Chapter 174 Make waves again
Li Mu entered the secret room of retreat, arranged a phantom array to isolate the prying eyes of the gods, and then left a substitute puppet to guard the secret room.

Take out the Dongtian Lingbao - Huajie Baofu from the storage compartment.

Li Mu's figure flashed, disappeared in place, and plunged into the world of Dongtian Lingbao.

Li Mu has always been cautious. In order to avoid trouble, it is not convenient to use Huajie Baofu on his territory, so he will try to avoid using it.

However, Li Mu received the bad news from the blue-eyed armipede through the imperial seal, so he had to take a break to go into the cave to check it out for himself.

The blue-eyed armipede has a smooth and diligent personality, and has become a "full-time butler" to help Li Mu manage the cave world. The main task is to help keep an eye on the state of Lingzhi.

Once something abnormal happens to Lingzhi, or something happens, he will be notified as soon as possible through the Yuling Deed Seal.

As soon as Li Mu's figure appeared in the cave world, the blue-eyed armpit immediately rushed over.

The blue-eyed gibbon greeted respectfully, and reported to Li Muhui: "Master, you are here! Something happened to the Dragon Blood Sky Grass."

"En! Let's go there!" Li Mu responded, and flew straight to the spiritual field where the problem occurred.

The seventh-order Dongtian Lingbao-Huajie Baofu has a space of [-] mu. Most of the spiritual lands are suitable for planting spiritual plants. However, only some low-level spiritual plants can be planted.

The growth of high-level spiritual plants has special environmental requirements, and it is necessary to arrange spiritual element circles, yin-yang magic circles, etc. to create special environments. Therefore, the number of spiritual fields that each high-level spiritual plant can really grow is very large. limited.

Soon, led by the blue-eyed gibbon, Li Mu came to the underground fire rock cave where the dragon blood sky grass was planted, and the cave was filled with a strong fire element.

However, the seedlings of Dragon's Blood Skygrass planted in the spiritual field of Huoyan Cave, the seedlings of hundreds of acres all lowered their heads, looking sluggish.

"Master, the Dragon Blood Sky Grass seems to be missing some important spiritual material, and its growth has suddenly wilted, and I don't know why." Afraid Li Mu would blame him, the blue-eyed gibbon reported nervously.

Li Mu glanced at the seedlings of Dragon's Blood Sky Grass, and with his gifted supernatural power - recognizing all spirits, he immediately learned about their growth status.

【Dragon Blood Amakusa】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Contains a strong innate fire source, which has a great nourishing effect on fire practitioners. 】

[Status: Lack of nourishment from the breath of high-level dragons and pythons, growth stagnated. 】

[Dragon Blood Sky Grass, which grows in extremely hot places, is born with the breath of high-level fire-type dragon snakes. It takes root in five years, blooms in 30 years, bears fruit in a hundred years, bears blood dragon fruits, and blood dragon fruits can nourish fire-type spiritual roots and strengthen Blood energy is a great tonic for those who practice fire-type exercises. 】

Seeing the growth status of the dragon blood sky grass seedlings, Li Mu sighed, where can he find high-level fire-type dragon pythons at this time!
"Yeah! I know how to solve it, it's none of your business." Li Mu responded casually to Bi Yantong, frowning and thinking.

The Spirit Controlling Sect mainly focuses on controlling spirit beasts. Perhaps they know where to get high-level fire-type dragons and pythons.

Li Mu decided to find out about Liu Chang later.

Li Mu continued to check the growth status of other spiritual plants. The other two fourth-order spiritual plants - dragonfly jade fruit and earth dragon ginseng are growing well. The thousand-acre sky grass is lush and green. After about a month, can be harvested again.

After being promoted to Nascent Soul Realm, the free proficiency points provided by the second-level Tianfengcao have been greatly reduced.

