Chapter 191 Tianyuan Battleship
Time flies, ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Following the guidance of the jade slip map, Li Mu drove the Tiansuo spirit ship to the Wangxing Coast, approaching a small seaside town marked on the jade slip map.

This city is called Bihai City, and it is located on the top of a cliff near the sea.

As far as the eye can see, thousands of monks are flying in and out of the small city, and small spirit ships gather here. Most of them are hunting cultivators and casual cultivators who hunt monsters in the sea, and their aura is full of hunting cultivators. They gathered in a small seaside town in groups of three or two, dozens of people, and it was very lively.

Suddenly, Li Mu frowned. When he was observing the situation in the small seaside town with his divine sense, he saw the giant spirit ship that almost ran into him before. It was parked at the best place on the cliffside port of the small town. It was about the same size as other spirit boat flying ships. Several times that, extremely domineering.

Li Mu's face darkened, and he looked carefully at the giant spirit ship. A striking red dragon flag was planted on the bow, fluttering in the wind, with a large golden character embroidered on it: 'Kun'.

A big family of cultivators?
This kind of giant spirit ship above the fifth rank is the core armament of each major sect, and it usually depicts the sect's seal or words to show its ownership.

The word 'kun' obviously comes from family power.

Li Mu focused his gaze on the giant spirit ship.

Soon, the innate supernatural power-recognition of all spirits took effect, and the information of the giant spirit ship appeared in the virtual frame of the character.

【Tianyuan Battleship】

[Rank: Tier [-] large battleship]

[Characteristics: Tianyuan gathering array, Tianyuan divine light, Tianyuan shield, walking into the void. 】

[Status: Tianyuan gathered in the array, absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth. 】

[A Tianyuan spirit ship made of sixth-order Tianyuan ancient wood, sixth-order spirit paulownia wood branches, sixth-order imaginary spirit bones, and sixth-order world king stone. The big formation, the Void Royal Formation, is 86 feet long, 7.7 feet wide, and 1.6 feet high. It walks in the void and travels [-] miles a day. 】

After seeing the attributes of the giant battleship, Li Mu was silent for a while. The faction that owns this spirit ship must not be inferior to Wanbao Pavilion in scale. It is really too proud!
What is the high-level warship of such a powerful force doing in a remote seaside town?
Li Mu lowered his head in deep thought, and suddenly remembered what the Golden Core cultivator had mentioned. Wang Xinghai was not peaceful recently, and he didn't know what happened.

With so many high-ranking monks gathered in this seaside town, something big must happen.

Li Mu turned on the divine power - Xing Yin, and scanned Bihai City with his spiritual sense, and found that there were thirty or forty Nascent Soul monks and hundreds of Golden Core monks gathered in the city. They looked dignified and excited, as if they were expecting something!
Unknown things are the most curious, and Li Mu feels that something big must have happened in the depths of Wang Xinghai.

Li Mu quietly approached Bihai City, and the spirit of Xingyin fell on a group of monks, eavesdropping on their chatter, gradually converging into a more reliable news: "Wang Xinghai salvaged a few pieces of seventh-order road The fragments of the soldiers are suspected to have found the ancient repair water mansion of high-level monks above the fusion stage, or the ruins of the ancient repair."

All in all, the secret treasure house of a high-level monk was definitely discovered, attracting many well-informed monks nearby.

Li Mu wasn't interested in the Guxiu Water Palace at all. His purpose of this trip was only the sixth-order flood dragon, and he didn't intend to get involved.

Li Mu turned around and was about to leave Bihai City and go to Stargazing Sea alone.

"Friend Daoist, wait a minute!" At this moment, a voice behind him called him.

Li Mu frowned, turned around and looked at him warily, he was an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a blue Taoist robe, exuding the peak spiritual pressure of the late Yuanying period, beside him was a female cultivator in a purple dress , also has the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul.

Li Mu paused, and the two quickly flew in front of him.

"I don't know what's the matter with the two callers?" Li Mu looked at the person and asked curiously.

Just now, when Li Mushen wanted to scan the monks in Bihai City, he realized that the two Nascent Soul monks had been paying attention to him intentionally or unintentionally.

"In the old way of Wanling, this is my Taoist partner-Chen Yi. Fellow Taoist is also here for the ancient Xiushui Mansion! I saw that fellow Taoist is alone, would you like to go with the two of us and take care of each other? The old Taoist Wan Ling looked at Li Mu and invited him with a smile.

