Chapter 160 Earth Step Formation
Li Mu began to check the situation of the land attached to the Dongfu Lingbao. The Huajie Baofu, the Dongfu Lingbao, has now recognized its owner. Li Mu can easily check the "[-] mu" space in the Dongfu Lingbao.

Under the glance of the spiritual sense, all kinds of rich materials are fully displayed, and all kinds of materials and treasures are classified into categories.

The treasure house of spiritual plants that Li Mu focuses on is stored in a warehouse, which contains the seeds of endless spiritual plants. From high-level to low-level, the number is not weaker than Qingxuanzong's material warehouse.

The Lingzhi warehouse building has three floors.

The seeds of various second- and third-tier spiritual plants are placed on the bottom layer. The value of these spiritual plants is not high, but they cannot support a large number.

With a glance of his spiritual consciousness, Li Mu found the familiar third-level ginseng; third-level unicorn fruit; third-level wood dragon vine; third-level golden sword grass; third-level jade net green lotus, these spiritual grass seeds that can produce innate spiritual power of the five elements , enough to plant [-] acres of land.

Five thousand acres, when the time is right, you can easily grasp tens of millions, hundreds of millions of five-element spiritual plant attribute points when harvested.

Li Mu's heart skipped a beat, he just felt a little dizzy from being hit by happiness.

Soon, Li Mu regained his composure.

Now advanced Yuanying Zhenjun, Yuanying Zhenjun is divided into four levels, namely the early stage, middle stage, advanced stage, and perfection, and there are five realms of Dzogchen.

Every innate five-element spiritual power now needs 1.2 million points to be upgraded. It is still delusional to want to fill up all these hundreds of millions of innate five-element attribute points.

In addition to the innate spiritual power of the five elements, Yin and Yang are also needed. All in all, the next realm, from the Nascent Soul realm to transforming into a god, does not require too many spiritual plant light groups.

Fortunately, I got this Dongtian Spiritual Treasure. The aura of this treasure is strong inside, and the growth of the spiritual plant is accelerated. I believe it will not take much time to advance.

Of course, in addition to these seeds, there are other relatively good seeds of spiritual grass and elixir.

It can easily replant [-] mu of land.

However, the value of this first layer of spiritual planting is not high.

The second and third layers are the focus.

Thus, Li Mu stepped forward and came to the second floor.

The number of seeds in the second layer of grids is only a quarter of that of the first layer.

【Dragon Blood Amakusa】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Contains a strong innate fire source, which has a great nourishing effect on fire practitioners. 】

[Status: Strong spiritual power, sealed. 】

[Planting requirements: The dragon blood sky grass that grows in a place of extreme fire is said to be a fire attribute sky dragon. The purity of the Fire Element technique takes five years to take root, 30 years to bloom, and a hundred years to mature. 】

【Dragonfly jade fruit】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

【Characteristics: Breeding essence, containing a strong breath of life. 】

[Status: Strong aura, sealed. 】

[Dragonfly Jade Fruit: Contains vitality, planting requirements: It needs to be in a place with abundant aura, where the sun and moon essence can be illuminated by the five elements. It has a strong breath of life and is known as the spirit of all fruits. It is a fifth-grade elixir of life and death. One of the most important elixir, it can be taken by the seriously injured. It can stabilize the injury and extend life for one day. It can be picked after ten years of flowering and a hundred years of fruiting. In places with strong spiritual energy, the growth rate will be greatly shortened. 】

【Earth Dragon Ginseng】

[Rank: Level [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Strong earthy innate energy, able to hold on to the soul, powerful soul. 】

[Status: Strong breath, archived! 】

[Planting requirements: all the five elements and the earth can be used. Where the taboo is, the earth dragon has been planted in the ground for ten years, automatically absorbs the radius, and the land is full of vitality. Except for one, there is no other place for planting. It cannot be planted with other spiritual plants. It has matured for a hundred years. , breaking out of the ground like a dragon, spitting out juice to nourish the earth and breed the next round of life, reincarnating hundreds of times, a thousand years can be advanced to a fifth-level elixir. 】


These fluorescent grids contain as many as twelve kinds of spiritual herbs, among which there are three fourth-order spiritual herbs in the five elements.

Able to fulfill the requirements of the five elements.

It's a pity that he owes water and gold two kinds of innate qi, the spiritual grass and the elixir, which makes Li Mu a little disappointed.

Huh, no...

Isn't Jinyuan Spiritual Fruit the fourth-order spiritual fruit?

Only then did Li Mu recall that in the floating spiritual field he saw in the hall before, there were Jinyuan spiritual fruits planted, and that the soul firefly grass happened to be of the attribute of wood.

It's a pity that there are not many Jinyuan spiritual fruits planted in the spiritual fields.

However, it is also possible to cultivate the seeds by yourself. If it is not enough, you can go out and buy them at that time.

A fourth-order elixir with a water attribute, or a psychic fruit.

At that time, the higher innate attributes of the five elements will be available. At present, the area that can be planted with Dragonfly Jade Fruit, Earth Dragon Spirit Ginseng, and Dragon Blood Sky Grass is about [-] mu.


