Upon hearing the news, the VIPs in the other rooms all quieted down.

Wanbao Pavilion has made its attitude clear and will not give them face!
The ancient city of Huang is located at the junction of the Zhongzhou Spiritual Realm and the Southern Spiritual Realm. There are a large number of monks coming and going, a mixture of fish and dragons, and many masters and hermits.

The identity of the VIP in the seventh wing is unknown, full of pride, Wanbao Pavilion is very concerned about this person, obviously he is not a person to be messed with.

After weighing the pros and cons, the VIPs in the other rooms gave up their investigation and continued to pay attention to the subsequent auction process.

They probably also noticed at this time that the VIPs in the No. 7 wing are not interested in finished spirit weapons, magic weapons, various high-level puppets, and magic charms. most.

There is not much competition between them. With the conclusion of the bidding for the five blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum, the various forces' exploration of the identity of the VIP in Room 7 has come to an end.

All the bidders paid attention to another item presented by Lin Baoqing.

Lin Baoqing reached out to open the white jade sword box, and with a wave of his hand, a green long sword flew up from the sword box.

Lin Baoqing grabbed the green long sword, swung the sword into the sky above the audience, released a green rainbow sword energy, and evolved into a green python, hovering on the stage, exuding a dangerous aura, like a living creature, lifelike and powerful.

The appearance of the green python transformed by the sword energy made all the Nascent Soul monks and Golden Core monks in the audience feel cold. Their hearts were filled with chills, and the hot bidding atmosphere was chilled.

Lin Baoqing didn't seem to worry about the atmosphere cooling down. After the green python transformed by the sword energy dissipated, he held the green sword and floated it in front of him.

"Green Python Bone Sword, a sixth-level low-grade spiritual sword. It is made of ten thousand years of cold iron, the blue-scaled dragon bone as the sword embryo, and the green-scaled dragon's demon soul is refined into the sword spirit. This sword comes from the Hundred Refining Sect - Ou Smelting Master. The hand is half-finished, with excellent spirituality!"

"The sword energy of this sword has been able to completely transform into spirits and has been properly cultivated for 20 years. It is easy to advance to the sixth level of middle-grade. If this sword is held by a Taoist friend who practices Yinhan Kung Fu, water spirit roots, and ice spirit roots, it will be able to withstand the enemy." , not only has the effect of doubling the power, but also can assist in cultivation." Lin Baoqing introduced with a smile while looking at the hundreds of bidders and the VIP room in the audience.

"How much is the auction price for this sword? Lin is bound to win it!"

"Such a strong spirituality, I'm really about to advance to the sixth level mid-level!"

"It turns out to be Master Ouye's handiwork, but it's a pity that this sword doesn't match my spiritual roots!"

"Shop Manager Lin, stop talking and start filming quickly!"

"Friend Wang, this sword is perfect for me, if you don't have enough spirit stones, can you lend me some!"


With Lin Baoqing's introduction, the auction atmosphere, which had been declining, became hot again. The auction monks rushed to urge, and those who asked fellow daoists to borrow money, the atmosphere on the scene was extremely hot.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, Lin Baoqing laughed and announced decisively: "The starting price of this sword is: [-] high-grade spiritual stones. The bidding time limit is: [-] breaths. The bidding starts now."

At the beginning of the auction, Nascent Soul monks and Huashen monks, who had taken a fancy to this sword, used bidding orders to participate in the bidding.

Fifty thousand, sixty thousand, seventy thousand,,..., the bidding price increased rapidly, and the wealthy family forces came out to bid one after another to participate in the competition for the sixth-order spiritual sword.

Spiritual swords have always been the most common battle among cultivators. It is extremely difficult to meet a top-quality spiritual sword that is full of spirituality and matches the spiritual root technique. In the blink of an eye, the bidding price has tripled Many, it will break through [-] soon.

Such a high price made many Nascent Soul casual cultivator bidders sad and disheartened.

A hundred breaths are fleeting, and this sixth-order low-grade spirit sword was finally won by the bidder in Room 11 at a price of 12 high-grade spirit stones.

Li Mu saw this scene and smiled slightly. The higher the advanced level of a high-level weapon refiner, the easier it is to earn spiritual stones.

In the past few decades, Li Mu has not refined too many spiritual weapons and magic weapons. The success rate of the fourth-level high-grade spiritual sword is the highest, which can reach more than [-]%. With the help of the Skyfire Artifact Refining Furnace, it is [-]%. As for, The success rate of a spiritual sword at the level of fifth-level pseudo-spiritual treasure is about [-]%.

The success rate of this kind of weapon refining is far higher than that of other weapon refining masters!

