"Yes, the tracing information provided by Venerable Huotian is basically consistent with the 'Jian Chen' who rescued us." True Lord Qingyang replied with confirmation.

Master Qingfeng nodded, pondered for a moment, looked at the suzerain-Qing Yi, and ordered: "You tell me, if you find a golden core monk who is practicing the Five Elements Kung Fu, pay attention."

"Senior brother, 'Jian Chen' has shown great kindness to us, you are not going to tell Venerable Huotian the news, are you?" True Lord Qingchen said worriedly.

"You guys don't know much about that 'Jian Chen', its origin is unknown, even if you talk about it, it's useless, it will only add trouble, pay attention, it's just pretending, after all, this Mountain and River Sect, I can't afford to provoke it!" Master Qingfeng glanced at Zhenjun Qingchen unhappily, and sighed.

Hearing this, several True Monarchs couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, they don't want to be the ones who will avenge their kindness.

One drink and one cut, is it pre-determined, there must be a reason for the cause and effect.

Li Mu rescued Qingyang Zhenjun and others before, and in exchange for blessings, Qingxuanzong did not search for 'Jian Chen' because of the relationship with Venerable Huotian.

With the departure of the Mountain River Sect - Venerable Huo Tian, ​​Qingxuan Sect soon regained its calm.

Knowing about the Mountain and River Sect - Venerable Huotian, he took the sixth-level blue-scaled thunder lion to search for him everywhere, Li Mu became more aggressive, and even Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa stopped their hunting activities.

In the Taixuan Peak-Contribution Hall, the two Xuan-rank Hidden Qigongs that were exchanged, the Turtle Breath Hidden Spirit Jue, and the Five Elements Hidden Breath Jue, have been upgraded to the full level, and they are running every day, pretending to be a builder who practices fire-type kung fu. The monks in the middle stage of the foundation, except for the necessary supplies and receiving the task of refining weapons, almost never leave the gate or step out of the door, and live in Yueqiong Peak.

Later, Li Mu refined a fourth-order clone puppet. He quickly replenished supplies and received refining tasks using the clone puppet. He never left Yueqiong Peak.

Time flies, and 35 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During the 35 years, Qingxuanzong's disciple Dabi, Zongmen Grand Ceremony, Yun Xiaozi's invitation to travel, ..., and other matters that required to leave Yueqiong Peak, were all declined by Li Mu on the grounds of retreat and cultivation.

Among the 10,000+ inner sect disciples and core senior elders of Qingxuanzong, except for Yin Xianwen and Yun Xiaozi, almost no one has seen Li Mu, the craftsman elder, after so many years.

Moreover, Yueqiong Peak is shrouded in fog all year round, gradually becoming mysterious.

One woman, two men, three inner disciples, walking with swords, when they passed Yueqiong Peak, an older Foundation Establishment disciple hurriedly reminded: "Junior Sister Lin, don't fly there, there is the moon over there!" Qiongfeng."

"Why!" The immature-looking young female cultivator Yu Jian stopped and asked puzzledly.

"Yueqiong Peak, I don't know which elder is cultivating hard on this peak. He has set up a large number of magic circles and lost circles. If you go forward, you will easily get lost inside." The elder monk who established the foundation quickly reminded .

"That's right! There is a senior with a weird personality living in this peak, don't disturb him, Junior Sister Lin, come back quickly." Another male foundation-builder followed suit.

"All right!"

Seeing the dignified expressions of the two senior brothers, Lin Siqi quickly responded, and Yu Jian followed the two senior brothers to leave.

Lin Siqi turned her head and took a look at the mysterious Yueqiong Peak, and she could vaguely see the red light shining inside Yueqiong Peak, looking very powerful.

With the departure of the three inner disciples, inside Yueqiong Peak, Li Mu's expression relaxed slightly, and his eyes softened.

If they continued to approach, Li Mu had no choice but to take them down first, and then throw them out of Yueqiong Peak after being unconscious.

At this time, what happened at Yueqiong Peak should not be known to any outsiders.

Yueqiong Peak, with hundreds of acres of spiritual fields, is shrouded in the Five Elements Formation.

The third-level ginseng, the third-level kirin fruit, the third-level wood dragon vine, the third-level golden sword grass, the third-level jade green lotus, and five high-level spiritual plants thrived under the nourishment of the single-corresponding five-element array.

In the golden element array, a transformed gold spirit sword wandered in the air, and the third-order golden sword grass was golden in color, exuding a faint sword aura, and growing gratifyingly.

In the fire element formation, the third-order unicorn fruit spirit plant is as red as fire, with red fire fruits hanging there, not far from ripening and falling.

In the earth element array, the third-order earth element ginseng is flourishing, swallowing the earth element spirit energy, and the medicinal fragrance is pervasive.


The entire Yueqiong Peak is filled with a large amount of Five Elements spiritual energy, almost overflowing.