"No, no! I came down to look at Xinghai to collect some high-level water-type spiritual objects, not for that ancient water mansion?" Li Mu smiled and vetoed.

"So that's it. I don't know what kind of spiritual objects you want to collect, maybe Wan just happens to have one in his hand!" Old Taoist Wan Ling stroked his white beard and nodded curiously.

"Hmm! Sixth-order Xuanyin True Water, sixth-order Water Moon True Stone, fellow Daoist Wan has these two kinds of spiritual objects!" Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile.

The old man Wan Ling frowned, looked at Li Mu uncertainly and said, "I'm afraid I can't find these two sixth-order spiritual creatures in Wang Xinghai!"

"Try your luck, isn't there a double-horned Qingyue Jiao in the sea area near here! It might be accompanied by water moon and real stones!" Li Mu explained with a slight smile.

"So that's the case, then don't bother fellow daoist!" Wan Ling nodded with a smile, turned around and left with his daoist companion.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute, I would venture to ask you a question." Li Mu called the old Taoist Wan Ling and asked in an inquisitive manner.

"Hmm! What do you want to ask, Fellow Daoist?" Old Taoist Wan Ling stopped and looked at Li Mu curiously.

"That high-level spirit ship on the coast, fellow Taoist, do you know which side it belongs to? It's so mighty!" Li Mu asked inquiringly.

"Isn't the banner saying, Kun family, one of the eight major cultivation families in Zhongzhou, don't fellow daoists know about the Kun family?" Old Taoist Wan Ling introduced with a dumbfounded smile.

"I come from the remote area of ​​Nanling, and I don't know the eight major cultivating families in Zhongzhou. I have never seen such a high-level spirit ship, just parked by the sea?" Li Mu explained with a smile, and said enviously.

"Isn't it because they are rich and powerful, and have no scruples! The Kun family has a very good relationship with the holy sons and elders of the major immortal sects in Zhongzhou. They are mainly engaged in the trading of refining and minerals in the spiritual domain of Zhongzhou, and they are extremely powerful in the counties of Zhongzhou!" Wan Ling The old man introduced with a sour tone.

Suddenly, Li Mu knew why the other party was so arrogant. The Kun family did have the capital to be arrogant, and the life of a mere Yuanying monk in the wilderness might not be in their eyes.

"Thank you fellow daoist for clarifying the confusion, I have no problem!" Li Mu cupped his hands and said goodbye.

The old Taoist Wan Ling nodded, and then left with his Taoist companion.

Li Mu followed Yujian and flew towards the direction of Wang Xinghai.

The endless sea, the waves are rolling,
Schools of spirit fishes of various forms gallop across the bottom of the sea with great momentum, and the bottom of the sea is even more exciting. All kinds of strange marine life are colorful and dazzling.

Some low-level fish monsters gathered together and found the human monks galloping in the sky. They scattered and disappeared without a trace.

"It's strange, why are there low-level fish monsters everywhere, but no high-level sea beasts?" Li Mu was slightly puzzled. From just now, among the spirit fish groups he encountered, the fish monster group's strength was no higher than the third level.

The water-type spiritual power that Li Mu fully mobilized is like a fish in the water, and it can explode at an astonishing speed even without the aid of a water-type spirit sword.

After a stick of incense, Li Mu didn't know how far Shui Dun had traveled. He didn't encounter any powerful high-level monsters. Most of them were second-level and third-level monsters. Don't.

Just when Li Mu was puzzled, a strong wave of true energy suddenly came from ahead, rolling up the surrounding sea water.

Li Mu's eyes were fixed, and he sacrificed the top-grade water-type spirit sword. The blade rotated and swung out, cutting the rolling waves directly.

When the tide dissipated, an eight-clawed demon king with a height of seven or eight feet was seen in front of him, waving his eight arms, hunting down three human monks with murderous aura.

Three monks, two late Nascent Souls, and one Jindan peak.

The two Nascent Souls in the late stage, with solemn faces, sacrificed magic weapons to resist the eight-clawed demon king while fleeing.

In one hand, the golden knife swung out, with a sharp blade, slashing towards the eight arms, but the other hand freed up to grab the blood-soaked golden core monk, protected him behind his back and beat him back.

The other person's ten fingers were sealed together, and the simple compass on the heavenly spirit rotated, and rays of light shot away.

