Chapter 165 'Alchemy Master'

Come out from the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Most of the spirit stones on Li Mu's body were spent, but he added a lot of spiritual plants that were lacking originally, and raised all the seeds of the fourth-order five-element spiritual plants. This trip to Tianji Pavilion was finally not in vain.

However, the information about Tianhuo was too high-level and the price was extremely high. Even though Li Mu had a lot of money, he didn't want to be taken advantage of, so he didn't buy it.

Coming out of Tianji Pavilion, Li Mu was going to find an inn to stay temporarily.

At this moment, Li Yuan led a second-order spirit horse and walked straight towards him.

Seeing Li Mu, Li Yuan immediately put on a smile, bowed his hands respectfully to Li Mu: "Senior, we meet again, we are so destined!"

Li Mu seemed to be smiling but not smiling, so there was no reason for that!This guy was clearly here for him!
"What's the matter with you?" Li Mu looked at the other party with a smile, and asked straight to the point.

Li Yuan has a good personality, is good at dealing with people, and makes many friends. Li Mu has a good impression of him, and his own strength is also quite good. He is a good guy.

"Senior, are you looking for the way to Tianji Pavilion? If you don't mind, I can show you the way." Li Yuan looked at Li Mu and said respectfully.

"No, I've already been there." Li Mu replied lightly.

"Then where are you going now, senior..." Li Yuan licked his face and asked unwillingly.

"I'm going to find a place to rest, what's the matter?" Li Mu frowned, looked at Li Yuan and asked.

"That's really great. If seniors don't dislike it, there is an unused courtyard in the lower mansion. It is currently uninhabited. Although the place is small, it is much better than the inn. It is also equipped with guards, which is extremely safe." Li Yuan cupped his hands sincerely. Full, looking at Li Mu expectantly.

If there is nothing to be courteous about, there must be a demon when something happens.

In the world of comprehension, although the Golden Core cultivators are already strong, in Luotian City, there are no fewer than hundreds of Golden Core cultivators.

This Li Yuan was a little too enthusiastic.

This made Li Mu pay attention, his expression was serious, and he asked in a cold voice: "Tell me! What do you want me to do for you?"

A look of embarrassment flashed in Li Yuan's eyes, he didn't dare to confess, and said with a little embarrassment: "It's an honor to make friends with senior, and it's a blessing to be able to run for you. How dare I ask senior for your help."

"Don't tell me!" Li Mu asked with a serious expression, not prestige and self-annoyance.

Li Mu was really interested in the other party's courtyard, it was more suitable for him than living in a restaurant with his own courtyard.

Li Mu likes to be quiet, and the place of inns and restaurants is indeed somewhat inconvenient.

Li Yuan's forehead was covered with cold sweat from Li Mu's penetrating gaze, and he didn't dare to beat around the bush any longer, and hurriedly cupped his hands: "Senior, I do have something to ask for, after five days, I've invited my friends from all over the world in the Tianyao Mountain Range, As well as two Jindan cultivators from my Li family, they are going to seize a fourth-order spirit grass, Fire Spirit Grass, to refine the cold-dispelling magic pill, and get rid of the cold poison for our ancestors."

"But this fourth-order spiritual grass is guarded by a bloodthirsty lion and scorpion. It has the strength of the fourth-order peak. It's just that the two Jindan elders of my family went to deal with it together, but I still feel that it is not enough. I also hope that senior can do me a favor, as long as I can get this fourth-order spirit grass, this junior is willing to give a hundred top-grade spirit stones as a thank you." Li Yuan looked at Li Mu and said anxiously.

In fact, he didn't intend to invite Li Mu at the beginning, he just wanted to make friends with him, but this senior's gaze was really intimidating, so he might as well go along with the flow and invite him to go with him, which would give him greater confidence.

However, even if the other party refuses, it's okay. It would be great if you can successfully make friends with a strong man and ask for strong support.

"Why invite me, why don't you invite Zhenjun Yuanying, or invite someone from Tianji Pavilion, these fourth-level herbs are not a problem for them!"

Li Mu didn't regard the Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core cultivators as threats, but he was always cautious, so it would be more appropriate for him to figure out the problem.

