Chapter 173
"Li Daoyou, please follow me, everyone, go back first! The suzerain wants to see Li Daoyou." Liu Changzai explained to several Nascent Soul True Monarchs and gestured.

As soon as they heard that the suzerain was personally meeting Li Mu, all the Nascent Soul True Monarchs immediately understood, and after saying goodbye to Li Mu, they left.

"Your Majesty—the Sovereign wants to see me?"

Li Mu frowned slightly, looking at Liu Chang asking.

Li Mu was a little dissatisfied with Liu Changzai's decision to kill first and play later. He was invited to come to Yulingzong as a guest.

Yulingzong-Sect Master suddenly wants to meet him in person, and some troubles may be unavoidable.

Liu Chang smiled wryly, and saw Li Mu's intention of defending the embankment, and quickly clasped his hands and explained: "Li Daoyou, don't misunderstand, the suzerain has been in retreat before, and he didn't know beforehand that you would come to our sect as a guest."

After a pause, Liu Changzai went on to explain: "This sect protector has always been under the control of the suzerain. If a strange high-level monk enters the sect, he will definitely be aware of it. He used the messenger flying sword to find out about your origin. I told the suzerain about you, he insisted on seeing you in person, and I hope fellow Daoist Li will forgive you."

Liu Changzai tried his best to explain, hoping that Li Mu could understand and meet with their suzerain.

Li Mu frowned and hesitated for a while before making a decision.

"No problem! Fellow Daoist Liu, lead the way!" Li Mu nodded in agreement.

Liu Chang smiled happily, flew to the front, and continued to lead the way.

Soon, Liu Changzai brought Li Mu into a palace in the sky floating on the top of Lingfeng Peak.

After flying close, Li Mu discovered that this palace building was sitting on a giant spirit turtle.

Is this the truth about the floating buildings of Yulingzong?

It turned out to be a sixth-order whirling rock turtle. It was thousands of feet long and extremely gigantic. It lay motionless on the Lingfeng Peak with its eyes closed and rested. Between its breaths, whirlwinds of spiritual mist were rolled up, with a mighty momentum.

Before he reached the palace building on Xuan Gui, Li Mu sensed a powerful divine sense, which swept across him. It was obvious that the Spirit Transformation Master of Yulingzong was observing him.

Li Mu's face was calm, and he kept silent.

Under the guidance of Liu Changzai, Li Mu landed on the palace building on the back of the giant spirit turtle, and landed on the square of a solemn palace.

Falling into the main hall, Li Mu immediately sensed the huge changes in the surrounding aura. This building must have been equipped with a special high-level spiritual circle. In the surrounding air, there are only fire-type aura and thunder-element aura. The concentration is extremely dense, and other attribute auras Force should be excluded.

If you have the fire spirit root, the monks of the thunder spirit root will practice here, and you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Affected by his spiritual power environment, the fire-type spiritual power in Li Mu's body is also a little ready to move. Presumably, this mansion should be a cultivation dojo independently opened up by monks of Yulingzong.

"Li Daoyou, we are here! The suzerain is in the hall, please come inside!" Liu Changzai made an invitation gesture and respectfully invited Li Mudao.

Li Mu nodded happily, the 'hidden star' divine sense slightly protruded, and found nothing unusual, so he stepped into the hall.

In the solemn and solemn hall full of history, on the throne of the sect sits a man in a blue-gold robe, with thick eyebrows and sword eyes, and a strong aura.

Seeing Li Mu's arrival, he hastily got up to greet him.

"'Li Jianxian', the master of the imperial spirit, Lei Hong, has been admiring his name for a long time!" Venerable Lei Hong took a step, landed in front of Li Mu, and warmly welcomed him.

Venerable Lei Hong had a hearty laugh and a warm attitude, and he did not lower his courtesy because Li Mu was only a Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base.

There is no one under the prestigious name, but this "Li Jianxian" in front of him is a genius and evildoer who can reverse the war and transform into a god. He must not be treated as an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator.

In terms of strength, the Nascent Soul Stage can kill the strong in the Transformation God Realm. With such monstrous aptitude, it is not difficult to break through the God Transformation Realm, advance to the Void Realm, achieve Fusion, and challenge the Mahayana monks.

When he achieved Transformation God, he would be almost invincible at the same level.

