Chapter 155 The Wings of Eagle Thunder
After weighing the pros and cons, Li Mu decided to leave Qingxuanzong for a while, first go to Huanlang Lingshan to explore the ancient cave, and then go to the depths of the Wanyao Mountains to capture two other high-level five-element monster cubs. Then, explore around again.

The Nanling Continent is so big, it shouldn't be difficult to find a suitable spiritual mountain to practice. You can walk around and have a look. It is completely unnecessary, and has been hanging on the tree of Qingxuanzong.

However, before that, Li Mu still needs to refine a batch of spiritual weapons, and several defensive spiritual weapons were destroyed by him in the battle with Tianjue Demon Lord.

Li Mu rummaged around and found that the Jiuzang Lingzhu happened to have a lot of high-level materials that could refine several defensive spiritual weapons.

Do it when you think of it.

The next day, Li Mu went to the Contribution Hall to exchange for monster spirits and refining materials.

Then, Li Mu went straight into the refining room.

Shenxing Meteorite: It is hard, extremely heavy, and has several special attributes that make it extremely difficult to refine.

With the help of the Heavenly Void Spiritual Fire, Li Mu refined this sixth-order sinking star meteor crystal, fifth-order wish-fulfilling spar, and this group of magic crystal spirit soil into a mountain-shaped embryo in two days, and then, With the help of Xiaobai, the spirit of a fourth-order earth-type ton land monster was integrated into its agglomerator pattern.

"Dangdang..." Amidst bursts of urgent knocking sounds, the small mountain-shaped spiritual weapon exuded a dusty aura, and the patterns of the small mountain condensed on the surface of the 'mountain' one after another, and then disappeared into the 'mountain'.


In the refining room, Li Mu surrounded the "mountain-shaped spiritual weapon" suspended in mid-air, using the hammer to strike it again and again, back and forth, condensing twenty tool patterns on it.

In the end, the aura of the mountain-shaped spirit weapon gathered, and it turned into a small ton beast in a blink of an eye, roaring upwards, announcing that it had become a spirit weapon and had been reborn.

Li Mu put away the hammer with a tired face, and couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

【Unnamed (place)】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact]

[Characteristics: size as you wish, Mount Tai overwhelms the top, tons of beasts suppress souls, repel spirits without trace]

[Based on Shenxing meteor crystal, condensed wishful spar, phantom crystal spirit soil, the fifth-level top-grade spiritual weapon refined by Jieying Thunder and Fire, weighs: one million catties, is as big as you want, and has a high probability of being promoted to sixth-level spiritual treasure. 】

Innate supernatural powers-recognizing all spirits takes effect, the attributes of the mountain-shaped Lingbao, presented in the virtual frame of the character, Li Mu couldn't help showing a joyful smile, and his brows were beaming with joy.

It was shaped like a metal hill, its entire body was dark, exuding a cold metallic luster, it was only the size of Li Mu's palm, but it contained extremely terrifying energy.

Li Mu concentrated his spiritual consciousness and poured his true energy into it, intending to refine this defensive spiritual weapon.

Feeling this 'familiar' atmosphere, it immediately calmed down, and the Qiling Ton Beast accepted Li Mu's refinement without any resistance.

After successfully refining this spiritual weapon, Li Mu held it in his hand with one hand, and felt something in his heart. The 'hill' in his palm was as light as a feather, and if released, it would weigh nearly a million catties.

"This defensive spirit weapon is called Mount Tai!"

Li Mu happily named this defensive magic weapon, not daring to try its power in the refining room, so he took it into his body and continued to refine the next spiritual weapon.

This spiritual weapon of Taishan can be used for offense and defense by virtue of its own weight. Li Mu needs to refine another defensive spiritual weapon to increase defense methods.

Li Mu had already had an idea in his mind. In addition to the spiritual materials of the five elements, there were also many high-level lightning-attribute spiritual materials in the Jiuzang Lingzhu, which was more than enough to refine an accelerated defensive spiritual weapon.

The fifth-order blue thunder crystal, the fifth-order phantom thunder cloud yarn, the fifth-order wish-fulfilling spar,...

Several top-level lightning-attribute spirits were selected, and they quickly merged into one under the tempering of Jieying Thunderfire.

Li Mu used the spirit refining technique to mold the other pair of Lei Peng's Lei Peng's embryo into the shape of the embryo, and successfully condensed the shape of the embryo.

The embryos of a pair of miniature thunderwings were condensed and formed in the refining furnace.

Li Mu took out another spirit containing the fourth-level Thunder Eagle monster, and manipulated it with his spiritual sense to integrate it into the embryo.

Under the suppression of Xiaobai's full burst of strength, the originally rebellious Thunder Eagle spirit was completely suppressed, and obediently merged into the airfoil embryo.

Next, agglomerate lines!


Time flies, and an hour passes in a blink of an eye.

In the refining room, there was a roar of thunder, and a thunder shadow flickered, and Li Mu's whole figure flashed out of the refining room.

At this time, Li Mu had restrained his breath and pretended to be an ordinary person. However, there was a pair of purple thunder wings hanging on his back. The thunder shadow flashing just now was driven by the thunder wings.

"Receive" Li Mu thought for a while.

The purple Thunder Wing growing behind him shrank by itself and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Mu stretched out his right hand in satisfaction, a pair of miniature Thunder Wings turned into a Thunder Eagle, drew a graceful arc in the air, and landed directly on Li Mu's palm.

