Chapter 175 Venerable Qingwei

Time flies by like a white horse.

Before he knew it, Li Mu lived in the Lingyun Pavilion of Yulingzong for more than half a month.

Jiyang Tianhuo has not been found yet, but Li Mu has traded a lot of high-level spiritual plant seeds with several Nascent Soul True Monarchs of Yulingzong, and raised all the fourth-level water-type spiritual plants-Nine Leaf Qinglian, fourth-level gold It is the spiritual seed of Lingzhi-Jinyuan Lingguo, each with [-] mu and [-] mu.

For this reason, Li Mu did not hesitate to spare three days to refine a fifth-order Houtian Lingbao with a weapon spirit for each of the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs.

As soon as this news spread, the other Nascent Soul True Lords of the Imperial Spirit Sect immediately became overwhelmed. They brought all kinds of precious spiritual objects, high-level refining materials, and high-level spiritual seeds, and came to visit Li Mu one after another.

Possessing the fifth-order Houtian Lingbao with the spirit of the weapon, if this kind of treasure can get a combat power boost, it will increase exponentially.

Therefore, the Nascent Soul True Monarchs of Yulingzong are extremely eager to get a quota for refining weapons with Li Mu.

However, most of Li Mu's Yuanying Zhenjun did not see him behind closed doors.

If it wasn't for the water system and gold system, two fourth-order five-element spiritual plants, Li Mu would never agree to refine weapons for them anyway.

If there is one, there will be two. If you are entangled by them, you will not have to live in Ansheng in the future.

Fortunately, Li Mu is Venerable Lei Hong's guest, and he doesn't see visitors behind closed doors, and Yuan Ying Zhenjun is not easy to disturb, except to complain about his bad luck, unless he can get what Master Li wants. thing.

Now, the reason why Master Li still stays in Yulingzong is well known to Zhenjun Yuanying.

Master Li is waiting, waiting for Zhenjun Tianhong to sell Jiyang Tianhuo.

If Master Tianhong can be persuaded to let go of Tianhuo, maybe there will be a chance for Master Li to help them refine a fifth-order Houtian Lingbao!
Think of the possibility!
Ever since, the Yuanying Zhenjuns of the Yulingzong changed their footsteps to the door, smashed the gate of Tianhong Zhenjun's cave, and acted as lobbyists, persuading Tianhong Zhenjun to give up the extreme sun and sky fire to Li Grandmaster'.

"Junior Brother Tianhong, Tianhuo and other wonders of the Dao of Heaven, those who are capable live there. You can't use your abilities, so you should give up!"

"Brother Tianhong, I'm really not here to be a lobbyist, but, if you are going to get angry that day, I just want to refine a natal spirit treasure, can you please intercede for me..., ah! Brother Tianhong, you, why are you beating someone!"

"Junior Brother Tianhong, alas! I know it's difficult for you, but you really can't exert its power this day! Junior Brother Tianhong, what are you doing with your sword! Don't! I'll go, I'll go!"


Numerous Yuanying disciples failed to persuade Zhenjun Tianhong, and were chased and chased away by him, making a fuss.

However, Venerable Lei Hong was still unwilling to give up, and he brought Liu Changzai to the door again.

"Nephew Tianhong, you have to think about the sect! The sect's weapon array is missing, and the sect's protective thunder array is not complete. If the Nine Demon Sect attacks at this time, the sect will be in danger!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at True Monarch Tianhong persuaded him with reason.

"That's right! Under the full nest, there is no end, Junior Brother Tianhong, you must put the overall situation first!" Liu Chang chimed in and advised.

Looking at Sect Master Lei, Liu Chang was persuading him earnestly, let him sacrifice himself as the sect, and suppress others with righteousness, Zhenjun Tianhong's face was cold, he was indifferent, and the boredom in his eyes was full.

No matter how they persuaded him, Tianhuo was related to his foundation of enlightenment, and Zhenjun Tianhong would never compromise.

Mo about an hour later.

Tianyun Pavilion

The stone table in the center of the gazebo,
Unable to obtain Jiyang Tianhuo, Liu Changzai came to Lingyun Pavilion and confessed to Li Mu who was waiting for news.

