Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 146 Three-Tailed Demon Fox Xue'er

Chapter 146 The Three-Tailed Demon Fox - Xue'er
Li Mu chased the three-tailed demon fox to a dense forest outside Qingyun City.

Under the cover of spiritual consciousness, the two figures hidden in it have nothing to hide.

Li Mu took the first step, Mu Dun 'cracked' out of an ancient tree, the direction of the three-tailed demon fox's escape was this place, one of the two young golden core monks should be its owner.

The two Golden Core monks were both wearing the robes of Qingxuanzong's true disciples, and a round-faced monk in a golden robe. His cultivation was at the early stage of Golden Core, and his aura was vain. Presumably, in order to maintain this cultivation, he took a lot of high-level elixir, and his foundation was not solid.

Another white-clothed Jindan late-stage cultivator next to him is an acquaintance, and Li Mu also has a vague impression.

If it is correct, it is the Jindan disciple who was expelled from Yueqiong Peak by him before, what is his name?By the way, it's called Wang Jianfeng.

Seeing Li Mu's appearance, both of them were surprised.

The next moment, the three-tailed demon fox followed closely, his eyes fell on the side of the round-faced monk timidly, and he let out a few "chirp" calls.

"Useless trash! Go away." The round-faced monk cursed bitterly, turned to look at Li Mu, and smiled: "Elder Li, I'm sorry, but this fox spirit doesn't understand, and I don't know the seriousness. I let it invite you. I didn't want to surprise you."

Li Mu frowned, glanced at the round-faced monk, and turned to look at Wang Jianfeng. If there was no accident, the attack he suffered this time should be instigated by this kid.

"I didn't expect you to have advanced to the Golden Core! You hid it really deep! Could it be that you have an ulterior purpose." Wang Jianfeng met Li Mu's gaze and smiled coldly.

The round-faced monk showed a look of surprise, and asked with a smile: "Yes! Elder Li, when did you advance to Jindan? No wonder my spiritual pet will miss."

"That's why you invited people? Qingyun Zhenjun is too focused on cultivation, he doesn't care about your growth!" Li Mu said something to the round-faced monk, and looked sideways at the three-tailed little fox, suspecting that the little fox deliberately laid a heavy hand to cause trouble for its master.

Oh shit!

A fox demon is a fox demon, it must be thinking of a way to escape!
Li Mu looked at the three-tailed little fox demon, as if he wanted to see something from its pair of black and rolling eyes.

"Elder Li, it seems that you know my identity, but you don't. Would you like to help Tian refine a spiritual weapon?" The round-faced monk turned dark, and looked at Li Mu with a smile and asked.

Li Mu has secretly observed the Qingxuanzong with his spiritual sense for so many years, and he already knows his origins. He is the eldest grandson of Qingyun Zhenjun, the core senior of the Qingxuanzong, Tian Wenjie.

Today, there is such a way to find him, so you don't need to think too much, you just ask him to refine the weapon.

Only the third generation of immortals would invite people in this way. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the three-tailed demon fox deliberately aggravated his actions.

Just now, the fox lured him into the illusion, with extremely vicious intentions, leading to the deepest memories in his heart, and even had the tendency to give birth to a demon in him.

Li Mu's eyes were deep, staring at the three-tailed demon fox, he didn't pay any attention to the question of a third-generation dude.

"Elder Li, you are still so defiant! Brother Tian is asking you something! Elder Li should look at the Buddha's face if he doesn't look at the monk's face! Isn't Elder Qingyun selling face!" Wang Jianfeng chuckled and looked at Li Mu coldly.

Hearing this, Tian Wenjie's face became very ugly, and he looked at Li Mu with a dark face, waiting for his reply.

"When did you guys set your sights on me?" Li Mu glanced at Wang Jianfeng, not caring about his provocation, but more concerned about another issue.

After leaving Yueqiong Peak, Li Mu always paid attention to the wind and grass around him, and was very careful. However, he didn't find anyone following him in the dark, and he didn't expect that he would fall into the illusion.

"It's simple. There are people from us in Wanbao Pavilion. It's no secret that Elder Li is in Wanbao Pavilion as a craftsman." Tian Wenjie smiled and introduced proudly.

"Elder Li, you are willing to refine weapons for Wanbao Pavilion, so it shouldn't be difficult to accept Junior Brother Tian's request for refining weapons!" Wang Jianfeng glanced at Tian Wenjie, cursed an idiot in his heart, and told him what to do.

Li Mu suddenly realized that the problem did not originate from him.

"If you want to refine weapons, go to Elder Yin. I will only accept the Zongmen's weapons refining entrustment from him." Li Mu said lightly, not wanting to delay with them any longer, turned around and was about to leave.

"Oh, Junior Brother Tian, ​​I have already said that Elder Li won't give face, I guessed it!" Hearing Li Mu's response, Wang Jianfeng was not surprised but pleased, and looked at Tian Wenjie with a sneer and signaled.

