Chapter 166
It's about half tea time.

The Yuanying patriarch of the Li family, under the escort of two Jindan elders, walked towards the hall at a fast pace. They were anxious to meet the 'Alchemy Master'.

However, before they entered the hall, a terrifying cold air struck first.

The temperature of the entire hall dropped suddenly, and it took only one breath. The floor of the hall, tables, chairs, wooden frames, ..., under the invasion of this terrifying cold air, frost was quickly covered, and it continued to spread and deepen.

As the footsteps approached, the attack power of the frost force became stronger and stronger.

Li Yuan shuddered, and the breath out of his mouth instantly condensed into a cold mist. His eyebrows and the magic robe on his body, under the attack of this frost force, all began to condense white frost.

Li Yuan took a breath, and hurriedly mobilized the true energy in his body to resist the invasion of frost.

However, Li Yuan only had a foundation-building cultivation base, and the power of his true essence was limited. Soon, under the attack of this powerful frost force, his face gradually turned pale, unable to suppress the chill, his body began to shiver.

Li Mu waved his hand and released a fire element to Li Yuan to help him resist the evil spirit.

A look of surprise flashed across Li Mu's face, and he looked towards the door, waiting for the ancestor of the Li family Yuanying to come in.

The cold poison in the ancestor of the Yuanying of the Li family is really cruel!No wonder he has the cultivation base of Nascent Soul, and he is helpless against it!

"Ye...Master Ye, welcome to our Li family. I'm sick, and I'm sorry for the loss, and I hope you will forgive me!" Li Xiaotian, the patriarch of the Li family, walked into the hall with difficulty, resisting his physical discomfort, his voice trembling He greeted Li Mu coldly.

At this time, Li Xiaotian, the patriarch of the Yuanying of the Li family, was covered with frost all over his body. Compared with the image Li Mu saw in the stone room with his spiritual sense, he was frozen like an iceman by the cold poison in his body. There was a sound of 'click, click' the ice cubes shattered, which was very terrifying.

Li Xiaotian walked up to Li Mu with difficulty, and the condensed ice on his body cracked and fell down as he walked.

Soon, the floor of the lobby was covered with crushed ice.

Li Mu got up, stretched out his hand, took out the cold dispelling pill, held it in his hand as if showing it off, looked at Li Xiaotian, and said bluntly: "Daoist friend is deeply poisoned by cold, it just so happens that this panacea in my hand can relieve the cold in your body." Du, I will exchange this pill with you for that dragon spirit, are you willing?"

The moment the cold-dispelling pill appeared, a strong aura of fire spread out, and the surrounding cold air was quickly dispelled by the cold-dispelling power of the cold-dispelling pill, as if snow had met a raging fire.

As Li Mu took out the anti-cold pill, the frost around him quickly melted into water, and in the blink of an eye, it was baked into water vapor and disappeared completely. Even the frost condensed on Li Tianba opposite ablation tendency.

Li Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he looked at the anti-cold pill in Li Mu's hand in surprise, as if he had found a life-saving straw, his eyes were full of longing.

"Yes, of course, Master Ye, the dragon's soul is inside!"

Li Xiaotian's eyes bloomed brilliantly, and his blue face was rosy with excitement. Without thinking, he took out a palm-sized blue spirit bead from the storage bracelet.

The cyan spirit bead is crystal clear on the outside, exuding a faint blue light, and a sleeping dragon spirit is being imprisoned inside the bead.

With trembling hands, Li Xiaotian handed the Lingzhu to Li Mu with difficulty.

Li Mu smiled slightly, very happy, and exchanged with him readily, accepted the Lingzhu, and handed the cold dispelling pill to the other party.

Li Xiaotian took the cold-dispelling pill, he didn't care about the image, he sat cross-legged, excitedly put the elixir into his mouth, circulated his true energy, and began to refine it with all his strength.

In an instant, a more terrifying chill erupted from Li Xiaotian's body than before.

Seeing this, the faces of several Jindan elders of the Li family changed drastically.

The elder of the Jindan of the Li family - Li Wenlong, sacrificed a jade pendant to protect the body, forming a light curtain to keep out the cold current, and asked Li Mu anxiously: "Master Ye, are you okay, our ancestor is...?"

