Chapter 153 Fierce Battle ([-])
Wave after wave of sword energy of the five elements, wood generates fire, fire generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, the power of the five elements transforms each other, and the five elements' sword energy attacks continuously, forcibly holding back the footsteps of Tianjue Demon Monarch.

However, after those five-element sword energy penetrated into Tianjue Demon Monarch's demon armor, they were engulfed by black flames one after another, making it difficult to achieve a fatal attack effect. His demon flame armor seemed to have the ability to restrain all demons.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's heart sank.

Maybe it's just like Tianjue Mojun said, if he can't use more powerful means, he will be in trouble when his mana is exhausted!

What kind of material is the armor made of, so powerful?

In the Five Elements Sword Formation, Li Mu's eyes were in the state of one yin and one yang, and he activated his supernatural power - the yin and yang eyes. Through the black magic flame, he saw the form of the battle armor on the Tianjue Demon Lord, a suit made of some kind of black leather. Made of magic armor, it releases magic flames anytime, anywhere.

Under the virtual frame of the character, the attribute information of the magic armor is displayed.

【Immortal Demonic Lice Armor】

[Rank: Tier [-] magic weapon]

[Characteristics: Indestructible flames, devouring all souls, sending away souls, mad killing intent. 】

[Status: The Immortal Demon Flame is being activated, and it needs to devour a large amount of essence, blood and soul. 】

[Using the entire sixth-level immortal demon louse king, millions of living beings, after 49 years, the immortal demon louse armor is made of blood. It has the effect of devouring all souls and immortal defense. Demon Extinguishing Flame can resist all kinds of spirit element attacks. 】

After seeing the attributes of the demon armor on Tianjue Demon Venerable, Li Mu was silent for a while, and then the information of the special demon insect "Immortal Demon Louse" appeared in his mind.

For decades, Li Muzhai spent time in Yueqiong Peak not in vain. When he had nothing to do, he would find all kinds of ancient books, lie on the rocking chair and read to pass the time.

Although the indestructible magic lice are rare, Li Mu probably knows something about its origin.

As the name suggests, the immortal demon louse is a kind of lice that parasitizes the body of high-level immortal demons. It lives by absorbing nutrients from immortal demons. It has some characteristics of immortal demons. In the world of cultivating immortals is very rare.

High-level demons such as indestructible demons generally only appear in the demon world and the abyss world. Once they appear in the world of immortality, it will definitely trigger a war between the two worlds. Therefore, it is impossible for immortal demons to exist in the world of immortality anyway. , the immortal demon lice need to parasitize the immortal demon in order to grow and develop.

Where did Tianjue Demon Lord get the 'Immortal Demon Louse' to refine this magic armor?

This question is a bit heavy!

Li Mu frowned tightly, and didn't pay all his attention to this problem. Right now, he still had to find a way to break through the defense of the Immortal Demon Armor and cause fatal damage to the Demon King of Absolute Heaven. Solve this battle first.

"Elder Li, please hold on for a while longer, and I will help you after the remaining Demon Lords are dealt with!"

At this moment, Venerable Qingfeng's voice transmission sounded beside Li Mu's ear, beckoning.

Hearing this, Li Mu relaxed slightly, and the situation was leaning towards them.

Li Mu immediately blessed the Five Elements Sword Formation with the Five Elements Spiritual Energy, and continued to besiege Tianjue Mozun. After Venerable Qingfeng and the others settled the battle, they conspired to get rid of Tianjue Mozun. It was still a bit reluctant to rely on him alone.

In the Five Elements Sword Formation, Tianjue Mozun sensed the change of the sword formation, and his face was extremely ugly. He swung the Heavenly Demon Saber with all his strength, relying on the defensive power of the Immortal Demon Armor, ignoring the attack of the sword energy, and broke through the seal of the sword formation with all his strength.

However, Li Mu didn't give the opponent the slightest chance. Wherever Tianjue Mozun went, the Five Elements Sword Formation would follow him, holding back his footsteps. , lower body, back, attacking Tianjue Demon Lord's vitals, penetrating through every opening.

"Cowardless rats, come out and fight!" Demon Lord Tianjue was so angry that he slashed out with his magic knife again and again, triggering waves of black flames, but he couldn't break through the five-element sword formation, and couldn't find the hidden ones in the formation. The opponent comes.

The Five Elements Formation is the foundation of all formations in the world. It is the most stable, defensive, and durable. The Five Elements Sword Formation born out of this also has these characteristics. At the same time, it also has an aggressiveness that the Five Elements Formation does not have.

Under the Five Elements Sword Formation, Tianjue Demon Venerable was too tired to deal with it. If he wasn't wearing an indestructible demon armor, he might have been injured long ago.

"Too much deception, die to me!"

Annoyed by the endless five-element sword qi, Demon Lord Tianjue's eyes flashed sternly, and he cast the explosive secret technique, blasting away in full force, and with a slash of the magic knife, a horrifying black blade glow slashed out.

