Chapter 197 Tier Six Soul Devourer Spear

Not long after, a man in his fifties with a strong figure and a kind face walked into the VIP room with a warm smile.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait. I'm Lin Baoqing. I wonder what your surname is!" Lin Baoqing, who is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, introduced himself and asked with concern.

"My surname is Zhang, shopkeeper, how much do I want for this batch of goods?" Li Mu casually used Zhang's surname, and asked straight to the point.

Li Mu's face was expressionless, giving people a feeling that strangers should not get close.

Lin Baoqing has read countless people and has interacted with many people. He knows very well that such people don't like to reveal too much sensitive information and cannot continue to communicate in depth with each other.

With a bright smile on his face, Lin Baoqing looked through the account books, and estimated: "The batch of goods purchased by Zhang Daoyou is quite large, and the quality is very high. ! As for the other batch of goods that you ordered, Zhang Daoyou, the total price is also tens of millions of souls, this pavilion will help you arrange it within seven days, and you only need to pay a 2650% deposit!"

"Yes!" Li Mu nodded, and had no objection to Lin Baoqing's offer.

Hearing this, Lin Baoqing couldn't help but feel happy. Such generous and straightforward customers are quite rare!He looked to the side, Wan'er, who was almost fainting with joy, couldn't help but envy this girl. Her commission would be something that ordinary people would never be able to earn in their lifetime!
"By the way! Do you have Dragon Transforming Spirit Grass in your store!" Li Mu remembered his promise to the two-horned Qingyue Flood Dragon, and asked inquiringly while looking at Lin Baoqing.

"Hualong Spirit Grass is a fifth-order spirit grass. The living environment is extremely harsh. It needs to be accompanied by high-level flood dragon energy to grow. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be planted artificially. This spirit grass has the effect of stimulating blood vessels and strengthening the soul. Bloodlines, high-quality spiritual herbs for promotion are extremely rare, and there is no stock in this pavilion for the time being, and neither should other firms." Lin Baoqing shook his head.

Hearing this, Li Mu nodded, feeling a little regretful.

"Friend Zhang Dao, if you don't need it urgently, you can wait for three months. After three months, the pavilion will hold an annual auction. At that time, distinguished guests will gather from all directions, and Wanbao will appear at the auction. Maybe there will be a Hualong Spirit grass, even a higher-level spirit grass has come out, this is the order to participate in the auction, and you are welcome to take care of it then." Lin Baoqing took out a purple gold token from his arms, handed it to Li Mu with both hands, and warmly invited.

After smelling it, Li Mu couldn't help but feel moved. He accepted the order with a smile and nodded: "Okay, I'll come and take a look then!"

"Okay, fellow daoist, is there anything else you need?" Lin Baoqing smiled.

"I have a batch of goods that I want to sell. Let's use these to estimate how many spirit stones it can be worth!" Li Mu put the bidding order into Jiuzang Lingzhu, then stretched out his hand to grab his chest, and took out a handful from the storage compartment The storage ring and the storage bracelet are the trophies he gained during the time he left Qingxuanzong.

Li Mu is quite rich, especially after accepting the spoils of the Jiuyou Demon Lord, the top-grade and top-grade spirit stones in the Jiuzang Lingzhu have reached a million, not to mention the middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones.

However, these spirit stones would be of great use to Li Mu if he kept them.

Opening the Nine Dragons Killing Immortal Formation consumes too much spirit stone.

Every time it is opened, it costs hundreds or thousands of high-grade spirit stones, which is only the amount needed by two flood dragons. If the nine dragons gather together in the future, the spirit stones consumed by then will be massive.

There is also an army of high-ranking puppets, and the spirit stones spent for the formation of Lingzhi. Li Mu has to spend every spirit stone wisely.

Therefore, Li Mu tried his best not to consume the spirit stones without using the spirit stones, and prepared to deal with more than [-] Nascent Soul Demon Monarchs and Nine Nether Demon Lords.

