Chapter 164 Heavenly Secret Pavilion

Leave the restaurant.

Li Mu went straight to Tianji Pavilion, an organization that specializes in selling information.

Tianji Pavilion is located on the main street of Luotian City. It is one of the benchmark buildings. The building is shaped like a pagoda, with a height of seventeen floors.

On the first floor of Tianji Pavilion, the business model is almost the same as that of a teahouse. There are tea customers in twos and threes, coming in and out, and it is extremely lively.

Entering the door couplet of Tianji Pavilion, there is a pair of couplets with a mysterious atmosphere.

The first couplet: Lying down to watch the secrets of the sky, drunk to watch the clouds move and the bright moon

The second couplet: Sit down and talk about success or failure, laughing about the vicissitudes of the past and the present

Like other tea guests, Li Mu walked into the hall of Tianji Pavilion.

Dozens of teahouses were filled with monks. They drank spirit tea and ate pastries. They focused their eyes on a desk in the center of the hall. Behind the desk was a doctor of tea, who was eloquently talking about the current hot news.

"Three days ago, in the Yunshuang Mountains, Fu Jinhong, the true disciple of Yulingzong, fought a life-and-death battle with Zhan Lingyue, the saint of Tianmozong. The fierce battle lasted for a day and a night. Fu Jinhong succeeded in defeating Tianma with his famous skill - Yitian Sword Art. The door saint - Zhan Lingyue was killed by the sword."

"The true disciple of Yulingzong - Fu Jinhong is a late Jindan cultivator. After experiencing this life-and-death battle, he suffered heavy injuries. I am afraid that he has lost some opportunities to advance to the Nascent Soul Realm. You must be very curious. Female fighting,..., this has to tell a secret story, "


"Hi, Ru'er welcomes senior. Senior, do you want to drink tea? Or do you want to buy information? Or purchase spiritual items, Ru'er will serve senior wholeheartedly!" While Li Mu was listening to Dr. Cha's wonderful story, a second The eight-year-old girl blocked Li Mu's vision and asked with a warm smile.

"Buy a few pieces of information, and then buy some spiritual objects." Li Mu moved back to his field of vision and said bluntly.

"Senior, please come with me!" The girl nodded happily, making an invitation gesture, and warmly invited.

Li Mu glanced at the hall, followed the girl's footsteps, and came to a study-like private room in the side hall.

The single room of the study is closed, with a mahogany table in the center. Behind the desk sits a woman in red holding a book and flipping through it. There are several large bookshelves filled with parchment scrolls and thick-headed masterpieces.

"Aunt Hong, this senior wants to buy some information, and at the same time buy a batch of special spiritual objects, please entertain me!" The girl introduced Li Mu to the woman in red.

The woman in red put down her book, revealing a delicate face, oval face, about thirty years old, with red phoenix eyes and willow eyebrows, full of intellectual bookishness.

"My dear guest, this is Shi Hongyao, the celestial master of this pavilion. If you want to ask any information, you can ask her." The maid - Ru'er introduced to Li Mu.

"Fellow daoist, please come in, Ru'er, you go out first!" Shi Hongyao put down the book, looked at Li Mu and nodded, signaling.

Ru'er bowed profusely, turned to leave respectfully, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

"Fellow Daoist, please sit down. Let me tell you in advance that Tianji Pavilion's information is always accurate, and the price is not cheap." Shi Hongyao is also a monk at the peak of Jindan. seat, guiding the way enthusiastically.

"If the information is accurate, it doesn't matter if the price is higher! What if there is a mistake in the information?" Li Mu sat down in the empty seat indicated by the red dress, and asked with a smile.

"If there are any mistakes or omissions in the information, after verification and confirmation, our Tianji Pavilion will compensate you ten times the price. I don't know, what kind of information do fellow daoists want?" Shi Hongyao explained and asked lightly.

"I want to know about Tianhuo's information, how many spirit stones do I need to pay for this information?" Li Mu looked at Shi Hongyao and asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Shi Hongyao frowned slightly, she didn't expect this golden elixir customer to ask such information, she was caught off guard for a while.