Nowadays, he only lacks the attribute of spirituality. Li Mu's weapon refining skills, formation skills, and puppet skills are all stuck at level 5 and cannot be improved.

If he could upgrade his weapon refining skills to the sixth level, Li Mu was sure that he would have no trouble refining a sixth-level spiritual treasure.

Unexpectedly, he successfully refined the sixth-level spiritual treasure - Five Elements Spiritual Mountain. Li Mu had some idea of ​​how to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure, but what he lacked was only practice.

After the dust of the auction of Level [-] Green Python Bone Sword settled, Lin Baoqing continued to take out another auction item and continued to introduce it at a very fast speed.


Time flies, and the Wanbao Pavilion auction is in full swing.

Various high-end elixirs, spiritual swords, and magic weapons were in excellent condition and appeared with extremely high efficiency. Then, they were collected by the bidders one by one.

"Next, let's bid for a batch of ancient spiritual objects. They came from the Abyss battlefield. Because they have been washed away for a long time, their spirituality has been reduced and their quality has been slightly degraded. However, they still have extremely high value."

"Some fellow Daoists may not have heard of the Desolate Battlefield. Here I will give a brief introduction. The Desolate Battlefield is located in Wanlingyuan, not far from the ancient city of Desolation. It was the most tragic place in the battle between the human race and the monster race ten thousand years ago. The battlefield, it was the victory of that great battle that allowed our human race to gain a firm foothold in the Great Wilderness of the Southern Spirit..."

"The Desolate Abyss Battlefield is the most intense conflict between the human race and the monster race. For thousands of years, the war has continued, and countless outstanding monks of our human race have been buried. At the same time, many sects have disappeared here."

"These ancient spiritual objects all come from the battlefield of the abyss. They may be the spiritual objects of a certain great sect, and they also carry the inheritance of the sect, or they may be the exclusive magic weapon of a certain human race. The total number is 36. Due to time constraints, I will not introduce them in detail here!" Lin Baoqing explained in detail the origin of a batch of ancient spiritual objects.

Following Lin Baoqing's introduction, there was a flash of light, and more than a dozen ancient spiritual artifacts appeared on the booth.

"The first item: a fifth-order sodium water bottle, which can hold a million catties of spiritual water. The starting price: three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones."

"The second item: Tier [-] Fire Control Bead, which has the effect of warding off fire and controlling fire. The starting price: five hundred middle-grade Lingling."

"The third item: Level [-] Cangmu Shield. It has extremely strong defensive power and can release a huge wooden shield wall. Starting price: five thousand mid-grade spiritual stones."


Lin Baoqing picked up each spiritual weapon and briefly introduced the main functions. After a while, he finished introducing the 36 ancient sealed spiritual weapons and announced the start of bidding.

Li Luo was in high spirits, and examined the 36 ancient seals in detail one by one.
With the gift of supernatural power - identifying all spirits, the information of each auction item was presented one by one. From this, Li Mu discovered that there was something inside an ancient clock auction item.

Unexpectedly, he had the opportunity to pick up a big leak in this auction. Li Mu quickly put his mind into the bidding order and participated in the bidding for the 16th lot, a simple bronze bell.

In the auction that VIP Room No. [-] participated in, most of the participants were too lazy to fight for money and avoided giving way.

In the end, Li Mu collected it at the price of three thousand middle-grade spirit stones, which was a big mistake.


At Li Mu's call, Wan'er pushed the door open and entered. "Senior, what do you need?"

After Wan'er entered the door, she deftly poured a glass of spiritual wine for Li Mu, and asked respectfully.

"Can you fetch the spirit item for the auction for me? Can you hand it over now?"

"Senior, of course you can. Wan'er will do it for you now!" Wan'er nodded obediently and turned around to run an errand for Li Mu. However, she stopped after taking a few steps. She suddenly turned around and looked at Li Mu.

With a dignified expression, Wan'er gestured respectfully: "Senior, this auction has attracted the attention of other distinguished guests in the wing room. They are quite curious about your origin, and they all sent people to investigate you. Shopkeeper Lin suppressed this matter. You need to be careful!"

"Yeah! I see, it's time to work!"

Li Mu looked indifferent, knowing this matter well, nodded and continued drinking.

Wan'er stopped talking and exited the room respectfully.

On the auction stage, Lin Baoqing began to introduce the next auction item, which caused a lot of noise in the auction hall.

This time it was really too showy!A departure from past caution.

Li Mu drank the wine in one gulp and frowned. It was not his intention to be in the limelight this time.

I wanted to take a picture of the Dragon Transformation Spirit Grass and leave after getting it. I never thought that the quality of the spiritual objects in this auction was so good. Many things attracted Li Mu. He was lacking these high-level spiritual objects to fill his foundation, so how could he do it? miss!
As a last resort, Li Mu continued to bid for the auction at the risk of revealing his identity.