Lin Baoqing was stunned for a moment, holding more than two dozen storage rings and dozens of storage bracelets with both hands.

Lin Baoqing casually took out a storage ring and probed into his consciousness. The next second his originally calm expression froze, his eyes widened, and he murmured incredulously: "Five pieces of fifth-level magical weapons, two hundred pieces of fourth-level spiritual weapons, A third-order spirit weapon,..."

Lin Baoqing's expression became excited, and he swept the storage rings and storage bracelets one by one with his consciousness, spiritual swords, spiritual axes, spiritual flags, spiritual claws... many spiritual weapons, most of them are used by demon cultivators, The combined total exceeds 600 pieces.

Soon, Lin Baoqing felt suffocated and looked at Li Mu in awe, full of respect.

Lin Baoqing has never seen a Nascent Soul cultivator who can take out such storage rings, storage bracelets, and so many magic weapons in one go, and sell them. This is to slaughter a demon sect. I'm afraid he can't get such a Many magic weapons!
The grade and quality of this batch of magic weapons and spirit weapons are very high. Although they are all second-hand, they are worth a lot.

"Zhang Daoyou, you have to wait for a while, there are so many spiritual weapons, I need to ask some spiritual masters to estimate the price!" Lin Baoqing took a deep breath, looked at Li Mu and said respectfully.

"Yeah! I'll just wait!" Li Mu nodded in agreement.

Soon, Lin Baoqing urgently recruited a group of spiritual masters, there were as many as ten people, some were sixty years old, some were in their early thirties, they each received a few storage rings and storage bracelets, and they all solemnly Check it out.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, if nothing unexpected happens, these spiritual objects are the trophies gained from killing the demon cultivator! You Daoist friend Zhang is so good at cultivating it, Lin admires it!" Lin Baoqing accompanied Li Mu, poured him a cup of spiritual tea, and said with admiration.

"Eliminating demons and defending Dao is what my generation should do!" Li Mu chuckled, and responded casually, then suddenly thought of something, and reminded: "By the way, there is a sixth-order magic weapon inside. Although it is restricted, it cannot completely , wait carefully,..."


Before Li Mu could finish his sentence, a spiritual master screamed and was pierced through the palm of his hand by a magic wall.

Just when the magic gun was about to swallow the spirit blood and break free from the restraint, Li Mu shouted angrily: "Bold."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu disappeared from the spot. He grabbed the magic gun with one hand, and a stream of five-element spiritual fire overflowed from his hand and poured into the magic gun, completely suppressing it.

With a "whoosh", Li Mu put the magic gun into the storage compartment. This magic gun is the natal magic weapon of Demon Lord Jiuyou.

Even if Li Mu put a ban on it, he couldn't completely control it.

No!Ignore it a little bit, and resist hurting people at the first opportunity.

"Are you okay? Take this healing pill quickly!" Li Mu took out a pill bottle and handed it to the injured spirit appraiser.

"Your Zhang Daoyou acted in time, you should be fine! Xiao Wan, quickly take Master Zhao down to heal your injuries!" Lin Baoqing hurriedly told Wan'er.

Wan'er readily complied, and with the support of another steward, she left the VIP room.

"The sixth-order soul-eating gun, if the old man is not mistaken, this thing should be the magic weapon of becoming famous of Demon Lord Jiuyou." A thin silver-haired spiritual master flashed a light in his eyes, and suddenly said.

Li Mu's face changed slightly, he didn't expect someone to recognize this gun, and even revealed the specific origin.

"Old Qian!" Lin Baoqing interrupted quickly, looked at Li Mu who was looking unhappy, and quickly comforted him: "Li Daoyou, don't worry, my Wanbao Pavilion will not disclose this matter to outsiders, we are not Tianji Pavilion, what? Information is sold, we will strictly keep customer information confidential, and any transactions will not be disclosed.”