Meeting Li Mu's gaze, Liu Changzai looked embarrassed.

"It's been so long! True Monarch Tianhong has always been unwilling to give up his love!" Seeing Liu Changzai's expression, Li Mu understood without asking, and sighed sadly.

"Li Daoyou, don't be discouraged. Sect Master Lei has already gone to see the Supreme Elder of our sect - Venerable Qingwei. He is the master of Tianhong Zhenjun. Let him come forward to persuade, and this matter should be successful!" Liu Changzai smiled slightly, confidently assured.

"Oh! Can Venerable Qingwei really convince Zhenjun Tianhong?" Li Mu cheered up and asked with concern.

Liu Changzai was just about to introduce the Venerable Qingwei to Li Mu, when suddenly, a figure rushed towards them from far and near.

Liu Changzai, Li Mu frowned and looked at that figure.

In the sky, a disciple of Jindan True Inheritance came with a sword, and he was hundreds of feet away from the formation, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to ask for him.

Seeing this, Li Mu waved his hand, and simply withdrew the guard formation, letting the Jindan disciple fly directly into the Lingyun Pavilion.

Jindan disciple Yujian landed in front of Liu Changzai, and reported anxiously: "Elder Liu, the suzerain has an order that all the monks at the Nascent Soul Stage in the sect must rush to the main hall to gather immediately, you hurry over there!"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Liu Changzai asked with concern, frowning slightly.

The Jindan disciple glanced at Li Mu, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Liu Changzai frowned, waved his hands and ordered: "What's the matter, just say it, Elder Li is not an outsider!"

Hearing this, the Jindan disciple no longer concealed anything, and said anxiously: "Master Li, Elder Liu, and the Blood God Sect have come to seek revenge. Two days ago, they slaughtered the White Bird City. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and none of them survived. None of the two Golden Core disciples in the city and dozens of Foundation Establishment disciples were spared."

"Elder Qiu blew himself up on the golden core, and the remnant soul escaped through it, and tried his best to send the news back to the sect. Only then did we learn the sad news." The golden core disciple said with grief and indignation.

"What!" Liu Changzai's complexion changed drastically, and his face was full of frost. He looked at Li Mu and said: "Li Daoyou, I'm sorry, the sect has something to do, so I'll take my leave first!"

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you. This matter is mainly caused by me. If I hadn't killed the blood refiner, the other party would not have come to kill him."

During this period of time, thanks to Yulingzong's kind hospitality, he beheaded and killed the blood refiner, but Yulingzong took the blame.

Hundreds of thousands of people died because of him, and Li Mu was a little bit sorry.

Liu Changzai nodded, not rejecting Li Mu's kindness.

Soon, under the guidance of Liu Changzai, the two came to the suzerain hall. Except for a few Zhenjun Yuanying, almost all the Zhenjun Yuanying from the Yulingzong were present. There were 27 Zhenjun Yuanying, and Two deity cultivators.

Seeing Li Mu, all Yuanying Zhenjun showed warm smiles to Li Mu, expressing their intention to please him.

One of the Yuanying Zhenjun saw Li Mu, his eyes dodged and he didn't look at him, this person was Tianhong Zhenjun.

Seeing Tianhong Zhenjun's expression, Li Mu couldn't guess the reason, the other party was obviously unwilling to give up Jiyang Tianhuo, even if he broke off friendship with him, he would not hesitate to turn against him.

Tianhuo is not easy to deal with!

Li Mu sighed, feeling helpless in his heart.

Faced with the greetings from the Nascent Soul cultivators, Li Mu nodded his forehead and responded one by one.

However, Li Mu paid more attention to the fifty-year-old man beside Venerable Lei Hong. It sounds so simple.

Li Mu felt the vague spiritual pressure on his body, and suddenly discovered that this cultivator of transformation of spirit had reached the late stage of transformation of spirit, and was only a short distance away from the next big realm - refining the void.

Venerable Lei Hong respected him very much, and stood beside him, with the intention of surrounding him.

