Chapter 195 Taming the Flood Dragon
Time flies, and nine days pass in a blink of an eye.

The Tissot spirit ship was flying at an extremely fast speed in the air.

In the cabin of the Tissot spirit ship, Li Mu had two purposes. While drawing the talisman, he kept his spiritual sense out, and kept monitoring the Baili area of ​​​​the Tiansuo spirit ship.

The fifth-level talisman paper, peeled from the skin of the fifth-level Lei Peng, is as thin as a cicada's wing, with streaks of blue lightning flowing, exuding a powerful thunder-attribute spirituality.

Li Mu looked solemn, and held a fifth-grade golden talisman pen, the tip of which was stained with thunder blood spirit ink. He concentrated his spiritual power into the talisman pen, poured his spiritual consciousness into it, and drew complex thunder talisman patterns on the talisman paper.

The blue-blooded thunder ink glowing with aura moved along with the tip of Langhao's pen, and gradually outlined lines of thunder-type runes with complex structures and crisscross patterns on the talisman paper.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning exploded, and the entire talisman paper erupted with a violent thunder force that was about to explode.

Li Mu reacted quickly and fired out the Five Elements Spiritual Power, instantly condensing a miniature Five Elements Spiritual Cover and wrapping it in talisman paper.

With a muffled "bang", the talisman paper exploded in the Five Elements Spirit Cover without causing too many fluctuations.

Looking at the fifth-order lightning talisman paper that was blown into flying ash, Li Mu couldn't help but sighed, his face a little depressed.

It is still too much effort to draw a fifth-level talisman for the fifth-level talisman-making technique, and the chance of failure is too great!

However, the fifth-order Thunder Talisman is not generally easy to use. This time, he was able to escape from the seventh-order Resentful Dragon, thanks to the credit of two fifth-order Thunder Prison Talismans.

In the past, it took a lot of fifth-order thunder talismans to support Yulingzong and break open the magic formation. Now, the inventory of finished fifth-order thunder talismans and fifth-order thunder talisman skin paper has bottomed out. Make up a batch.

Li Mu collected the fifth-order talisman brush into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, stopped drawing talismans, and the Tiansuo spirit ship flew for nine consecutive days, and finally flew to Bitian City, heading for Baili, a magnificent city for cultivating immortals, and introduced the sea of ​​consciousness.

If there is no accident, it will not take long to arrive at Bitian City, take the teleportation array of the Illusory God Sect, and head to the ancient city.

In the Baofu space of the painting world.

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong who had been in a coma for several days suddenly opened his blue eyes, shook his head and woke up.

The two-horned Blue Moon Dragon woke up and looked at the unfamiliar environment around it. The spiritual energy was rich and the scenery was beautiful... It was simply a paradise, a paradise in the cave, not its lair at all!
Something is wrong!Where is this?Definitely not where I should be!
The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon sensed something was wrong, and suddenly became irritable. The aura of the sixth-order demon king erupted in an all-round way.

"Who! Who captured this seat, where is this place! Come out!"

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong shouted angrily, released the beast, and searched for the person who brought it here.

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon still remembers being attacked by a wave of resentment. It has been lost and sunk for an unknown how long. Now that it is awake, it only feels that its body is full of abnormalities, and its soul and body are extremely uncomfortable.

As soon as the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon finished speaking, three monsters flew in front of it, two monster apes and one lizard-like hybrid.

Two fourth-order peaks, one fifth-order peak, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong didn't take them seriously, but felt an inexplicable emotion towards these three spirit beasts in his heart. An inexplicable sense of intimacy can't help but arise, as if there is a special connection.

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon, which has never been controlled by spirits, does not know what this feeling is.

However, the words of the fifth-level blue-eyed arm-branched ape directly stunned the two-horned Qingyue flood dragon.

"You are the master's spiritual pet, this is the treasure mansion space, and it is the master's cave spirit treasure!"

The blue-eyed armpit, with a huge body of more than ten feet, sat directly on the ground, grabbed a third-order spiritual fruit that had been frozen into an ice sculpture, stuffed it into its mouth, and began to eat it.

Xiaojin and Xiaowa followed suit, picking and eating the spiritual fruits that were damaged by the cold air of the two-horned Qingyue dragon.

"Me! Spirit pet! This is impossible!"

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolongsha was furious, unwilling to accept the fact that the human monks were just its food, how could it be its master?

Just when the angry two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong was about to vent his anger, Li Mu's figure appeared directly with a "whoosh".

"It's you? Damn it! What did you do to me! Ah!"

When the two-horned Qingyue dragon saw Li Mu, it immediately felt the abnormal state of its soul, and it couldn't express its anger at all. The existence of the Yuling Deed Seal made its soul involuntarily surrender to him.

However, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong has always been rebellious and rebellious, and he has a great dislike for the human monks. Naturally, he is unwilling to give in, and gathers his soul power to fight back against the seal in his soul.

Soon, the pain caused by erasing the divine soul bond occurred instantly.