Spiritual objects such as Tianhuo are not within the reach of Golden Core cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist, Tianhuo belongs to the spiritual objects of the Dao of Heaven, and it is extremely rare in the world. If you want to buy information clues about this kind of spiritual objects, it is very expensive. At the same time, I need to visit the Tianji Mirror in this pavilion. [-]% information, fellow daoist, are you sure you want to buy this information?" Shi Hongyao looked at Li Mu seriously and explained in detail.

"Oh! Pay in advance? I don't know, how much will it cost to get information from Tianhuo!" Li Mu frowned, looked at the other party, and asked with concern.

"Skyfire belongs to the spirits of the Dao of Heaven, ranking seventh. The relevant information needs at least: 1 high-grade spirit stones. Daoist friends, you need to pay 5 high-grade spirit stones for this first, and make up the difference after other information comes out." Shi Hong Yao looked at Li Mu with deep meaning, and said seriously:

"Forget it, I won't buy this information for the time being, I'll buy a batch of spiritual objects first! Does your pavilion have fifth-order dragon bones, or spiritual objects such as dragon spirits?" Li Mu looked at Shi Hongyao and asked with concern. .

"The skeleton of the fifth-order dragon, or the spirit of the dragon! Wait a minute, fellow daoist, let me check!" Shi Hongyao nodded, took out a purple jade slip, and put his consciousness into it.

"This pavilion happens to have a fifth-order dragon skeleton, but there is no such dragon spirit!" Shi Hongyao responded after confirming, looking at Li Mu.

Li Mu's eyes lit up slightly, this Tianji Pavilion is still possible!There was actually a fifth-level dragon skeleton, but there was no fifth-level dragon spirit. However, after thinking about it for a while, it was understandable that, apart from magic cultivators, few monks could use spirits such as monster spirits.

What is really valuable is the body of the dragon, the scales of the dragon, the blood on the body, the liver and gallbladder, and so on.

Ordinary craftsmen simply can't integrate the spirits of monsters and beasts into spirit weapons to form weapon spirits like him. Li Mu can do this, in addition to having the supernatural power of refining weapons - divine refining and melting spirits, he also has the ability to devour spirits. With the assistance of the Thousand Insect Cup Spirit-Xiaobai, he could easily 'convince' those unruly monster spirits.

"Can you bring me the Jiaolong skeleton?" Li Mu looked at Shi Hongyao and asked in confirmation.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment. If you want to buy spiritual objects, I will ask the maid to take you to the spiritual object purchase room." Shi Hongyao smiled apologetically, then shook Xiao Ling on the table, and called the maid, Ru'er.

"Xiao Ru, this distinguished guest wants to see the bones of the fifth-order flood dragon, you take him to shopkeeper Lin!" Shi Hongyao looked at Ru'er who was summoned, and motioned.

"Okay, senior, please come with me!" The maid - Ru'er readily complied and invited Li Mu respectfully.

Li Mu nodded happily, got up and followed the maid, Ru'er, out of the secret room, and came to another room where various high-level spiritual objects were placed on the shelves.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and the attributes of the spiritual objects on the shelf were reflected in the virtual frame one by one.

Li Mu looked at it carefully for a while, and planned to see if he could catch a leak.

A smiling young man looked at him with a smile on his face, and took steps to block Li Mu's sight.

"Senior, this is our shopkeeper - Lin Wanping, you can tell him any spiritual objects you need." The maid - Ru'er introduced Li Mu, and then obediently withdrew.

Shopkeeper Lin was dressed in green clothes, with a handsome appearance, and a smile on his face, looking at him with a smile, with a gentle and elegant demeanor without losing enthusiasm.

After a monk advances to the Golden Core, his life expectancy is greatly increased, and it is possible to practice basic skills, change his appearance, rejuvenate, ..., so young monks can be found everywhere.

Appearance does not represent the real age, only bone age can tell the true from the false.

The spiritual pressure on the opponent is also the fluctuation of the golden core peak monk.

The background of Tianji Pavilion is really good, there are so many Jindan shopkeepers.

"Hello fellow daoist, in Xialin Wanping, do you want to buy the fifth-order dragon skeleton?"

Lin Wanping's face was full of smiles, and his temperament was exactly the same as that of Wang Wenbao.

Li Mu just glanced at it, then shook his head and said, "Yes, I don't know, how do you sell the bones of the fifth-order dragon?"