The two Yuanying Zhenjun almost tried their best to attack, but their strength was hindered in the sea area, and they exerted less than [-]% of their strength.

It seemed like a thunderous blow, but it was completely blocked by the sea monster's eight arms.

Facing the fifth-order peak demon king, it is only a matter of time before these two fall.

The sky was dim and the earth was dark as the two sides fought, and the sea area within a radius of ten kilometers was turned upside down, but gradually moved towards him.

Li Mu frowned slightly, realizing that the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs had obviously discovered him and deliberately lured the monsters to him.

They obviously wanted to protect them from disasters so that they could take the opportunity to escape.

No matter what the reason was, Li Mu's face darkened, and he immediately escaped at a faster speed, never giving them a chance to climb up.

Li Mu's purpose in coming to Xinghai this time is to find the sixth-order dragon and subdue it, not wanting to cause trouble.

Li Mu immediately used the water escape, and his body fled away at an extremely fast speed, leaving them with a back that was fading away.

"Fellow Daoist in front, please wait, please wait!"

Seeing Li Mu running away at full speed, the two Nascent Soul cultivators yelled out in anxiety, and the sound of the thick Lingyuan was carried far away.

Li Mu heard it, but if he didn't hear it, his speed continued to increase, and he traveled farther and farther.

The protected Jindan monk said loudly: "Senior, please stop for a moment. I am the eldest grandson of the Kun family in Xiazhongzhou. If fellow Taoists can save my life, the Kun family will definitely remember your contribution. I am also willing to use high-level spiritual objects Give it to fellow Taoists, and never break your promise!"

Zhongzhou Kun's family?

Why did the people from Zhongzhou run here?
Wait, the Kun family?
Isn't it the giant spirit ship docked at the port of Bihai City?

Knowing that they were from the Kun family, Li Mu had no reason to save them, and disappeared into the sea in the blink of an eye without looking back.


The three of them were all stunned. They never expected that when they revealed their identities, the man ignored them and ran even faster instead!
You must know that in the eight major families of Zhongzhou, everyone in the Lingyu of Zhongzhou knows everyone, and countless sects and small forces are eager to curry favor with each other.
Unexpectedly, in this remote place, they were despised by a Nascent Soul cultivator, which made them very angry. However, they could no longer take care of other things at the moment.

Li Mu was still swimming in the sea, and at the same time he was wary of the back, but he swam about hundreds of kilometers of sea area, except for the eight-clawed demon king he met before.

I have never encountered any decent siren again.

This could not help but make him stop, and his spiritual consciousness swept wildly, but it turned out that the highest cultivation in the sea area here was just a fourth-order moray monster.


Now that he has reached the deep sea, there is no reason why the sea monsters he encounters are so weak.

Could it be that the coalition of monks in the city had already swept this sea area?
No, if they had really mopped up in advance, Venerable Mo Shan shouldn't have reminded himself that there was danger in the sea, obviously they hadn't set off yet.

That being the case, what about the strange things in this sea area?
Li Mu frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, there must be a monster if something goes wrong, but he didn't know where it was!

It would be great if I could refine that divination spirit weapon!

This thought flashed through Li Mu's mind, and he unconsciously became vigilant.

"Find out the situation first, and then go find the sixth-order flood dragon." Li Mu is not a reckless person, if he doesn't know the situation, he will feel uneasy.

Li Mu couldn't help thinking of the eight-clawed demon king from before, the hundred-kilometer sea area should be under its control, and it should know something, just arrest it and question it!
Li Mu immediately flew back, returned to the sea area where he was before, sensed the aura fluctuations left by the battle left by the two sides before, and continued to chase away.

After half a cup of tea, Li Mu finally caught up with the Octopus Demon King. Seeing the scene in front of him, his scalp felt numb!

I saw that the Golden Core cultivator who asked him for help just now was bitten and grabbed by the eight-clawed demon king, and only his face and half of his body remained, which was horrible.

The Nascent Soul cultivator also has only one leg left, which is left on a tentacles.

As for the whereabouts of the Nascent Soul True Monarch who manipulated the compass, it was obviously more ominous than good.

Li Mu saw the two storage magic weapons floating on the water, so he took the two storage rings away.

When the storage ring was taken away, the octopus demon king noticed the commotion.

The Eight-Clawed Demon King turned around, and eight tentacles more than ten feet long swept towards Li Mu overwhelmingly like long whips.

