Chapter 159 Dao Xin Oath
This seventh-order Dongtian Lingbao was tailor-made for him.

Of course, if you want to obtain this cave spirit treasure, you must first find that so-called anti-death spirit grass.

But everything here is also extremely valuable.

Especially in terms of formation, Tianyan Shenjun is far better than himself.

The illusion array that I encountered before, and the shielding array arranged here, if there is no array card, even if he is given a hundred years, it will be difficult to find it.

It can be seen how profound his formation skills are. If he can learn, if he can learn his formation techniques and inherit them from refining weapons, his strength will also be greatly improved.

Adding a seventh-order cave-to-heaven magic weapon, Li Mu has already decided on the requirements of Tianyan Shenjun in his heart after weighing the pros and cons.

But at this time, Tianyan Shenjun said: "Friend Daoist, you don't need to agree immediately, I will give you a period of time to think about it."

"No need to think about it, I agree!"

Tianyan Shenjun was surprised when he heard this.

"Fellow Daoist, are you serious?"

"I can make an oath of Dao Heart, if I violate it, my cultivation base will never improve again." Li Mu looked at Tianyan Shenjun and said solemnly.

In today's world, there are some ways to temporarily evade the oath of the heavenly way, but the oath of the dao heart is different. The higher the cultivation level, the more important it is for one's own dao heart.

Especially breaking Yuanying, refining gods, and merging into Mahayana... If you advance to transforming gods, you will encounter heart demons. If you go against your own Dao heart, promise things to others, and do it perfunctorily.

It will follow the cycle of cause and effect, and unknowingly plant a calamity of inner demons. Once the gods are refined, once the inner demons come out, it will be a natural disaster.

At least it will fail to transform into a god, and the cultivation base will regress.

In severe cases, life and death will disappear, and you will be consumed to death by the heart demon thunder calamity.

Last time, when crossing Yuanying's thunder calamity, he encountered the most dangerous thunder calamity, either other thunder calamities or the heart demon thunder calamities related to the Dao Heart.

As soon as Li Mu's words came out, Tianyan Shenjun was overjoyed, and deeply felt that his words were sincere.

"Fellow Daoist dares to make this oath of Dao heart, thank you in advance."

God Lord Tianyan bowed his hand to Li Mu and happily thanked him.

"No, we are just a transaction. This Dongtian Lingbao is very important to me. However, whether I can find the Death-Defying Spirit Grass depends on our good fortune. Where is the Necromancer Grass, Li is willing to do his best to search for you." Li Mu looked at Tianyan Shenjun and gestured.

A rare spiritual plant such as the anti-dead spirit grass.

To be honest, Li Mu was only listening to it for the first time.

After Tianyan Shenjun heard about it, he smiled freely: "Fellow Daoist, I naturally understand the matter of chance. If I still can't find it at the end of my life, then it is my fate, and I have no regrets."

"My inheritance is also inherited, so I have no regrets, but it's a pity that the venerable evil spirit didn't kill him back then."

When Tianyan Shenjun talked about the demon venerable, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

After that, he became depressed again, and then he put the matter behind him, and said seriously: "Why is the Reversing Death Spirit Grass a legendary elixir? I have never seen it before, but according to legend, this elixir actually appeared in ancient times. Its growing conditions are extremely harsh."

"Born in the two worlds of yin and yang, absorbing the yin and yang of the world, all living beings encounter the death-defying spirit grass, and those who are not gods will die if they touch it, and the soul will be separated and become nourishment."

"It bears fruit for a thousand years, and blooms for a thousand years. When the flowers bloom, there are visions of heaven and earth, and all ghosts sing together, and the sky and earth show a blood-red light. This is a sign of flowers blooming."

"This is a rumor related to the Necromancer Grass. As for other more accurate news, I don't know."

Li Mu who heard the information was silent.

Regardless of whether there is such a high-level spiritual plant in this world, it is difficult to find it in the Yin and Yang worlds alone.

Even if there is.