It took Li Mu two days to tidy up the treasures of the cave, and then he was going to open up wasteland and farm.

The final result is quite satisfactory, and nothing is wrong.

But just in case.

Li Mu still put the pagoda where God Lord Tianyan lived into the storage compartment.

The storage compartment can isolate any spiritual consciousness. Now, Tianyan Shenjun only has a sliver of distraction, and he has no ability to break through the storage compartment and release his spiritual consciousness.

Get this done.

Li Mu started to open up wasteland, [-] mu of land, but now only less than [-] mu of land has been opened up.

The planting of [-] mu of land includes spiritual fruits, elixir, and elixir, so don't worry about these for now.

Wait until later to deal with it.

During these two days, Li Mu had a clear understanding of the situation of the [-] mu of land.

The spiritual treasure of the Dongfu is a world of its own, complete with five elements.

Ten high-level spiritual veins, all of which are high-grade pastoral lands here.

And the aura is abundant, several times thicker than the outside world, any spiritual things planted here, the maturity time will be several times faster, ten times faster,
And the quality is extremely high, so it is no problem to cultivate top-grade Lingtian.

Li Mu flew in the air, and came to a place surrounded by mountains and water, where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. Here was a vast pastoral area, which happened to be [-] mu in area.

It just so happened that one of the high-level spiritual veins was at the foot.

It only needs to open up wasteland and stay for a period of time, and it will be a top-grade spiritual field.

Just do it.

Li Mu flipped his hands as usual, and cast the Earth Dragon Technique, the ground was like earth dragons criss-crossing, the ground was flying and orderly.

Thousands of acres of fields, the ground churned, and the ground began to shake.

All the spirit beasts around felt the strangeness of the cave spirit land, and they were terrified and uneasy.

Tens of miles away, the blue-eyed gibbon was shrunk to a size of ten feet, but it was full of horror, looking at the surging spiritual land in the distance.

What is this human monk doing?
He actually turned the heaven and earth upside down in Tianyan Shenjun's cave abode.

Although the Lord Shenjun is only a distraction, he still controls the core magic circle of the spiritual land. If he wants to kill this human monk, it will only be a flip-flop. Why does he ignore it?
The blue-eyed gibbon has lived here for hundreds of years as its guardian.

All the flowers, plants and trees here are under its management.

Seeing the spiritual land become so unbearable, the blue-eyed armpit was full of doubts, dared to be angry and dared not speak out, and felt the aura of Tianyan Shenjun dissipated. Could it be that the spiritual land of the cave has changed its owner?

Which human monk did God Lord Tianyan give this spiritual land cave to?
The blue-eyed armpit looked stunned, and felt that the human monk was easily controlling the core hub of the cave, as if he really had control over the cave.


The god king cheated him to death, this human monk wouldn't care about the past with him, would he?

Thinking of this possibility, the blue-eyed gibbon shuddered.

Before, it felt a strange change in the spiritual land of the cave, but it returned to normal within a few breaths.

It still feels puzzled.

It must be that the spiritual land of the cave and the core hub have changed their controllers!
For a moment, the blue-eyed gibbon lost its direction.

In the end, he retreated to the ground and chose to wait and see what happened.


After a hundred breaths.

The initial success of land reclamation, stepping on the black land.

Li Mu felt the extremely dense spiritual power fluctuations contained in the land, and was very happy.

Afterwards, follow the usual steps to start planting third-tier ginseng; third-tier kirin fruit; third-tier wood dragon vine; third-tier golden sword grass; third-tier jade green lotus.

In order to save effort, he released all the coolie puppets and other puppets that could be used.

The speed has more than doubled.

The setting sun rises and the sun sets.

After a tiring day, he finally planted all the seeds. Li Mu stood with his hands behind his back, watching the morning glow in the distance, marveling in amazement.

Here is a world of its own, where the sun and the moon shine.

It's no different from the outside world, it's really a big deal.

After finishing the garden, Li Mu is going to reward himself.

There are many spirit beasts here, so Li Mu stepped on the flying sword to find prey for dinner.

Now that the Soul Devouring Body Cultivation Art has been completed, it is no longer necessary to devour spiritual things.

But after all, he still retains the habit of savoring his taste buds. After all, he doesn't have to bury his head in hard work like other monks, and he has a lot of time to be free.

At present, other exercises are Dzogchen.

Artifact refining, array formation, and puppet art are all five-level, and they lack spiritual plants corresponding to spirituality, so they can only be stranded for a while.

As for the Tianyan Shenjun Formation, there are a lot of free proficiency points, and it can only be upgraded to level five at most.

There are no natural enemies in the treasure house of the painting world, and I can temporarily stabilize my body and mind, so there is no need to be so urgent.

between thoughts.

Soon he saw a fourth-order mid-stage iron-blooded mad bull eating a spiritual fruit.

So with a wave of his hand, a fifth-order top-grade spirit sword fell from the sky like an aurora.