"Senior brother, this is Qingxuanzong, the elder master of crafting - Master Li Mu. He is not only a master of cultivation, but also a master craftsman who can refine fifth-order Houtian Lingbao. A few days ago, he was Taiyi Junior Brother, Chen Xiao Junior sisters, each refined a fifth-order acquired spirit treasure." Venerable Lei Hong smiled and introduced Li Mu.

"Li Daoyou, this is my senior brother, the Supreme Elder of this sect - Venerable Qingwei." Venerable Lei Hong introduced to Li Mu.

"I've met senior!" Li Mu nodded slightly, and greeted Venerable Qingwei.

"It turned out to be Li Daoyou. The old man has heard a lot of your deeds since he left the customs. You are indeed young and promising! I heard that you just finished the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, and you successfully killed the Tianjue Demon Venerable?" Qing Wei The Venerable narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Mu carefully, feeling astonished in his heart.

Tianjue Mozun is an old opponent, that guy has superb magic skills, and he fights alone, Qingwei Venerable can't do anything to him in a short time.

However, such a monster, such a villain, was actually defeated by a junior Nascent Soul boy, the shock in Venerable Qingwei's heart can be imagined, he was in doubt, and couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of the news.

"The rumors are a bit exaggerated. It is mainly due to the contribution of our Zong Qingfeng master. I just took a little credit! Somehow it has been spread like this!" Li Mu smiled wryly, and humbly denied it.

"That's right! Then refining the fifth-order Houtian Lingbao, this matter must not be faked!" Venerable Qingwei laughed, and he continued to ask inquiringly, since he didn't believe it.

Li Mu nodded with a smile, and simply admitted: "I happen to be a bit talented when it comes to refining weapons, and I happen to have a bit of inheritance in refining weapons. I can indeed refine this fifth-order Houtian Lingbao."

"Haha! That's great!" Venerable Qingwei laughed happily, nodded in satisfaction, and was about to continue to say something, at this moment, there was an explosion.

Venerable Lei Hong, Venerable Qingwei, and many Nascent Soul True Monarchs at the scene showed a state of detachment, and unanimously released their spiritual thoughts to check the sudden change in the outside world.

Everyone's face became extremely gloomy, and they discovered the enemy's invasion.

At the same time, he also noticed the abnormality of the aura of heaven and earth, and the aura of heaven and earth became extremely violent for a while.

"It's not good! It's not good! Sovereign, people from the Blood God Sect are here to attack!" Yu Jian, a disciple of Jindan Chuan, rushed over and reported loudly in a panic.

"Okay, okay, since the ancestor ascended, any beast dares to come and step on the Yulingzong. It really seems that there is no one left in the Yulingzong!" Venerable Qingwei stared angrily, and the whole body exuded terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Disciples of Yulingzong, set up an array and fight!"

Venerable Lei Hong immediately took out a suzerain order, injected spiritual power into it to activate it, and gave the order coldly, and the order was instantly transmitted to the ears of all the disciples of Yulingzong, mobilizing all combat power to defend against the enemy.

Li Mu's heart trembled, and he couldn't help becoming vigilant. He had dealt with the Nine Demon Sect several times, and the Nine Demon Sect always used power to bully others. There must be something strange about the Yulingzong's attack.

The other eight sects of the Nine Demon Sect are planning some kind of conspiracy!

There is no reason for the Blood Ink Sect to be willing to take the lead!There are so many people out?

Li Mu was a little tangled, why did he catch up with such a big battle again, if he got caught in it, the risk must be not small!
Say goodbye and leave?It's a bit out of date!

Li Mu sighed, he had to take a look first before talking!

If there is a crisis, Li Mu's superb five-element escapism combined with Eagle Thunder Wings to break through and escape the encirclement of the Nine Demon Sects should not be a problem.

Li Mu glanced at the character panel, counting the trump cards he can use against the enemy.