Li Yuan sighed, looked around, then cast a sound-proof spell, and whispered: "Senior, to be honest, you just came to Luotian City, and you don't know how deep the water is here. Luocheng is just a second-rate family, and there are many forces who want to eradicate us. Now, our Li family has only one Yuanying ancestor left. If others find out that the ancestor is poisoned, they will definitely hurt our Li family. .”

"If the news of the ancestor's accident leaks out, it will be a disaster for our Li family. Senior, you just came to Luotian City, so this junior has the courage to ask you for help."

"Others, we absolutely dare not let others know. As for buying elixir at Tianji Pavilion, it's not like we haven't asked about it. However, it will take more than half a month before the next batch of goods arrives here!"

"Now, every day that passes, the poison on the ancestor's body will become deeper and deeper. In the later stage, even if the poison is successfully detoxified, the cultivation base may also regress. Therefore, we can only ask for help everywhere."

"I also ask the senior to give me a helping hand. As long as the senior is willing to help, we will definitely not lose any of the top-grade spirit stones."

Li Yuan looked at Li Mu with an extremely sincere attitude, explained in detail, and almost knelt down to beg Li Mu.

Li Mu frowned and remained unmoved. A mere hundred high-grade spirit stones is not worth his trouble. If he sells the resources he has, he can get as many high-grade spirit stones as he needs. Other special spirits.

"I don't need the spirit stone, but if you guys can come up with other things, I can also help." Li Mu thought for a moment and made other requests.

Li Yuan's complexion changed slightly, but he still cupped his hands and asked respectfully: "I don't know what kind of spirit do you need, senior? Our Li family will do our best to satisfy it."

"The bones of the dragon, the soul of the dragon, or high-level spiritual herbs such as Yin and Yang?" Li Mu gestured.

Most of the spiritual plants purchased with Tianji Pavilion this time have been completed, except for the high-level Yin-Yang spiritual plants, which are still lacking in number.

Li Mu is going to stay in Luotian City for a while, and then he will gather the high-level spiritual plants and spiritual seeds.

Hearing Li Mu's needs, Li Yuan immediately showed a look of joy on his face, and hurriedly said: "Senior, there are, there are, my ancestors went to the Xinghai to find materials for refining weapons decades ago, and happened to meet a fifth-order blue sea madman." Jiao, beheaded him, and then sold his body to Tianji Pavilion."

"As for the dragon's soul, the ancestor originally planned to refine the dragon's soul into the main soul of the spirit banner, and kept it by himself. However, due to the lack of materials, the soul of the dragon is still in the hands of the ancestor. If you can Helping to gather spirit grass, and begging for the spirit of this flood dragon is definitely not a problem."

Hearing this, Li Mu's eyes lit up and he was very happy.

He really fell asleep, and others gave him a pillow. At present, he already has the Bihai Kuangjiao, and what he lacks is his dragon soul. Unexpectedly, it is in the hands of Li Yuan's ancestor.

"Not bad! Lead the way, I want to meet your ancestor."

Li Mu didn't want to waste time, this dragon's soul was bound to be obtained, as long as he could get together a complete dragon's soul and dragon's bone.

Then behead the bloodthirsty demon cultivator and obtain his life blood, then it will be able to repair the bloodthirsty rampant dragon bone.

At that time, the two dragon-binding immortal formations can be used with all their strength.

This formation has a very strong effect of confusing and trapping the enemy. Even Li Mu, a formation master like Li Mu, cannot break it easily after entering it. Its power can be seen.

The main use of this formation is enough to form a killing formation, and with the sword force of the five elements sword formation, the power can be further improved.

It can be surrounded, trapped, and killed.

This magic circle can definitely become another powerful hole card.

"Senior, please allow me to explain to the elders of the family alchemy first!" Although Li Yuan is the eldest son of the Li family, but now there are two Jindan real people who are in charge of the family, and their consent must be obtained first.

"It's okay, just take me to your family first." Li Mu said with a slight smile and said indifferently.

Li Yuan gritted his teeth. He had already revealed the matter of the ancestor to the other party. Now that he was riding a tiger, he decided to make his own opinion and bring this senior back to the family. down.

Soon, Li Yuan took Li Mu back to Li's house.

