Chapter 154 Peeping into the future
"Elder Feng, I have just passed the Heavenly Tribulation, so I will go back to Yueqiong Peak to recuperate, let's talk sometime later?" Li Mu bowed to Venerable Qingfeng and said his farewell.

"Should be, should be, you can go anyway, I happen to have something to do, I have time, I will go to Yueqiong Peak to talk to you some other day." Venerable Qingfeng nodded happily and watched him off understandingly.

Li Mu nodded, and Yujian left without hesitation. He fought with Tianjue Mozun just after the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation. Now, he continued to find a quiet place to recuperate and restore his cultivation.

Watching Li Mu leave, Venerable Qingfeng began to clean the battlefield. With Tianjue Demon Venerable fleeing, the battle became clear. The sporadic battles quickly ended with Venerable Qingfeng's intervention.

Yu Jian flew back to Yueqiong Peak and landed in the stone courtyard.

"Zhizhi!" "Wa!" Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa rushed forward excitedly, and through the imperial deed seal, they clearly felt Li Mu's current state.

"Wang!" Chi Lang staggered, staring at Li Mu with a pair of sincere eyes, his eyes were full of concern.

The red wolf is just a mortal spirit dog who has been with him for so many years and has entered the old age stage. Li Mu has a way to advance it to the first level, or even the second level monster, to obtain a longer lifespan, but in the end he did not choose to do so .

The aptitude of the red wolf is there, and sooner or later it will leave early because of its age. Li Mu chose to let it grow naturally, and did not forcefully transform it.

"It's all right!" Li Mu smiled and patted the red wolf's head, his spiritual sense signaled the puppet to prepare dinner, looked at a few spirit beasts and comforted him: "Go and play!"

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa left, while Chi Lang accompanied Li Mu and sat down beside him.

Li Mu smiled, took out a white round bead and a blue bracelet from the storage compartment, held them in his hands, and looked at them with scrutiny.

【Star Beast Bead】

[Rank: seventh-order causal wonder]

[Characteristics: Tracing back to the source, condensing the cause to see the result, ninety-nine Yao Ming,]

[Status: The fetish is unsealed, the power of time is abundant]

[The orb left by the seventh-order void star beast at the end of its life, the void star beast returns to the ancestral land when it is dying, and crosses the river of time. One of the special materials of the magic weapon, this bead contains a lot of threads of time, staring at it can make the primordial spirit plunge into the long river of time and get part of the future picture,... Peeping into the long river of time, it is very easy to lose your mind and damage the original source. 】

【Spiritual Bracelet】

[Rank: Tier Six Lingbao]

[Characteristics: Yuling space ([-] mu of demon domain), powerful restoration, accelerated growth, servant of demon spirits. 】

[Status: Heavenly Fire rebuilt, Qi Ling is reborn to be recognized as the master. 】

[Space Boundary Stone, Demon Emperor's Heartbone, Ruyi Gem's natal spirit treasure, re-refined with sky fire, reborn as a weapon spirit, refining this treasure can be recognized by the weapon spirit. 】

Innate Supernatural Ability-Recognize All Spirits Under the spirit, the attribute information of the two spirits are all presented in the virtual frame of the character.

When crossing Yuanying Thunder Tribulation Five Elements-Fire Thunder Tribulation, Heaven Fire-Jieying Thunder Fire appeared. At the last moment, Li Mu controlled Sky Fire to refine the Star Beast Legacy Bead and Yuling Bracelet, and successfully unsealed them all.

The spiritual power of the five elements gathered in Li Mu's hands, poured it into the Yuling Bracelet, and refined it easily.


The next moment, the Yuling Bracelet turned into a blue bird, calling out to Li Mu twice, and then flew down on his shoulder, rubbing Li Mu's cheek affectionately with its small head, its spirituality was extremely high.

After refining the Imperial Spirit Bracelet, Li Mu knew all its functions. It has a huge space of tens of thousands of acres for the Imperial Spirit, where hundreds of spirit beasts can be kept in captivity. This space can accelerate the development of spirit beasts several times, and recover At the same time, it can summon twelve servants of demon spirits, which look like monsters of the third and fourth ranks of strength.

With it, there is no need to bring a few spirit animal bags, Xiaojin, Xiaowa, and Xiaobai all have a permanent residence, and they don't need to sleep in the spirit animal bags anymore.

Li Mu was very satisfied, put the Yuling Bracelet on his right hand, and then looked at the Star Beast's Bead.

Immediately, Li Mu's eyes fell on the star beast bead, and he was immediately attracted by the mysterious aura encapsulated on its surface. The surface of the star beast bead was filled with silver light and spiritual mist, and every little silver light seemed to have a fatal attraction. force.