Tian Wenjie was furious, a mere craftsman elder dared to show him a face.

"Stop, don't go." Tian Wenjie glared at Li Mu angrily, and scolded.

Li Mu stopped, turned to look at Tian Wenjie, then at Wang Jianfeng, frowning, thinking about countermeasures.

This Tian Wenjie is an idiot, and someone surnamed Wang is instigated by the side, adding fuel to the fire. This trouble is really hard to solve.

Sensing Li Mu's gaze, Wang Jianfeng smiled coldly, his face was full of coldness, he wanted to use Tian Wenjie's hand to take revenge on him.

The matter of being kicked out of Yueqiong Peak, Wang Jianfeng regarded it as a great shame in this life, and it almost became his inner demon. It was rare to catch this opportunity, so he had to let out his breath no matter what, otherwise, this matter might become his inner demon that might appear during the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

"What, didn't I say it clearly enough? If you want to refine the weapon, go to Bailian Peak to ask Elder Yin to make an entrustment." Li Mu frowned, looked at Tian Wenjie and reiterated.

He was really curious about what kind of means this third generation of immortals could use to oppress him.

Over the years, Li Mu has refined a lot of spiritual weapons for Qingxuanzong, and his daily behavior is low-key, but his weight in the high-level sect is not comparable to that of ordinary elders.

What's more, Qingxuanzong's sect rules have always been strict, even if they face Qingyun Zhenjun Li Mu, they are not afraid of him, let alone a three-generation immortal.

Facing Li Mu's fearless gaze, Tian Wenjie suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. The elders and disciples he faced before were afraid of his identity and never dared to show him face.

However, an elder like Li Mu who doesn't take softness and toughness, but relies on his ability to make a living, is not afraid of his grandfather's reputation, so he really can't come up with any means to deal with it.

Tian Wenjie's brain turned sharply, and he immediately thought of something. With a chuckle, he threatened: "Elder Li, what are you doing to hide your cultivation level? You have to pretend to be a Foundation Establishment cultivator even though you have a Golden Core cultivation level? Is there any other purpose?"

"By the way, you made Wuxing Mutun just now! Our sect has placed a lot of rewards, Jindan monks, Wuxing, I have it, I suspect that you are the monk who was followed by the venerable Shanhezong." Tian Wenjie took the disciple's order and threw himself into his spiritual consciousness, talking endlessly.

As soon as Tian Wenjie said this, Li Mu's face changed drastically. He never expected that this guy was wrong, and he really hit the mark.

Watching Li Mu's expression, Wang Jianfeng was slightly startled.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental!

Did he really hit the mark?

No way!
"Oh! What do you want?" Li Mu completely let go of his consciousness, and the matter could no longer be settled simply.

If Venerable Huo Tian of Shanhezong knew his hiding place, then there would be an endless pursuit.

Li Mu is still waiting for the Five Elements Spirit Plant to mature and advance to the Nascent Soul, and he doesn't want to fall short at such a critical moment.

So the only thing that can be done now is silence.

"It's very simple, do as I say, and help me refine one spiritual weapon. If you don't have two, I will consider not reporting you." Tian Wenjie's eyes lit up, and he vowed.

"Young Master Tian, ​​run!" Wang Jianfeng already sensed the dangerous aura on Li Mu's body, he said a few words, turned around and fled.

However, Li Mu would not allow him to escape easily, and his figure disappeared into the ground. The next moment, there was a sound of fighting, and within a short effort, there was a howl of misery.

Tian Wenjie shivered, and watched Elder Li slowly fly towards him with Wang Jianfeng, who was dead or dead, in one hand, full of murderous intent.

"Elder Li, you, you, me, me..." Tian Wenjie looked at the murderous Li Mu, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak, his hands and feet couldn't control him.

Escape, how to escape!
Wang Jianfeng's reaction was fast enough!However, it has not run far!He was caught right away.

This efficiency, I am afraid that his grandfather Qingyun Zhenjun can't do it himself!
"What kind of waste was born by Master Qingyun!" Li Mu glanced at Tian Wenjie in disgust, and raised his knife.

Tian Wenjie only felt his mind go dark, his neck hurt, his eyes went dark immediately, and he completely lost consciousness.

Looking at Tian Wenjie who was limp on the ground, Li Mu dropped Wang Jianfeng casually, his figure flashed, and he fled away again.

When he came back again, Li Mu was holding a little fox with three tails in his hand, struggling with a "quack".

"Be honest with me, or I'll kill you." Li Mu angrily reprimanded, and then released the Tiansuo spirit ship, Wang Jianfeng and Tian Wenjie were lifted into the spirit ship by his divine sense.

With a "whoosh", the Tiansuo spirit ship soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.


Yueqiong Peak, a closed stone room.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Tian Wenjie clutched his head, waking up from a lethargic sleep and screaming in pain.

"Senior Brother Wang, are you alive? Where are we?" Tian Wenjie endured the pain, looked around, and saw Wang Jianfeng staring at him with a complicated expression.

