Chapter 198
The next moment, Li Mu's Sea of ​​Consciousness starlight was shining brightly, the thoughts of the Nebula Conception were running on their own, the spiritual thoughts quickly gathered, and the talent of the spiritual thoughts - the star god descended spontaneously, condensing a 'star god' to wrap the primordial spirit, and absorb the invading evil power Shield out.

"It's dangerous! What is that!"

Li Mu's eyes regained clarity, his heart was jumping with fear, and he was afraid after a meal.

Just now, I lost my mind and soul, and my soul almost lost my body and flew away. If it wasn't for Xingyun Guan's thought, talent and supernatural powers to activate on their own, today would probably be his death day, leaving only a body, and everything would end here.

It's no wonder that a monk with a cultivation level below Yuan Ying stepped into this valley and narrowly escaped death. Li Mu almost capsized in the gutter and broke here.

Empress Li Mu was terrified and became more cautious.

After the accident just now, Li Mu also understood that the strange soul power in this valley will only affect monks below Huashen.

The Primordial Spirit of the cultivator of Huashen is further sublimated, can divide the primordial spirit, and has a more solid foundation of the primordial spirit, whose quality is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, that of the cultivator of Nascent Soul. This strange evil power that affects the soul will naturally be lost played a role.

Li Mu maintained his spiritual talent - Star God, isolated from the influence of external evil forces, and continued to go deep into the Yin and Yang Valley against the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain.

According to the information from Tianji Pavilion, the outside of the Yin-Yang Valley is completely devoid of vitality, but there is another world inside, full of spiritual power and Yin-Yang energy, it is a good place to retreat from the world, however, the entire outside of the Yin-Yang Valley is shrouded in a There are no high-ranking monks here to practice in seclusion in the weird and weird environment.

I hope this piece of information from Tianji Pavilion is true.

With this longing in mind, Li Mu continued to explore the depths of the Yin-Yang Valley. To be cautious, Li Mu released his spiritual thoughts about a hundred feet away. The strange force strikes again.

Li Mu hastily withdrew his divine sense, and the next moment, that strange power disappeared again.

Evil door ah!
What the hell is going on!
Li Mu couldn't help but frown. This Yin Yang Valley was too weird. He didn't know how this power was generated.

Li Mu hesitated whether to leave here, gave up this weird Yin-Yang Valley, and looked for another spiritual mountain.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Mu sighed and decided to continue deeper into Yin Yang Valley.

There are spiritual mountains and spiritual lands all over the world, but most of the good places are occupied by big sects or high-level monsters. It is really not easy to find a suitable place.

A 'barren land' like the Yin-Yang Valley, where there are rich Yin-Yang Qi and aura, is really not so easy to find for a while.

Li Mu is going to explore the specific situation of the core area of ​​the Spirit Valley first, and then talk about it. If the requirements for planting spiritual plants can be met and the environment is safe, this strange situation of evil power will not be difficult for him.

Li Mu moved forward all the way, and finally passed the periphery surrounded by the wind and arrived at the core area of ​​Yinyang Valley.

The strange power disappeared, and what was revealed in front of him was a scene of birds singing, flowers fragrant, green trees, and an extremely beautiful scene.

When Li Mu tentatively stepped into this place, the core area seemed to have an invisible barrier, isolating all the yin and wind at the edge, and the position was formed in the middle of the two. As far as the eyes could see, there was a scene of yin and yang.

It's amazing!

Li Mu lamented that the uncanny workmanship of the world was able to produce this strange scene, but after admiring it for a while, he began to investigate the yin and yang situation here.

After walking around for a while, I looked around and saw the vegetation and living things. It was a vibrant scene, and the faint fragrance of the vegetation was still floating in the air.

Such a vibrant scenery, Li Mu noticed something unusual after some inquiries. Although the green plants here are lush and the spiritual energy is abundant, the spiritual herbs and elixirs growing here are only second- and third-level.

Li Mu's arrival also attracted the attention of some spiritual beasts here. They were quietly lurking in some trees, bushes, or hovering in the sky, following his footsteps and moving slowly to observe this uninvited person.

Li Mu was naturally aware of these 'malicious' monsters, but he didn't care. The strength of these monsters varied. The tallest was just one monster that had just stepped into the fourth level, and the rest were all It's the second or third rank, and it doesn't pose any threat to him.

With the patrolling and the sweeping of the spiritual consciousness, he is already the only one in this core area, which has to be said to be a good thing.

It is a quiet place with no one to disturb it, and it is the best place to plant spiritual plants.

Li Mu was very fond of it. After some careful consideration, he decided to plant Lingzhi at the junction of Yin and Yang to arrange a Yin-Yang Hunyuan array there, which would get twice the result with half the effort.

When he came to the junction of Yin and Yang, Li Mu happened to find a thousand-zhang spiritual mountain standing at the junction of Yin and Yang. On the top of the mountain, a water curtain waterfall slanted down. The sunlight refracted the water mist, presenting colorful golden light. The sunshine time is long, and the condensed yang energy is the densest.