Not to mention, 'Li Jianxian' is not only amazingly talented in his cultivation, but also his accomplishments in all the arts of cultivation-artifact refining are worthy of his lowering his attitude and treating him with courtesy.

Venerable Lei Hong had already placed Li Mu on an equal footing, and he did not dare to neglect him at all.

Unexpectedly, Venerable Lei Hong was so enthusiastic when they met. Li Mu was praised as a bit 'superior', and politely waved his hands in response: "Senior Lei, I'm so proud of you!" Senior, don't call him that, don't call Li that like that!"

"Haha, okay! We are of the same generation, so don't call me senior!" Venerable Lei Hong laughed and accepted Li Mu's 'advice'.

"Okay! Okay, as long as you don't call me 'Li Jianxian', everything is easy!" Li Mu nodded quickly, and readily accepted Venerable Lei Hong's request.

"Hmm! Fellow Daoist Li, please take a seat! Let's go in and talk in detail." Venerable Lei Hong had a bold personality, smiled heartily, made an invitation gesture, and invited Li Mudao to be the honored guest.

Li Mu nodded happily and entered the hall to take his seat.

Li Mu sat down in an empty chair. There was a table in front of the chair. The table was filled with various high-level spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and various monster butcher shops. He ordered his disciples to prepare a rich spiritual meal for guests in advance.

Soon, under Venerable Lei Hong's warm hospitality, Li Mu toasted with him and drank a glass of spiritual wine respectfully, and praised each other.

Li Mu put the empty wine glass on the table, looked at Venerable Lei Hong, and asked straight to the point with a smile: "Sect Master Lei, I don't like to guess and guess. , but you can meet him in person, you must have other arrangements!"

After listening to Li Mu's questioning,
Venerable Lei Hong smiled dumbly, and then laughed loudly: "Speak quickly, fellow Daoist Li! That's right, I do have something to ask for. Refining a fifth-order spiritual weapon, Lei needs to refine a special lightning-attribute spiritual weapon urgently, and I need to trouble Li Daoyou to help refine it."

On behalf of the refiner!

After hearing Venerable Lei Hong's request, Li Mu suddenly realized that Master Lei Hong wanted to help him practice weapons.

"Sect Master Lei, it's too good to be true. There should be quite a few master craftsmen in your sect! Li has only been immersed in crafts for decades, so I'm afraid he won't be able to do it!" Li Mu declined without thinking.

The Spiritual Artifact that Venerable Huashen wants to refine must be unusual, and Li Mu doesn't want to get into such trouble unless...

After Li Mu refused, he suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Li Daoyou, although there are many refining masters in Yulingzong, they have not been able to refine fifth-order top-grade spiritual weapons so far. Li Daoyou is different. They should have refined many fifth-order spiritual weapons!" Lei Hong The Venerable looked at Li Mu and said with deep meaning.

Pausing for a while, Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu, and analyzed seriously: "Before, Lei was also fortunate to participate in the auction of Wanbao Pavilion in Wanbao Building. Four fifth-order fake spirit treasures were auctioned, which triggered A lot of cultivators who turned into gods ended up fighting for it, they should have been written by Daoyou Li!"

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned. He didn't expect that this matter could not be concealed from the investigation of those who cared.

The reason why he asked Gongsun Chubang to send Hualing's fifth-order spiritual weapon was because Li Mu didn't want to get into the eyes of some interested people. He never expected that Venerable Lei Hong would expose the matter face to face.

This intelligence work is really good!
Li Mu sighed, and admitted helplessly: "Li's little trick, after all, I can't hide it from Sect Master Lei!"

After hearing Li Mu's indirect acknowledgment, Venerable Lei Hong laughed and happily explained: "You Daoist Li, you are being modest, and Lei is just guessing casually, not sure."

Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu with fiery eyes, and said earnestly: "The Thunder Attribute Spirit Artifact that Lei wants to refine is extremely important, and it is related to the sect's guardian formation. To make this special spiritual weapon, the sect has searched for hundreds of years before collecting a set of refining materials. There are many sixth-level refining materials, including the sixth-level Zixiao Thunder Bamboo, which is rare and hard to find in this world. Refining it for Li Daoyou, I can rest assured!"

