Chapter 196 Desolate Ancient City - Floating Cloud Port

After leaving the Huajie Baofu, Li Mu casually put away the Tiansuo spirit ship and flew directly to Bitian City.

Holding the Tongcheng Token of the Illusory God Sect, the journey was unimpeded.

The disciples of the Illusory God Sect who welcomed the guests respectfully greeted Li Mu and answered Li Mu's questions. After three days of informing him, he would be able to take the teleportation array to the ancient deserted city.

Li Mu temporarily stayed in the courtyard of the Illusory God Sect.

Three days passed in a flash.

Under the guidance of the disciples of the Illusory God Sect, Li Mu came to wait at the teleportation circle, waiting for the magic circle to open.

More than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators lined up in the front row, and rows of Jindan cultivators behind them waited respectfully behind, not daring to pass.

Time flies, and almost all the people in the magic circle have arrived. At this moment, there is a sudden commotion from behind the queue.

I saw that the two Nascent Soul cultivators were led to the front of the teleportation formation by the monks of the Illusory God Sect. The Nascent Soul monks of the Illusory God Sect smiled and waved their hands.

Under the guidance of the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Illusory God Sect, two Nascent Soul cultivators in blue brocade robes flew straight to the front of the teleportation array.

"Fellow daoists, something happened. The transmission will be suspended for a while. Everyone needs to cooperate. Please forgive me. We will refund part of the transmission fee later." The monk Yuanying of the Illusory God Sect stood in the air with an apologetic expression on his face. I sincerely apologize to the 'customers' who took the teleportation bus.

Li Mu frowned, although he was unhappy, he didn't show any emotion.

A few Nascent Soul cultivators beside him started discussing dissatisfiedly, and Li Mu immediately listened.

"Strange, what are the people from the Kun family doing here!"

"What's going on with the Illusory God Sect? Don't the Kun family dare to mess with it? It's so overbearing!"

"I heard that the son of the Kun family has fallen in the Wangxinghai area, and lost a treasure. They must not have come here for this!"

"Wang Xinghai discovered the ruins of an ancient Xiushui Mansion, and many fellow Taoists fell to explore this mansion!"

"I haven't heard of it! What kind of water mansion ruins?"

"Forget it! I'd better not inquire about such a dangerous place!"


Several Nascent Soul cultivators discussed in low voices, guessing the intention of Kun's family, and the topic gradually turned to the ruins of the Shuifu.

After hearing these gossips, Li Mu frowned slightly, and couldn't help becoming vigilant.

Before, the monks of the Kun family who asked him for help in Wangxinghai did reveal their identity to him. Li Mu vaguely remembered that after hunting and killing the eight-clawed demon king, he took their relics securely.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help looking at the storage compartment, the two storage rings that he had forgotten.

The storage ring couldn't be used for the Jiuzang Lingzhu, which is also a storage tool, so Li Mu put them in the storage compartment. Later, he was busy exploring the Qingyue dragon's lair and capturing the dragon, and forgot about checking the loot .

The death of the direct line of the Kun family seems to be inseparable from him. The eight-clawed demon king he killed has now become his own weapon spirit.

As for what is stored in the storage ring, Li Mu does not know for the time being, and he is not going to take it out in a short time.

The Kun family is so tense and powerful, it must not be a common thing, the storage compartment that comes with the panel has a mysterious isolation function, as long as they don't take it out, they will definitely not let them search it out.

Thinking of this, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relaxed look, and watched with great interest the every move of the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Kun family.

I saw that two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Kun family jointly led a blue-black tortoise shell spirit weapon, injected a lot of spiritual power into it, released a powerful power, and produced a mysterious ripple that spread in all directions.

Li Mu looked at the tortoise shell spirit weapon, and after being recognized by the gifted supernatural power-Wan Ling, he revealed all its information attributes.

【Eight trigram pattern tortoise armor】

[Rank: Tier Six Array]

[Characteristics: Eight Diagrams array, the arrays are connected, Eight Diagrams seals the spirit, suppresses the absolute domain of the sky. 】

[Status: The array is missing, and the spirit of the weapon is evil. 】

[A sixth-order formation made from a sixth-order gossip-pattern spirit tortoise armor, a sixth-order Tianfu stone, a sixth-order causal silk, a sixth-order array, a Jue Shen plate, a spirit sealing hammer, and two sixth-order arrays, which can be used to arrange a Jue Shen Feng Ling's gossip array, tens of thousands of gathering energy, absolutely separated the spirit, the current array lacks two weapons, and the eight trigram pattern tortoise array has a great loss of armor! 】

After reading the attribute information of the tortoise armor formation, Li Mu was surprised, but also understood the intention of the two Kun family Yuanying monks. They were trying to activate the eight trigram pattern tortoise formation armor, and use their spiritual power to draw out the other two formations. !

However, the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Kun family cast spells for a long time, but there was no response on the spot. The two of them worked hard, like two fools, and it was useless except to waste their time.

Li Mu watched them cast spells, smiled without saying a word.

