Chapter 158
Came to the palace transformed by the Lingbao of the Dongfu.

The aura is denser than the periphery.

Li Mu flew in the air, followed closely behind the Divine Lord Tianyan, and flew into the palace cave.

A luxurious scene came into view.

Inside the cave, there are pieces of suspended emerald green spiritual fields floating in mid-air, in which various spiritual herbs can be vaguely seen, and spiritual medicines appear in the eyes. The characters are fully presented in the virtual frame.

【Soul Firefly】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Grass. 】

[Characteristics: Contains wood attribute soul power, nourishes the soul, and repairs damaged soul power to a certain extent. 】

[Status: Hundred years of achievements, abundant spirituality. 】

[Soul Yingcao: Rooted in ten years, fruiting in a hundred years, growth needs: bred in the land of ghosts, sucking souls as nourishment, the thicker the land of ghosts, the faster the growth rate, it is one of the main materials for refining the heavenly soul pill. 】

【Golden Source Spirit Fruit】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Fruit]

[Characteristics: Contains gold-type primordial spirits, can cultivate spiritual roots, and taking a large amount can improve the character of spiritual roots. 】

[Status: The golden light is abundant, and the golden spirit is full. 】

[Jinyuan Spiritual Fruit: The growth conditions are harsh, and it is one of the few spiritual fruits in the world that can enhance the spiritual root. Growth requirements: It needs to be abundant in fifth-order metal spirits, bloom for ten years and bear fruit for a hundred years, and the fruit must mature within 49 days. It must be picked within, otherwise it will be exhausted and turned into the original source to be absorbed by the spiritual plant. 】


Li Mu's heart trembled. So many spiritual plants were planted in the floating spiritual field in the palace cave. There were hundreds of various spiritual fruits and elixir.

Floating in the air, at your fingertips.

Just a Golden Origin Spiritual Fruit, placed outside, is enough to cause the monks of the Golden Spirit Root to go crazy.

You must know that the spiritual fruit that can enhance the spiritual root is rare in the world.

The improvement of spiritual roots also indicates that the road that can be walked in the future will be farther.

Strength will also multiply.

The strength gap between a low-grade spiritual root and a high-grade spiritual root is like a gap.

The upper limit is also completely different, one day and one place.

In addition to the gold-type spiritual plants, there are other spiritual plants. Those elixir are carried in the suspended spiritual fields of the magic treasure of the cave, which means that so many suspended spiritual fields can be planted with spiritual plants of other attributes.

Seeing the growth status of so many spiritual plants, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he became more concerned about this magic weapon of the cave.

Li Mu's heart moved, Tianyan Shenjun showed him so many spiritual plants and the value of this cave without hesitation, maybe he has other plans!

However, at present, God Lord Tianyan is showing off his distracted spirit, so Li Mu is not afraid of the opponent's attack.

Soon, under the leadership of Tianyan Shenjun, they came to a courtyard.

The courtyard is lush and lush, full of exotic flowers and plants, and the flowers are fragrant.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a stone table.

The two sat down one by one.

God Lord Tianyan waved his hand, and in the cabinet and courtyard, countless spirit fruits flew over and filled the table.

Among them, the grades are all fourth grade, fifth grade, spiritual fruit, nectar, spiritual wine, ..., a large table is full.

Really luxurious.

"Fellow daoist, you're welcome. You are a guest. I don't have anything else to entertain you here. It's mere melons and fruits, but please enjoy them."

Tianyan Shenjun Fuxu smiled.

"Thank you senior for your hospitality. The junior is bothering you. However, senior, let's cut to the chase and get straight to the point."

Li Mu has always been cautious, quite aware that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and a free one is often the most expensive, especially in the cultivation world where the weak eat the strong and the world of immortality is extremely cruel.

In such a state of showing weakness, the other party displayed all the precious elixir of the cave to show others, revealing his fortune, and had other plans for him. Li Mu couldn't help being curious, what was the intention of this person doing this.

The admiration in Tianyan Shenjun's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Fellow Daoist, I see that you have all the five elements, and your cultivation base is extremely deep. However, your bone age is only a hundred years old. It is rare in this world to have such a cultivation base. To be honest with you, I have long been a remnant of the primordial spirit." , relying on a high-level magic weapon to live in this mansion, being trapped here and not being able to go out, meeting you today is all due to chance." Tianyan Shenjun did not hide anything, directly told the truth, and introduced it eloquently.

Li Mu had already guessed in his heart, and he guessed it right.

The real Tianyan Shenjun has long since fallen, and what he sees now is the means left behind by Tianyan Shenjun. Before, he got the Mountain Fire Order from the Venerable God of Transformation - Venerable Huo Tian, ​​and the other party also left a part of it. God, presumably staying distracted is a common method for monks who transform gods.

