Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 179 The Battle of Exterminating the Sect

Chapter 179 The Battle of Exterminating the Sect ([-])

In the trapped dragon formation, Li Mu sat cross-legged on the ground, his spiritual thoughts were released, and he focused on counting.

Pay attention to the situation on the battlefield in real time, the situation of the seventh-level true spirit in the magic circle - Zixiao Cang Lei Beast, and everyone in Yulingzong. , assisting the three imperial beasts to besiege and kill the Huashen Mozun who was sucked into the Dongtian Lingbao.

Under the guidance of the Xingchen wooden puppet, the disciples of the Yulingzong who were scattered by the demon corpse gathered together and barely saved the defeat.

In the magic formation, the seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast, and the high-ranking members of the Yulingzong were able to hold on under the siege of the high-level demon corpses who wore magic armor and were not afraid of death. In the formation, the demonic energy filled the sky, a high-level demon corpse, occupying the home field advantage, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the demonic flames were soaring. If it continues to be consumed, the destruction of Yulingzong is only a matter of time.

Li Mu sighed, calmed down, and devoted all his energy to the Demon Lord Huashen in the Dongtian Lingbao. Only by finishing him first, could he free his hands to help Venerable Lei Hong and the others.

Otherwise, if a Huashen Mozun is allowed to operate in the world of Dongtianbao Mansion, those planted spiritual plants and all kinds of precious spiritual objects may be buried in his hands.

The three imperial beasts, the fifth-level blue-eyed armipede, can cause a little damage to the Huashen Mozun. Xiaojin and Xiaowa are still at the peak of the fourth level, and they are powerless. The damage caused by Huashen Mozun is very limited.

No, it must be resolved as soon as possible, and he cannot be allowed to continue to resist.

Li Mu looked serious, and took out the remaining [-] star wood puppets from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and nearly a hundred fourth-order star wood self-explosive spider puppets, activated their puppet pattern one after another, attached them with spiritual consciousness, and put them into the painting In the Jiebao Mansion, they launched a siege to kill him.

Suddenly, there was a strange wave, and a large group of puppets teleported out.

Demon Lord Shi Yin, who was suppressed by the Dongtian Lingbao, was taken aback. Before he could react, all the fighting puppets joined the battle, and a puppets hammered hard on him.

"Bang bang!"

Demon Venerable Shi Yin has already cultivated his body to be extremely hard, comparable to the body of a sixth-order monster. However, under the beating of more than [-] star wood battle puppets, there are bursts of bone cracking, and blood is flowing from the corners of his mouth. .

The tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs!
It can be roughly described as the current situation of Demon Lord Shiyin. Under the suppression of Dongtian Lingbao, Demon Lord Corpse Yin's strength has been severely weakened, and his body has become heavy. To the end of being surrounded and beaten.

However, Demon Lord Shiyin is a veteran Huashen Demon Lord after all. After exhausting the refining of corpses, he flicked out a few magic weapons to resist, and then took out an ancient bronze coffin to hide in.

How could Li Mu let him succeed, several battle puppets nearby moved together, blocked his way, grabbed his hands and feet, and bound his body.

More than a dozen spider puppets swarmed up, followed by octopus-like octopuses and hugged Demon Zun Yin tightly.

Demon Lord Shiyin felt bad, and his whole body turned into spirit and real energy, trying to break free from the shackles of the puppet.

However, at this moment, the berserk spiritual energy suddenly exploded on each of the puppets!
"No!" Demon Lord Shiyin yelled in horror.

"Boom!" There was a thunder, and the thunder and fire that soared into the sky instantly engulfed Demon Lord Shiyin.

The violent explosion of thunder and fire will burn all the bones in an instant, and even the cultivator who transforms the spirit cannot resist the power of more than a dozen fourth-level, fifth-level thunder talismans and fire talismans at the same time.

"Seeing" that there is no scum left in the God Transformation Demon Venerable.

In the outside world, Li Mu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and focused on the magic circle.

Seeing the demonic energy all over the sky, covering a range of more than ten miles, Li Mu began to observe carefully.

The magic circle stimulated a large amount of magic energy, and quickly made up for the gap that was previously broken by the two fifth-order purple sky ten thousand thunder talismans.

However, under the supernatural talent-recognize all spirits, the information content of the magic circle is still presented in detail.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he immediately made a big discovery.

This formation is called the Immortal Demon Gathering Formation, and it is held by three Huamozuns. In the center of the formation, sacrifices and a high-level demon corpse are placed to stimulate the large formation of demonic energy and gather the evil energy from the heavens and the earth.

The three Huashen Demon Lords form a triangle, echoing from head to tail, and form a whole. The magic circle has the power to gather magic energy, which has a comprehensive boost effect on the Nascent Soul Demon Lord wearing the magic armor.

In addition, it has negative effects such as shielding the consciousness from the outside world, disturbing the five senses, countering the invasion of magic thoughts, ..., and so on.

After reading the detailed information of the magic formation, Li Mu rolled his eyes and thought of an extremely simple method to break the formation.