Li Mu involuntarily put his mind into the silver light mist, and immediately saw several special scenes from a vast river of silver light.

Li Mu was taken aback for a moment, his heart was alerted immediately, he calmed down immediately, and stopped peeping at the river of time.

When Li Mu regained his focus, he immediately found that most of the Fayuan in his body had disappeared, leaving only a few tenths of his appearance, and the few strands of black hair in front of his bangs turned silvery white.

Li Mu's mind was shocked, the lost time just now, just a short moment, turned his black hair into white hair, if it was delayed longer, it would really hurt the source!
Li Mu's face was pale, and he was taken aback by the feared consequences. Fortunately, he stopped being greedy and did not continue to peek at the scene behind.

However, this star beast legacy was too weird, and Li Mu quickly put it in the storage compartment, not daring to put himself in danger again.

However, seeing the contents of the four pictures in an instant, Li Mu clearly remembered them in his mind. Looking back seriously now, there are some inexplicable and also some shocking.

Among the next four screens, the first screen shows a meeting place. Li Mu himself hides in the corner of the meeting place, watching Venerable Qingfeng, several Venerables, and a group of Nascent Soul monks discussing something together. His expression was dignified, and the situation seemed to be very critical.

The second picture shows Li Mu himself in a dark ravine, walking alone in the air, as if he was being chased by some dangerous creature, or he was about to dive into the dark ravine, escaping from something, the picture is a bit dark and Vague,
The third picture is relatively grand, with black shadow war beasts all over the place, densely packed battleships in the sky, monks with swords,... It seems to be the scene of a war of the century, and Li Mu himself lives above the clouds, condescending, Looking down at the ground, peeking at the situation on the battlefield, he did not intervene.

The fourth picture made Li Mu a little worried. In the first three pictures, he didn't get deeply involved in it, and he seemed to be able to retreat or advance, coming and going freely.

In the fourth picture, Li Mu is deeply involved in the war, standing in the air with a black robe sitting on a black dragon, holding a blue long sword, covered with wounds, the ground is full of dead bodies, there are monsters, monks , Hundreds of millions of century battles, it seems that he is the only one left to fight against the feared devil to the end, but he is surrounded by the devil's army, unable to escape.

What happened?

Will this happen in the future?
How could he participate in this kind of battle?The situation is obviously unfavorable!Why don't you run away?
What's the situation?

What are those shadow war beasts?
An alien demon?
Li Mu was stunned and couldn't believe the content of the four pictures. However, they were peeped by him in the long river of time. Can the future of these four pictures be changed?
The backs of the four pictures are too blurry, and the time is too short. Li Mu tried his best to recall, but he couldn't see those black shadows clearly, and the appearance of the man in black sitting on the back of the large dragon, let alone know those black shadows. of origin.

Li Mu is not calm anymore. The mysterious star beast legacy has the function of peeping into the long river of time. If there are no accidents, these four scenes should be things that will definitely happen in the future.

So my future destiny is to intervene in a century war, and finally be surrounded and killed by a certain force' army?

Perhaps, it has something to do with the Heavenly Absolute Demon Lord!

Li Mu immediately remembered the indestructible demon armor on Tianjue Mozun's body, and what Venerable Qingfeng said before, it must be related to the forces of the demon world colluded with Tianjue Mozong!
Li Mu sighed, since he had peeked into the future, his life might be in danger in this respect.

Li Mu immediately decided to stay away from this trouble, leave Qingxuanzong as soon as possible, and even leave this continent to develop in other spiritual realms, far away from the possible bad luck in the future.

Xindong acted immediately, Li Mu waved a flash of light, shut off Yueqiongfeng's protective array, and took Wang Jianfeng imprisoned in the underground cave, and Tian Wenjie took it out.


Wang Jianfeng and Tian Wenjie's eyes lit up, and they blocked the glare of the sun with their hands.

The two of them, who had been imprisoned in the cave for more than a year, were in a trance, and it was difficult to accept the dazzling sunlight.

Li Mu glanced at them, then casually slapped them with spiritual power, lifting the restriction on them.

"You guys can go! Get lost!" Li Mu gestured as he threw back the two storage bracelets to them.

"I, I, you, are you willing to let us go?" Tian Wenjie took the bracelet and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

"Thank you, Elder Li, congratulations on your advancement to Yuanying Zhenjun." Wang Jianfeng was refreshed, and quickly recovered his long-lost Zhenyuan divine consciousness. He immediately felt the powerful spiritual pressure on Li Mu, and quickly congratulated him.

