Chapter 192 Flood Dragon Remains
Time flies, and an hour passes in a blink of an eye.

The spirit of the eight-clawed demon king lost his body, and led the way in the sea at an extremely fast speed, traveling ten miles, hundreds of miles, constantly.

Li Mu possesses the body of the Five Elements and uses the water-type escape technique, so he can easily keep up. Although the blue-eyed armpit is an earth-type monster, its strength has reached the peak of the fifth level, and it is not far behind.

The spirit of the eight-clawed demon king suddenly changed direction and continued to dive into the bottom of the sea, hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, ... Li Mu followed closely behind, and in a short while went deep into the abyss of the bottom of the sea. When he looked up, he could no longer see the sun, but when he looked down, he saw a darker underwater world. You can't see your fingers, and the surrounding water pressure is astonishingly greater.

Even with his powerful body at the full level of Soul Devouring Cultivation Art, he suddenly dived into such a deep seabed, Li Mu began to feel unwell.

Li Mu thought of something, and quickly summoned the Five Elements Spirit Mountain from the storage compartment, injected spiritual power, activated the Five Elements Spirit Domain of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, and used the five elements spiritual power of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain to relieve the terrifying pressure of the deep sea.

The Five Elements Spirit Mountain quietly floated in front of Li Mu, and the Ten Mile Five Elements Spiritual Field was compressed to about one mile under the deep sea. The rich Five Elements spiritual power cast a Five Elements veil, protecting Li Mu and the Blue-eyed Brachio.

Li Mu let go of his consciousness and scanned the deep sea. At the bottom is a dark seabed, a huge trench stretching tens of millions of miles, extremely dark, like a huge mouth of an abyss, seemingly endless.

Li Mu's spiritual sense was exhausted, and he was still far from being able to ascertain the depth of the giant trench.

Li Mu frowned, looking at the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king leading the way ahead, he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Damn it! What kind of place is this? You didn't bring us here on purpose to get rid of us, did you? Believe it or not, I ate you before you escaped ten feet away."

The blue-eyed armipede was good at observing words and expressions, and when he saw Li Mu's displeased expression, he immediately bared his teeth, stretched out his claws and pinched the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king in front of him, and threatened with a fierce look.

The eight-clawed demon king spirit panicked and closed his mouth very fast, not knowing what he was talking about.

The blue-eyed gibbon showed the look of listening, and after listening, he immediately turned his head to look at Li Mu, and translated in detail: "Master, this guy said that the two-horned Qingyue Jiao's hiding place is on the rock wall of that trench. It is the habitat of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao family, but since then, it has become weird, and the deeper it goes, the more terrifying the earth evil energy inside."

"Ordinary monsters and fish will not approach easily. This guy has not occupied this cave for a long time, and he dare not stay here for a long time. Now, it has turned into a ghost, and the evil spirit of the earth has a strong attraction to it." The blue-eyed gibbon introduced to Li Mu eloquently.

Hearing this, Li Mu's eyes lit up slightly,
The ancestral land where the two-horned Qingyue dragon clan inhabits, doesn't that mean that there may be many dragon bones here?
Now [Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation] only gathered two pairs of dragon bones, the effect of increasing this formation is very limited,

If we can get together seven sets of dragon bones to complete the formation, the [Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation] will be able to exert its true power.

Gather nine flood dragons and set up the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation. At that time, even if he faces the monks of the late stage of Shanghuashenjing, or even higher-level monks, Li Mu will dare to fight with him.

Thinking of the benefits of obtaining the dragon bone, Li Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he wished he could rush into the land of the flood dragon immediately and seek the remains of the dragon.

However, Li Mu has always been cautious. The Eight-Clawed Demon King said that there is a strong evil spirit here, and there must be some kind of terrifying existence. The fifth-level demon king may fall here, so he dared not act recklessly.

To be on the safe side, Li Mu took out more than a dozen water system combat puppets from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and sent them to fly to the deep trench on the seabed to investigate the results.

In order to cope with this operation, Li Mu specially refined a batch of water system combat puppets, they have different shapes, fan-shaped like a ray, long-spindle-shaped like a barracuda,...