"It's okay, he took the elixir, and now it's all about forcing out the cold poison in his body. After the cold dispelling pill is completely refined, the cold poison on his body will be completely removed." Li Mu explained with a slight smile.

Hearing this, several Jindan elders of the Li family immediately breathed a sigh of relief and were overjoyed. They also discovered an abnormality in Li Xiaotian's body at this time, and the chills they induced were overwhelming. However, the breath of life released by the ancestor was steadily rising .

Very good!
The ancestor was finally saved!
The two Jindan elders of the Li family beamed with joy and breathed a sigh of relief.

As Li Xiaotian quickly removed the cold poison from his body, the large hall became colder and colder under the influence of the cold air he removed.

Li Mu looked around, and reminded him: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go out!"

"Yes, yes! Master Ye, I have ordered someone to prepare a quiet courtyard for you, please move to the courtyard to rest!" Elder Jin Dan of the Li family warmly made an invitation gesture, and warmly invited Li Mudao.

Li Mu nodded. He really needs to find a place to stay in Luotian City. The Li family is the local snake in Luotian City. It is a good choice to stay in the Li family for the time being.

The Elder Jindan of the Li family was overjoyed. It was a great fortune to get to know such a master of alchemy. If we can make friends, we will definitely benefit a lot. If we need to refine panacea in the future, we can ask him for help.

You know, it is extremely hard to find a master of alchemy who can refine a fourth-order elixir.

Even in the two major sects of Luotian City, there is only one fourth-rank alchemy master each.

Soon, under the enthusiastic guidance of the elders of the Li family Jindan, they took Li Mu to the cemetery to rest.

The courtyard, which covers an area of ​​about a hundred acres of fertile land, has a main room, a practice room, and a magic circle room, which are quiet and elegant. However, the courtyard is located on top of the high-level spiritual veins, and a third-level spirit gathering room is arranged in the courtyard. After a while, the aura gathered and was very strong.

In addition, the courtyard is also equipped with a soundproof magic circle, a magic circle to prevent the prying of the gods, a magic circle, and several third-order magic circles.

With a sweep of Li Mu's spiritual sense, he could clearly understand the array arranged in the courtyard.

The courtyard was arranged with great care, and Li Mu was quite satisfied.

"Master Ye, the courtyard is simple, you will rest in this garden! See you after my ancestor recovers. If you need anything, you can use this token to summon the servants who serve in this garden." Li Jiajindan The elder took out a silver token, handed it to Li Mu respectfully, and motioned.

Li Mu nodded and accepted the token.

After the elders of the Li family left, Li Mu walked into the courtyard, feeling a little deserted.

Li Mu released Xiao Jin, Xiao Wa, and Scarlet Wolf from the Yuling Bracelet, and stayed in the courtyard to play and play.

As for Xiaobai, he is still not awake yet.

Ever since he devoured Venerable Tianyun's soul, Xiaobai, who fell into sleep, has always exuded spiritual light, and his aura is changing and strengthening every day, as if he is in an advanced state.

Li Mu didn't know if Xiaobai would be able to advance to the rank after swallowing the soul of Huashen Jing. The cup spirit refined by Qianchong was only at the fifth rank, so it was not easy to advance to the rank!
However, if Xiaobai can step into the ranks of monster beasts of the sixth level from the peak of the fifth level, then he will have a powerful trump card.

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness was attached to the Yuling Bracelet, and he checked Xiaobai's status in real time, looking forward to it.

At this moment, the released Xiaojin, Xiaowa, and Chilang ran up to Li Mu.

Xiao Jin stretched out his hand and pulled Li Mu's collar, rubbed his head against Li Mu's thigh, with blinking eyes, reached out his hand humanly, and pointed to his mouth.

After watching this scene, Li Mu didn't know what they meant.


As soon as the three guys came out, they were hungry!

"Got it! I'll get you something to eat right now!"

Li Mu smiled slightly, and put his spiritual consciousness into the Dongtian Spirit Treasure, and through the Yuling Deed Seal, he sent a message to the blue-eyed gibbon in the Huajie Treasure Mansion to let him catch a fourth-order spirit beast.