"Of course, if Daoyou Li is willing to refine this spiritual weapon for this sect, you will definitely not make your hard work in vain. If you have any needs, just ask, and this sect will do our best to satisfy fellow Daoist Li!" Venerable Lei Hong looked sincerely, Looking at Li Mu passionately, he said expectantly.

After hearing Venerable Lei Hong's words, Li Mu pretended to be pondering, but he had some small calculations in his heart.

If there is no accident, Venerable Lei Hong must be refining a thunder array to cooperate with the thunder suppressing stele!This opportunity is rare, maybe it is possible for him to help replace the sky fire in Tianhong Zhenjun's hand.

Li Mu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Sect Master Lei, I can indeed refine the fifth-level top-grade spiritual weapon, but the failure rate of refining a spiritual weapon of this level is extremely high. I guess you want me to help you refine it." Make a high-level lightning attribute spiritual weapon?"

"That's right! Fellow Daoist Li, are you willing to accept this entrustment? What is the success rate?" Venerable Lei Hong nodded decisively, looking at Li Mu with fiery eyes.

"To be honest, I have also refined a fifth-level lightning attribute spirit weapon, and the success rate is about [-]%!" Li Mu smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to draw out the fifth-level eagle-shaped lightning wings in his body.

The next moment, a thunder shadow flashed out, turned into a small blue thunder eagle, and landed on Li Mu's shoulder, vividly combing the blue 'Thunder Feather' with his head down.

Seeing this Spirit Transformation Thunder Wing Spirit Artifact, Venerable Lei Hong's eyes lit up, and his face was full of love.

This fifth-order Thunder Wing Spirit Artifact is very suitable for his Thunder Spirit Root attribute. If it is used by him, its power can be increased several times, and it can exert its powerful thunder combat power.

However, this thunder wing spirit weapon in Li Mu's hands is only a flying spirit weapon, adding a little dodge effect, the power of the thunder weapon cannot be fully exerted.

It's just a waste of money!

Venerable Lei Hong regretted it very much, looking at the 'Lei Ying' spirit weapon, his eyes were full of longing.

"Li Daoyou, are you willing to part with this weapon? Lei is willing to buy it at a high price!" Venerable Lei Hong looked jealously at the 'Lei Ying' on Li Mu's shoulder, and asked Li Mu.

Li Mu smiled slightly, and declined politely: "Sect Master Lei, I'm really sorry, this weapon has already been refined by me, if it changes its owner, it will need to beheaded to cut off the consciousness, the damage to the spirit of this weapon is huge, the gain outweighs the loss."

As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, the 'Thunder Eagle' on his shoulder glared at Venerable Lei Hong, sensing the source of the crisis, it plunged into Li Mu's body, and disappeared instantly.

Venerable Lei Hong looked at the disappearing 'Thunder Eagle' spirit weapon, feeling as if lost, with regret on his face, he finally came across a spirit weapon that was extremely suitable for his spiritual root and skill attribute, but he missed it .

"Sect Master Lei, let's talk about refining weapons! I'm about [-]% sure about refining a fifth-order spirit weapon. If the nature and function of the spirit weapon are too special, the chance of success will drop by another [-]%!" Li Mu looked at Venerable Lei Hong solemnly reminded.

Hearing this, Venerable Lei Hong's complexion changed drastically.

"Another [-]% reduction? How can this be done?"

Venerable Lei Hong was taken aback. With such a low success rate, if the refining fails, all the precious materials put in will be lost?

This success rate is too low, absolutely not!

Venerable Lei Hong frowned, and was tangled for a while.

"Li Daoyou, is there any way to increase the success rate of refining?" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"Well! There is indeed a way to increase the success rate, but what you need is hard to find in this world!" Li Mu pondered for a moment, nodded, and said regretfully.

"Oh! What do you need? If you can increase the success rate, even if it increases by [-] to [-]%, Lei will definitely mobilize the power of the whole sect and do his best to get it for Li Daoyou!" Venerable Lei Hong cheered up, looking at Li Mu urgently promised .

"I have practiced a special inheritance of refining techniques. Without the help of Heavenly Fire, it is difficult to improve. With the blessing of Heavenly Fire, the success rate of refining these fifth-level spiritual weapons can be increased by two or three layers. It's a pity..." Li Mu pretended He shook his head again and again, with regret on his face, expressing the helplessness in his heart.

