Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 178 The Battle of Exterminating the Sect

Under the guidance of the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast, the disciples of Yulingzong pursued and killed the disciples of the Nine Demon Sect with great momentum. Scattered all over the ground, there was a strong smell of blood, broken instruments, and a lot of scorched earth from the spells. The good Lingshan had turned into a dead place, and it looked like purgatory.

The fleeing disciples of the Nine Demon Sect screamed and fell to the ground, unable to organize an effective counterattack. They wished they could grow a few more legs and fled frantically into a forest.

Seeing all this, a trace of doubt appeared in Li Mu's eyes, is the Nine Demon Sect really dead?

Could it be that the appearance of the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast really played a decisive role, making the Nine Demon Sects fail to attack the Yuling Sect, but instead were chased and killed to the crap and lost?

As soon as this doubt arose from the bottom of his heart, under Li Mu's "spiritual thoughts", he discovered something was wrong.

The corpse of the dead disciple of the Nine Demon Sect was soon attacked by a wave of black devil energy, and his body was gradually becoming alienated.

Li Mu's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly chased after the source of the black demonic energy. His spiritual sense invaded the ground, expanded continuously, and searched in all directions.

Soon, Li Mu found a large magic energy barrier in a cave in a valley thirty miles away at seven o'clock, which blocked the detection of his divine sense.

The Nine Demon Sect really wasn't that simple, it did arrange a backhand!
Li Mu's complexion changed slightly, and he was about to inform Venerable Lei Hong and Venerable Qingwei about this matter, but when he checked his spiritual sense, he saw them chasing and killing the Nine Demons together with the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast Zong Sanhuashen Demon Venerable plunged headlong into the trap set up by others.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's face darkened.

Li Mu finally understands why the state of the seventh-order true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast is that the old wound has not healed. I was cheated by it.

It's over now!
Li Mu stopped and couldn't help sighing.

Divine Sense scanned and scanned the large magic circle arranged by the Nine Demon Sects, trying to see through the weakness of the magic circle.

However, the demonic nature released by this formation is extremely strong. After the divine thoughts are contaminated with black demonic energy, they will invade the divine thoughts, and then generate a powerful demonic thoughts, which constantly harass him, causing him to follow the magical thoughts.

Trapped by endless demon energy, Li Mu's divine sense could not find out the situation of the demon formation.

The black magic circle was suddenly activated, endless demonic energy surged out, the surrounding spiritual energy rioted, and the ground trembled violently. Before Li Mu could figure out the situation, an invisible barrier of magical energy in front of him rose from the ground and rushed straight to the ground. sky.

A corpse of a disciple of the Nine Demon Sect, under the blessing of endless demonic energy, "resurrected" like a zombie. Their eyes were scarlet, and their bodies were full of black demonic energy, like evil spirits from hell, they rushed towards the disciple of the Imperial Spirit Sect kill and go.


"Senior brother, help, a disciple of the Demon Sect has cheated on his corpse!"

"My cloud treading beasts, quickly use fire to burn them to death!"

"What the hell, a corpse doesn't look like a corpse, and a ghost doesn't look like a ghost!"


The disciple of Yulingzong who was chasing and killing him didn't react all of a sudden, he was surrounded by revived demon corpses, attacked, and the people who attacked were turned on their backs, calling for help everywhere!
At this moment, "Zi la!" There was a loud thunder.

A thick purple thunder fell from the sky into the great array of demonic energy, changing the color of the sky and the earth, and immediately wiped out most of the countless black demonic energy by the purple thunderbolt.

However, the purple thunder was not enough to destroy the large array of demonic energy. Black demonic energy quickly emerged and quickly covered the gap in the destroyed demonic energy.

see this scene.

Li Mu couldn't help sighing, this seventh-order true spirit - Zixiao Canglei Beast, and the people from the Yulingzong, this time it was a fall!