Li Mu named this device the Eagle Thunder Wings.

【Eagle Thunder Wings】

[Rank: fifth-tier mid-tier spirit treasure]

[Characteristics: size as desired, walk against thunder, spread wings to protect body, thousands of thunder feathers]

[Using green thunder crystals, phantom thunder cloud gauze, wishful spar crystals..., the thunder wing spirit treasures refined are as big as you want, with keen eagle spirit and strong protection. 】

Looking at the introduction of Lei Yi's attributes in the character's virtual frame, Li Mu was very satisfied. He was extremely satisfied with this defensive spiritual weapon. With its blessing, he could fly in the air almost without consumption. The three-purpose magic weapon is very good.

Before he could hurt him, he had to pass the level of Lei Yi. Li Mu was no less satisfied with this spiritual wing magic weapon than Mount Tai.

Time passed, five days passed, Li Mu concentrated on refining the weapon, and the Qingxuanzong after the war had already restored order.

Tianxuan Peak, the square near the Sky Tower, is extremely lively.

There are endless streams of disciples coming from Yujian, some riding a gourd, some riding a large dice spirit treasure, some riding a crane, and some riding a flying sedan chair. Ji disciples gathered here, and the scene was full of strange things.

Below the [-]-foot-high tower, the figures are the densest, and there are hundreds of stalls set up by foundation-building monks around the square.

"Senior Sister, don't leave! I still have a Tier [-] Sky Cover Talisman here, which can withstand a single damage in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and can keep you on the next floor!"

"Second-rank top-grade true panacea, no erysipelas, high-efficiency recovery, enhanced stamina, one only needs 50 spirits!"


Sellers of elixirs, spirit weapons, and pet cubs..., the cries of peddlers and customers, one after another, it was very lively.

Li Mu came from the sky, and did not go to the Sky Tower, but was invited to fly to a hidden cave behind the Sky Tower in Tianxuan Peak, where one of the elders of the Qingxuan Sect, Venerable Qingfeng, lived in seclusion.

"Elder Feng, Mr. Li is invited to visit!" Li Mufei landed in front of the cave and signaled.

"Elder Li, hurry up, please, I'm sorry to trouble Elder Li to run over in person." As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, the figure of Venerable Qingfeng appeared in front of him and greeted him enthusiastically.

The fog dissipated, revealing a simple and unsophisticated pavilion standing on the edge of the cliff. The coffee table on the stone table wafted wisps of heat, exuding the fragrance of tea.

"Elder Li, please take a seat. I just brewed a pot of Baimei Lingcha, which is just right for you to enjoy. Let's chat while drinking." Venerable Qingfeng enthusiastically led Li Mu to his seat, and greeted him politely.

"Well, then I'll bother you!" Li Mu nodded with a smile, followed Venerable Qingfeng into the tea pavilion, and came today mainly to bid farewell to Venerable Qingfeng.

"Elder Li, please, this fifth-order white-browed spirit tea is very rare, and it can help you understand the Dao, please taste it." Venerable Qingfeng gestured an invitation to Li Mu, indicating the teacup.

"Thank you, Elder Feng's hospitality, Shengdrink!" Li Mu raised his teacup with a smile, thanking him gratefully.

After finishing speaking, Li Mu drank the spiritual tea in the cup in one gulp. The next moment, the white-browed spiritual tea entered his stomach, turned into a hundred spiritual streams, emerged from the Baihui acupoint, and went to the dantian,... Li Mu immediately felt that the altar was cleared, and in a flash, he thought I have made a lot of progress, and my thoughts are clear.

"That's right, good tea, better than Qingxuling tea." Li Mu nodded in appreciation.

"That's right! Haha, Elder Li, if you like it, I'll give you some later." Venerable Qingfeng laughed and said happily.

"You're welcome, Elder Feng, this time, Li came here to say goodbye!" Li Mu smiled slightly, explaining why he came.

Hearing this, Venerable Qingfeng frowned, and asked inexplicably: "Elder Li, if you like to live in seclusion and don't care about worldly affairs, I just ask my disciples not to disturb you. Why did you leave Qingxuanzong!"

"No, no, Elder Feng misunderstood me. I am going to leave the mainland for a while to gain some insight. I definitely did not intend to leave the Qingxuanzong. However, I offended the Venerable Huotian of the Shanhezong before, and now my whereabouts It can be regarded as being exposed, if he comes to the door, Qingxuanzong will not be able to explain it, it is better to leave as soon as possible." Li Mu smiled and said bluntly.

"Here, Elder Li, you are very kind to me, Qingxuanzong..." Venerable Qingfeng sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Elder Feng, there is no need to be like this. The Qingxuan Sect and I have a long history. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. We will meet again in the future." Li Mu smiled and gestured.

"That's the way it is! Elder Li, I hope Qingxuanzong will be in trouble in the future, and he can continue to help out of this kind of incense." Venerable Qingfeng nodded, looking at Li Mu, and said sincerely.

"Yes!" Li Mu thought for a while, nodded with a smile, then bid farewell to Venerable Qingfeng, and Yukong left.

Venerable Qingfeng watched Li Mu off, and his eyes were quite complicated as he walked away from the sky. He was very envious of Li Mu's unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestrained and free from the burden of the sect's people.

(End of this chapter)

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