Chapter 144 Emergencies
Since the last time, the elite of Qingxuanzong were rescued and the nine demon lords of the Demon Sect were killed. The Nine Demon Sect suffered heavy losses, and their deeds became low-key.

The situation of Qingxuanzong has become much better. However, the battle of the Five Sect Alliance to open up the Ten Thousand Monster Mountains is still going on. During the past thirty years, many elite disciples died on the front line of pioneering. At the same time, a lot of fresh blood entered the sect.

Qingxuanzong basically maintains a slow development trend of neither strong nor big.

After scanning Li Mu's spiritual sense, he couldn't find anything interesting today.

Li Mu was about to withdraw his consciousness, when he suddenly discovered that two figures had sneaked into the Tianxuan Peak of Qingxuanzong, plotting something.

The Tianxuan Peak of Qingxuanzong is one of the seven main peaks of the sect. It has a tower for ascending to heaven and a platform for crossing robbery. It is the place where many inner disciples carry out their daily activities.

Like the Bailian Spirit Pagoda of Bailian Peak, the Sky-climbing Pagoda is one of the treasures of Qingxuanzong's sect. It is a sixth-order spiritual weapon that contains the tower spirit. The pagoda is the main place for Qingxuanzong to assess the disciples of the sect, hone the combat skills of the disciples of the sect, and test the qualifications of the disciples.

Foundation-building disciples can use part of their sect's contributions to climb the tower, and under the guardian circle blessed by the tower spirit, they can compete freely, hone their combat skills, and climb the tower.

There are hundreds of floors in the Climbing Tower, and there are guardians on each floor. If you succeed in defending the tower once, you can get a reward from the spiritual tower. If you don’t choose the guardian, you will be eligible to continue challenging. The richer the reward,...,
All in all, the higher one can climb in the Sky Tower, the better the aptitude.

Of course, there are some requirements to climb to the sky tower, the bone age must be within a hundred years old, and the cultivation level above the foundation.

Li Mu can fully meet these conditions. However, in order to keep a low profile, Li Mu has never participated in the challenge of ascending the sky tower, nor has he been to Tianxuan Peak once. He just glanced over occasionally when his consciousness swept over him. There is nothing worth paying attention to. of.

However, today, Li Mu accidentally discovered two special figures.

One is fat and the other is thin. There are two Jindan monks, wearing the robes of Qingxuanzong's true disciples. If Li Mu remembers correctly, the fat one is called Lin Xiancai, and the thin one is called Pei Yuanzi.

They didn't go to climb the Sky Pagoda or Cross the Tribulation Terrace, instead they went towards the eye of the Qingxuanzong's mountain protection formation. They acted suspiciously, Li Mu couldn't help but pay attention to their every move.

Qingxuanzong's mountain protection formation is called the Qijue Illusion Killing Formation, based on the spiritual veins of the seven main peaks of the sect, using the effect of the illusion killing maze, it can even draw a sword of heaven and earth to kill Wushuang.

Each of the seven main peaks of Qingxuanzong has an eye of the Qijue Illusory Killing Formation, which is used to connect the spiritual veins of the seven main peaks.

The formation eye hub of Tianxuan Peak is located in a secret cave behind the Ascending Tower. In the cave, there is a mountain guardian spirit beast - the fifth-order Tianxuan Spirit Turtle, guarding it together with the tower spirit of the Ascending Tower.
However, those two golden elixir disciples, one fat and one thin, used some means to deceive the pagoda spirit, and then released a filthy spiritual thing, which poisoned the mountain guardian spirit beast-the fifth-order Tianxuan spirit turtle, making it Falling into a drowsiness, he sneaked into the cave of the formation hub without any scruples, took out some formation disks and magic weapons, and prepared to destroy the mountain protection formation.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu immediately guessed something, and sighed helplessly, he would not let them succeed.

These two guys must be from other sects, or the insiders of the Demon Sect can't be wrong.

The purpose of sneaking into Qingxuanzong is to destroy Qingxuanzong's mountain protection formation.

It seems that the Qingxuanzong is calm on the surface, but in the dark, some forces are ready to invade. Once the Qingxuanzong's mountain protection formation is broken, the next time, it may be the time for this unknown force to invade.

Looking at it, the Five Elements Lingzhi will mature in a year or two, and the promotion of the Nascent Soul is just around the corner. Li Mu does not want to become a bereaved dog at this time.

With a big wave of Li Mu's hand, a stream of thick true energy pierced into a top-tier fourth-order spirit sword hovering in the golden element formation.

Immediately, with a bang, the fourth-order gold-type spirit sword that turned into a golden black eagle flew up from the gold element formation, turned into a golden light, and flew towards Tianxuan Peak at the speed of thunder. The location of the hole rushed away.

The gold-type spirit sword, galloping like lightning, left a golden rainbow in the air, which disappeared into the secret mansion of Tianxuan Peak in the blink of an eye.


Soon, there was a miserable howl, followed by a fierce weapon collision.