This magic formation is not difficult for Li Mu who has obtained the inheritance of the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation.

You must know that the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation was handed down from the fairy world. Although it has been simplified, it is a real fairy formation.

Among them, no matter breaking the formation, observing the formation, setting up the formation, etc., its profound level is far beyond any formation method. Li Mu raised the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation to the fifth level.

The vision is naturally much higher than before.

After carefully observing the magic formation, Li Mu found that their arrangement was too simple, and the formation was obviously not a master of formation.

There are several obvious gaps, if they are used, they can directly counter-control the magic circle and suppress the magic energy.

Li Mu thought carefully about the steps to break the formation, deduced several times, confirmed that there would be no business trip, and immediately took action.

Withdrawing the trapped dragon array first, Li Mu recruited two pairs of dragon bones, the bloodthirsty violent dragon and the blue sea mad dragon, from the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

Li Mu took out two formation chess pieces, one red and one blue, and pinched the formation formula with his hands, and played a piece of spiritual power, sinking into the two formation flags.

The next moment, the two flags, one red and one blue, burst into radiance instantly, flew out quickly, and sank into the dragon heads of the two dragon bones.

With a wave of Li Mu's hand, a pile of high-grade spirit stones flashed out of thin air, and turned into a torrent of spiritual power in the sky, piercing into the banner on the top of the keel.

Originally, only the skeleton of the dragon bone remained, but in an instant, dense spiritual power 'vessels' grew, and the surface 'dragon scales' grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly covering the whole body.

In a short while, the two flood dragons came to life, completely floating in mid-air, exuding a powerful flood dragon prestige.

Seeing this, Li Mu was slightly overjoyed, and injected the souls of the dragons into the bodies of the two dragons. The formation flag in his hand stood facing the wind, and under Li Mu's control, it precisely landed on every weak point of the magic formation.

"Second Dragon Binding Immortal Formation, get up!"

When Li Mu raised his hand, the light radiated brightly, and the violent spirit energy of heaven and earth surged towards him with him as the center of the formation.

A magic circle, which was bigger than the magic circle, actually covered it firmly, forming a circle within a circle.

Good guy!
The consumption of this spirit stone is too great!

It's just a formation, which consumes ten thousand high-grade spirit stones, and only shapes the bodies of two flood dragons. The surrounding world's spiritual energy is not enough to absorb the formation!
Li Mu gritted his teeth, this consumption must be reimbursed by Yulingzong.

Li Mu sprinkled one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones to the heaven and earth, turning them into a torrent of spirit power and merging them into the formation.

"Shuanglong seizes the formation, go!"

Li Mu stood in the air, with his two fingers together forming a sword, the two dragons let out a deafening roar as they swung, and bumped into the weak point of the formation.

In an instant, there was a wave of waves in the formation, and the weak point actually came out, and there was a cracking sound, and a crack opened.


"Who is that person? How did he know the weakness of the magic formation!" Blood Yuan Demon Venerable asked angrily with a look of astonishment.

The black-robed Demon Lord who was in charge of the magic formation had a livid face. He watched the changes in the magic formation, but he was powerless to intervene to stop it.


Who is that person, how can he see through the indestructible demon-gathering formation?And understand the method of breaking the formation!

Ssangyong frenziedly bombarded the weak point of the formation, but it was faintly outside the formation. Gabu made another large formation, covering the entire magic formation, using the heaven and earth formation to break the formation.

What means?Can still break like this.

Demon Lord Wuyou, who led the magic formation, was dumbfounded.

Li Mu manipulated the twin dragons towards the weakest point in the center of the magic formation, spit out the dragon's breath again, corroded the liquid, and sprayed the extremely cold current to the weakest part of the magic formation.

Ssangyong's attack is extremely strong, but after all, its strength is still a bit weaker, and the magic circle can still be maintained.

Seeing this, Li Mu sent out the fifth-order thunder book again, and threw the remaining fifth-order thunder talismans into the sky. In an instant, the thunder rolled, and the endless thunder light blasted on the formation, deeply blasting a gap in the formation.

Everything happened too suddenly, Mozun Wuyou's face changed drastically, and he shouted anxiously, "Hurry up, don't bother with the Yulingzong anymore, cooperate with all your strength to strengthen the formation, where is the damned Demon Zun Yin?"

Wuyou Mozun gave an order, and the other three Mozun were also in a hurry. They finally wiped out the core power of Yulingzong, and after a while, they can all beheaded here.

As a result, the disruption of the formation master outside directly broke their thoughts.

The situation was urgent, and they had no extra time to think about it. The three demon kings poured their own strong and constant power into the magic formation, barely maintaining the maintenance of the magic formation.

Just now, he only cared about stabilizing the overall situation, and didn't pay attention to the Nascent Soul cultivator, but in the end, Nascent Soul cultivator was unscathed and continued to break through outside. Instead, the Demon Lord Shiyin who went to kill the enemy disappeared inexplicably without any response.

The three major Demon Lords were all anxious, unable to figure out where Demon Lord Shiyin had gone, they never thought that Demon Lord Shiyin had been killed.