A good home court advantage doesn't matter, he insisted on going out to hunt down the Nine Demon Sects, and now he fell into the opponent's trap, and if he wanted to escape successfully, he had to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Seeing the revived demon corpses attacking the disciples of Yulingzong, and several Jindan demon corpses rushing towards him, Li Mu looked helpless, and quickly released the star wooden puppets, a group of third-order demon corpses. The puppet army stepped into the battlefield to resist the army of demon corpses.

"Bang bang..." The loud noise was endless.

With the emergence of the army of star wooden puppets and Tier [-] combat puppets, they completely suppressed the counterattack of the army of demon corpses.

The disciples of Yulingzong who had suffered heavy losses were overjoyed, and gathered behind the army of fighting puppets one after another to put an end to the situation.

From the activation of the magic formation, the resurrection of the army of demon corpses, in just a few tens of breaths, nearly a hundred breaths, in order to prevent the demon corpses from counterattacking, thousands of disciples of Yulingzong suffered heavy injuries, and most of them were killed or injured.

However, Li Mu had no time to take care of the situation of the disciples of the Yulingzong, and after releasing the puppet army to assist the disciples of the Nine Demons, he focused all his attention on the magic circle.

Under the leadership of the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Canglei Beast, the two Huashen venerables of Yulingzong, as well as a group of Nascent Soul True Monarchs, and other high-level combat forces rushed into the magic circle one after another, chasing and killing nine The core disciple of Mozong, Tianhong Zhenjun is also in the queue.

Li Mu released a batch of scouting puppet spiders and probed into the magic formation. However, not long after, most of them were destroyed. The divine sense attached to the scouting spider puppets was also harassed by endless devil energy, and they couldn't get the magic formation. More info inside.

What should we do now?
Leave here?
All the high-end battles of the Yulingzong were captured by the traps set by the Nine Demons, and their death is only a matter of time!

Do you want to take the risk to try the power of this magic circle for an extremely sunny skyfire?
Li Mu frowned tightly, hesitating whether to ignore death and run away.

Before, Li Mu had already persuaded Venerable Lei Hong and the others, but they refused to listen to the advice and went to their own desperation. If they don't save them now, there is no psychological burden.

Li Mu looked at the black demonic energy emanating from the demon corpses, and couldn't help but feel a little familiar, as if it was somewhat similar to the four scenes he saw in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Mu showed a dignified expression. Could it be that the great array of demon energy of the Nine Demon Sects is related to the future invasion of the world of strange demons?

Li Mu stopped Yu Jian's thoughts of leaving, flew to a thousand feet high, looked down at the entire battlefield, hovered near the magic formation, and peeped at the weakness of the magic formation.

The sound of "booming" thunder constantly sounded from the center of the large array of demonic energy, and under the enveloping countless black magical energy, streaks of purple lightning flashed. The magic energy consumed by the purple thunder was replenished.

Letting the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast, it is expected that the high-level monks of Yulingzong will not be able to escape from the big formation, unless someone outside the formation cooperates to attack the magic formation together. Combined with the outside world, the magic formation will be broken.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu couldn't help but think of a few trump cards he left behind.

Perhaps the lives of Yulingzong should not be lost, you can try it!
Li Mu took a deep breath, took out the fifth-level Thunder Spirit Talisman Book from the storage compartment, activated the Talisman Book, and pulled out two fifth-level Thunder Talismans-Zixiao Wanlei Talisman.

Afterwards, Li Mu injected a wave of spiritual energy from the fifth-level-Lei Ling Talisman Book, locked on to the large array of devilish energy, and activated two fifth-level Thunder Talismans.

"Zi la!" There was a crisp sound.

Two powerful purple thunder talismans were torn apart suddenly, and the thunder-genre spiritual power was released, turning into two purple thunder dragons, like two dragons playing with pearls, entangled and frolicking in the air for a while, and then plunged headlong into the magic dragon. In the array.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, countless purple thunder dragons exploded and flew away in an instant, devouring endless demon energy.

The array of demonic energy exploded suddenly, revealing the distressed appearances of the seventh-order true spirit-Zixiao Canglei Beast, the cultivator of the Yuling Sect, and the Nascent Soul cultivator. Xiu Bao was in the center of the formation, and the besieged were pale and covered in blood.