One fat and one thin, the two figures were forced out of the secret hole in the eye of the formation by a fourth-order spirit sword, rolling and crawling, covered with sword wounds.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye.

Near the rooftop, thousands of Foundation Establishment disciples and Jindan disciples who lined up to enter the tower watched the scene in amazement, not knowing why.

"What's going on? Which elder is that sword? Why did you attack Senior Brother Lin? Senior Brother Pei?"

"Senior Brother Lin, Brother Pei seems to have been kicked out of the forbidden area."

"What's going on? Brother Lin, what did Brother Pei do in the forbidden area?"

"Where's Senior Spirit Turtle! Why doesn't the old man come out?"


All the Foundation Establishment disciples and Jindan disciples surrounded Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi one after another, talking a lot, and no one dared to step forward to help.

That golden spirit sword is extremely sharp and the sword energy is so strong that even a late Jindan cultivator would find it difficult to resist the might of his sword.

The reason why Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi were able to sustain themselves under the sword and save their lives was because of the mercy of the spirit sword.

Knowing that Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi were driven out from the forbidden area of ​​the formation cave by a gold-type spirit sword, the face of the elder on duty at Tianxuan Peak changed drastically.

"Lin Xiancai, Pei Yuanzi is suspected of being a traitor. He trespassed in the forbidden area and poisoned the mountain guardian spirit beasts. The law enforcement disciples took them down immediately." The elder on duty shouted orders with a livid face.

As soon as the voice of the elder on duty fell, the gold-type spirit sword turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Four Jindan Law Enforcement disciples rushed forward, and within a short time, they captured Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi.

"A fourth-level spirit sword of the spirit transformation level! It's so mighty! I don't know which elder Zhenjun's flying sword it is."

"That's right! The gold-type spirit sword should belong to Elder Chen!"

"Elder Chen is mighty! He must have seen through the plot of the thief, controlled the spirit sword remotely, and drove the two of them out."

"Elder Chen is looking at Tianfeng! Such a long distance, such a powerful sword control ability, can easily take down two Jindan True Inheritances from such a distance!"

"Senior brother Lin, how could brother Pei be the internal response of the enemy sect! Could it be a mistake?"

"Knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts, they are good at forbidden areas, so they must have ulterior motives."


Thousands of disciples in the inner sect were talking about it. They were speculating about the purpose of Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi being good at the forbidden area, and those who were blocked by Yujian. This matter has become the most popular event in Qingxuanzong.

Qingxuanzong, Qingxuan Peak, Suzerain Hall.

The suzerain-Qing Gan, and a group of elders of the sect were invited to the main hall to make a resolution on this sudden incident.

"The Palace of Law Enforcement has already used soul searching techniques to find out. After being attacked, Lin Xiancai and Pei Yuanzi have successively been subjected to the Xuanyin Sect's method of sending gods, and have become flesh and blood puppets of the Nine Demon Sect. The purpose of this time is to destroy us. Zong's mountain protection formation." The law enforcement elder, Zhenjun Qingyuan, looked at the suzerain-Qinggan, and said with a serious expression.

"Elder Chen Yuan denies that he was not responsible for Yu Jian's destruction of the two puppets this time." The law enforcement elder, Zhenjun Qingyuan, showed a strange look on his face, and then introduced: "The other elders also asked After that, no one claimed this action, I don’t know if it was done by the two Supreme Elders.”

"Probably not, both of them are retreating, and neither of them used the spirit-transforming-level gold-type spirit sword. It seems that it was the one who did it." The suzerain-Qing Gan shook his head and judged.

Hearing this, all the elders frowned, and immediately knew who the suzerain was talking about.

Before, disciples of the Nine Demon Sect frequently invaded Qingxuanzong's mansion, and most of them were attacked. In critical moments, it was a mysterious person in the sect who took the initiative to remotely control several spirit swords of the spirit transformation level, and rescued them again and again.

Since he couldn't find out his identity, he placed the title of saving the disciples on Patriarch Qingfeng's head.

Now, he made another move and successfully prevented the Nine Demon Sect from destroying the Qingxuanzong's mountain protection formation. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to save the entire Qingxuanzong.

However, for such a great achievement, they don't know who to thank, which is really helpless!

"Since he doesn't want to show his face, let's not delve into this matter. At present, we need to be prepared to deal with the Nine Demon Sect. They enslave the sect's disciples and destroy the sect's mountain protection array. The plot must be serious." Qing Gan Zhenjun looked around at the elders present, and said with a stern expression.

Hearing this, the expressions of the thirteen elders of the True Monarchs at the scene were all shocked.

That's right, dealing with the Nine Demon Sect's invasion is the key point right now. They dare to enslave the sect's disciples and destroy the mountain protection formation. The next plot is definitely not small.

"Elder Lin, please go to the Tianyan Sect and tell them to strengthen the protection of the sect so as not to be defeated by the Nine Demon Sect." Qinggan Zhenjun looked at an elder and ordered.

