Chapter 147 Jade Dragon Yang Grass
Li Mu added a trapping demon formation on Yueqiong Peak, a yin and yang separation spirit formation, to prevent the possibility of the three-tailed demon fox and two Golden Core monks escaping from Yueqiong Peak.

It took only one or two years to advance to the Nascent Soul Realm.

After being promoted to Nascent Soul, Li Mu is almost ready to leave Qingxuanzong, and it is not too late to imprison them first, and then deal with them.

After the third-order demon fox finished eating the roast chicken, Li Mu called out Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa, took the little demon fox down to watch it, and then ignored it.

Li Mu took out two disciple tokens from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, which were the identity tokens of Tian Wenjie and Wang Jianfeng, looked at the two tokens, and frowned thinking about something.

The Yuanying Thunder Tribulation is imminent, and Li Mu has been thinking about the location of the Yuanying Thunder Tribulation.

When crossing the Yuanying Thunder Tribulation, should he go out to the sect to find a land without an owner and hide to survive the tribulation, or borrow the sect's tribulation platform, or ask Gongsun Chu to help him find a place to cross the tribulation.

There are pros and cons to each of the three approaches.

Looking for a land without an owner to cross the tribulation in the wild, then there may be a situation like the sixth-order blue-scaled thunder lion encountered an ambush when it crossed the tribulation, and was peeped by other tribulation repairs and high-level monsters.

It would be great if you could borrow Qingxuanzong's Crossing Tribulation Terrace to cross the tribulation. Firstly, with the sect as the backing, the danger becomes extremely low. Second, with the blessing of the Crossing Tribulation Platform, the success rate of crossing the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation is also greatly increased. There are many benefits.

However, Li Mu has never revealed his true cultivation in Qingxuanzong. If he uses Qingxuanzong's Crossing Tribulation Platform, his identity will be exposed at a very high probability.

Therefore, Li Mu is more inclined to use the third method, relying on the power of Wanbao Pavilion, to find a place to overcome the catastrophe outside, which is why Li Mu revealed his true cultivation to Gongsun Chu.

However, relying on the Wanbao Pavilion to cross the tribulation still has to take certain risks, it is far less safe than crossing the tribulation within the sect.

Now, with Wang Jianfeng's discipleship order, he is also at the late stage of Jindan, and he is not far from Du Yuanying's Thunder Tribulation. Li Mu can use his discipleship order to apply to the sect to cross the tribulation platform with his identity.

The only thing that needs to be solved is the problem of disguise.

Li Mu took off the Linglong mask that he had been wearing for a long time, and under the gifted supernatural power - identifying all spirits, the attribute information of the Linglong mask was presented in the virtual frame of the character.

【Linglong mask (3/3)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact]

[Characteristics: Changing face and changing face, disguised breath, as if it were an illusion. 】

[Using exquisite spar, magic moon stone, and red copper secret method to refine the imitation face device, after refining, paste it on the face to generate a fake human face ([-]). The three faces have been locked, and after wearing it, inject spiritual power to identify them. 】

Looking at the attribute information of the Linglong mask, Li Mu couldn't help frowning. He had used all three of the mask's disguised faces, one was himself from the original world, the other was the face of Old Zhang, and the other was an ordinary-looking middle-aged monk.

If he wanted to pretend to be Wang Jianfeng, he might have to refine a new mask.

The rank of the Linglong mask is too low, only the third rank, and it is easy to show flaws in front of high-ranking monks.

"Forget it, let's refine another one!" Li Mu weighed the pros and cons and decided immediately.

Immediately moved by the heart, Li Mu's spiritual sense invested in the Jiuzang Lingzhu, looking for refining materials suitable for refining the camouflage mask.

Li Mu has a lot of fourth- and fifth-level refining materials. However, there are not many materials suitable for refining camouflage masks. A fifth-level wish-fulfilling stone, a piece of fifth-level phantom spirit soil, and a fifth-level phantom blood spirit crystal are still a bit short of refining them. Li Mu is going to find more suitable mask materials that need two or three suitable materials.

Li Mu thought for a while, took out Wang Jianfeng and Wang Wenjie's storage bracelets, and prepared to check the harvest on them to see if there was any verification material.

However, Wang Jianfeng and Tian Wenjie are still alive, and the storage bracelet is restricted by their spiritual consciousness, so it is quite troublesome to break it violently.

Li Mu put on the Linglong mask, his figure flashed, and Tu Dun appeared in the prison cave.

Wang Jianfeng and Tian Wenjie, who were in a daze at the bottom of the cave, were startled, and looked at Li Mu in horror.

"Elder Li, please let us go! We will never reveal your identity, and I would like to make an oath of heaven." Wang Jianfeng thought of something, and hurriedly begged Li Mu.

"Yes! Yes! I am also willing to make an oath to the Dao of Heaven. If I reveal a word, I will never be able to improve my cultivation." Tian Wenjie nodded and swore sincerely.