However, in this cave world, the growth rate of the second-order phoenix grass is accelerating, and there are so many spiritual fields, you can plant as many as you want, and you can arrange the water mist spiritual array to water the spiritual rain regularly. Li Mu doesn't need to worry too much, just need to After a while, it will be enough to harvest a wave of free proficiency, which is very easy.

Unlike planting other fourth-order spiritual plants, Li Mu needs to pay attention to their growth status at all times.

When Jiyang Tianhuo got his hands, Li Mu was going to find a spiritual mountain to live in, and continue to plant the two kinds of spiritual plants, Ziyang ginseng and Yinpo fruit.

These two fourth-order spiritual plants need the assistance of Ziyang Jade and Taixuanyuelu, and they also need a large amount of yin and yang qi to be bred. The yin and yang qi in the Dongtian Lingbao are limited, so they are destined to be unable to supply them for a long time. They can only find a spiritual mountain in the outside world. plant.

At the end of Lingzhi's inspection, Li Mu took out the storage bracelet of the blood refiner from the storage compartment, and counted the spoils.

After killing the Blood Demon Lord, he was entangled by the real masters of Yulingzong, and rushed all the way to Yulingzong, Li Mu didn't even take a good inventory of this harvest.

Li Mu refined the storage bracelet with ease, penetrated into his consciousness, and couldn't help frowning, feeling inexplicably disgusted with the 'trophy' in the storage bracelet.

The blood-colored ghost head magic weapon stored in the storage bracelet is going crazy inside, flying wildly, exuding a terrifying bloody aura, like a real devil, opening its bloody mouth, and letting out a soul-stirring roar.

Trying to get out of the storage space.

Seeing this, Li Mu's divine sense condensed and suppressed its demonic nature, took it out of the storage bracelet, grabbed it in his hand and forcibly injected spiritual power, invaded the core of the device array, and forcibly refined it.

The bloody ghost-headed magic weapon roared again and again, the red airflow volatized crazily, and the strong stench was volatilized with strong corrosive power, intending to get rid of Li Mu's control and prevent it from being refined.

However, it just suffered heavy injuries after losing its owner. With the invasion of Li Mu's divine sense and the infusion of powerful spiritual power, it was instantly refined with a destructive force.

Successfully refined the fifth-order magic weapon - blood coagulation skull.

Li Mu frowned. He is not a demon cultivator. After successfully refining this ghost-headed demon weapon, he felt an evil thought gushing out from the demon weapon, and rushed directly into his divine sea, trying to counterattack.

Li Mu is not used to it, the main purpose of refining this magic weapon is to extract the life essence stored in it.

Li Mu took out the bloodthirsty and violent dragon skeleton from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and summoned the dragon's soul. The bones and soul depended on each other and condensed into one body.

"Spit out blood."

Li Mu injected a stream of spiritual energy into the ghost head magic weapon, and gave an order.

The ghost head has absorbed a large amount of blood essence and has already produced a demon spirit. After being refined, the demon spirit cannot disobey the master's order, and opens its mouth to spit out a large amount of pure blood essence.

The dense blood of the living beings quickly gathered in the air, and in the blink of an eye, they formed a sea of ​​blood suspended in the air, tumbling and resurgent, exuding surging and powerful vitality.

As soon as the sea of ​​blood appeared, the dragon's skeleton was ready to move, its body trembled slightly, and it was extremely eager to dive into the sea of ​​blood and devour the essence and blood.


With Li Mu's order, the dragon's skeleton plunged headlong into the sea of ​​blood, frantically sucking the nutrients in the sea of ​​blood, and repairing the damaged body of the skeleton.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu was sure that it would not be able to recover for a while.

Li Mu left the blue-eyed armipede to guard, and then put the bloody ghost head magic weapon into the storage bracelet.

With a "whoosh", Li Mu's figure disappeared in the Baofu of the painting world.


Time flies, and seven days pass in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu completely stayed in Lingyun Pavilion.

With Li Mu moving into Lingyun Pavilion, the usually quiet Lingyun Pavilion suddenly became extremely lively.