Hearing this, Venerable Lei Hong was refreshed, his eyes lit up, and his expression was filled with excitement.

"Li Daoyou, are you serious? If Tianhuo helps, the success rate will increase by [-]-[-]%?" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and asked excitedly.

After finishing speaking, Venerable Lei Hong couldn't help standing up from his seat excitedly, looked at Li Mu with piercing eyes, and waited for his reply.

"Well! That's true. If there is the help of Tianhuo, I am sure of it. However, Tianhuo is the fire of heaven, and it is extremely rare in the world. I have been searching for it for decades, but I haven't heard any news yet." Facing Lei Hongzun With the scorching gaze of the reader, Li Mu said with certainty.

After a pause, Li Mu continued to confirm: "With the help of Tianhuo, I can improve my art of training to a higher level, and it is also possible to refine sixth-order spirit treasures, but it's a pity..."

After finishing speaking, Li Mu showed a longing look on his face, and after a while, he sighed with regret. He was extremely desperate for the spiritual object of Tianhuo, but he couldn't ask for it.

"Refining a sixth-order spirit treasure?"

Hearing this, Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu in shock, his face full of disbelief.

The sixth-order spiritual treasure is too precious, and it has crossed a level, from quantitative change to qualitative change, it is by no means comparable to the fifth-order spiritual treasure.

It's like the same reason that Jindan monks can't compare with Nascent Soul monks. The difference between the two ranks of monks in terms of strength, longevity, soul, etc. is like a cloud and mud.

After the sixth-order spirit weapon is successfully refined, it comes with a first-class spirit, which can be called a spirit treasure. Its power is so great that it cannot be matched by a fifth-order spirit weapon. The power of a low-grade spirit treasure of the sixth rank.

Also in the realm of transforming gods, if you can have a sixth-order spiritual treasure that matches your own spiritual root and kung fu attributes, the increase in strength will definitely not be one and a half stars.

Furthermore, among the many cultivators who transform spirits, there are only a handful of people who can truly possess sixth-order spirit treasures. Most of the cultivators who transform spirits can only use fifth-order spirit weapons. It has become the Zhenzong Lingbao, increasing the existence of the sect's background, and few cultivators who transform the gods can independently own a sixth-order spiritual weapon.

This shows the preciousness and high status of the sixth-order master craftsman.

This fellow Li Daoyou owns several fifth-grade top-grade spiritual swords. He even used a thousand fourth-grade spiritual swords to form a sword formation in the battle against the Demon Lord of Heaven. The name of "Li Jianxian" is by no means false.

In addition, Venerable Lei Hong personally exposed that Li Daoyou refined the fifth-order fake spirit weapon and took it to the Wanbao Pavilion for auction. His weapon refining ability is by no means fake.

Venerable Lei Hong thought about it carefully, and believed in Li Mu's words.

Looking at Li Mu's young and handsome face, Venerable Lei Hong took a deep breath,

He is only a hundred years old, and he has reached this terrifying state of refining weapons. The road of cultivation is just the beginning. How far can he go in the future?
If he has the help of Heavenly Fire and becomes a sixth-level master craftsman, what kind of situation will he be able to achieve in the future?
Thinking of this, Venerable Lei Hong couldn't help but get excited. If he can leave some kindness with him today, maybe he will be able to get his help in the near future. When the Lingzong is in danger, how can we get his help!
Thinking of this, Venerable Lei Hong showed determination, and immediately made a decision.

"Li Daoyou, your chance may be in this sect. To be honest, in the early years, in order to find the way of refining weapons, the real master Tianhong of this sect went to the Wanyao Mountains to seek the materials for refining weapons, but he did not expect to meet him by chance. By chance, I got a cloud of extreme sun fire." Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu solemnly, and introduced to Li Mu without any concealment.

"Sect Master Lei, are you serious?" Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he asked with feigned joy.

"Of course!" Venerable Lei Hong nodded with a smile.

Li Mu raised his brows with joy, looked at Venerable Lei Hong and said happily: "Great! With the help of Heavenly Fire, I will accept this refining task, and I am at least [-]% sure of refining it."