Li Mu chuckled, quite satisfied with the two people's sensible attitude, but, in order to avoid accidents, he didn't intend to let them go.

"It's only now that I realize that I regret it. It's too late. You guys should stay here for three to five years." Li Mu looked at the two with a smile, took out their storage bracelets, and ordered, "Come here and release the restriction. I'll see what materials I can use."

Wang Jianfeng stepped forward wisely, picked up his storage bracelet, and gestured: "Master Li, my cultivation and spiritual consciousness are forbidden by you! I can't use it now."

Li Mu nodded, and stretched out his hand to shoot a beam of true energy at Wang Jianfeng.

Wang Jianfeng was refreshed, and immediately exuded the aura of a golden core monk, his dantian was lifted, and his cultivation was completely restored.

Wang Jianfeng didn't move extra. After untying his own storage bracelet, he handed the storage bracelet to Li Mu, and obediently stood aside.

Seeing this, Tian Wenjie quickly stepped forward and took the storage bracelet: "Master Li, and me, I have also been banned."

Cultivation was banned, just like a high-ranking immortal being demoted to a mortal, losing all supernatural powers and strengths. Tian Wenjie felt such a big gap for the first time since he was a child, and he was eager to restore his cultivation.

Li Mu gave Tian Wenjie a meaningful look, waved out a beam of real energy, and temporarily released the restraint on Tian Wenjie.

Tian Wenjie recovered his cultivation, overjoyed, immediately took out a spirit sword from the storage bracelet, and shouted: "Senior Brother Wang, let's take him down together."

Wang Jianfeng didn't move at all, just looked at Tian Wenjie like an idiot.


With a "bang", Tian Wenjie, who had just rushed up, was sent flying by Li Mu's punch, and slammed into the stone wall hard.

"Wow! It hurts me too!" Tian Wenjie vomited blood and screamed in pain. It felt like all the bones in his body were shattered, and there was pain everywhere.

Li Mu chuckled, took Tian Wenjie's spirit sword and storage bag, looked at Wang Jianfeng who stood still for a long time, and praised with a smile: "You have a good look, you don't look like that idiot at all."

"Elder Li, you are absurd. Jianfeng made a mistake once, so how could he make a second mistake?" Wang Jianfeng smiled wryly and responded respectfully.

"Well! Stay well, don't think about running away, after two or three years, I'll consider letting you out again." Li Mu nodded with a smile, his figure fled away, and disappeared at the bottom of the cave.

Soon, only Tian Wenjie's painful howling was left in the dark prison cave.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?" Wang Jianfeng walked forward helplessly to check Tian Wenjie's injuries.

"It hurts, it hurts, it's killing me! The sternum is broken, why?" Tian Wenjie screamed in pain and asked puzzled.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​you are too impulsive. Didn't I already say that! Then Elder Li is someone who dares to provoke even the Venerable, and you and I can't deal with it. To put it bluntly, even our suzerain is probably not his opponent. Even if you and I fully recover, we can't take him down together. Besides, the restraint between you and me is only temporarily lifted." Wang Jianfeng explained with a wry smile.

As soon as Wang Jianfeng's words fell, the aura of a golden core cultivator dissipated from him, and the spiritual pressure on his body seemed to be shut off from the source, and gradually subsided.

Seeing this scene, Tian Wenjie, who wanted to say something more, suddenly lost his words.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​please stay here. The 'Elder Li' has no doubts. Without his consent, we may find it difficult to get out of this prison." Wang Jianfeng sighed and resigned himself to persuading Tian Wenjie.

"No! Absolutely! If he knew that I was missing, my grandfather would definitely come to save me." How could Tian Wenjie, who had never suffered a lot since childhood, accept his fate willingly, he said with great confidence.

Hearing this, Wang Jianfeng smiled wryly. He really hoped that Qingyun Zhenjun would find him, but this hope was extremely slim!
Wang Jianfeng had personally experienced the power of 'Elder Li'. He was defeated by a single move, and he was also knocked unconscious by his punch. The unpredictable five-element evasion technique, as strong as a high-level monster's body, these two methods alone, even Yuanying Zhenjun is difficult to deal with, not to mention that he is also good at refining weapons and forming formations.

Looking at the situation around the prison cave and the upper part covered by powerful formations, Wang Jianfeng didn't think that Qingyun Zhenjun had the ability to find this place.

Thinking of this, Wang Jianfeng sat down cross-legged silently, closed his eyes and meditated.

"My storage bracelet, no! I can't open it!" Suddenly, Tian Wenjie thought of something, his complexion changed drastically, and he howled anxiously.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Wang Jianfeng asked puzzled.

"I, I, I..." Tian Wenjie's eyes flickered, and he didn't know whether to tell him about it.

As the grandson of Qingxuanzong's core executives, Tian Wenjie has more privileges than other true disciples. With his character, in order to break through the golden core as soon as possible, it is inevitable to use some methods of sect prohibition.

It is inevitable that there will be some prohibited items in the storage bracelet, not to mention, not to mention, there are his personal love and...