Immediately, Li Mu felt a fatal aura that destroyed everything, and immediately used the Five Elements Escape Technique to escape. At the same time, the storage compartment released several defensive spiritual weapons to resist the full blow of the cultivator.

A cyan square seal appeared out of thin air, and grew in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a square metal mountain, facing the black sword glow full of destruction.

A thunder book releases two thunder talismans, which turn into a huge thunder net in the blink of an eye, attracting thousands of thunders, enveloping the black sword light, enveloping the place of Tianjue Demon Venerable together.

A giant golden shield appeared out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye it was magnified hundreds or thousands of times, turning into a golden city wall, defending against it, and welcoming the arrival of the black sword light.


As if poking a hornet's nest, each high-level spiritual weapon full of spirituality directly manifested its spirit, regardless of the cost, and faced the deadly black light.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The black sword glow took the lead in cutting the metal seal mountain, splitting the metal seal mountain in two in an instant, without delaying for long.

The black sword light came in the blink of an eye, and collided with the newly formed thunder net. With a "Zi La", the thunder net composed of thousands of lightning bolts was cut in half, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, the black sword light sank into the golden shield wall and split it in half. A flying sword that was catching up with him was split and flew, and the sword body burst open,...

Under the blocking defense of countless spiritual weapons, the black sword glow finally stopped in front of a fire shield, and dissipated into the wall of fire transformed by the imaginary fire.

Li Mu put away the Tianxu Cauldron, and Tianjue Mozun, who broke through the Five Elements Sword Formation with a dignified expression, was staring at him with a pair of bewitching pupils.

Tianjue Demon Venerable cut off many of his defensive spiritual weapons with all his strength. He was covered with golden spirit shields, weapon seals, and dozens of fourth-order flying swords that transformed spirits. A pile of remnants were scattered on the ground.

"It cuts off so much of you with one knife, it hurts so much, doesn't it! Take another knife from me!" Tianjue Mozun smiled cruelly at Li Mu.

Before he finished speaking, Demon Lord Tianjue locked Li Mu to death, and then slashed out sharply.

Li Mu had expected it long ago, he called back the Five Elements Spirit Sword, Yujian pointed at it, and then swung the sword out.

The five five-element spirit swords quickly merged into one in the air, turning into a five-element giant sword tens of feet long, and then swung a sharp sword aura.

The five-element sword energy and the black sword light collided suddenly in the air, changing the color of the sky and the earth.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a thousand-foot-high mushroom cloud burst into bloom.

The impact of the Five Elements Sword Qi and the black sword glow suddenly erupted with terrifying power. The huge shock wave destroyed dozens of miles around, blasted a deep pit hundreds of feet deep, and the ground cracked, bursting out a shocking power.

The Five Elements Spirit Sword was blown away and disintegrated, and the black magic knife flew out.

In the central area of ​​the explosion shock wave, Li Mu and Tianjue Mozun appeared in the air one after another, and each controlled their weapons.

"Happy! Come again!" Demon Lord Tianjue laughed loudly, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, grabbed the Heavenly Demon Knife and swung it again to slash.

Li Mu glanced at the wounded Five Elements Spiritual Sword, a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes, but now was not the time to cherish the Spiritual Sword, he pinched the sword with his hand and swung the sword again.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and a spiritual mountain was wiped flat under the impact of sword energy and sword light.

Tianjue Mozun went crazy in battle, so Li Mu had no choice but to accompany him in a fierce battle with one sword and one knife, one punch for one punch.

"Brother, hurry up, go and stop them! If they continue to fight like this, our Qingxuanzong's Lingshan Spiritual Vein will be wiped out by them!" Qingwen Zhenjun looked at Venerable Qingfeng and gestured.

Venerable Qingfeng's face was serious, and he took it for granted. With a "whoosh", his figure rushed out and quickly joined the battle group.

"Elder Li, let us work together to drive him out of the Qingxuan Sect's hinterland first." Venerable Qingfeng gestured to Li Mu.

"Elder Feng, be careful, that guy is wearing a set of indestructible magic lice armor, and ordinary magic can hardly hurt him." Li Mu nodded and reminded Venerable Qingfeng.

Hearing this, Venerable Qingfeng's expression turned serious, he stared at the demon armor on Demon Venerable Tianjue, and angrily scolded: "What a god, it's useless for you to be a creature of the Nanling World, and to collude with the Immortal Demon Race. Get rid of you."

"Don't be ashamed, use any means!" Tianjue Mozun chuckled, and without fear of Venerable Qingfeng's threat, he slashed out with the Tianmo Saber in his hand.

Venerable Qingfeng flicked his cuffs, released a hexagram mirror magic weapon, and took a look at the black sword glow. As if pulled by an unknown force, the sharp sword glow reversed its flight direction in the air, and turned back to wave at Tianjue Demon Venerable cut away.

Demon Lord Tianjue was taken aback, and quickly swung his saber, barely offsetting the light of the saber, causing a violent explosion.