"Okay!" Elder Lin readily agreed.

"From now on, the rewards for the core personnel of the Nine Demon Sect will be doubled. In addition, please hold the battle hall and draw up a counterattack plan against the Nine Demon Sect. Come and go without indecent assault. We must suppress the arrogance of the Nine Demon Sect!" " Qinggan Zhenjun looked at the elder in battle and motioned.


"Elder Yin, how is the refining progress of the Golden Flame Battleship, how many ships have been refined?" Qinggan Zhenjun looked at Bailian Peak - Yin Xianwen, and asked with concern.

"Returning to the suzerain, 26 Golden Flame warships have been refined. According to the current refining speed, if there is no shortage of materials, two ships can be refined every year." Yin Xianwen replied quickly.

"That's right, but it's not enough. Tier [-] battleships need at least a hundred ships to form a certain combat power. Elder Yin, increase the contribution of Tier [-] shipbuilding, let more elders and disciples participate as much as possible, and cultivate more ship refiners Go! If possible, the sect is going to participate in the trade fair in Wanbao City, and we will try our best to get the fourth-order spirit ship blueprint for you." Qinggan Zhenjun nodded, looked at Yin Xianwen and said with a heavy tone.

"Understood, I will make arrangements again!" Yin Xianwen cheered up and nodded quickly in response.

Soon, under the auspices of Qinggan Zhenjun, the senior officials of Qingxuanzong continued to discuss, and made an action plan to strengthen the defense and patrol forces of the sect and launch an attack and retaliation against the Nine Demon Sect.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Li Mu. After quietly taking back the gold-type spirit sword, he continued to put it on Yueqiong Peak.

Ten days passed in a flash.

"Master, the monster meat in the ice cellar is about to run out!" After the puppet served Li Mu a spiritual meal of meat porridge, his spiritual sense informed Li Mu.

"Yeah! I see." Li Mu nodded and continued to drink the porridge.

After eating the meat porridge spiritual meal, Li Mu thought about it, and greeted Xiaobai, Xiaojin, and Xiaowa through the deed seal.

After a while, the three little guys arrived after hearing the news, Xiao Bai's figure bounced into Li Mu's pocket, Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa respectively entered the spirit animal bag.

Li Mu restrained his breath, took out his Linglong mask and put it on, stood up with his sword, and went to Qingyun City in person, preparing to deliver a batch of spirit weapons that had been delayed for a long time to Wanbao Pavilion, and purchase another batch of supplies.

Qingyun City is much larger than it was 35 years ago, and it is extremely prosperous. Wanbao Pavilion is still the core of Qingyun City. Customers come in and out, and the store is crowded with people.

"Master Li, you are here! You go to the inner hall and sit down for a while, and I will inform the shopkeeper Gongsun." The female receptionist saw Li Mu's figure and quickly gestured respectfully.

Li Mu nodded, and walked to the reception room in the inner hall familiarly.

Meeting room.

Li Mu had just sat down, enjoying the spirit tea offered by the maid, when a burst of hurried footsteps followed.

"Master Li, you are here, I want to die as a concubine!" Gongsun Chu entered through the door, looked at Li Mu, and said with resentment on his face.

"Haha, shopkeeper Gongsun, you have to speak clearly! What you are thinking of is the spiritual weapon, not the old man!" Li Mu laughed, and then waved his hands, six fourth-order spiritual weapons flew out from the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

Looking at the six fourth-grade top-grade spiritual weapons corresponding to the aura, Gongsun Chu's eyes lit up, his resentment disappeared, and he showed a bright smile: "Master Li, I miss the spiritual weapon, and I also miss you! You have a good time Not here, the last time you came here in person, it was a year ago!"

"Almost! I just need to retreat to practice recently." Li Mu smiled and explained casually.

"Last time, what did you think about the matter I told you?" Gongsun Chu nodded, put away the sixth- and fourth-tier spiritual weapons, and asked Li Mu.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned.

"There's a time conflict, I'll make another arrangement!" Li Mu sighed, hesitantly unwilling to agree.

"Master Li, the auction in Wanbao City is held once in a hundred years. There are many Nascent Soul True Monarchs and Huashen Venerables participating in this auction. There must be many high-level spiritual objects appearing at that time. The sky fire you have always wanted, the high-level alchemy Materials for utensils have a high probability of appearing, it would be a pity if you miss this opportunity!" Gongsun Chu looked at Li Mu and persuaded again.

The headquarters of Wanbao Pavilion in Wanbao City is about to hold a grand auction. Gongsun Chu invites Li Mu to try his luck.

However, it is only about nine months before the Wanbao City Auction starts, with a distance of 10,000+ miles, it is necessary to start in advance.

However, Li Mu really didn't want to leave Yueqiong Peak before he was promoted to Nascent Soul, so he didn't give her an accurate answer to Gongsun Chu's invitation.

Now, when Gongsun Chu asked again, Li Mu hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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