Over the years, Li Mu recultivated more than 200 acres of spiritual fields, all of which were successfully promoted to high-grade spiritual fields. Afterwards, all of them were planted with third-order five-element spiritual plants, arranged five-element arrays, and dropped countless five-element spiritual materials, making the entire Yueqiong Peak change. It became the peak of the Five Elements.

In order to cover a large amount of overflowing five-element spiritual energy, Li Mu arranged a large maze and phantom array regardless of the cost, thus covering up the abnormality of Yueqiong Peak.

Fortunately, Yueqiong Peak is located in a relatively remote spiritual peak at the core of Qingxuanzong headquarters, and few disciples pass by.

As for those who spread the word hastily, they were all dealt with secretly by Li Mu one by one.

Thirty-five years have passed, Yue Qiongfeng's reputation as someone with an eccentric personality who doesn't like to be disturbed by strangers has gradually spread among the disciples of the inner sect.

The maturity time of the third-order five-element spiritual plants is about 20 years. With Li Mu's investment regardless of the cost, the five-element array is arranged, and the growth time of these five-element spiritual plants is compressed to fifteen or sixteen years.

This batch of third-tier five-element spiritual plants is Li Mu's second batch of plantings in large quantities, and each has about [-] acres.

The previous batch of mature five-element spiritual plants provided a large amount of innate five-element spiritual power, which successfully raised Li Mu's cultivation base from the early stage of Golden Core to the late Golden Core stage, and raised the level of the Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic-Golden Core to level six.

It is comparable to other Jindan monks who have worked hard for a hundred years.

Now, it will only take another year or two before this batch of spiritual plants matures.

When these spiritual plants matured, it would be the day when they were promoted to the Nascent Soul Realm. Li Mu was very much looking forward to it, and continued to stay in Yueqiong Peak patiently.


In the stone courtyard, red wolves screamed excitedly around a puppet, as if they were begging for food.

The puppet held a steaming clay pot and beat a few pieces of monster meat into the red wolf's rice bowl, satisfying its request.

The red wolf buried its head in the dog bowl and began to eat with great mouthfuls.

Hearing the movement, Li Mu's figure flashed and appeared in front of a stone table in the stone courtyard.

The puppet has already prepared lunch, and there are three dishes and one soup on the stone table, marinated monster meat, stewed meat soup, fried bamboo shoots,..., steaming hot, fragrant.

As soon as Li Mu's figure appeared, a white light shot out from the room.

"Chichi!" The one-foot-long Xiaobai bounced off the stone table, and chirped at Li Mu, signaling that it wanted to eat too.

"You kid, you can eat more and more, you won't be able to go hungry for a while!"

Li Mu looked at Xiaobai who was begging for food, sighed angrily, took out a soul absorbing bottle from the storage ring and threw it to it.

"Ji!" Xiaobai jumped up happily, received the soul-absorbing bottle in the air, and bounced back to the stone house.

Xiaobai fell into a deep sleep after ingesting the distraction of Venerable Hotan, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, and only woke up five years ago.

Xiaobai's aptitude has been greatly improved. It originally only had the potential of the fifth level, but it has the potential to break through the sixth level. However, its requirements and quality of food have improved a lot.

As a last resort, Li Mu could only use his contributions to exchange a large number of high-level monster spirits in the sect to prepare rations for them, and even reduced the refining of spirit weapons with spirit weapons.

However, as soon as Xiao Bai was sent away with a fourth-order monster spirit, Li Mu was soon entangled again.

Two small figures, one gold and one black, flew to him together, with two pairs of big eyes, looking at him eagerly.

They are miniaturized Xiaojin and Xiaowa, they are all shrunk to half a foot in size.

Li Mu thinks that they are too big and the fourth-level momentum is too strong. Putting them in Yueqiong Peak will easily attract other disciples, and it is not easy to keep them in the spirit beast bag for a long time. Art, the Art of Stealth taught them.

After learning the method of shrinking and hiding breath, Xiaojin and Xiaowa's bodies can maintain a height of half a foot when they are not fighting, and the aura of the fourth-order monsters has also restrained.

However, although their size has shrunk, their appetites have not shrunk.

In the absence of hunting monsters, exchanging contributions for monster meat is far from satisfying their appetites. Helpless, Li Mu can only use third- and fourth-tier spirit beast pills to feed them.

Looking at the eager eyes of the two fellows, Li Mu reluctantly took out two bottles of spirit pills, Jinmaidan and Earth Spirit Pill from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and handed them to them respectively.



Xiaojin and Xiaowa took the pill bottles respectively, thanked Li Mu, turned and left with satisfaction.

Watching the two guys leaving with the pill bottle in their hands, Li Mu gave a wry smile. It would cost too much to raise two fourth-tier monsters without hunting.

Most of the large sums of spirit stone wealth obtained by the nine demon kings over the years have been spent on the two of them.

When they advance to the Nascent Soul Realm, they will be taken to hunt and work, and the panacea they eat will be spit out with profit.