On the way, Li Yuan explained to Li Mu some information about the forces in Tianluo City.

The Li family's house is in the second district of Luotian City, which has a strict hierarchical division.

You can see one or two of them by bending down from a high altitude.

Luotian city is divided into three parts, like a giant disc located between the earth, the three channels are completely differentiated, dividing into three major areas.

The outer Lingshan and Lingdi are the places where many forces and third-rate families are located in the third district, and it is also the place where the most casual cultivators stay. However, most of the monks are in the stage of Qi training and foundation building, and a small amount of Jindan Expect.

Second-rate forces, second-rate families.

Located in the second area of ​​the center of Luotian City, the buildings here are prosperous, and you can see a number of mansions surrounded by Lingshan, rising from the ground, occupying an extremely large area, which is not comparable to that in the third area.

The level of monks here is much higher than that in the outer area, and most of the monks in the Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage are located here.

Mostly in family form.

There are a total of eleven families here. The Li family is at the end. At its peak, there were three Nascent Soul True Monarchs in the family. Unfortunately, one of them failed to transform into a god and died in the thunder disaster of transforming into a god.

The other one became immortal a hundred years ago during the long years.

Now there is only one left, which is the ancestor Li Yuan mentioned.

In addition to Tianji Pavilion, there are three major families and two sects.

The three major families are the Liu family, the Ouyang family, and the Lin family.

Each has a cultivator in the early stage of Huashen.

After that, there are two major sects, the Illusory God Sect and the He Xianzong. They are just branch sects here.

With Li Yuan's detailed introduction, Li Mu had a preliminary understanding of the situation in Luotian City.


While speaking, Li Yuan brought Li Mu to Li's house.

Li Yuan took Li Mu into the Li family's compound, a large mansion with high-level spiritual veins and built around a spiritual mountain.

"Senior, please take a rest first, I will warn the elders of the clan." Li Yuan brought Li Mu into the lobby, gave Li Mu his hands, and then ordered a maid to serve Li Mu and serve him spiritual tea.

Li Mu tasted the spiritual tea by himself, and then quietly released his spiritual consciousness to investigate the situation of the Li family.

Under the supernatural power of 'Xing Yin', the spiritual sense was quickly discovered. Under the Li family's mansion, a hidden stone room tens of meters deep underground has arranged a third-order magic circle to shield the spiritual consciousness.

This mere third-order formation, Li Mu didn't disturb the premise of the formation, and his spiritual consciousness quietly passed through the simple formation's magic eye, and walked in.

Then he quietly found an old Yuanying Zhenjun sitting cross-legged on a fire lotus, above the raging fire, his whole body was still covered with frost, trembling from time to time, his face was blue.

Among the several beacon fire formations around, several groups of weak spiritual fires gathered into streams and concentrated on the fire lotus.

The spiritual fire was burning, and the strong innate qi of the fire surrounded the old man, trying to dispel the cold poison on his body.

However, the effect is minimal.

Although he couldn't find out the cold poison in the other party's body, it seems that this ancestor Yuan Ying won't last long.

Li Mu put down his teacup and looked into the side room.

Li Yuan hurried over with a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a strong breath and a heavy broadsword on his back, as if he was ready to set off immediately.

"Fellow Daoist, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Seeing Li Mu, the broad-sworded man bowed his hands boldly and greeted him warmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time."

Li Mu got up slightly and returned the salute.

"Li Yuan has explained everything to me. Brother Dao is really willing to go with me and help us destroy the bloodthirsty scorpion. I am willing..." the thick-browed monk looked at Li Mu gratefully and said impatiently.

In the middle of the other party's conversation, Li Mu raised his hand to block his interruption, and said with a smile: "Do you have the right to make decisions? Let your ancestors come forward and tell me!"

The monk in front of him is obviously one of the Jindan elders of the Li family, and his words cannot replace the Yuanying ancestor of the Li family.

With the release of his consciousness just now, Li Mu knew it at a glance.

Li Yuan just went to find the two Jindan elders, but never discussed this matter with the ancestors of the Li family.