Hearing this, Li Mu's face brightened slightly, and he was sure that Lin Baoqing's words were true. After dealing with Wanbao Pavilion for so long, he really didn't find out that they had betrayed their clients' secrets.

Under Lin Baoqing's leadership, the remaining nine spirit appraisers quickly completed the identification and valuation of all spiritual weapons and spiritual objects.

"What, is it enough to offset my batch of goods with them?"

Li Mu took a sip of spiritual tea, put down his teacup, looked at Lin Baoqing, and asked with concern.

"Enough! Enough! There are still 800 million Zhongling left, Zhang Daoyou, are you going to sell all this batch?" Lin Baoqing looked at Li Mu, nodded with joy, and asked with concern.

This order, as soon as it came in and came out, the profit doubled several times on this basis.

Lin Baoqing looked at Li Mu like looking at the God of Wealth, full of excitement.

"Well! It's changed. There are 800 million Zhonglings left. Please help me exchange them for Ziyangyu, Taihuayuelu! I'll come back in seven days." Li Mu nodded with a smile and gestured.

"No problem, I'll get someone to stock up immediately!" Lin Baoqing happily agreed.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Baoqing handed two storage rings to Li Mu, which contained the high-level spiritual objects he had purchased, various high-level spiritual plant seeds, and high-level monster animal skins...

The price of the sale of the batch of magical spiritual artifacts was not much different from what Li Mu had estimated in his heart. Wanbao Pavilion is based on honesty, so the purchase is still trustworthy.

The money and the goods were settled, and after another batch of goods was scheduled to arrive seven days later, Li Mu left Wanbao Pavilion.

There will be an auction three months later. Li Mu wandered around the floating port in the ancient city of Huang, and after finding nothing to pick up, he left the ancient city alone.

After leaving the ancient city, Li Mu flew towards the location of the Yin Yang Valley according to the guidance of the map.

Yinyang Valley is more than 500 miles away from Huanggu City, located in the southeast, surrounded by Tianzhu Peak, Xueling Peak, and Taiyin Peak. The three peaks are next to the Linggu.

Because, in this pass, the yin and yang qi are dense, and at the same time, there are various yin and yang supernatural events, so it is named Yinyang Valley.

This Yin-Yang Valley has long been known by the people of the ancient city, but few people have been to this valley. It is a desperate place, and for many people it is a place where birds don't want to shit.

There are no spiritual herbs, no rare treasures, and even monsters are unwilling to set foot. It is simply a barren land, accompanied by great risks. Over time, there will be no places where human monks will go.

Li Mu moved forward without any hindrance.

Two hours later, Li Mu flew into the outer edge of the Yin Yang Valley. Looking around, there was a mountain peak with sparse vegetation. The valley in the distance was shrouded in gray and red, making him unable to see the situation inside the valley clearly.

There was a strange gust of wind blowing from the front, and some flying spirit beasts in the sky made a detour around the outskirts of Duling Valley.

Li Mu kept flying forward, getting closer and closer to the Yin Yang Valley, and there were less and less vegetation, until there were hardly any forests and creatures behind.

There are bare hills and dry rivers everywhere, it is simply a dead land,
Before reaching the Yin Yang Valley, there was such a desolate scene, Li Mu couldn't help being a little worried about his decision.

As it went deeper, Li Mu could feel the power of the most yin around him getting stronger.

A large number of dark clouds in the sky cover the sky and the earth, and they linger for a long time, covering this place.

At this time, the earth was gray and black, giving people a feeling as if they had come to the underworld. Li Mu couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his face.

This valley is really weird!Is it really the natural generation of heaven and earth?

Li Mu was full of doubts, but he never stopped moving forward. Finally, after flying for a long time, he finally saw a gray-black area in front of him, as if there was a diaphragm covering it.

Li Mu stood thousands of feet high in the sky, but before he reached the true Yin Yang Valley, the cold wind blowing in front of him was a gray air flow visible to the naked eye. He felt the coldest coldness as it passed by his body.