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon was in unbearable pain immediately, and its huge body fell directly from the sky, hitting the ice heavily.

The two-horned Qingyue flood dragon rolled in pain on the ground, its miserable cry echoed across the sky, the ground shook violently, and the rocks flew away.


Er, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong stopped tossing, like a dead fish, laying straight on the ground, exhaling more air and less air, as if life would be better than death.

"Why bother! All the pain will go away as long as I am the Lord." Li Mu smiled slightly, and persuaded Youyou.

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon has killed countless human monks, how can this mere Nascent Soul monk in front of him be worthy of being its master.

What's more, the means used by this person to control the spirit are extremely terrifying. If you follow him and you can't escape from now on, your soul will also change subtly, and you will completely respect him from the depths of your soul. How is it different from those three guys?

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong cast a glance at the three monsters who were watching the excitement while eating the spirit fruit, their eyes were scarlet, full of unwillingness.

"Idiot, it's good to follow the master. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. Why don't you kneel down to apologize and obey."

Xiaojin and Xiaowa chattered along, not knowing what to say, but it was definitely not a good thing.

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon was so angry that he rushed forward and killed the three traitors. He was given the Imperial Seal of Enslavement by the human monks, which already discredited him. Now he is still being ridiculed and teased by three low-level monsters. , it has the heart to die.

Under the double mental torment, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong struggled for a long time, his soul was wounded, and he was unable to get up in pain.

Seeing this, Li Mu frowned, and could only make a formula, quietly driving the Yuling Deed Seal, to dispel the negative emotions of the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon.

In the end, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong was defeated, and the depths of his soul did not dare to rebel against Li Mu. Soon, the pain that was worse than death in the depths of his soul disappeared.

The aura of the two-horned Qingyue flood dragon gradually calmed down, and its body fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Through the imperial seal, Li Mu no longer felt the resistance of the two-horned Qingyue dragon, so he couldn't help but smile happily.

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled and stepped forward to comfort him: "You have the potential to become a true dragon, stay by my side obediently, and I will find a way to make you successfully advance to the rank of a true dragon in the future."

A real dragon?

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong raised his head and looked at Li Mu in disbelief: "Impossible, I have already surrendered to you, why use such lies to deceive me again!"

"You believe me!"

Li Mu smiled slightly, not paying attention to the question of the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon.

If he can obtain a dragon with the potential to advance to the rank of a true dragon, he will definitely devote himself to cultivating it. With his ability, as long as he pays enough, the resources to make the dragon advance to the rank of a true dragon can still be obtained.

For example, Dragon Blood Spirit Grass.

Li Mu still remembered that the first time he met Jindan cultivator-Yun Xiaozi, he got a dragon's blood spiritual grass that could advance a dragon.

I don't know what Yun Xiaozi's situation is now. If we have a chance to meet again, ask him where he got the Orb Dragon Blood Spirit Grass.

"Since the death of the seventh-generation Dragon Ancestor of the Qingyue Flood Dragon Clan, there have been no real dragons from the Double-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon Clan for tens of thousands of years. I, but, I can't activate the blood of the real dragon, and the road to transformation is far away! How can you help me advance to the next level because you are only a Nascent Soul cultivation base."

The huge body of the two-horned Qingyue dragon gradually shrank dozens of times, and turned into a Zhang-long two-horned and four-horned dragon, lying on the ground, looking at Li Mu sadly.

Now, the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon has resigned to his fate, unwillingly accepting Li Mu as the master, and relieved the pain of the Yuling Deed Seal.

"Seven generations of Dragon Ancestors? Are you talking about the illusory resentful dragon hidden deep in your lair?" Li Mu asked curiously as he looked at the two-horned green moon flood dragon.

"You, how do you know? The seventh-generation Dragon Ancestor has deep resentment and has turned into a corpse demon. He is extremely powerful and terrifying. It has been sleeping at the foot of the corpse mountain. If any living beings enter, it will wake it up... .”

"Yeah! I went in and fought with it a few tricks!" Li Mu nodded with a smile and said lightly.

Hearing this, the head of the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong was sweating, and he said in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible, the strength of the Seven Dragon Ancestor is extremely terrifying. At the beginning, I explored it out of curiosity, and was almost killed by it. In the end, I was seriously injured. After escaping, the soul was entangled by resentment, lost consciousness,..., you really went in? How did you escape?" The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon said, and couldn't help but pause, and then it remembered, If Li Mu hadn't entered the ancestral land, how would he know the existence of the Seventh Generation Dragon Ancestor.

Hearing this, Li Mu suddenly realized, and immediately understood why the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong lost his mind and went berserk. It turned out that it was eroded by the dragon demon's resentment, and its soul was controlled by resentment.

"You answer me a question first, the graveyard is Zhong, who set up the formation?" Li Mu looked at the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon and asked curiously.

"I don't know about that. It's been guarded by our clan for tens of thousands of years. Following the precepts of our ancestors, we never dared to explore it." The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon frowned and responded.