Seventeen or eighteen fighting puppets, like a school of fish, swooped down toward the depths of the trench and quickly spread out to explore.

Half an hour later, the water system battle puppets returned one after another, and confirmed that, as the Octopus Demon King said, they found a huge cave on the rock wall one after another, and did not find any huge threat.

Li Mu thought for a while, and took the blue-eyed armpit into the treasure house of the painting world. He supported the five-element spirit mountain alone, held the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king, and took all the water system fighting puppets, and rushed towards the cave passage together.

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed, and Li Mu went five thousand feet deep into the bottom of the sea.

In the deep sea, the pressure around him doubles every time he advances a thousand feet. Fortunately, Li Mu has the sixth-order spiritual treasure of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain.

Soon, Li Mu came to the underground cave passage mentioned by the Octopus Demon King, an underground passage nearly twenty feet wide. However, to Li Mu's surprise, the depth of this cave passage was no longer pitch black,
Inside the karst cave passage, there are colorful lights all around.

The scenery inside the cave passage emerges before the eyes, and there are bright objects, there are various luminous spiritual grasses growing on the rock wall, the third-level blue spirit flower, the fourth-level ice mist spiritual grass, the fourth-level ice jade exquisite,...,
As far as the eyes can see, there are all kinds of elixir with a long age, hundreds or thousands of years.

Li Mu blinked his eyes.

In the passage of the cave, pieces of magical artifacts that were deliberately embedded in the rock wall or hung on the roof of the cave gave off a faint aura.

The ranks of these spirit artifacts vary. Some have extremely strong auras, while others are almost on the verge of collapse. There are thousands of spirit artifacts in shapes, colors, and high and low ranks, piled up into hills, or scattered around. .

In addition, there are a lot of gold and precious stones, which reflect colorful auras, outlining a colorful scene in a cave.

Wandering in the dazzling passage of the cave, Li Mu remembered some rumors.

According to the rumors, dragons are sexually promiscuous, obscene, and lustful, and they like crystal and shining things. They are very fond of the light in the world, whether it is gold gems or magical artifacts, so they can be stored in caves.

It seems the rumors are true!
Right now, this two-horned Qingyue Jiao may not be a real dragon, but it should also belong to the descendants of the dragon clan, with a trace of real dragon blood, tainted with the character of real dragons who like to collect money and collect treasures.

Li Mu gradually discovered that the spiritual artifacts in the cave had existed for a long time, and they were corroded faster on the seabed than on land.

Li Mu took a quick look and made a rough estimate. There are thousands to tens of thousands of spiritual weapons in the cave. However, the aura of most of the spiritual weapons is extremely weak, and their spirituality has been greatly damaged, which is no longer worth repairing.

Hundreds of well-preserved Tier [-] and Tier [-] spirit weapons, as well as twelve Tier [-] spirit weapons, were taken away by Li Mushen with a sweep of his mind and a wave of his hand.

Things that are more precious than spiritual tools are naturally those high-level elixir that emit blue fluorescence and various high-level refining materials that grow around the rock walls.

Covered by Li Mu's spiritual thoughts, his spiritual power was swayed, and the high-age spiritual herbs, elixir, and some inconspicuous high-level refining materials were collected by him into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, just like locusts passing through. Valuable spiritual objects were collected by him one after another.

Li Mu walked and picked all the way, and the water system battle puppets swam in front, scouting the way for him.

The tunnel of the cave was extremely deep, and Li Mu's spiritual consciousness swept it, and found that this seemingly messy cave had actually been carefully remodeled.

There are not only places similar to cultivation, but also huge living caves, and some places similar to planting spiritual plants in the sea.

This discovery surprised Li Mu very much. It seems that he found the right place. This underwater cave should be the place where the two-horned Qingyue dragon lives.

Li Mu inspected carefully, not missing any details, and found a lot of human bones that had been eaten, as well as some other types of monster bones, and a large number of low-level spiritual weapons, most of which had been corroded.