Not to mention whether there are powerful spirit beasts to accompany it, just the fact that it has blossomed and borne fruit for thousands of years is a headache.

I don't know when was the last time the Reincarnation Necromancer Grass bloomed and bear fruit. If it was somewhere in the Nanling Continent, it would have bloomed and bear fruit just thousands of years ago.

Wouldn't it be tens of thousands of years to wait, and it is estimated that Tianyan Shenjun will also be turned into ashes by then.

That could only be his fate.

"I understand."

Li Mu nodded.

Seeing that his request had been met, Lord Tianyan didn't talk nonsense, and took out a token.

The faint blue light emitted by the token.

Possessing the strong aura of a seventh-order spirit treasure, he turned to Li Mu.

"Fellow Daoist, I have removed the soul imprint of Lingbao, and I will fall into a long sleep next, to save the last trace of my soul power."

"The refinement of a seventh-order spirit treasure has its own advantages and disadvantages. My spirit treasure needs to leave a soul imprint on this token, and it belongs to you."

"In addition, this stored magic weapon will be inherited by me all my life."

Tianyan Shenjun took out another simple ring and handed it to Li Mu.

Two fetishes took over.

Li Mu couldn't help but his heart pounding, the sudden happiness made him a little dizzy.

This painting world treasure house is simply a huge treasure house.

He quickly imprinted his soul on the token, and instantly recognized the master.

Immediately, all the information about the Huajie Baofu and how to use it flooded into Li Mu's mind like a tide.

After about three breaths, I figured everything out.

The enlarged Palace Cave Mansion in the Painting World is about [-] mu in length and width, containing ten high-level spiritual veins, [-] spiritual medicines, [-] spiritual fruit trees, and countless spiritual herbs.

None of them are mortal, the lowest rank is third rank, and the highest rank is sixth rank.

There are countless spiritual woods of various grades, the lowest grade is the third grade, and the highest grade is the seventh grade spiritual wood.

There are nearly a thousand spirit beasts of various kinds, 90.00% of them are Tier [-] and Tier [-] spirit beasts, and there is only one Tier [-] spirit beast, which is the eyeless giant ape from before.

There are three Lingshan Mountains and one cultivation cave.

After knowing everything that Huajie Baofu has, Li Mu feels that this visit is really worth it.

One hundred thousand acres of spiritual land!
This is far greater than that of Yueqiong Peak, and there are so many cultivation resources that it is not unimaginable.

It is said that formation masters and crafting masters are the richest.

That's really good.

The wealth accumulated by Tianyan Shenjun in his life is really rich.

Just when Li Mu was pleasantly surprised.

Next to the ground, a small green snake drilled out.

The little snake is blue in color, with fluorescent lights, and is about ten feet long.

Taking a closer look, this is the Artifact Spirit of the Baofu in the painting world. Facing the new owner, the little green snake turned around suspiciously, and finally followed Li Mu's hand to his shoulder.

"Master, hello!"

The green snake opened its mouth slightly, and then spit out words.

The Qi Ling of the seventh-order spirit treasure already possessed extremely high spiritual intelligence, and could even be called an alternative life form.


Li Mu touched the snake's head lightly, liking it very much.

"Fellow Daoist, I will enter this spiritual treasure and recuperate. If you encounter the Death-Defying Spirit Grass in your lifetime, please wake me up."

"My soul can last for about 2000 years."

"Understood, thanks to the favor of my predecessors, if I can find this fetish, I will definitely do my best."

Hearing these reassuring words, Tianyan Shenjun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sent a fifth-order spiritual treasure, which is a pagoda for nourishing souls.

Exuding bursts of soul power light, Tianyan Shenjun got into the tower and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Mu put away the pagoda, and after checking it, he found that the other party had really fallen into a deep sleep.

There is not a trace of spiritual power released.

Apparently a real dedication to recuperation.

But there are too many secrets in his body, Li Mu still keeps an eye on it, and is going to check the entire treasure house of the painting world carefully to make sure that there is no hidden means left by him.

Then I can officially start a new practice and farm in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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