There was a loud "boom", and the gap opened by the fifth-order thunder talisman happened to be large enough to accommodate the double dragons to enter.

The dragon's breath sprayed out again and aimed at the most important formation flag in the center of the formation. The formation flag couldn't bear the vent of power and instantly burned.

The magic energy inside the magic circle surged, and the ground shook. Venerable Lei Hong and others who were fighting in the magic circle felt that the restraint on them in the magic circle was greatly weakened, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Hidden in the formation, the demonic energy of the demon armor that was originally wrapped around the disciples of the Nine Demon Sect subsided, and the magical energy was no longer continuously supplied.

The sudden change shocked these Nine Demon Sect disciples instantly. Without the blessing of the magic circle, their strength dropped by more than one level.

"It's Li Jianxian, he's destroying the magic circle."

"It's saved, it's saved, all the disciples listened to the order, and shot in the direction of Li Jianxian with all their strength to break through."

"Everyone gather together and rush up together."

The movement above attracted everyone's attention.

Venerable Lei Hong and Venerable Qingwei were overjoyed and ordered to break through.

The disciples of Yulingzong have been trapped in the formation by the Nine Demon Sects for a long time, and the morale of the army, which has become a little broken, instantly condenses, and the desire to survive inspires all their combat power

All of a sudden, under the leadership of dozens of Nascent Soul True Monarchs, hundreds of golden elixir disciples fought bravely like a rainbow.

Forty or so Nascent Soul True Monarchs sent by the Nine Demon Sect tried their best to obstruct it.

The seventh-level true spirit-Zixiao Cang Lei Beast was seriously injured, but the lean camel was bigger than a horse. Seeing the hope of survival, it roared and quickly rushed towards more than forty Nascent Soul Demon Lords.

The speed was so fast that people couldn't react in time. He bit the seven Nascent Soul Demon Lords into his mouth with one bite, and a terrifying dark purple lightning burst out in his mouth. The seven Nascent Soul Demon Lords didn't even have a chance to scream, and they disappeared in an instant. .

Without the magic armor supported by the magic energy and the suppression of the endless magic energy, the strength of both sides has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Venerable Lei Hong and Venerable Qingwei were both suppressed by the magic circle, and their strength was suppressed. In order to save their disciples, they both suffered a lot.

Now that the magic formation was unable to form an effective attack on them, the two of them took the healing elixir and after consolidating their injuries, they charged towards Nascent Soul Demon Monarch like a tiger descending a mountain.

Even if it is the injured Huashen powerhouse, it is definitely not something that Yuanying Zhenjun can contend with, and the two of them seem to have entered the land of no one.

Wherever he went, the thunder light exploded, and the screams continued one after another, no one could stop them.

This scene greatly increased the morale of many elders and disciples of Yulingzong.

The overwhelming situation began to tilt to the other side.

"Old Ancestor, help, help."

"Old Ancestor, quickly activate the magic circle..."

The heart-piercing screams of the disciples of the Nine Demon Sect finally caught the attention of Blood Yuan Demon Venerable and the others, and their expressions all changed drastically.

"Heigu, you continue to manipulate the magic circle to attack, and the green ghost and I stop that despicable kid."

Blood Yuan Demon Venerable's teeth were about to be gritted. Seeing the drastic change in the situation, he was already a bit powerless to control the magic circle.

The chief culprit of all this is the Nascent Soul Qi Zhenjun who is outside the formation, the damn corpse Yin, where did he die!
The Blood Yuan Demon Lord wished he could lick the opponent's skin and drink the opponent's blood. This time, his failure was all due to the Nascent Soul cultivator outside the formation!

Blood Yuan Demon Venerable stared at Li Mu with a pair of scarlet eyes, and wanted to keep his appearance firmly in his mind!

Li Mu noticed the resentful gaze of the other party, smiled slightly, and looked at each other without any fear.

Continue to increase strength, and use all your strength to break a bigger hole in the magic circle.

Now, without the blessings of the two demon masters, after the demon formation was broken, the demon energy dissipated, and the two dragons charged into the demon formation, with their breath gushing out, attacking and killing the disciples of the Nine Demon Sects.

The Immortal Demon Gathering Formation is crumbling.

Wuyou Demon Venerable tried his best to extract the last power of the magic array, condensed it into a magic blade, and slashed at Ssangyong.

However, Ssangyong's body was chopped off in countless pieces, but it healed again in the next second, and even after being violently bombed, it could recover in an instant.

Live forever, never die.

This made the Blood Yuan Demon Venerable who held the formation together anxious like ants on a hot pot, but there was nothing they could do.

He couldn't figure out why these two flood dragons were only at the fifth level, why they were able to recover from death after their bodies were severed?
What kind of sorcery is this?
However, his doubts did not get any answers. The Zixiao Cang Lei Beast in the formation showed its supernatural power, and the thunder light bombarded everywhere. The magic formation was crumbling and could no longer hold on.

With a loud "boom", the Immortal Demon Gathering Formation finally couldn't hold it anymore and exploded suddenly.

In the formation, the embarrassed looks of both sides were revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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