Thinking of the contents of the storage bracelet, if it is exposed, Tian Wenjie will die.

Now that the storage bracelet fell into the hands of 'Elder Li', those things will be exposed to others, Tian Wenjie can't wait to rush out of the prison cave and fight the other party desperately.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​don't worry! That 'Elder Li' is also shameless, and he won't sue you with the sect." Looking at Tian Wenjie's appearance, he didn't know that he had something to hide, Wang Jianfeng quickly comforted him.

Tian Wenjie's complexion was ugly, his face flushed, and he fell silent in embarrassment.

Yueqiong Peak, in the stone courtyard.

Li Mu was checking the storage bracelets of the two of them.

Wang Jianfeng's storage room was pitifully scant, with dozens of bottles of various spirit pills, various refining materials, second and third-order talismans, about a hundred pieces, and [-] to [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

Compared with him, Tian Wenjie is much richer. There are five or six sets of materials for refining fourth-order spirit weapons, various spirit pills, hundreds of bottles of high-level spirit pills, 10,000+ middle-grade spirit stones, more than 100 top-grade spirit stones, three pieces of fifth-level materials, and various third- and fourth-order spirit weapons.

"Huh! How could he have such a thing?" Li Mu's face turned dumb, and he found several special spiritual objects from Tian Wenjie's storage bracelet.

Innate supernatural powers-identify the attributes of several special spiritual things under the spirits, one by one are displayed in the virtual frame of the character.

【Jade Dragon Yang Grass】

[Rank: Tier [-] Lingzhi]

[Characteristics: Helps Yang and nourishes Qi, lifts spirits and revitalizes the mind. 】

[The hundred-year-old Jade Dragon Yang Grass has powerful yang-supporting and essence-boosting effects, and is one of the main elixir for refining Longyang Pill. 】

【Hehuan Tianling Powder】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Object]


【Illusory Heart Map of House Girl】


All kinds of elixir, elixir, things for dual cultivation of acacia, and a kung fu method that can be cultivated with the help of a female cultivator's cauldron.

Li Mu also found dozens of photographic jade slips. After putting himself into his spiritual consciousness, Tian Wenjie and a dozen female cultivators, the highlights of the double cultivation were immediately presented.

"Tsk tsk,..., this kid's photography skills are not good! He's too amateur, isn't this Fairy Lingyun, I didn't expect, tsk tsk,..."

Li Mu's eyes were wide open. However, after watching a lot of uncensored videos, Tian Wenjie's personal hobby really didn't catch his eyes. On the contrary, the female cultivators have good figures, so they can be seen.

Unable to find suitable refining materials in Tian Wenjie's storage bracelet, Li Mu had to go to Taixuan Peak himself to exchange for suitable materials in the Contribution Hall.

"Xiaojin, Xiaowa, take care of that little fox. I'll go out and bring you something delicious when I come back." Li Mu restrained his momentum, and confessed to Xiaojin and Xiaowa.



Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa Qiqi responded to Li Mu, and both eyes were fixed on the three-tailed demon fox.

"Don't worry, it's delicious and easy to live here, I won't run away, by the way, remember to bring me a portion of the delicious food." The three-tailed demon fox - Xue'er looked up at Li Mu, and said through voice transmission with her spiritual sense.

Li Mu chuckled and didn't bother to pay attention.

If it wasn't for the fact that the three-tailed demon fox still had some background, Li Mu would have killed it long ago for skinning and making talismans, so how could he have let it stay in Yueqiong Peak, which would have only added to the trouble.

Li Mu rose up with his sword, and flew out of Yueqiong Peak in a blink of an eye.

Watching Li Mufei's back, the three-tailed demon fox Xue'er's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity, Xue'er didn't care at all when she was watched by two fourth-order monsters.

Two stupid guys, she can easily shake them off with a little trick. The trouble is that this Lingfeng has a large number of magic circles, and it is extremely difficult to escape from this place.

"Damn it big idiot! Why provoke such an enemy for no reason!" Xue'er secretly scolded Tian Wenjie in her heart, blaming that stupid guy, and she will definitely not be able to escape this time.

During these years of being under Tian Wenjie's slavery, Xue'er easily dealt with the other party by virtue of her many abilities of knowing people's hearts and being extremely intelligent.

However, the person Tian Wenjie provoked this time was too terrifying. Xue'er's most conceited illusion ability was useless in front of a demon insect on him, and was restrained to death.

What is even more frightening is that this person is proficient in almost all of his own abilities, such as the strength of spirit, the ability to refine body, magic circle, and spells.

Right now, trapped in this mountain full of spiritual plants of the five elements, fearing that there will be no day of escape, Xueer sighed, helpless against the powerful magic circle around her.

As for the fact that the other party said that she would be sent back to the Fox Clan of Wan Yao Mountain, Xueer was also moved.

However, the words of human beings are not credible, Xueer is afraid that he wants to take the opportunity to inquire into the territory of the Snow Fox Clan and bring disaster to the entire Snow Fox Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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