The blue-eyed armpit was very diligent, and he beat to death a ten-foot-large fourth-order spirit beast, the blood-tooth fire lion, in two or three strokes.

Not long after, the corpse of the Bloodfang Fire Lion appeared in the courtyard. Xiaojin and Xiaowa cried out happily, and the red wolf hid behind Li Mu in awe, calling out 'Wangwang'. The corpse was full of awe.

For a while, the quiet courtyard became very lively.


At this time, Huanlang Lingshan was tens of thousands of miles away.

Venerable Tianyun, one of the three gods of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, was inexplicably killed. Several months have passed, and the intensity of the Loose Cultivation Alliance's pursuit remains unabated.

Any monk passing by Huanlang Lingshan will be interrogated, especially those monks of the Five Elements, and the Nascent Soul monk will bear the brunt of it.

However, True Monarch Yuanying has an extraordinary cultivation base and is proud and arrogant, so how could he easily cooperate with the Loose Cultivator Alliance to investigate, so it was inevitable that there would be some fights and many unpleasant things happened.

In the end, it was the two Huashen venerables of the Loose Cultivation Alliance who dispelled the rebellious arrogance of many Nascent Soul cultivators, and used their power to overwhelm them, so that the Nascent Soul cultivators accepted the interrogation of the Loose Cultivation Alliance monks obediently.

However, after finding out the real reason why the Loose Cultivator Alliance went after the 'murderer', those Nascent Soul cultivators burst out laughing. Union monks.

Venerable Tianyun, one of the three great Huashen Venerables of the Sanxiu Alliance, was attacked and killed by a Yuanying Zhenjun with five elements of spiritual power, which immediately became the biggest joke in the world!



The headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance is located in Huanlang Lingshan, a large spiritual mountain with two high-level spiritual veins.

A majestic city, a large number of palace buildings, built on the top of Lingshan.
In the central area of ​​the city, there is a towering golden and resplendent sky tower, as if piercing through the sky, it is very powerful.

This is the headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance. In the main hall of the Tianta Tower, Venerable Tianyin and Venerable Lin Hai are sitting on two thrones, and the other seat is empty, giving a sense of deficiency.

At this time, under the Spirit Hall, a Nascent Soul True Monarch knelt on his knees, with a sad face, he raised his head tremblingly and looked up at the two venerables.

On the throne, Venerable Tianyin's voice was as melodious as musical notes, as if it could touch the emotions of others, and said leisurely: "Liu Changlong, you said that Venerable Tianyun ordered you to guard a hidden cave?"

Liu Changlong was poisoned by Venerable Tianyun and sent to guard the cave. Now that the incident happened, he was recruited into the Spirit Hall to answer Venerable Tianyin's inquiry.

Liu Changlong didn't dare to hide anything, and told the whole situation in detail.

After hearing this, the two venerables looked at each other, and they could see a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

Venerable Lin Hai's eyes were glowing, and he asked in a deep voice: "This matter is related to Venerable Tianyun, why are you talking about it now!"

Liu Changlong smiled wryly: "Reporting to the two Venerables, I was poisoned by Venerable Tianyun, and I had to temporarily take the antidote for ten years. Ever since I learned that Venerable Tianyun suffered an accident, I have been panicking all day long, looking around Doctors ask for medicine, so it will be delayed,..."

After Liu Changlong finished speaking, he begged the two Venerables to remove the poisonous seeds planted by Venerable Tianyun for him.

Venerable Lin Hai frowned slightly, with a displeased expression on his face, but he did not commit any crimes. Zhenjun Yuanying is the foundation of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and one more person will give more strength. Now that there is one less Venerable Huashen, we can no longer easily Lost a Nascent Soul to help.

It happened that Venerable Lin Hai had the antidote for this poison, so he took out the antidote and gave it to him.

After receiving the antidote, Liu Changlong was overjoyed, and immediately bowed down to thank him respectfully, and then retreated respectfully after receiving the promise.