"That's why, senior, I don't like to beat around the bush. Senior hopes that I can do something for you, but it's okay, this junior will definitely do his best." Li Mu said bluntly, looking at Tianyan Shenjun.

Li Mu coveted this Dongfu magic weapon in his heart, but God Lord Tianyan dared to tell his truth because he had something to rely on.

Although he only has a wisp of distracted soul left, but after all, Tianyan Shenjun is above the cultivation level of Huashen Venerable, and it is unknown what last move he has not used yet.

At present, this seventh-order Dongtian Lingbao is still controlled by Tianyan Shenjun, so it is definitely not possible to take it by force.

Li Mu is determined to win this seventh-order cave-to-heaven magic weapon, and he doesn't want to talk about it with Tianyan Shenjun.

Li Mu is already aware of the properties of the Baofu in the painting world. Escape talismans cannot be used here, and it is difficult to escape by ordinary means.

The hardness of the seventh-order Lingbao may not be broken even by the peak of the God of Transformation, not to mention that his strength is far from reaching the level of surpassing the cultivator of the God of Transformation.

Li Mu looked directly at the God Lord Tianyan, waiting for his response.

Tianyan Shenjun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help sighing, although this son is young, he does things in a reasonable manner, and he is not a reckless person, maybe...

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I'm going to ask you about a high-level spiritual object. Have you ever heard of the reincarnation spiritual object: Necromancer Grass?"

Reincarnation spiritual thing - Reverse Necromancer Grass?

Li Mu was at a loss, directly expressing that he didn't know each other.

Tianyan Shenjun got up and stood up, recalling: "The Nether-Death Spirit Grass is a seventh-order elixir, which has the effect of growing bones, turning reincarnation, giving birth to new fetuses, and turning death into life."

Seventh-order panacea?


Li Mu showed surprise on his face, in this world of comprehension, there is such a miraculous thing.

If there is this medicine, wouldn't it be an extra life?

Tianyan Shenjun still said: "I fought a battle with a peerless demon back then, but in the end I fell into the opponent's tricks and tricks, and finally died. Fortunately, I left behind a ray of distracted soul to carry the treasure of the painting world. Escape here."

"Hundreds of years have passed, thousands of years have passed, and I have survived by relying on a wisp of distracted soul. I can't last long. I thought that this life would eventually disappear in this world..."

"I never thought that Fellow Daoist would actually get my array card and find this cave. This made me see the hope of life again."

"I implore fellow Taoists, help me find the anti-death spirit grass, protect my remnant soul, reincarnate, and save my next life."

After Tianyan Shenjun said this, he begged and looked at Li Mu with longing eyes.

Li Mu understood immediately after hearing Tianyan Shenjun's request.

No wonder Tianyan Shenjun didn't anger himself when he broke into his cave and injured his spirit beast. Instead, he treated himself kindly and asked for something.

But this seventh-level elixir, a legendary item, is not so easy to obtain.

Such elixir, not to mention hard to find, even if it is found, it is estimated that there must be high-level true spirit beasts and even powerful monks guarding it.

With his current cultivation base, it might be difficult to find such a high-level spiritual creature!

But if you don't rush for a while, when you improve your cultivation base, if you meet by chance, you can fight.

But the premise is that you have to get the corresponding reward.

"Senior, this anti-death spirit grass must be extremely difficult to obtain, extremely dangerous? I am afraid that this junior will not be able to achieve his wish."

Li Mu stood up and cupped his hands, intending to refuse.

Tianyan Shenjun glanced at Li Mu with a smile, he knew very well that the reason why Li Mu refused was because he wanted to get the corresponding reward.

This is all as it should be, no one would take risks for strangers, so he said frankly: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, as long as you are willing to help me, I am willing to give away everything I have."

"Whether it's the Seventh-Rank Lingbao Painting Realm Baofu, or all the rare treasures in it, or all the inheritance below, you can give them away."

A surprise flashed in Li Mu's eyes.

Sure enough, compared with wealth and life, the God of Heaven Yanyan naturally chooses life.

If he could obtain all the inheritance of the Tianyan Shenjun and this seventh-level magic weapon, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.

But the most important thing is that this vast and boundless world, this magic weapon in the cave, has strong spiritual energy, fertile land, and complete five elements, which is convenient for planting other spiritual plants and medicines, and can grow several times or even dozens of times faster than the outside world. Speed, everything, is what he desires most.

Moreover, with this celestial magic weapon, if you encounter danger in the future, you can take everything and leave without being limited to a certain place
This is where Li Mu's heart is most excited.

(End of this chapter)

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