These days, many Yuanying Zhenjun from Yulingzong kept coming in and out of Lingyun Pavilion. They seemed to have discussed it, and visited Li Mu in batches. And some strange and rare treasures, as gifts to your door.

Facing the enthusiastic Nascent Soul True Monarchs, Li Mu couldn't laugh or cry, a little overwhelmed.

The people who were supposed to come didn't wait, and the people who shouldn't come came to the door every day, and it was quite annoying to socialize with these enthusiastic guys every day!

Following the news of 'Li Jianxian' and the guest of the refiner 'Master Li', the news spread throughout Yulingzong, which immediately ignited the enthusiasm of countless monks in Yulingzong.

Nascent Soul True Monarchs came to visit Li Mu one after another, either to refine the spirit weapon, or to see the true face of 'Li Jianxian', as if visiting an idol, eager to chat with Li Mu and establish a relationship.

As for the monks below Yuan Ying, they are also eager to see the demeanor of 'Li Jianxian', but they have limited cultivation and low status, and they can't even go up to the Suzerain Peak, let alone go to Lingyun Pavilion to meet 'Li Jianxian'.

However, even if he only greeted Yuanying Zhenjun of Yulingzong, Li Mu was a little impatient.

Faced with so many multi-infant True Monarchs, at this time Li Mu could almost get what he wanted.

However, the debt of favor owed must be repaid!
Li Mu dealt with them wave after wave, and he didn't dare to ask them for high-level spiritual plant seeds.

The reason why Li Mu left Qingxuanzong was because he didn't want to face this scene.

However, for the sake of extreme sun and fire, Li Mu had no choice but to stay in Yulingzong, patiently waiting for the result of the discussion between Venerable Lei Hong and Zhenjun Tianhong.

Li Mu didn't pay too much attention to Zhenjun Yuanying of Yulingzong, the only person he had to wait for was Zhenjun Tianhong.

It's a pity that so far, the other party has no intention of coming to the door, and Venerable Lei Hong has no intention of inviting him. I'm afraid the conversation will collapse, and I will have no face to meet him!

Today, Liu Changzai is the most frequent visitor to Lingyun Pavilion. He has become a frequent visitor of Lingyun Pavilion. Today, Liu Changzai came again, sitting around the stone table in Yating with Li Mu, drinking spirit tea.

With Liu Changzai's assistance, Li Mu managed to obtain a fifth-order red-refined cloud python from the hands of a Nascent Soul True Monarch, which inhabited the Fire Rock Cave, temporarily alleviating the growth problem of the Dragon Blood Sky Grass.

However, the most important extreme sun fire has not been resolved so far, which makes Li Mu very depressed.

"Brother Liu, is there still no news from Zhenjun Tianhong?" Li Mu looked at Liu Changzai and asked again tentatively.

Liu Changzai had a strange expression on his face, and sighed, "You Daoist Li, wait a little longer! Sect Master Lei has talked with Junior Brother Tianhong a few times, but Ji Yang Tianhuo is also very important to him. In a while, Junior Brother Tianhong may decide No way! Need to give him some time."

Hearing this, Li Mu smiled wryly. It is impossible for him to wait in Yulingzong forever. If not, he can only think of other ways.


At this time, Huanlang Lingshan, thousands of miles away from Yulingzong, is the headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance, in a Lingya courtyard at the top of the Tianta.

"Brother Lin, is this information accurate?"

In the gazebo in the middle of the courtyard, Venerable Tianyin frowned, staring at the information on the table with shock and disgust.

Venerable Lin Hai, who was sitting across from him, kept pouring the wine jug into his mouth with an irritable expression on his face.

"No mistake! The accuracy of Tianji Pavilion's information is well-known. Only such a monstrous Nascent Soul cultivator can kill Tian Yun so quickly. This person is extremely difficult to deal with. What good ideas do you have?" Venerable Lin Hai He took a big gulp of spirit wine, looked at Venerable Tianyin and asked.