"Tianyun hides really deep this day. Brother Tianyin, what kind of cave do you think it is that makes Tianyun wait for a hundred years and hides it so deeply." Venerable Lin Hai stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, frowning and thinking.

Venerable Tianyin's handsome face showed no emotions, just touched the strings in his hand, and quietly played a pleasant sound, drifting away.

But just as he was playing half the tune, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

Venerable Lin Hai at the side raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Are you interested?"

Venerable Tianyin's melodious voice sounded again, with a hint of imperceptible excitement, he looked at Venerable Lin Hai and asked, "Do you still remember the rumors about Tianyan Shenjun in Huanlang Lingshan?"

"You mean? The cave that Tianyun guarded so hard might be left behind by the God Lord Tianyan?" Venerable Lin Hai was slightly taken aback, thinking of something, his breath suddenly became a little short.

Venerable Tianyin finally showed a smile on his expressionless face, and said with a smile: "You can make Tianyun send people to guard the cave, but dare not let us know the news, who do you think will be in the cave?" How can Tian Yun be regarded as such a treasure?"

"Huanlang Lingshan has only produced our four spirit-transformation cultivators. Who could it be if it wasn't Tianyan Shenjun's cave? One more thing, do you remember that Tianyan Shenjun has a seventh-order spirit treasure on him!"

"The cultivators who can possess the Dongtian Lingbao can be counted on one hand. At the beginning, I was extremely envious of Tianyan Shenjun..." Speaking of the seventh-order Dongtian Lingbao, Venerable Lin Hai suddenly became restless, and his eyes lit up .

Venerable Tianyin smiled and continued: "Shenjun Tianyan fought with the Immortal Demon Venerable, and only a few of us know the fate of life and death. The cave he left behind must contain the treasure of the painting world. Tier Cave Heaven Spirit Treasure."

"The Nascent Soul cultivator should be a master of formations. Xu is a disciple of Tianyan Shenjun who has inherited his inheritance and obtained this treasure."

"There are a large number of high-level spirit treasures refined by Tianyan Shenjun in the painting world treasure house. Perhaps the spirit treasure that crushed Tian Yun is one of the high-level spirit treasures. Tian Yun must be insensitive to the Shangyuanying monk. He would be killed by a mere Nascent Soul cultivator." Venerable Tianyin chuckled and analyzed excitedly.

Venerable Lin Hai's pupils were filled with aura, and he was extremely excited. After some guessing and analysis, they had already obtained the 'answer' that was almost inseparable.

No matter how strong the Nascent Soul cultivator is, it is impossible for him to leap to kill Huashen easily. If he obtains the hereditary spiritual treasure of the Tianyan Shenjun, then everything is justified!
"Brother Tianyin, I think this son must have gone far away after obtaining such a treasure. It is useless for us to persevere in the investigation here. We must find a way to find him." Amidst the excitement, Venerable Lin Hai quickly calmed down. , things have passed for so long, it is extremely difficult to find the right one.

Venerable Tianyin still plucked the strings, his voice was like a song, and said coldly: "Under the whole world, monks with spiritual roots of the five elements, and monks who practice the five elements and can reach the realm of Yuanying, are very few. This feature is very conspicuous. Don't be afraid that he will run away!"

"Indeed, but I'm not good at finding people! What's more, he's gone far away, like looking for a needle in a haystack, how should I find it?" Venerable Lin Hai looked at Venerable Tian Qin with a frown and asked.

"That's right, it should be much easier for other people to do this. Please bother Brother Lin Hai and go to the Tianji Pavilion to issue a reward order to track down a sword cultivator Five Elements Nascent Soul True Monarch monk." Venerable Tianyin looked Looking at Venerable Lin Hai, he gestured with a smile.

Hearing this, Venerable Lin Hai's eyes lit up, and he understood immediately.

Venerable Lin Hai was no longer redundant, and immediately sacrificed the magic weapon of the compass, soaring into the sky, and his figure disappeared on the top of the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Watching Venerable Lin Hai go away, Venerable Tianyin showed a cold look on his face: "A mere Nascent Soul cultivator dares to swallow a celestial treasure by himself, really reckless!"

(End of this chapter)

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