I don't know if the storage ring dropped by the monks of the Kun family stored the Absolute God Plate, the Spirit Sealing Hammer, or both. They were stored in the storage compartment. Li Mu was not worried that they would be attracted.

The storage isolation function of the storage compartment, Li Mu has experimented many times. No matter how strong the divine sense is, no matter how closely connected, it cannot be tracked.

"You two, it's almost ready!" The Yuanying monk of the Illusory God Sect looked at the two Kun family monks dissatisfiedly, and motioned.

"Elder Qiu, excuse me! We will do our best to fulfill the promise!" The silver-haired old monk of the Kun family apologized to the Yuanying monk of the Illusory God Sect, and then turned his head to look at the people waiting to sit in the teleportation formation and apologized. : "Fellow daoists, I'm sorry for delaying your trip. Illusory God Sect will take care of the apology, so I won't bother you later."

As soon as the words fell, the two Nascent Soul monks of the Kun family hurried away, as if they had never been here.

"What are you doing! It's so mysterious!"

"I don't know that the Kun family has lost a very important treasure. If the Illusory God Sect cooperates like this, it will probably cost a lot of blood!"

"That spiritual armor seems to be a sixth-order spiritual treasure! As expected of the Kun family, they are rich and powerful!"


With the departure of the Kun family monks, the Golden Core monks who were waiting for the opening of the magic circle, and the Nascent Soul monks started discussions one after another, with various speculations.

Li Mu's eyes were full of thought, and he kept this matter in mind, maybe he would have the opportunity to 'cooperate' with the Kun family!

Tier [-] Array!
After seeing the power of the Yuling Sect's protective formation, Li Mu clearly understood why the Kun family mobilized so many troops!
After spending half a day, the teleportation array was finally activated.

Perhaps because of the previous experience, Li Mu stabilized his figure, and he was safe and sound in the teleportation array this time.

Soon, Li Mu boarded the teleportation formation, and after several rounds, half a month later, he finally arrived at the ancient city.

The deserted ancient city is located in Zhongzhou, the place where the Nanling meets. It is the core hub where the two continents meet. It has a large air port, various spirit ships full of supplies, treasure ships, and monks coming and going. It is extremely prosperous.

The ancient city of Huangshan occupies a vast area, with a surging river on the left, mountains on the right, and a floating port in the sky. Seeing the ancient city of Huangshan being so bustling and bustling, the cultivation materials must be extremely rich.

Li Mu immediately went to Yin Yang Valley in no hurry.

I just got two sets of dragon bones, and my spirituality has been seriously damaged. I need to find the fifth-order Xuanming real water and the blood of monsters to soak them in order to restore my spirituality. .

Li Mu decided to stay in this city for a while before talking about it. Organizations like Wanbao Pavilion and Tianji Pavilion should have taken root in this city.

Li Mu used the supernatural power of the soul and star hidden, and attached the divine sense to scan around, and found that the Illusory God Sect was actually sitting here in the state of transformation. In order to avoid accidents, he quickly withdrew his consciousness and flew away.

Looking down from a high altitude, the deserted ancient city is divided into more than a dozen different areas. In the center of the city, there is a high-floating space port, where spirit ships and treasure ships are densely packed, which is extremely spectacular.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the floating airport, there are no monks flying in the sky, and the streets in the ancient city are full of pedestrians.

As soon as Li Mu flew out of the teleportation area of ​​the Illusory God Sect, he encountered a group of patrolling guards. The captain of the foundation-building patrol stepped forward and handed over his hands to inform that, except for the sects of the major forces, and within ten miles of the floating air port in the ancient city, all other areas are not allowed to fly. If you find it inconvenient to travel, you can rent a chariot or take a ride.

Li Mu looked down at the ancient city of Huang, looked at the orderly entry and exit of spirit beast vehicles, and vehicles, nodded and would abide by the regulations of the ancient city of Huang, and knew the reason why the ancient city of Huang had set this rule.

There are too many spirit ships and treasure ships in the air floating port above Huanggu. If the monks are allowed to fly freely, the order will definitely not be maintained.

Li Mu looked at the other party, and asked: "Hmm! This city can be Wanbao Building, Tianji Pavilion? Where is it located?"

"Let me tell you seniors, there is indeed Wanbao Pavilion in Huanggucheng, and Tianji Pavilion has settled in. They all have a branch head office in Fukonggang. Senior, this is your first time in Huanggucheng! I have a jade slip to record the situation in the city, and The forces of all parties, as well as some rules that must be followed in the city,..."

The Captain of the Foundation Establishment Patrol enthusiastically introduced it to Li Mu, and then took out a jade slip from his bosom and offered it with both hands.

Obviously, it's not the first time he's done something like this.

Li Mu smiled slightly, and simply took out a few high-grade spirit stones and threw them to the other party, and took the jade slip.

The Captain of the Foundation Establishment Patrol was overjoyed and quickly thanked Li Mu. After confirming that Li Mu had no other problems, he left with his team members.

Li Mu took the jade slips and penetrated with his spiritual sense.