Hearing this, Tian Wenjie finally came to his senses, impatiently adapting to the restored true essence and consciousness, and was immediately overwhelmed by Li Mu's powerful spiritual pressure, which is a spiritual pressure that can only be matched by Yuanying Zhenjun.

Tian Wenjie quickly checked the storage bracelet with his spiritual sense, and found that there were not many things missing, so he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Get out!" Li Mu waved his hand angrily, too lazy to argue with them.

Wang Jianfeng and Tian Wenjie were about to leave with the Spirit Sword if they were granted amnesty. At this moment, Tian Wenjie suddenly stopped, looked at Li Mu's distressed face and asked: "Elder Li, that demon fox is my favorite pet. Can you give it back to me?"

"No more, don't leave anymore!" Li Mu looked at Tian Wenjie coldly, and resolutely refused.

"Uh! Junior, leave!" Tian Wenjie didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly bowed and retreated, Yu Jian fled as if fleeing.

Watching the two of them fly away from Yueqiong Peak, Li Mu stretched out his hand to move towards the stone house, and a spirit beast bag flew out from the room. With a 'swish', a little white fox with three tails deftly twirled in a circle and landed on the ground with all four limbs , a white shadow shot out, landed on Li Mu's shoulder, turned into a warm white bug, touched Li Mu's face lightly with a pair of long tentacles.

"Chichi, chichi!" Xiaobai enthusiastically called out to Li Mu's ear a few times, feeling the power of his master.

"Hmm! Be good!" Li Mu patted Xiaobai's head with a smile, looked at the three-tailed fox-Xue'er, and motioned: "I have advanced to Yuanying, and next, I am going to travel to the Wanyao Mountains. Send you back to the Fox Clan."

"Congratulations, Senior Li, Xue'er, thank you, Senior Li." The three-tailed fox-Xue'er thanked respectfully through voice transmission, her tone no longer suspicious.

After getting along for more than a year, Xue Er, the three-tailed fox demon, probably believed in her heart that Li Mu wanted to let her go back to her family. At the same time, she was also very eager for this day to come.

"Let's eat!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, and walked straight to the dining table with Xiao Bai.

The puppet has already prepared the meal and started to set the table.

Li Mu handed the three-tailed fox demon Xueer a roast chicken, filled the red wolf with a plate full of meat porridge, and then handed Xiaobai a soul bottle, and then sat down at the table to enjoy the food comfortably.

It stands to reason that after being promoted to Nascent Soul, Li Mu only needs to eat a small amount of spiritual fruit and spiritual wine, so he doesn't need to eat three meals a day.

However, Li Mu is already used to the daily life of ordinary people. In addition, he has practiced the soul-eating art to nourish his body by eating a large amount of high-level monster meat, so he maintained the three meals a day. I am used to, sometimes, at night, I also like to sit in the yard and eat supper with barbecue, maintaining the rhythm of life in the original world.

Satisfied with wine and food, Li Mu went to the reclining chair under the vines in the yard, lay down, closed his eyes and rested his mind, silently practiced the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics-Yuanying Chapter, recovered his true essence, and felt the state of Yuanying state.

The red wolf was also full, walked to Li Mu's side and lay down, kicked Li Mu's legs a few times, and let out a whimper.

Li Mu smiled slightly, put his hand on the head of the red wolf, stroked the head of the red wolf, a trace of true energy overflowed from his hand, and adjusted the old body of the red wolf smoothly.

Although this kind of conditioning failed to change the aptitude of the red wolf, it could improve its body and make it live a healthier life.

"Woohoo!" Chilang snorted comfortably, enjoying his master's caress very much.

The three-tailed demon fox - Xueer jumped to the other side, looking enviously, Nascent Soul boss is helping to recuperate the body, such a good opportunity, but this stupid dog doesn't know how to practice, it is really blind to such benefits.

About two hours passed, the night was getting dark, the breeze was blowing, several spirit beasts on Yueqiong Peak fell asleep, Li Mu stopped practicing martial arts, staring at the starry sky with deep eyes, inevitably a trace of worry arose in his heart.

Li Mu couldn't help but feel sad about the four pictures that peeked at the long river of time this time.

Most of the contents of the four screens indicate that this continent may be invaded by an army of demons in the near future, and even he may be trapped in it in the end, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Li Mu decided not to look for troubles anymore. Not all of the time has passed, and it is useless to think about it. real future.

Right now, the key is to continue to improve your strength. You have already advanced to the Nascent Soul, and next, you need to prepare for the promotion to the God Transformation Realm.

Li Mumou is thinking about planting spiritual plants, will he leave Qingxuanzong just now, or take advantage of the favor of Qingxuanzong this time to seek a bigger spiritual mountain and plant a large number of high-level spiritual plants?
(End of this chapter)

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