Looking at the two guys who are eating the elixir, Li Mu thought bitterly.

"Master, this is the last dish, steamed silver dragon fish." The puppet put a plate of steamed fish on the stone table, introduced it to Li Mu through sound transmission, and then stood aside respectfully.

"Well! You don't need to wait on me anymore, you can sort out the materials in the material room!" Li Mu nodded, glanced at the puppet, and ordered.

"Yes!" The puppet obeyed respectfully, turned and walked towards the material room.

Watching the puppet leave, Li Mu showed satisfaction.

This puppet was made by him with the soul source core refined from the soul wood heart after erasing the consciousness of the demon king Nascent Soul, and the body was refined from the fifth-level star wood. Peak, also has a certain sense of autonomy, through the dual control of the Yuling Deed Seal and the puppet pattern, there is no risk of rebellion at all.

Li Mu taught it to do the work very easily, and now it is capable of cooking, taking care of pets, cleaning up daily hygiene, etc. It has become a good helper in his life.

Li Mu happily enjoyed the sumptuous food made by the puppets.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Li Mu finished his lunch and didn't need to clean up. The puppet will clean up and wash up consciously later.

Li Mufei landed on a recliner under a spirit peach tree, swayed the recliner, and took a lunch break habitually.

Chilang, who had finished his lunch, went to Li Mu's side and lay down, closing his eyes and resting in a similar manner.

Li Mu smiled, put his hand on the red wolf's head, and gently stroked it.

Enjoy a quiet, leisurely life.

In the past 35 years, Li Mu has completely lay flat on Yueqiong Peak. Except for the occasional need to take care of the third-level five-element spiritual plant, the frequency of refining spiritual weapons, drawing magical symbols, and refining puppets has also decreased.

Enjoying the days of being served by puppet puppets,

Most of the time, Li Mu likes to lie on the rocking chair, read a book, stroke the red wolf, and pass the time comfortably.

Waiting for the days to pass day by day, waiting for Lingzhi to grow.

Li Mu glanced at the virtual frame of the character from the corner of his eye, and before he knew it, he was already seventy years old!

【Role: Li Mu】

【Sex: Male】

【Shouyuan: 78/1850】

[Spiritual Root: Five Elements Eucharist]

[Innate supernatural powers: identify all spirits, plant spirits to absorb]

[Cultivation: Jindan Late Stage: 165W/9000W]

[Cultivation method: Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic (Tier-level top grade) Level 24: 24W/18000W, Nebula Observation Map (Top-level Heaven level) Tenth: 1/300W, Xuantian Sword Formation (Top-level Earth level) Level [-]: Consummation, devouring Spiritual Cultivation Art (prefectural level top grade) ninth level: Consummation, Yuling Deed (prefectural level low level) ninth level: perfection, ...,]

[Skills: Breeze Wind Calling Rain (Level 9): Consummation, Sword Control (Level 9): Consummation; Talisman Making (Level 5), Artifact Refining (Level 5), Array Formation (Level 5), .... 】

Small supernatural powers: Great Five Elements Escape Technique, Five Elements Illusionary Body, Illusion into Reality, God Refining and Melting Spirits, Gathering Stars and One Strike, Devouring Souls and Tempering Bones, Sword Heart Transforming Mind, Thousand-foot Sword Field, Soul Turning into Stars, Concentrating Stars, Concentrating on Stars, Yin and yang eyes, yin and yang complex pulse. ...

Free proficiency points: 2.871 million points

After reading the character attribute information, compared with his long life span of nearly 2000 years in the late Jindan stage, the ancient age seems to be still in his infancy.

Other Jindan monks usually can only live for five to six hundred years, and they can live longer, which is about 600 years. Only by breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm can their lifespan be raised to more than a thousand years, about 700 years.

However, after practicing the ancient kung fu - Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics, breaking through foundation building, and casting golden elixir, the body is washed one after another, and the five-element spiritual body is first achieved, and then the five-element holy body is achieved. The life expectancy is three to four times that of other ordinary golden elixir monks as much.

He also raised the Spirit Devouring Body Cultivation Technique to the full level, and his physical stamina and lifespan were also improved to a certain extent.

Li Mu believes that the number of lifespans may increase to more than 3000 years when he is promoted to Yuanying.

It's been too long, it's a bit boring!

Li Mu laughed at himself, feeling a little complicated.

After being promoted to Nascent Soul, I decided to go shopping again.

Watching Ling Zhi grow up in Yueqiong Peak, after so many years, Li Mu is a little quiet but wants to move.

However, it will take one or two years for those five-element spiritual plants to be harvested, so Li Mu can only force himself to calm down and continue guarding on Yueqiong Peak.

Li Mu let go of his spiritual sense a little bored, and used the technique of star concealment to covertly observe what happened in the Qingxuan sect with his spiritual sense.

(End of this chapter)

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