After finishing speaking, Li Mu paused, looked at Venerable Lei Hong with a frown, and said in a serious tone: "Skyfire is a flame conceived under the Dao, it is extremely precious, and for craftsmen, Skyfire is of great help to the Dao." Moreover, Tianhuo has a very high spirituality, and he only recognizes his master in his life. No matter how high his cultivation level is, others cannot make him surrender. There is no longer any connection with it.”

Pausing for a moment, Li Mu seemed to have thought of something, looked at Venerable Lei Hong and said with regret: "Sect Master Lei, I have a relationship with Zhenjun Tianhong once, and he is also a master of refining weapons. I believe that no craftsman in the world is willing to give it up!"

Li Mu threw the most troublesome problem to Venerable Lei Hong to solve.

In order to find Tianhuo, Li Mu searched all kinds of ancient and strange books.

In Qingxuanzong's spare time, Li Mu also investigated some information about Tianhuo, and learned in detail about the unique spirituality of Tianhuo, which has completely different characteristics from ordinary spiritual fires.

Once Tianhuo recognizes its master, no one else can drive it away!

Unless its owner cuts off its connection, or the way of life and death disappears, the sky fire returns to the ownerless thing.

However, once the connection with Tianhuo is severed, he will no longer be able to establish contact with Tianhuo in this life. That is to say, if Zhenjun Tianhong gives up Jiyang Tianhuo, he will not be able to take back Jiyang Tianhuo in this life unless he finds another kind of Tianhuo .

After hearing Li Mu's question, Venerable Lei Hong frowned and fell into deep thought.

This problem is quite tricky!
"Li Daoyou, allow me to discuss this matter with Tianhong Zhenjun. Is it convenient for you to stay in this sect for a while?" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and asked expectantly.

"No problem, I'm sorry to bother you! However, I would like to trouble Sect Master Lei to send a message to Zhenjun Tianhong for me. I would like to exchange any spiritual object with him for the extremely sunny fire. If he needs anything, let him just say it!" Li Mu looked at Venerable Lei Hong eagerly, and entrusted him.

"No problem, Li Daoyou is willing to help this sect refine weapons, I will do my best to facilitate this, Li Daoyou don't worry!" Venerable Lei Hong nodded with a smile, and said seriously.

After finishing speaking, Venerable Lei Hong sent a message to Feijian to attract Liu Changzai.

"Elder Liu, you take Li Daoyou to live in the Lingyun Pavilion temporarily. This is the array card of the Lingyun Pavilion." Venerable Lei Hong handed a token to Liu Changzai who entered the hall, and motioned.

After finishing speaking, Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and said goodbye: "Friend Li Daoist, you go to Lei Mou to accompany me first, and I will visit another day."

As soon as the words fell, Venerable Lei Hong turned into a thunder shadow, flew like lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He must have gone to discuss with Zhenjun Tianhong!
"You Sect Master Lei, you are really impatient!" Li Mu smiled slightly, looking at Liu Chang and said jokingly.

"Fellow Daoist Li, your eyes are like torches!" Liu Changzai laughed, and said it without any surprises. Then, he gestured an invitation to Li Mu, leading the way: "Fellow Daoist Li, let's go this way!"

Li Mu nodded, and followed Liu Changzai to Lingju for a temporary stay.

The so-called Lingyun Pavilion is not far from the main hall, tens of miles away, it is located in a courtyard halfway up the mountain, full of aura, filled with various isolated spirit formations, quiet and elegant.

Li Mu was very satisfied with the environment of the Lingju courtyard, and held the array card.It can easily open the complex guard array in the courtyard.

After sending Li Mu to the destination, Liu Changzai hurriedly bid farewell and said, "Friend Li Daoist, if you have other needs, you just need to send your voice through the formation card. There will be special disciples waiting on you, so I won't disturb your rest!"

Li Mu nodded with a smile and watched him leave.

When Liu Changzai was gone, Li Mu used his spiritual thoughts to sweep the Lingyun Pavilion. The Lingyun Pavilion covers an area of ​​about [-] mu. ,Small but complete.

After confirming that there was no surveillance circle in Lingyun Pavilion, Li Mu settled down with peace of mind.

Li Mu took out the Tier [-] Trapped Dragon Formation card, injected spiritual power into it, successfully activated it, and blessed a Trapped Dragon Formation in the courtyard of this spiritual residence, so as not to disturb others.

(End of this chapter)

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