The mad bull was killed easily.

After that, the knife was raised and the fire was set up, and the fourth-order spirit beast began to be roasted.

Under the ground, the blue-eyed armipeda trembled with fear when it saw this scene.

How cruel!

Yuanying Zhenjun has long been in the world, and there is no need to eat any fireworks in the world.

But in order to satisfy his appetite, he killed the spirit beast.

Now that one has been killed, it is estimated that there will be a second soon.

If the fourth-order spirit beasts were killed, and they were still not satisfied after being fed by them, the next one would fall on themselves.

Foreseeing the future, the blue-eyed armpit felt cold all over its body, and its dead souls froze, wishing to escape from this terrifying place far away.

However, without the release of Tianyan Shenjun, it would never be able to get out.

Looking for Tianyan Shenjun, but he couldn't even enter the front door of the cave. The blue-eyed armpit was secretly frightened, and hid underground, not daring to show his head.

Li Mu still had a big appetite, and the iron and blood mad flow as high as thirty feet was eaten by more than seven feet, whichever was about ten feet was included in the space.

The rest give back to nature.

But he stretched out his foot and stomped the ground, and soon there was an exclamation.

The ground surged, and a huge boulder hand rose from the ground.

The fifty-foot-wide giant rock palm tightly pinched the blue-eyed gibbon, which was about ten feet wide.

"You beast, we meet again."

Li Mu cracked a smile, his face was harmless to humans and animals.

But in the eyes of the blue-eyed gibbon, it seemed that he came from a demon cultivator from purgatory, which scared him to pieces.

It was very shocked.

This giant rock palm is a hostile method used by God Lord Tianyan to control the treasure house of the painting world.

It seems to be a giant rock palm, but the Lingbao itself is indestructible, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

Now it is controlled by Li Mu, and all his conjectures have been verified at once.

Tianyan Shenjun was murdered, and the Lingbao fell into his hands.

This time the sky will kill me too.

"Senior, please forgive me. The villain had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai before. You, the senior who collided with you, deserved to die. But the villain is already at the peak of the fifth step. I am willing to be your spiritual beast. I am willing to be a cow and a horse. Please don't kill me!" I."

The blue-eyed armipede spit out human words and risked his life to survive.

Li Mu was slightly taken aback when he heard this, this beast has really changed a lot, he dragged it out by himself because he thought he was too obtrusive.

Staying here, the beast will see many of its own secrets.

Originally, I wanted to repair it and put it under the film.

That's good, I was already prepared to exercise after dinner, exercising my muscles and bones can help digestion, but I didn't expect this guy to be so cowardly, he knelt down and begged for mercy as soon as we met.


Well, forget it, it's a good thing that things can go so smoothly.

"Since I am so enlightened, I will save your life and I will plant the seal of the imperial deed."

"Thank you, senior, for your kindness!"

There were tears in the eyes of the blue-eyed armipede, and it looked terrible. It was really embarrassing for such a sturdy figure but submissive.

Soon, Li Mu easily placed the imperial seal on the soul of the blue-eyed armipede.

The giant palm was released, and the blue-eyed gibbon became obedient and landed on the ground.

"Meet the master!"

The blue-eyed gibbon knelt down on one knee, imitating the human race, and saluted.

"Well, you have seen the spiritual field I cultivated."

Li Mu waved and pointed to the distance.

"Master, I saw it, I saw it."

"Go and help me guard the spiritual field, and disperse all the approaching spirit beasts. If there is any loss, I will ask you."

"Master, I will definitely guard Lingtian."

Li Mu nodded in satisfaction, and the blue-eyed armipede immediately set off to guard the spiritual field.

With the huge fluctuation of spiritual power of the blue-eyed armpit, all the spirit beasts dare not approach, which is saved. He went to arrange the psychedelic formation and other formations to avoid being trampled by the spirit beasts.

It is only necessary to set up a spirit gathering array tomorrow to increase the spiritual energy again, so that the time for maturity will be shortened again.

Got it here.

Li Mu stepped on the flying sword and returned to the cave.

There are many rooms for rest in Dongfu, so I chose a room with the scenery of Guanlan Mountain and lived in it directly.

The daily necessities in the room are all available.

Sitting on the bed, Li Mu took out the quaint ring, which contained the inheritance of Tianyan Shenjun.

This quaint ring is a five-level storage magic weapon, with a huge internal space, about [-] mu of land.

But there are only two inheritance jade slips, one exudes fiery red and golden light, and the other exudes a strong aura of formation.

Take out the jade slip.

Li Mu chose the array jade to stick it directly on his forehead.

In an instant, a huge amount of content poured into the sea of ​​consciousness like an overwhelming mountain, and it was the first time I saw the huge content in my life.

It took Li Mu an incense stick of time to digest the contents.

Tianyan Shenjun is really a genius of formations.

This was Li Mu's first exclamation when he obtained the inheritance, and he was truly shocked.

The inheritance of Tianyan Shenjun turned out to be an earth-level formation [Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation].

(End of this chapter)

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