Facing the mighty blow of the fifth-level peak demon king, Li Mu sacrificed five fifth-level top-quality spirit swords. The five swords combined to transform into a five-element giant sword.

Seeing the thick and sharp five-element sword light, the eight-clawed demon king showed panic, and the eight giant feet instantly turned from offense to defense, and quickly condensed into a giant shield in the air, protecting the vital parts of his body.

"Pfft!" There was a loud noise, and the huge sword light flashed away, slashing fiercely at the fleshy wall made up of eight giant feet.

With a "boom", the huge broken foot fell on the sea, setting off huge waves.

Once Li Mu moved his hand at the full-level Xuantian Sword Formation, his whole body became sharp and full of sword intent. Under his control, the five-element giant sword slashed one sword after another, fast and urgent, and did not give up. It has no chance to fight back.

In just a few breaths, Li Mu manipulated the five-element giant sword, and chopped the "mountain of meat" more than ten meters into countless knots, and the blood quickly stained the surface of the sea.

In the end, under the horrified eyes of the Octopus Demon King, its huge body was cut in half by Li Mu's sword.

The demon body was destroyed, and the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king escaped from the body, and fled frantically towards the deep sea.

Li Mu smiled slightly, how could he make it wishful, the five-element giant sword pierced through the air and turned into the five-element sword domain to imprison him.

Li Mu flew over and pinched the eight-clawed demon king's spirit in his hand.

The spirit of the Octopus Demon King was panicked and struggled violently. Li Mu Shen Nian reached out and tried to communicate with it. However, he got a piece of confusing information.

With a wave of his hand, Li Mu directly took the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king into the treasure house of the painting world.

Inside Baofu.

Not all fifth-order monsters can speak human words, and the octopus king is one of them. He entrusted the task of interrogation to the blue-eyed gibbon.

After about a stick of incense, the blue-eyed gibbon asked all the questions.

Li Mu summoned the blue-eyed gibbon out of the sea.

It's been a long time since I walked out of Huajie Baofu. When the blue-eyed armipede came out, the ape brain looked around. It had never seen such a vast sea, and it excitedly knocked on Mimi with both hands, and screamed.

"Huh? Have you forgotten something important?"

Li Mu glanced at the blue-eyed gibbon, and asked coldly.

"Master, I'm sorry, I've never seen such a big sea, I'm a little excited!" The blue-eyed gibbon quickly apologized and said shyly.

Li Mu can also understand this guy. He has stayed in the treasure house of the painting world for hundreds of years. Although it is a land of gods, it is like a cage for him.

The blue-eyed gibbon scratched its head and began to talk: "Master, it turns out that there is a sixth-order double-horned Qingyue Jiao in the sea area of ​​Wangxinghai. It was attacked by the human race before and was seriously injured. After that, it went to hide for a few days. Ten years, it just popped up recently, but it's fierce, "

"As soon as they appeared, they specially selected some high-strength sea monsters, killed them, and devoured them. Even the other two sixth-level monsters here were brutally murdered, and the two sixth-level monsters were also killed. After devouring it, the two-horned Qingyue Jiao became the overlord of this domain, and began to attack high-level monsters and some human monks passing by without restraint."

"In less than a few months, all the high-level monsters have almost disappeared in this sea area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The eight-clawed monster king was smarter. He sensed danger and fled ashore until the two-horned Qingyue Jiao came to the sea. It dared to come back to the sea area farther away, and after confirming that the two-horned Qingyue Jiao had left this place, it became the king here."

Li Mu finally figured it out, and couldn't help frowning.

The two-horned Qingyue Jiao actually ran to a farther sea area, which is really a bit troublesome. How can I find it in this vast sea?
Just when Li Mu didn't know how to find the two-horned Qingyue Jiao, the blue-eyed armpit remembered something again, and quickly added: "By the way, master, the octopus demon king also said that it occupied two The hiding place of the Jiaoqingyue Jiao is a bit weird."

hiding place?
Li Mu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered something. If he could find its scales or the remnants of certain parts of its body in the hiding place of the double-horned Qingyue Jiao, it would be possible to rely on what he learned from Venerable Tian Yan. Track the formation, trace it, and search for its whereabouts.

After clearing his mind, Li Mu summoned the spirit of the Eight-Clawed Demon King and asked him to lead the way ahead.

Facing a man and a beast with tyrannical strength, how could the eight-clawed demon king dare to refuse, and floated ahead to lead the way.

(End of this chapter)

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