If I complete the tasks of the Li family, Yuanying Patriarch will turn his face and deny people in the end, and a good thing will turn into a bad thing, that's not good!
In this world where strength is the most important thing, intrigues, treacherous people and things are commonplace. Li Mu doesn't think that the words of a Jindan elder have enough weight!

"This..., Brother Dao, my ancestor is trying his best to resist the cold poison in his body right now. I can't be distracted. I have a silver ax and broadsword in Luotian City. I have a good reputation. I will never do anything that is treacherous. Give me a helping hand..."

Elder Li's brows were slightly frowned, but he was still prepared to guarantee his personality, after all, he was going to kill the bloodthirsty scorpion and seize the fire spirit grass.

There are two Golden Core cultivators of the Li family, one is in the middle stage of Golden Core, and he is a perfect Golden Core, so even if they face the bloodthirsty scorpion, they are still nervous, and the outcome is unpredictable.

And in Luotian City, there was really no helper who could help him.

This time Li Yuan found a strong outsider, which really helped him a lot.

If he could invite this middle-stage golden elixir friend to help, the three golden elixirs would join forces to deal with the bloodthirsty scorpion, and the victory or defeat could reach [-]%.

The stakes are high,

Seeing the other party's chatter, Li Mu directly took out a pill from the Huajie Baofu.

The elixir was rosy in color, and the moment it was sent, Zhou Dynasty's innate fire aura began to pulse slowly, and the temperature rose steadily.

The qi of the other five elements should be avoided.

Seeing this pill, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, and his breathing became short of breath: "Cold Dispelling God Pill..."

The eyes of the elders of the Li family, as well as Li Yuan and other members of the Li family burst into dazzling splendor.

A fourth-order panacea for dispelling cold.

It can dispel all the cold poison in the world, and it is the best panacea for many monks who have been infected with the cold poison.

This elixir is extremely difficult to refine, and it is often one of the elixirs that many families want to snatch at major auction venues.

They have been looking for a long way to go, and they have been struggling to find the Fire Spirit Grass, but they have not yet caught it.

But it never occurred to me that a golden elixir modification who accidentally asked for help had a finished cold-dispelling magic elixir in his hand.

"It's really my Li family that never dies."

The elder Li took a step forward excitedly, his expression was already a bit out of control.

Li Mu put his five fingers together and collected the elixir.

This elixir happened to be one of the elixirs harvested in the treasure house of the painting world, and there were more than fifty pieces in number.

"This is the elixir I refined, make a deal with your ancestor and let him come out to meet me!"

Li Mu continued to taste the spiritual tea, pretending to be inscrutable. The reason why he lied that he was a master of alchemy was to save himself unnecessary troubles.

Alchemy cultivators are the same as weapon refining cultivators, wherever they go, they are respected by all people and must be courted.

Alchemy is even more difficult than tool refining, so there are fewer alchemy monks than weapon training monks, and they are more noble.

Li Mu sacrificed his identity as an alchemy master, and the ancestor of the Li family would not be willing to part with the dragon's soul at that time, so he had to obediently offer it up.

"Forgive me for my poor eyesight, I don't know, the master of alchemy is here, I haven't asked the master what is your name?"

At this time, the elders of Li's family were respectful and even showed a strong intention to please.

No wonder.

Both are Jindan monks, but they are masters of all kinds of cultivation skills. The status of the two is the same as the difference between the sky and the earth.

An alchemy master who can refine a fourth-order elixir is of such a high status that he can completely sit on an equal footing with the Yuanying Zhenjun. If he can refine a fifth-order top-grade elixir, even the Huashen Venerable will treat him with courtesy.

"My surname is Ye, and my name is Tianhong."

Li Mu made up a name casually. Now he is using a fox mask to disguise himself. When the deal is over, his appearance will change and they will no longer recognize him.

Li Mu pretended to deal with it, with an extremely relaxed expression.

"It turned out to be Master Ye. I'll ask the ancestor to come out. Master Jinye wait a moment, and Li Yuan will treat Master Ye well." Elder Jindan hurriedly explained to Li Yuan, turned around and left quickly, and went to the basement to convey the visit of the alchemy master. According to the news, the ancestors of the Li family were invited out to meet guests.

Alchemy master personally, their Li family Yuanying ancestors are saved!
(End of this chapter)

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