Under the action of the two fifth-order lightning talismans, the large array of devilish energy was broken, and they all saw Li Mu in the air, with a talisman artifact floating in front of him, majestic and condescending, looking at them like a god. .

"Li Daoyou, help me!"

"Li Jianxian, I regret that I didn't listen to your advice and fell for their tricks! Alas!"

"The Nine Demon Sect is really vicious, using the lives of the disciples in the sect to plan!"

"Li Daoyou, thought we had opened a gap in the formation, everyone rushed out together!"

"No way! The magic formation has not yet been broken, and with the blessing of magic energy, they are not afraid of swords, so they will definitely not be able to fight..."


The monks who were trapped in the center of the magic formation seemed to see a life-saving straw, shouting excitedly, remorseful, joyful, begging for help, anxious to break the formation, all excited and inexplicable.

Soon, the sound of fighting in the formation resounded one after another, very intense.

In order to set up this formation and trap the core members of the Yulingzong, the Nine Demon Sect did not hesitate to sacrifice thousands of disciples in the sect, and they would definitely not let them go easily.

"Who is that person who can wantonly destroy the inextinguishable demonic energy? Whoever of you should get rid of him, you can't let him continue to attack outside the formation!" The three God Transformation Demon Lords signaled.

"A mere Nascent Soul cultivator, I'm getting impatient! My lord, I'll take care of this person! My Flying Demon Corpse was destroyed by that beast just now, so I just use him to make up for it." Demon Zun Yin sneered, got up and flew Out of the Immortal Demon Gathering Formation,
As soon as the words fell, Demon Lord Shiyin had already rushed out of the magic circle, with a murderous intent, and came in the blink of an eye.

"Mere Nascent Soul, die!" Shi Yin Demon Venerable rushed towards him, a pair of pale and colorless withered claws slapped down on his sky spirit cover with incomparable speed.

With a sound of "Pa!", the enemy's body exploded and turned into countless pieces of wood.

"Wu Xing Mu Dun's substitute!" Shi Yin Mozun was taken aback for a moment, released his divine thoughts, and quickly locked on the target again.

I saw that the enemy's figure split from an ancient tree, and he had already avoided his fatal blow in advance.

Demon Lord Shiyin was out of anger, he didn't expect that the blow he was determined to win was so easily resolved by a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Demon Lord Shiyin turned into a phantom, killing him instantly.

Li Mu played a dragon array in advance to isolate the surrounding spiritual consciousness, and kept waiting for the opportunity to move.

"Painting World Treasure Mansion, take it!"

When Demon Lord Shiyin approached him again, Li Mu snorted softly, and the treasure palace of the painting circle that had turned into a jade pendant suddenly enlarged, and the mouth of the cave formed a vortex, and Demon Lord Corpse Yin was absorbed into it all at once.

Demon Venerable Shi Yin, who couldn't dodge in time, stared blankly, what's the matter?

Mozun Shiyin was terrified, his expression was no longer as calm as before, he struggled twice before being sucked in.

Li Mu focused on two things, and tried his best to mobilize the seventh-order Dongtian Lingbao - Huajie Baofu.

Inside the treasure house of the painting world, the aura of heaven and earth gathers and turns into the hands of countless giant spirits. Giant peaks are pulled up from the ground, and the entire spiritual mansion is filled with endless killing intent, and they siege towards Demon Lord Shiyin.

"Dongfu Lingbao?"

Falling into another world, I felt that the aura here was dozens or even hundreds of times denser than outside. After confirming that it was not an illusion, Demon Lord Shiyin suddenly realized that he had already entered the spiritual treasure of the cave.

The lowest spirit treasures in the cave are seventh-order spirit treasures.

What is the background of that Nascent Soul cultivator outside?To have a seventh-order spirit treasure?

At the same time as he was shocked, Demon Lord Shiyin became greedy. If he killed the Nascent Soul cultivator, this cave spirit treasure would be in his pocket.