Li Mu grabbed a handful of soil, the soil was soft, and there was a high-grade spiritual vein under his feet, which had the tendency to become a high-grade fertile land before it was cultivated, which made him overjoyed.

On the right side of Lingshan Mountain, there is a dark valley that is isolated and open. Needless to say, the scenery is simply horrible, but it is an excellent place to gather shade.

After choosing the place to plant the spiritual plant, Li Mu patted his waist, and in the treasure house of the painting world, Xiaojin Xiaowa appeared in an illusion, and the red wolf, who hadn't come out for a long time, also summoned it.

As soon as the three beasts appeared, they surrounded Li Mu.

Xiaowa and Chilang rubbed against Li Mu's thigh, looking extremely intimate, but Xiaojin was holding a giant stick, and his gaze was aimed at the monsters hidden by the distant plain.

Li Mu touched Xiaowa's head, and said to Xiaojin Xiaowa: "Next, I want to cultivate fields in this valley and build a house. I don't like to be disturbed. You can solve it. Just run away. You don't need to kill. If you don't mind, I will drag it here, and I will give you extra meals at night!"

As soon as Xiaojin heard the extra meal, the corners of his mouth dripped down. Excitedly holding a huge stick, he jumped and flew thousands of feet away, scaring the monsters hiding in the distance into chaos and fleeing in all directions.

Xiaowa's eyes also brightened, and he aimed at the flying monsters in the sky. He pulled out his hands and burrowed into the soil. In the blink of an eye, countless sharp rock spears under the ground were thrown into the air, scaring the monsters in the air to dodge in panic.

Xiaojin and Xiaowa shot with all their strength, and immediately drove those monsters away from this place.

Only Chilang had melancholy eyes, knowing that he couldn't help, and he was a little dejected.

Li Mu knelt down to look at the aged red wolf, rubbed its head gently, but didn't say much, just let it stay by his side.

The red wolf has now entered its seventies and is about to expire. The only thing Li Mu can do now is to stay by its side as much as possible and accompany it through the final days of its life.

The red wolf is very intelligent, under the gentle caress of its master, its unhappiness disappeared, and it lightly licked Li Mu's hand. Compared with hunting monsters, it prefers to be by its master's side.

"Good boy! Let's go, accompany me to open up wasteland spiritual fields."

Li Mu smiled slightly, and walked to the plain next to the waterfall at the foot of the mountain. In the open area, where the sun shines the longest, he chose a piece of plain soil, and immediately started to act. Spells, ..., all kinds of Lingzhi husband's spells are used together, and outside the core, separated by about fifty feet, is another piece of land, and the same spells are also applied.

Li Mu has two things in one mind, but he is handy.

Both palms release the same spell to control the reclamation of the two spiritual fields. The two pieces of land roll like earth dragons rolling under the earth.

Under the application of various spells, within less than a cup of tea, the fertile land was successfully reclaimed, each with [-] mu of spiritual land.

Putting away the spell, Li Mu levitated to a hundred feet high, took it out from the Jiuzang Lingzhu, twenty formation flags, pinched the magic formula with ten fingers, and the formation flags fluttered in the wind. Under the control of the magic formula, one was divided into two and inserted Around the two spiritual fields of yin and yang.

"Spirit Gathering Formation, get up!"

Li Mu raised his hands, and gathered spirits in a large formation, and endless golden light bloomed in an instant, and a huge amount of spiritual energy from Yin and Yang penetrated into the spiritual field.

But, that's not enough!

Li Mu hesitated for a moment, then took out [-] high-grade spiritual stones from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl and swayed it out. In an instant, it turned into an extremely dense torrent of spiritual power, pouring on the spiritual field like rain.

The torrent of pure and pure spiritual energy submerged into the spiritual field, permeated the spiritual field, and crazily improved the quality of the spiritual field.

In less than an hour, the spiritual energy near the two spiritual fields surged, and they quickly jumped from the middle-level spiritual fields to the high-level spiritual products.

Scattering one hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, opening and expanding two high-grade spiritual fields, it is estimated that Li Mu is the only person with such arrogance in the past and present!
Lingtian completed the advancement in just a moment!
Li Mu began to arrange the yin and yang mixed element array, gathering the yin and yang spiritual fields from yang to yin, and dividing them.

Li Mu took out the Yin Soul Fruit Spirit Seeds from the Jiuzang Spirit Beads. Under the spiritual power, each one fell accurately on the Yin Valley Spiritual Field. For a moment, the Yin Soul Wind blew strongly, without any external force, until the Yin Spirit Qi was formed. A stream of white spirit mist penetrated into the Yinpo fruit spirit species one after another.

The gloomy light shines like stars and nightlights on each Yinpo fruit, shining crystal clear and very beautiful.

The Yinling Valley, which was originally lifeless, now has a special vitality.

The Ziyang Ganoderma lucidum spirit seeds also landed on the spiritual fields beside the waterfall one by one. As soon as the spiritual seeds fell, under the blessing of the Yin-Yang Hunyuan Formation, the energy from the sunshine to the sun merged with the spiritual energy from the superior spiritual fields, forming a pure gold torrent , traveling between spiritual fields and nurturing spiritual seeds.