Possessing the Five Elements Dao Body and the Soul Devouring Body Cultivation Art, Li Mu couldn't help shivering under the blowing of this dark wind.

Such a strong Yin Qi!
Vigilance appeared in Li Mu's eyes, and he immediately mobilized the extremely yang sky fire in his body, and the purple gold fire phoenix morphed out, standing on the neck, and the next moment, he once again condensed a five-element fire robe, enveloping the whole body, completely isolating the evil wind. invasion.

Li Mu was sure, he came to the diaphragm, he stretched out his hand to explore the way, the cold air became stronger and stronger, trying to invade the body all the time, blocked by the sky fire and the five elements spirit fire.

These yin winds are not a threat to him, Li Mu is determined, although this place is extremely weird, it is an excellent place to grow yin and yang spiritual plants.

According to the information of Tianji Pavilion, there are not a few people who visit this place, and their cultivation level is lower than that of Nascent Soul monks. They come to this valley and escape from death.

Li Mu couldn't help but relax a bit. His strength was comparable to that of a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, so he should have no problem entering and exiting this valley freely.

Just in case, Li Mu released a few star wooden puppets, and attached his spiritual consciousness to them, so that they could first investigate the true situation inside the Yin-Yang Valley.

Li Mu tried to release his spiritual thoughts to explore the Yin-Yang Valley. However, the strong wind blowing continuously produced a supernatural force, which directly acted on his spiritual thoughts, and the loss of spiritual thoughts became extremely large.
As a result, Li Mu couldn't use his spiritual sense to spy on the situation inside the Yin Yang Valley.

Soon, the four star wooden puppets charged towards the core area of ​​Yin Yang Valley with heavy steps.

"Hoohoo" gusts of bone-shattering wind crazily blow on the star wooden puppet, corroding the puppet pattern on the star wooden puppet.

Li Mu frowned, and the consciousness attached to the star wooden puppets discovered that the star wooden puppets hadn't advanced a mile, and most of the puppet lines carved on them were corroded by the strong wind. If they continued to go deeper, they would be gone soon It will no longer be able to act due to the loss of the drive of the puppet pattern.

"You can't use puppets! It seems that you have to play by yourself!"

Li Mu sighed and recalled the four star wooden puppets.

The corrosive power of this Yin wind is too terrifying, they are fifth-order spiritual woods, extremely hard.

Li Mu made some preparations and stepped into the Yin-Yang Valley.

The next moment, a strong wind blows towards the face, roaring wildly, scraping flesh, picking bones, extremely strong.

Li Mu frowned, took out the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, and then activated the Five Elements Spirit Field, spawning barriers of Five Elements spiritual power, resisting the invasion of the Yin Wind, and marched towards the Yin-Yang Valley step by step.

Under the Five Elements Spirit Realm blessed by the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain, Li Mu finally withstood the invasion of the evil wind. However, the spiritual power was extremely consumed, and the evil wind blew countless times. Each gust of the evil wind had the full power of a Nascent Soul monk. one strike.

Li Mu was not afraid at all, and with the help of the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, he propped up the Five Elements Spirit Field, forcing Yin Feng to retreat.

"No wonder Nascent Soul cultivators can't enter this valley! The wind is too terrifying!"

Li Mu sighed with emotion, supported the Five Elements Spirit Mountain and continued to move forward.

Moyue traveled for four or five miles, and the pressure didn't change much. However, another strange feeling rose in Li Mu's heart.

Li Mu frowned and stopped cautiously.

Letting out his spiritual sense to feel it, there is a strange summoning power that can penetrate everything and directly reach the soul in the gusts of dark wind.

This mysterious and strange summoning power was affecting his soul all the time. Li Mu was confused for a moment, his eyes gradually became hollow, and he was about to walk in a certain direction.

(End of this chapter)

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