The four gates of Huanggu City are Donghuangmen, Xihuangmen, Beihuanghunmen, Nanhuangmen, and a Yunfu port in the center. There are nearly a thousand spirit ships and treasure ships passing by every day. They are Zhongzhou Lingyu and Nanlingyu. The place where the cultivation supplies from the two continents meet is the last supply city for crossing Tianzhu Peak to the Spiritual Realm of Central Continent.

Massive amounts of cultivation materials from the two continents meet here. Therefore, the ancient city has attracted the attention of a large number of forces. Several major sects in the Zhongzhou Lingyu, eight ancient families, and commercial forces have stationed in the ancient city.

Xuantian Sword Sect, Taiyi Sacred Sect, Illusory God Sect, ..., and the eight ancient families, Ouyang Family, Kun Family, Ji Family, ..., they occupy a large number of businesses in the ancient city, covering various industries, and a large number of neighboring families. The big family, the third-rate family of the big family,....

All in all, the ancient city of Huangjia gathered two great sects and family forces in the spiritual realm, and there were also some bandits, demon sects, demon cultivators, various forces gathered, a bustling business, and an intricate city of cultivating immortals.

Knowing the situation of Huanggucheng, Li Mu changed into the appearance of 'Zhang Laotou', and rushed towards Huanggucheng without restraining his Nascent Soul cultivation.

Li Muyuan's cultivation base is one hundred feet at a time, don't be too simple, you don't need to hire any animal carts, and the carts are used as spiritual weapons.

Arriving at the ancient city of Huang, he paid an entrance fee of [-] middle-grade spirit stones and entered the ancient city of Huang. Li Mu went straight to the center of the ancient city of Huang, took the sky-reaching ladder, and boarded Yunfu Port.

Going up to the Fuyun Port in the ancient city of Desolation, as far as the eye can see, there are all monks above the golden core stage, unlike the city below where there are foundation building monks and Qi refining monks mixed in.

In the core area of ​​Fuyungang, there are several high-rise buildings standing tall, Tianji Pavilion, Wanbao Pavilion, Zhenling Building, Gubaozhai,..., two spiritual domains, several large chambers of commerce have set up branch headquarters here, and there is a tendency of competition. It also means to hold a group.

Accustomed to the business competition in the previous life, Li Mu was not surprised by this scene, and walked straight to Wanbao Pavilion, the place he had dealt with the longest.

A nine-story high-rise building covering an area of ​​tens of acres stands tall, with a magnificent hall, and the three big characters inlaid with gold and jade in Wanbao Pavilion are particularly eye-catching under the sunlight.

The gate of Wanbao Pavilion was wide open, Jindan monks and Nascent Soul monks came in and out, and could even feel the powerful aura of many Huashen monks.

Li Mu stepped through the door calmly.

A young girl wearing a long green dress with a respectful smile hurriedly stepped forward to greet her: "Senior, the maid-Wan'er is here to serve you. What do you need? Pills, spiritual weapons, or items for sale? This pavilion is dedicated to serving you. You serve."

"Well! There are high-level spiritual plant seeds! High-level lightning, fire-type animal skins, high-level demon king spirits, high-level monster blood essence, Xuanming true water, let me have a look at the Kudan of these spiritual creatures! "Li Mu is familiar with the way, and asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Wan'er's eyes lit up slightly, she looked like a regular customer of Wanbao Pavilion from this posture!

"Yes, yes, senior, please sit with me in the VIP room for a while, and I'll get it right away!" Wan'er made an inviting gesture and warmly invited.

Li Mu nodded and followed her to the VIP room.

In the VIP room, Li Mu took the main seat, and the maid brought spiritual tea.

Wan'er came and went in a hurry, took several thick material record books, and handed them to Li Mu respectfully: "Senior, please have a look."

Li Mu nodded, took the account, and quickly flipped through it to select.

"A pen!" Li Mu stretched out his hand begging.

Wan'er readily accepted the order, and offered it with both hands within two breaths.

"Three pieces of fifth-level thunder lion skins are all needed, fifth-level beast spirits, ..., fifth-level Tianyuan crystals, all are needed, ..., that's all Xuanming Zhenshui, when will the next batch be available? I need them all ,...." Li Mu took the pen, and drew circles one after another on the warehouse account book, outlining one of the required spiritual objects.

Seeing this scene, Wan'er trembled with excitement and was ecstatic.

"Xuanming True Water is indeed running low, only nine thousand drops. You can tell me how much you need, senior. The next batch will be transported from Zhongzhou in three days."

Three days was too short, so Li Mu nodded and agreed, and asked for two hundred catties directly, not in units of drops.

Hearing this, Wan'er confirmed in shock: "Senior, are you sure you want two hundred catties? Not twenty thousand drops?"

Happiness came too suddenly, and Wan'er was dizzy from the pie that fell from the sky. If this order can be made, it will be worth decades of hard work for her.

"That's right! Write it down quickly!" Li Mu nodded in confirmation, and continued to look through the account books.

This guy is too arrogant, Wan'er can't keep up with such a huge order, some authority related to spiritual things is too high, Wan'er has no right to call the shots, so she apologized to Li Mu and invited to come to Wanbao Pavilion - the shopkeeper.

(End of this chapter)

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