Seeing this situation, Li Mu was overjoyed. The Yin-Yang Valley is simply a blessed land for planting Yin and Yang spiritual plants. Compared with the Yin-Yang planting land opened up by Yue Qiongfeng himself in Qingxuanzong, the effect is dozens of times stronger .

There is a world of difference between the natural yin and yang energy and the effect created by the forceful magic circle.

Seeing this Yin-Yang Valley, Li Mu felt great love in his heart, and wished he could plant it in the Treasure Mansion of the Painting Realm. In the future, he could find a place to plant Yin-Yang and plant it directly in the Treasure Mansion.There is no need to run around.

Li Mu rationally chose to give up this kind of thinking. With the special environment of Yin Yang Valley and its huge scale, it is impossible to bring it into the treasure house of the painting world by his own means.

never mind!Plan on this later.

At present, the spiritual plants have just been planted, so they need to wait for them to take root and bear fruit, and then cultivate them later.

As soon as Li Mu fell from the sky, the red wolf swayed his tail and clung to him, and Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa came galloping from a distance.

An unknown monster was carried on Xiao Jin's body. Its appearance was appalling, and it was obviously beaten to death by him.

On Xiao Wa's broad back, there were two flying monster beasts stuck on two spikes. The two beasts showed humane smiles on their faces. They came to Li Mu obediently and gently put down the trophies they had hunted.

"Good job, I'll give you extra meals tonight."

Li Mu is in a good mood today and is ready to cook.

The red wolf sat cross-legged, he could only look forward to the so-called delicacies in front of him to quench his thirst. This monster was of the third and fourth ranks, and the power contained in the flesh and blood could not bear it at all, so he could only eat Yushou pills to fill his stomach.

Li Mu naturally noticed the change in Red Wolf's mood, and was just about to plan to hunt some low-level spiritual beasts to reward Red Wolf, but he hadn't taken any action yet.

Xiao Jin, however, opened his wide trouser pocket, reached in, grabbed a few first-order spirit beasts, and gently placed them in front of the red wolf.

Chi Lang and Li Mu were stunned for a moment. Xiao Wa stepped on the ground, the soil was turned over, and two first-order earth-penetrating beasts were strung together in a row, exposing the ground.


Li Mu's throat rolled slightly, but there was a warm feeling in his heart, and the red wolf understood it, his eyes became moist, and he howled twice, but with choked sobs.

Xiaojin Xiaowa shrunk down and snuggled up with the red wolf, like a family member.

"You guys have fun, I'll cook for you."

Li Mu grinned, raised his hand, and the animal was suspended in the air, and walked away to start cooking.

With a turn of time, two hours later, the simple barbecue cooking is the most delicious and delicious.

It's no exaggeration for the fragrance to float for hundreds of miles. Xiaojin and Xiaowa, who were playing and playing, also ran over in a hurry, all their hearts were on the food, and they chewed it.

Li Mu also held a piece of animal meat and began to eat it with relish.

One person, three spirit beasts forced to kill tens of thousands of catties of monster meat.

Half full of wine, Li Mu came under the waterfall, changed his clothes and took a bath.

The three spirit beasts also jumped into the water, playing and playing with Li Mu, they were really happy.

The pleasant day passed just like that. After landing, Li Mu took out a mini house-shaped magic weapon from the Jiuzang Lingzhu and threw it beside the spiritual field.

In the next moment, blue light bloomed, the magic weapon instantly became larger, and a simple house appeared beside the Lingtian.

Li Mu looked at this house similar to a courtyard house, and felt very satisfied. This magic weapon was found from the magic treasure stored in the battle of Yulingzong.

【Square House】

[Rank: Tier [-] Defense Magic Treasure]

[Characteristics: Comfortable living, secretive atmosphere, hiding danger. 】

[Status: The form is fully open, and the aura is gathering. 】

[Using the third-order Heshan wood, the Ruyi stone, the fourth-order Taixuan sinking stone, and the Ruyi stone, it is a living-type magic weapon. The size of the house is as desired, and the maximum height is four feet high, thirty-eight feet wide, and seventy feet long. There are four rooms: the training room, the refining room, the living room, and the alchemy room. The defense is relatively average and cannot block strong attacks. It is suitable for travel. 】

When Li Mu was counting the trophies, he accidentally discovered this kind of living magic weapon. To put it simply, it was made by refining a house. It was refined for the convenience of traveling long distances without living in barren mountains and wild mountains.

This demon cultivator can be regarded as a person who can enjoy it, but now Li Mu is cheaper, this thing is also suitable for him, so he stayed.

Although the house is not big, it is fully equipped.

The appearance is also considered unique, and it can be fully integrated under the waterfall with the beautiful scenery of this fertile field, which is poetic and picturesque.

Li Mu was very satisfied, and then moved into the house, Chilang was taken directly to his room by him, and Xiaojin and Xiaowa, the two henchmen, also followed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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