There are also a large amount of refining materials, but most of them are turbid due to the evil spirit of the earth, and many fourth- and fifth-level refining materials have lost their spirituality. Instead, they have gathered non-yin evil, suitable for refining into magic weapons.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu was heartbroken.

There are so many refining materials, hundreds of thousands of catties, most of them are wasted, what a pity!
Li Mu continued to walk deep into the passage in the cave, during which time he found some human skeletons, and the number of siren skeletons gradually increased.

Li Mu frowned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Among the large number of corpses, he took a piece of fresh monster bone with less corrosion, put it in his hand and carefully observed the unicorn.

This monster skeleton was obviously eaten not long ago. Li Mu excited Qilin. The appearance of this monster skeleton confirmed that he was getting closer and closer to the residence of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao.

Li Mu abandoned the low-level spiritual weapon, accelerated his flight, and galloped towards the end of the cave passage.

Halfway through the journey, Li Mu found a large number of sea monsters and human remains piled up at the entrance of a cave in front of him. The number was so large that it almost blocked the entrance of the four to five feet wide cave.

Li Mu scanned with his mind, and found dozens of storage bracelets and storage rings of various shapes in the pile of bones.

With a big move, Li Mu took those storage bracelets and storage rings away one by one.

Collecting the loot along the way, Li Mu quickly arrived at the end of the cave, a round formation platform in the center of the cave, filled with corpses, and some scaly objects under the formation gave off a dark blue light.

Li Mu picked up one piece and found that it was a scale the size of a human head. The edge of the scale was extremely sharp.

Innate Supernatural Ability—Under the recognition of all spirits, Li Mu learned about the scales, which are the scales that fell off from the body of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao.

With this scale, it is possible to perceive the position of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao through the tracking formation.

There are also a lot of dragon scales scattered around, which is a good refining material, suitable for making high-level defense equipment, Li Mu put them away one by one.

Just when Li Mu regretted that he did not find the bones of the dragon in the cave, there was a terrifying evil spirit coming out of nowhere. With the spread of the evil spirit from the earth, the temperature of the entire seabed cave suddenly dropped, and the sea water became frosty.

This evil spirit actually dyed the surrounding seawater dark red, which was mixed with deep resentment.

The spirit of the eight-clawed demon king held in Li Mu's hand struggled violently in panic.

Not long after, the spirit of the eight-clawed demon king soaked in the dark red sea water became extremely manic and wanted to attack Li Mu.

This situation made Li Mu frowned, threw the spirit of the monster beast into the soul-absorbing bottle, and immediately activated the Five Elements Spirit Mountain to resist the surrounding evil spirits, stabilize his mind, and avoid being affected by the resentment carried in the evil spirits.

"How is this going?"

Li Mu couldn't help frowning, and let out his spiritual thoughts, he didn't find the source of the evil spirit, let alone how these terrifying evil spirits came out.

Li Mu was planning to escape from the cave, and went back to the water first, but the evil spirit came and went quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the evil spirit faded away like a tide, disappeared without a trace, and the sea water returned to its original state.

Even though he saw many strange things, Li Mu couldn't help being dumbfounded at this moment.

Could it be that there are heaven, material and earth treasures here?Or high-level magic energy?

The two-horned Qingyue Jiao hadn't been in the cave for a long time. Li Mu searched the seabed cave carefully, and confirmed that there were no other living beings in the cave except him.

Is it true that there are some natural treasures, high-level spiritual treasures that come out?

Li Mu hesitated for a while, and was about to investigate, and then carefully inspected the areas that had not been searched.

Soon, a small dark cave at the end of the cave caught Li Mu's attention
The hole was about two feet wide, and the interior was dark, but it seemed to be blocked by something when he swept in with his spiritual thoughts. With the strength of his spiritual thoughts, he couldn't penetrate into it, which aroused Li Mu's curiosity.

Li Mu sacrificed five five-element spiritual swords, and the spiritual swords surrounded his body, waiting for him in a formation.

Li Mu released another set of five-element spirit swords, with his spiritual consciousness attached to the sword, he released the flying sword and probed into the small hole.