"Oh! Why does the seventh-generation dragon ancestor have such deep resentment? It even became a seventh-order resentful dragon." Li Mu nodded and continued to ask.

It's not that Li Mu loves gossip, but that he is bound to win this keel,

The nine dragon bones needed for the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation are extremely difficult to find. Now that they have finally encountered one, Li Mu is unwilling to give up easily.

To subdue that resentment keel, one must figure out how the dragon demon's resentment came about, who arranged that mysterious formation, and why it could only trap the seventh-order resentment dragon, but not prevent other people from entering and exiting. .

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon frowned, thought deeply, hesitated for a while, and said: "I heard from my ancestors that the Seven Dragon Ancestor had extraordinary strength at the beginning, reaching the peak of a seventh-rank true dragon, and had the potential to be promoted to an eighth-rank dragon king. Later, he encountered a strong enemy. , the whole body of blood was forcibly drawn away, its reverse scales were pulled out, its dragon tendons were pulled out, and the spirit weapon was refined. Because of the huge resentment, he turned into a corpse demon and began to slaughter countless of his colleagues."

"In order to solve this scourge, the two strong ancestors joined forces to fight against them, and both fell there. Fortunately, one of the ancestors did not know how to use a weapon array, and at the cost of his life, he released the array and sealed the seventh-generation dragon ancestors. !"

Pausing for a while, the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong continued: "There is another version. The Seventh Generation Dragon Ancestor and the mysterious magic circle existed in the first place. They were arranged by a mysterious strongman, and finally handed over to our family to guard."

"Tens of thousands of years is too long! Many truths and ancient books have been lost. We are guarded by ancestral instructions and seven generations of dragon ancestors. We dare not go deep into it." The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong finally introduced.

After listening to the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon's narration, Li Mu nodded silently, hissing endlessly. No wonder the monster dragon has such deep resentment. It is no wonder that the resentment is not deep after being cramped to the bottom of the sea for thousands of years.

Seventh-order resentful dragons and human beings died with resentment, and resentment enters the soul and becomes a resentful spirit.

As for the Seventh Generation Resentment Dragon and the things it guards, Li Mu is not very interested.

As much ability as he has, how much food he eats, he can improve his cultivation base by absorbing spiritual plants. Li Mu only needs to find a place to live and work hard to improve his cultivation base. There is no need to explore the ten thousand years Dangerous places such as historical sites and underwater palaces.

"Hmm! You go and help me guard a spirit pool. In the spirit pool, I have planted a batch of fourth-order nine-leaf green lotus. Your task is to keep an eye on them and prevent low-level spirit beasts from causing any damage to these spirit plants. "Li Mu no longer cared about the matter of the seventh-order resentful dragon, and looked at the two-horned Qingyue dragon, beckoning.

"Guarding Lingtan? Me! I'm a sixth-order spirit beast? You, you, me, me...!" The two-horned Qingyue dragon looked at Li Mu incredulously, wanting to argue something.

The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong envisioned his future life, either to be sent to deal with powerful enemies, or to act as a shield to resist danger.

Never expected that it was assigned the task of guarding a Lingtan, which is too good to be useful!It's hard to see the sixth-order flood dragon as a demon king!The two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

"That's right! Just go and guard there!" Li Mu nodded firmly.

"It's inappropriate! You'd better let me fight, guard Lingtan, you'd better go with them!"

The two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon is aggressive by nature, making it guard the Lingtan is no different from going to jail, that day is too sad!

Seeing this, the blue-eyed armipede rolled its eyes, saw an opportunity to show its loyalty, and immediately jumped out to poke the nose of the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong and said: "You dare not follow the master's arrangement, you are not small!"

"Smelly monkey, which time do you have to talk here!" The two-horned Qingyue Jiao glared angrily, and opened her mouth to bite.

"Come on, who is afraid of you!"

The blue-eyed armipede had been on guard for a long time, and hid behind Li Mu like lightning, shouting loudly.

"Everyone stop, I asked you to guard the Lingtan, because the spiritual plants in the Lingtan are very important to me, and I can't tolerate any negligence. If there is a need to fight in the future, I will naturally ask you to come out." Li Mu's tone could not be refused. Don't bargain with it.

The two-horned Qingyue Jiao sensed Li Mu's displeasure, so it didn't dare to argue anymore, it could only bow its head and obey.

Seeing that the two-horned Qingyue Jiaolong obeyed softly, Li Mu personally took it to Lingtan.

Above the Lingtan, under Li Mu's signal, the two-horned Qingyue Jiao plunged headlong into the Lingtan.

The appearance of the sixth-order double-horned Qingyue Jiaolong only radiated a trace of power, which scared all the spirit fish in the spirit pool to flee in panic, and the spirit beasts crawling on the shore to drink water fled.

Seeing this effect, Li Mu was very satisfied, and ordered the spirit beasts to get along well and not fight, and hurriedly left the Huajie Baofu.

(End of this chapter)

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