The explosion of the two saber glows at close range, Tianjue Mozun couldn't catch it, suffered serious damage, and was blown out.

"Reversing Xuangua Mirror, the treasure of Qingxuanzong, it really deserves its reputation! Very good!" Demon Lord Tianjue applauded fiercely with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The Immortal Demon Armor blocked a lot of damage for him. This time, Tianjue Demon Venerable did not suffer too much damage.

Venerable Qingfeng stared at the immortal demon armor on Demon Venerable Tianjue's body, a serious look flashed across his face, this armor was ineffective against him with ordinary spells, it would be extremely difficult to take him down.

Tianjue Mozun held the Tianmo Saber in his hand to gain momentum, and stared at Li Mu. Even with Venerable Qingfeng, one against two, he had no fear at all.

Li Mu frowned, he couldn't help but feel dizzy facing such a difficult enemy.

"Elder Li, do you have the means to severely injure him!" Venerable Qingfeng asked Li Mu through a secret voice transmission.

"No, I can't break his tortoise shell, unless..." Li Mu replied through voice transmission without thinking.

"Unless something!" Venerable Qingfeng asked with concern.

Tianjue Mozun saw what they were discussing through sound transmission, and immediately attacked with a saber to prevent them from having time to discuss countermeasures.

Li Mu and Venerable Qingfeng cast spells to evade and fight back with their swords. The two joined forces to deal with the Demon Lord Tianjue, gaining the upper hand in momentum.

"Unless he can be trapped in the same place, more than twelve breaths." Li Mu hid the sword glow of the Demon King of Absolute Heaven, and took the time to respond to Venerable Qingfeng through voice transmission.

"If that's the case, you can give it a try. I have a way to trap him in place for twelve breaths. Elder Li, if you have any means, just use it." Venerable Qingfeng was heartbroken and passed on to Li Mu. Yin replied.

"Okay!" Li Mu nodded happily, using the Five Elements Escape Technique to avoid the sword glow of the Demon Lord Tianjue, and waved his hands to cast the Xuantian Sword Formation.

The spiritual consciousness was thrown into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and a fourth-order spirit sword with a handle came out like a school of fish.

In the blink of an eye, dozens, hundreds, and thousands of fourth-order spirit swords formed a stegosaurus, hovering in the sky, with incomparably mighty power.

Tianjue Mozun shrank his eyes and pupils, he didn't know what kind of move the other party was using, his face was full of vigilance, he swung his knife and slashed at Li Mu, intending to interrupt his spellcasting.

However, Venerable Qingfeng made a move at this time. He was using the upside-down Xuangua mirror to illuminate the black sword glow, and attacked Tianjue Demon Venerable.

Tianjue Mozun who had already been hit once, naturally wouldn't get hit a second time, his figure turned into a black shadow and dodged far away.

At this moment, a faint smile flashed across Venerable Qingfeng's face, and he shot out a high-level cyan talisman that had been prepared in his hand, and it turned into a blue light, enveloping Demon Venerable Tianjue.

"Fifth-order blue light fixing talisman, you, you!" Tianjue Mozun's complexion changed, his body struggled violently, but he couldn't move a single bit.

Seeing this, Li Mu pinched the sword with his hands, and the sword dragon hovering in the sky, with a sharp aura of destroying everything, rushed towards the Tianjue Demon Lord from top to bottom.

Looking at the stegosaurus composed of thousands of spiritual swords, each of them has an extremely sharp sword intent.

A trace of fear flashed in Tianjue Mozun's eyes, so many spirit swords gathered together, with such a terrifying sword intent, no amount of demon armor could resist the attack of so many spirit swords.

"Puff puff……."

The Stegosaurus swooped in, and the spirit swords whizzed towards him, piercing the body of Tianjue Mozun, one after another, without stopping.

Under the countless sharp swords, the tenacious inextinguishable demon flame was pierced thousands of times like a piece of black cloth, but it failed to recover in time. Another sharp flying sword followed closely behind, endlessly Absolutely.

A pair of flying swords pierced through the Immortal Demon Flame and passed through the body of Demon Lord Tianjue.

After more than ten breaths, there was no sign of Tianjue Mozun where the sword dragon passed by.

A generation of demons died just like that?

No, not at all, a black shadow flew out close to a spirit sword, and then turned into a glimmer of light, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. Demon Lord Tianjue used a secret method to escape.

Li Mu, who was manipulating the Xuantian Sword Formation, had no way of chasing him. Venerable Qingfeng saw it, but he couldn't catch up if he wanted to.

"Elder Li, you wasted all your hard work, but in the end you let Tian Jue run away." Venerable Qingfeng apologized to Li Mu with an apologetic face.

"No way, we've tried our best. I didn't expect that old devil to be so decisive!" Li Mu smiled wryly. He also didn't expect Tianjue Demon Lord to be so courageous, and he fled without any hesitation at the last moment.

"Yes!" Venerable Qingfeng nodded in agreement, and was also impressed by Tianjue Mozun's courage.

(End of this chapter)

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