The Five Elements Spirit Sword-Fire Sword suddenly bloomed a large amount of fire element spiritual power, bursting out a ten thousand zhang flame, illuminating the entire underground cave.

It showed everything in the cave, and the densely packed skeletons in the cave spread all over the floor, with faint green light shining in it.

"A lot of dragon bones!"

Li Mu's eyes were shining brightly, and he flew into the small cave, looking straight at the rock walls around the cave, where stone platforms were dug out one by one.

As far as the eye can see, the bones of the dragons are entrenched, occupying a stone platform, clusters of green light, like ghost fire attached to the bones of the dragons, there are hundreds of them, large and small.

Li Mu was full of surprises, and he turned on his innate supernatural power - identifying all spirits, and glanced past the remains of dragons on the corpse table.

It's a pity what happened!

This cave is the storage place for the remains of the Shuangjiao Qingyue Jiaolong family. After a long period of time, coupled with the corrosion of sea water, most of the remains of Jiaolong have lost their spirituality and are not worth repairing.

There are some well-preserved keels, most of which are third-tier or fourth-tier, petite in size, and unsatisfactory in quality. Li Mu's heart can't help but feel cold.

Li Mu did not give up and continued to search.

In the end, two good-looking Qingyue Jiaolong bones were successfully picked up, one of the fifth rank and the other of the sixth rank.

[The bone of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao. 】

[Rank: Tier [-] Monster Beast Skeleton. 】

[Characteristics: The keel is hard, the air is extremely cold, and the dragon soul is missing. 】

[Status: Spiritual damage, lack of dragon soul. 】

[It is rumored that the dragon born from the combination of the ancient blue dragon and the phantom snake demon contains the blood of the ancient blue dragon. It is good at water, likes eating humans, and has an aggressive personality. The blood of the dragon in the body can be transformed into a dragon at an advanced level, and the dragon bone can be repaired: use ten thousand drops of fifth-order Xuanming real water, mixed with a small amount of monster blood, soak it, and it can be repaired. 】

It is possible to stimulate dragon blood by cultivating a large amount of Tianlong spirit grass?

Can it be advanced and transformed into a dragon?

Knowing this situation, Li Mu couldn't help but take a deep breath, and surprise burst into his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this two-horned Qingyue Jiao would have the opportunity to advance to become a Dragon Clan, this is really a surprise.

Buying this piece of information from Tianji Pavilion is so worth it!

Ever since he learned the [Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation], Li Mo has been thinking all the time whether he can find the remains of the real dragon and use the real dragon bones to refine the real weapon of the Nine Dragons Killing Immortals Formation.

After all, the Jiaolong only contains a trace of dragon blood, and cannot fully display the true power of the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation.

If you can use the nine real dragon bones, the dragon energy is vast, and the power of the real dragon fully explodes, you will be invincible at the same level, and you will be challenged by leapfrogging.

However, Li Mu learned a lot about real dragons from "Nanling Chronicle".

In ancient times, the four holy beast clans that ruled the demon clan were the real phoenix, the holy tiger, the unicorn, the dragon clan, and the Xuanwu clan. These five clans ruled all directions and occupied Zhongzhou.

For some unknown reason, the five holy races suddenly disappeared overnight, and the human race had a second chance to rise strongly, gradually overpowering the monster race.

As for the reasons for the disappearance of the five great saint clans, there is no relevant record in "Nan Ling Chronicle", but it mentions the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, and mentions the presence of the soul of the real dragon.

Li Mu's strength is weak, so he naturally dare not set foot on the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range. With his current strength, he may have a chance to explore it.

It was an unexpected surprise to find the remains of two high-level dragons.

Li Mu was overjoyed, and quickly put the two sets of dragon bones into the Jiuzang Lingzhu. After continuing to investigate the dragon corpse cave, he decided to leave this place after confirming that there were no more dragon bones that met his needs.

At this moment, countless clusters of green light floating around quickly gathered towards one place.

Li Mu's expression changed slightly, he controlled the Five Elements Spirit Mountain and the Five Elements Spirit Sword, and looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, a mutation occurred!
(End of this chapter)

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