Tianyan Shenjun didn't leave many spirit stones behind, but in the treasure house of the painting world, there are fourth-level, fifth-level and sixth-level, all kinds of spiritual grasses, fruits, and medicines. If you take them out for auction, you can earn a lot of money. Money, plus other trophies, Li Mu's waist is straight and full of pride.

"Show the goods to the fellow Taoist first. If you are satisfied, the price is easy to negotiate!" Lin Wanping smiled slightly, took out a storage bracelet, and stretched out his hand.

The next moment, a two-foot-long emerald green flood dragon suddenly appeared in the center of the room, releasing extremely powerful monster energy.

[The blue sea mad dragon. 】

[Rank: Fifth-rank dragon bone. 】

[Characteristics: Tough and indestructible, with tight bones. 】

[Shanxi is a dragon that lives in the high-pressure sea. It is extremely difficult to capture. It has a relatively docile temperament and does not like to fight. There is a trace of ancient dragon blood in its body. 】

Looking at the body of the dragon, the talent of supernatural powers - under the recognition of all spirits, the detailed information is displayed in the virtual frame of the character.

Li Mu's eyes lit up with splendor.

Unexpectedly, I finally got a complete pair of dragon bones, and it was still water attribute.

Really good.

It's a pity that there is no dragon's soul, which is slightly missing.

Fortunately, there are two other dragon souls, but I don't know if the keels used for them don't match, and I don't know if the souls can match.

Then, you can try it out.

"This dragon skeleton is worth 15 Zhongling." Lin Wanping introduced

"I still need other items. Do you have the blood essence for cultivating blood function?" Li Mu nodded and asked.

Li Mu also has another pair of fire python dragons, which can only be repaired by soaking in the blood of living beings, so he couldn't help but question him immediately.

Hearing this, Lin Wanping's expression changed slightly.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to use it to practice magic skills?" Lin Wanping looked slightly cold, looked at Li Mu, and asked with concern.

Li Mu smiled slightly, this demon cultivator is always shouted and beaten everywhere, even the Tianji Pavilion is unwilling to do business with the demon cultivator.

Li Mu waved his hand with a smile, and summoned a fire dragon skeleton from the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood. I bought the dragon bone for formation. This dragon bone is old and a little damaged. I need some life essence and blood to restore its energy."

"So that's it, I'm sorry."

Lin Wanping breathed a sigh of relief, but shook his head and smiled wryly, "Our Tianji Pavilion does not sell such filthy things, but I can provide a clue if you need it."


Li Mu listened attentively.

"There is a demon cultivator who practiced blood refining demon skills and slaughtered many innocent creatures, so there must be a large amount of life essence and blood on his body."

"Oh! I don't know how to sell this demon cultivator's information?" Li Mu understood it as soon as he heard it. He dared to believe that Lin Wanping wanted to sell information.

"This demon cultivator ranks in the fifth rank, and at the same time, it is divided into lower, middle, upper, and third ranks."

"The primary information is his personal information, and the more detailed information is about his whereabouts and where he is staying."

"If fellow daoist needs more detailed information, you have to wait for a week before you can find out the exact location of the other party. If you still can't reply after a week, part of the money will be refunded to fellow daoist!"

Lin Wanping stood with his hands behind his back and introduced confidently.

Li Mu nodded, this Tianji Pavilion really has some strength.

"Give me a piece of top-notch information. In addition, I need to purchase some high-level spiritual planting seeds. Do you have any in your pavilion?" Li Mu nodded and asked with concern.

"Yes! Of course, fellow daoist, what kind of spiritual seed do you need?" Lin Wanping asked with concern, full of confidence.

"Third-rank Blazing Spirit Grass, third-rank Wood Dragon Vine, third-rank Golden Sword Grass, fourth-rank Dragon Blood Heaven Grass, fourth-rank Dragonfly Jade Fruit,..." Li Mu then reported the spiritual plant seeds he needed one by one.

Lin Wanping's eyes lit up, and he saw that the spiritual plant seeds Li Mu needed were of various types, and there were not a lot of them, big deal!
Lin Wanping memorized them one by one, and began to search for them.

(End of this chapter)

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