Possessing this spiritual treasure can almost be said to be invincible at the same level. Even if he is invincible, with the protection of this treasure, a monk of a higher level cannot kill himself.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, the eyes of Shiyin Mozun were bloodshot, and he wanted to rush out of the Lingbao seal and kill him.

However, this self-contained heaven and earth spirit treasure takes the heaven and earth as a prison, and there is no way out.

No matter how the Demon Lord Shiyin flew, he couldn't escape from this place. Before he could think of a way to break it, the world changed drastically, and countless boulders and mountain peaks turned into meteorites and bombarded him.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Demon Lord Shiyin summoned a blood coffin, revealed a golden corpse at the initial stage of transformation, and swung a heavy fist.

As imagined, the scene of the giant peak shattering and flying did not appear. Instead, the golden corpse was knocked out by the giant peak and then submerged.

Seeing this scene, Shiyin Mozun's dead soul was terrified, he didn't expect this giant peak to be so hard, and the trump card he refined - Huashentian Corpse, could not shake it at all.

Are you kidding me?
Seeing countless boulders and heavy peaks rushing towards him, Demon Lord Shiyin was forced to use the corpse demon body technique, dodging crazily for fear of touching anything.

"Look at the fist!"

Demon Lord Shiyin dodged a punch, but a shocking shout came from behind him. Before he could figure out what was true, he received a solid punch.


Demon Lord Shiyin's body was like a shooting star, crashing into several mountain peaks one after another, finally dissipating the rest of his strength and crashing into a cliff, and then stopped.

"You two guys, don't take the credit from me!" The blue-eyed armpit clapped a pair of iron fists, with a ferocious breath.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa glanced at the blue-eyed gibbon, they didn't bother to ignore it, they sacrificed their magic weapon, and bowed to the demon king.

"A group of beasts dare to injure this seat!"

Demon Lord Shiyin was in a state of distress at this moment, leaped from the hole into the midair, and a monstrous ferocity swept across the world.

The blue-eyed armipede, who originally wanted to fight against Xiaojin and Xiaowa, quickly put away his small thoughts and looked cautious.

The three spirit beasts looked at each other and reached a consensus at this moment.

Suspend the internal fighting first, let's talk about killing this person.

At this time, in the world, the tyrannical fire spirit power condensed into flaming birds, mountains and rivers turned into mad pythons and dragons, golden mountains rose up from the ground, huge stones condensed in the earth, and instantly turned into A rock giant with a height of hundreds of feet holding a giant hammer.

The mountains, rivers and trees are about to move, and countless fluorescent lights are floating in the air, ready to fight.

Demon Lord Shiyin's face suddenly became very gloomy. In this cave, he felt countless auras, suppressing his strength in all aspects, speed, physical strength, weight, spiritual energy, ..., all were deprived and extracted.

The speed was only a quarter or two of the original speed, and as the battle continued, his spiritual power and negative power were constantly being consumed, and could not be replenished from this world.

Now facing the power of the entire Dongtian Lingbao, coupled with the ambush by three spirit beasts, Mozun Shiyin's heart sank and he felt a huge crisis.


The blue-eyed armpit uttered human words, its figure rapidly enlarged, reaching a height of ten feet, and it swung a heavy punch.

Xiao Jin held a huge stick in his hand, and with hatred, he suddenly smashed it down.

Xiaowa escaped into the ground, and the sharp thorns wanted to pierce the sky, pointing directly at Demon Lord Shiyin.

Demon Lord Shiyin didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly sacrificed more than a dozen Nascent Soul stage refining corpses to deal with the three spirit beasts to resist the power of the entire seventh-order spirit treasure.

Outside, in the trapped dragon guard formation, Li Mu sat cross-legged, focused on counting, while observing the battle situation outside the formation with his divine sense, he sent all his spiritual power to the treasure mansion to assist the three spirit beasts, and together they quickly killed the demons in the Dongtian Lingbao. respect. (end of this chapter)

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