【Role: Li Mu】

【Sex: Male】

【Shouyuan: 108/3600】

[Spiritual Root: Five Elements]

[Innate supernatural powers: identify all spirits, plant spirits to absorb]

[Cultivation level: Nascent Soul Early Stage: 110W/32KW]

[Cultivation method: Yin-Yang Five Elements Classic (Heaven-Level Top Grade) Level 32: 2351W/540kw, Nebula Observation Map (Heaven-Level Top Grade) Level 13: 61W/2800KW, Xuantian Sword Formation (Earth-Level Top Grade) Level [-]: Consummation; Spirit Devouring Body Cultivation Jue (prefectural-level high-grade) ninth level: consummation, spirit imperial deed (earth-level low-grade) ninth level: consummation, ...,]

[Skills: Breeze Wind and Rain Calling Technique: Consummation, Sword Controlling Technique: Consummation; Talisman Making Technique (Level 5), Artifact Refining Technique (Level 5), Formation Technique (Level 5), Puppet Technique (Level 5).... 】

Small supernatural powers: Great Five Elements Escape Technique, Five Elements Illusionary Body, Illusion into Reality, God Refining and Melting Spirits, Gathering Stars and One Strike, Devouring Souls and Tempering Bones, Sword Heart Transforming Mind, Thousand-foot Sword Field, Soul Turning into Stars, Concentrating Stars, Concentrating on Stars, Yin and Yang eyes,...


Various spiritual tools and charms: five-handed fifth-level top-quality five-element spiritual sword, fifth-level eagle and thunder wings, fifth-level spiritual treasure-Mount Tai, fifth-level spirit fox mask, sixth-level Tianxu tripod, sixth-level imperial spirit bracelet, seventh-level Jiedong Tianling Treasure-Painting World Treasure Mansion, Jiuzang Lingzhu contains more than 1000 fourth-order spiritual weapons, hundreds of various defensive spiritual weapons, various combat puppets, stand-in puppets, self-explosive spider puppets, fifth-level magic symbols,... ...,
High-level refining materials: seventh-level-star beast bead, sixth-level spiritual fortune mysterious tortoise shell, these two high-level refining materials, after obtaining the sky fire, and successfully practicing the eighth-level sky fire tempering method, you can refine a Divination Lingbao.

At that time, I will learn the secret technique of divination, and I will do divination before going out in the future, and I will no longer be afraid of being plotted against.

In terms of spirit beasts: a seventh-level fire phoenix egg is staying in the Tianxu cauldron, and it will take about three to forty years to hatch.

Tier [-]: Little Gold, Metallicity: Blue-eyed Golden Ape.

Tier [-]: Small tile, soil attribute: Armored Rock Lizard.

Sixth-level cup spirit: Xiaobai, soul attribute, is currently in a deep sleep at the fifth level and sixth level.

Xiaobai didn't know how long he was going to sleep!Without Xiaobai's trump card, Li Mu lacked a sense of security. However, when Xiaobai wakes up, he must have succeeded in advancing.

The sixth-level cup spirit, who is born to restrain ghosts, can stand up for a while even against the monks of Shanghuashen!
Now, Li Mu lacks one water element, one wood element and two high-level spirit beasts.

Li Mu focused his attention on the sixth-level double-horned Qingyue Jiao and the sixth-level Wood Nightmare Monster King. If these two spirit beasts can be successfully captured and the five elements are gathered together, then they will be able to add another powerful foundation.

When the high-level spirit beasts of the five elements gather, Li Mu is going to refine an exclusive natal magic weapon for them, and teach them the formation of the five elements through the spirit-controlling contract.

When encountering a strong enemy, the other five imperial beasts will set up a five-element formation to fight. With this killer background, combined with the five-element sword formation, even if they jump to two large realms to fight, there may not be no chance of victory.

A trace of confidence flashed in Li Mu's eyes, unknowingly, he was already so powerful.

Now, let Li Mu be sure to take him down with his own strength and this gorgeous net worth in response to the words of the Supreme Demon Venerable!

It's a pity that Tianhong Zhenjun's hold on the ball of sky fire is too tight! ,

That guy won't stick to his will, and Li Mu doesn't know when he will be able to get Jiyang Tianhuo.

Following the order of Venerable Lei Hong, all the Nascent Soul True Monarchs in the hall came out from the sky one after another, went to the important place of the sect, and set up an array to kill the enemy.

Watching their backs rushing out of the hall, Li Mu sighed, and stretched out a pair of thunder wings from behind. The figure flashed away and turned into a blue lightning, chasing them out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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