Facing Venerable Lin Hai's question, Venerable Tianyin did not answer immediately. He put his ten fingers on the five-stringed guqin in front of him, and plucked the strings again, and the passionate sound of the piano followed.

Venerable Tianyin's ten fingers are like the wind, as fast as lightning, and the sound of the zither is like a torrential rain, continuous, the rain is pleasant, the passionate music style is full of anger, like a stormy sea, the sound of the zither is thick and true, The surrounding spiritual power oscillated,...

Suddenly, a violent note entrained with crazy spiritual energy, accompanied by the sound of the piano, poured out to the spiritual pool in front.

With a loud "boom", the large rockery next to the Lingchi suddenly exploded, and the gravel exploded into countless powders in an instant, which quickly dissipated.

Venerable Lin Hai drank good wine with his head on his back, he had long been accustomed to this, and it was not surprising.

Venerable Tianyin has been with the qin all his life, with fluctuating temperament, thinking and strategizing, and likes to play while playing the qin.

The violent piano sound stopped abruptly.

Venerable Lin Hai also stopped pouring wine, looked at Venerable Tianyin with piercing eyes, and waited for the next sentence.

"Hasn't this desperate little thief been hunted down by the Venerable Huotian for decades? Obviously, the Venerable Huotan has also been stolen by him. If we can join forces with him, the three of us will work together, even if the opponent No matter how many methods there are, in the face of absolute power, he can only be blocked by the mantis, and there is no possibility of survival!" Venerable Tianyin said with a bright smile on his face.

Hearing this, Venerable Lin Hai couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Venerable Tianyin's approach.

Venerable Lin Hai thought for a while, and asked with some concern: "It is indeed a good thing if Venerable Huotian is willing to join us, but if he knows the magic weapon of the Heavenly Expansion God, he will inevitably want a piece of it." Thinking about it, it will be troublesome then!"

Venerable Tianyin smiled slightly, with a flash of sternness in his eyes, and decided: "This matter is easy to handle. If he really wants a piece of the action, we just need to take a secret action and solve him!"

"Isn't that bad? If Venerable Huotian is really killed, once the Shanhe Sect finds out about us, they will definitely die forever. The price will be too high!" Venerable Lin Hai frowned and shook his head hastily.

Venerable Tianyin stood up slowly, and smiled confidently: "This matter is easy to solve, it's enough to put the responsibility on this little thief, the other party is good at disguising, so far no one knows his true identity, and his strength is so terrifying At the Nascent Soul Stage, one can kill those who are strong in the Divine Transformation Realm, and it is reasonable for Venerable Huo Tian to die at his hands, as long as we do things cleanly, the Shanhe Sect will naturally not be blamed on us!"

"Of course, this is just a precautionary measure. Venerable Huotian may not know about Tianyan Shenjun's Dongtian Lingbao."

"Besides, we don't know what kind of treasure Huotian was stolen by this person, and we have been investigating it endlessly so far. If he dares to peek at Tianyan Shenjun's Dongtian Lingbao, we are not allowed to peek at his stolen treasure?"

"Brother Lin, if you don't believe me, let's go to Venerable Huotian now, tell him the information about him, and see how he will react." Venerable Tianyin looked at Venerable Lin Hai, and explained road.

"Of course, the premise is that the reward order from Tianji Pavilion is useful and his traces can be obtained, otherwise, everything is empty talk." Venerable Tianyin finally said emphatically.

"Confirm, let's take a trip first, and see how Venerable Huotian reacts first! One more person, one more strength, with this information and the power of Shanhezong, we should be able to find that guy faster ,” Venerable Lin Hai readily agreed and suggested.

Venerable Tianyin smiled approvingly, stretched out his hand, and took out a large green wood spirit ship from the storage ring.

Soon, the two of them boarded the Aoki Spirit Ship and galloped towards the Shanhe Sect tens of thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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