"It should be in Yueqiongfeng's prison." Wang Jianfeng guessed coldly.

"Why? Then Elder Li wants to imprison us?" Tian Wenjie's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately forgot about the headache.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​why are you so smart that you can guess the details of Elder Li, and dare to tell him in front of him?" Wang Jianfeng sneered at Tian Wenjie for a while.

Thanks to Tian Wenjie, the truth about 'Elder Li' was exposed, and he was also in bad luck.

He never expected that this Elder Li could be related to the Shanhe Sect - Venerable Huotian, he is a cultivator of Huashen!A person who can't be hunted down even by the cultivators who transform themselves into gods, can that be a simple character?
However, Tian Wenjie's letter exposed the person who could not even be traced by the cultivator of Huashen.

I went to provoke such a character.

Wang Jianfeng didn't know whether to thank Tian Wenjie or to blame him.

"I'll just say it casually, who knows that Elder Li's identity is really that! What should we do, will Elder Li kill us to silence us?" Tian Wenjie asked with concern with a sad face.

"Probably not. Once we die, the soul lamp we placed in the Patriarch Hall will be extinguished. At that time, the sect will definitely investigate to the end. That's why 'Elder Li' didn't kill us." Wang Jianfeng thought carefully and guessed.

"That's good, that's good!" Tian Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he had exhausted himself to save himself.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​don't be too optimistic, we can't die, but we can't escape!" Wang Jianfeng reminded, wanting to cry.

Hearing this, Tian Wenjie looked around immediately, and saw that they were imprisoned in a deep hole of more than ten feet, surrounded by green steel rocks as hard as iron, so steep that ordinary people would definitely not be able to escape.

Tian Wenjie mobilized his true energy silently, and his dantian was restricted, unable to connect with the golden core in his body, the whole body's true energy could not be mobilized, the same was true for the soul, and the divine consciousness could not be released.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​it's useless. The restraints imposed by 'Elder Li' are extremely clever, and you can't break free." Wang Jianfeng sighed and reminded.

"How dare he do this?" Tian Wenjie became impatient. He had been pampered and pampered for half his life, and he couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying scene it would be to be trapped in this dark hole all the time.

"'Elder Li' even dared to offend Venerable Huotian of the Shanhe Sect, so what else can't he do? Brother Tian, ​​please be careful!" Wang Jianfeng sighed, feeling extremely depressed.

On the ground, in the stone courtyard.

A table of sumptuous delicacies, a snow-white three-tailed little fox, sat on the table, nibbled fiercely, and ate a roast chicken.

Seeing the three-tailed little fox spitting and gorging, Li Mu couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

This little guy has an unusual background, how to deal with it is a problem.

It definitely won't work to kill it directly, and it won't work to contract it with the Yuling Deed Seal.

The safest way is to send it back to the territory of the Fox Clan in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain Range.

Soon, Li Mu made a decision. After he was promoted to Nascent Soul, he would go there personally and send this little demon fox back to the fox clan's territory.

"Little guy, let me take you back to your hometown, okay? I've seen your mother!" Li Mu looked at the three-tailed little fox and asked tentatively.

Hearing this, the three-tailed little fox looked up at Li Mu, rolled his eyes blackly, turned around, ignored Li Mu, and continued to bury his head in eating roast chicken.

"What I'm saying is true. Your mother is a seven-tailed snow fox, right? After she transformed, she has a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, a fair oval face, curved eyebrows, and a pair of big watery eyes. She is wearing a three-color floral dress. In order to find you, she almost got into a fight with Master Qingfeng last time." Li Mu continued his efforts, and then introduced.

The three-tailed little fox turned around abruptly, and the voice of a girl's spiritual consciousness came to Li Mu's consciousness sea, and asked with concern: "Have you really seen my mother? Did they fight? Then, where did my mother go?"

"Can you talk?" Li Mu cheered up and asked in surprise as he looked at the three-tailed little fox.

"No, Xue'er hasn't transformed yet, so she can't speak, so she can only communicate with you through her spiritual sense." The three-tailed little fox stared at Li Mu and signaled.

"That's fine, as long as you can communicate." Li Mu couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. After all, he has the potential of a high-level monster. Unlike Xiaojin and Xiaowa, he only wants to listen to him and has never communicated with him through sound transmission. The same is true for Xiaobai.

"You haven't told Xue'er yet, where is my mother?" The three-tailed little fox stared at Li Mu, and then asked.

"I don't know about that. It happened decades ago. If you send you back to Wanyao Mountain, you can just go home and have a look!" Li Mu quickly replied.

"No, Xue'er, don't go back, I will be forced to practice every day when I go home, so I don't want to go home!" The three-tailed little fox refused without thinking, and continued to bury her head in eating roast chicken, ignoring Li Mu.


Li Mu couldn't help being dumbfounded. Hearing the voice of the three-tailed little fox imparting knowledge, he seemed like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl who was in the rebellious stage.

(End of this chapter)

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