Fortunately, there is a magic circle to isolate the consciousness in the wing room, and shopkeeper Lin protects it, so it is safe for now!
"It seems that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time!"

Li Mu doesn't plan to continue bidding, even if there are more rare treasures in the future, he can only reluctantly give up and leave as soon as possible.

If other big-power monks knew that they had lost to a Nascent Soul monk who had no power behind him in the bidding, they would definitely become angry and pursue him!
Adhering to the principle that more things are worse than less things, Li Mu decided to leave immediately after getting the things.

Soon, Wan'er got all the items that Li Mu had bid for.

"Senior, please check the goods here."

Wan'er placed the Qiankun bag on the table and stood respectfully making tea and water.

Li Mu took the hand and explored it. He was overjoyed and took out a storage bag full of spiritual stones and handed it to the other party: "Here are the number of spiritual stones I bought for the auction. You can count them."

Wan'er excitedly took the hand, threw herself into her spiritual consciousness, and was immediately dazzled by the massive Lingshi Mountain.

Wan'er spent some time counting and confirming that it was correct. She looked at Li Mu respectfully and signaled: "Senior, the number is correct!"

Li Mu smiled slightly and gave him a look.

Wan'er immediately knew what to do, she quietly left the room and closed the door by the way.

The room was quiet again, only Lin Baoqing's strong and confident voice was left on the auction platform outside the window, introducing the next auction item eloquently.

Li Mu set up a protective formation in the box, a phantom formation, leaving a puppet clone, and the real body directly entered the treasure house of the painting world.

After entering Baofu, Li Mu went straight to Lingtan.

The two-horned Qingyue Jiao was holding a third-order fish demon, and was leisurely nibbling on the edge of the Lingtan.

The spiritual fish in the water and the fish demon were scared and hid everywhere, wishing they could grow two legs and escape ashore.


Li Mu descended from the sky, and the two-horned Qingyue Jiao dropped the food in his hand and slid forward.

"Bringing you something good!"

Li Mu looked at the surrendered two-horned Qingyue Jiao and was very satisfied.

Hearing this, the double-horned Qingyue Jiao's face was full of doubts. The next second, Li Mu waved a burst of spiritual power to cover his breath, and took out two blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum from the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead.

In an instant, the thick fishy smell spread for hundreds of miles.

Ordinary people would vomit the smell of the blood-cleaning ganoderma, but it made the two-horned Qingyue Jiao look excited, greedily looking at the blood-cleaning ganoderma in Li Mu's hand.

"Master is this?"

"Blood-cleaning ganoderma has the effect of stimulating ancient blood. This kind of ganoderma smells a bit unpleasant, but after taking it, there is a certain probability that it will trigger the hidden blood in the body the next time you advance!" Li Mu threw the blood-purifying ganoderma to both of them. Jiao Qingyue Jiao.

After listening to Li Mu's introduction, he felt the extraordinary power of the blood-purifying Ganoderma lucidum. The double-horned Green Moon Jiao's eyes widened in ecstasy.

"Thank you master, thank you master..." The two-horned Qingyue Jiao thanked Li Mu repeatedly, then lifted the dragon's head, closed its eyes and put the Ganoderma lucidum into its mouth.

Immediately, the thick blood dissipated in the body of the two-horned Qingyue Jiao, and the scales all over its body soon showed traces of flickering red light.

The double-horned Qingyue Jiao couldn't help but raised its head in comfort and shouted: "It's so comfortable, this feeling is great."

The scales of the double-horned Qingyue Jiao's body were covered with red light, and its aura was rising steadily. The power of coldness filled the surrounding area, and the ground was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Seeing this, Li Mu couldn't help but slapped the ground with both palms, and the earthen wall rose from the ground, trapping the two-horned Qingyue Jiao in the cage. The meaning of the coldness of the two-horned Qingyuejiao

"It seems that this blood-purifying Ganoderma is indeed extraordinary."

Li Mu was delighted, seeing Qingyue Jiao with two horns in the sleeping Qingyue did not bother him.

After testing the efficacy of the blood-purifying ganoderma, Li Mu is going to let Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa take the blood-purifying ganoderma first, and then take it together with the Xuantianhua Beast Pill, so that their chances of advancing to rank will be greatly increased.

Immediately, Li Mu withdrew from the Painting World Treasure Mansion.

Back in the wing, Li Mu looked out the window. The auction was still going on. The atmosphere was once again heated. Many people were competing for a sixth-level spiritual treasure and actively participated in the bidding.

Li Mu was about to leave halfway! (end of this chapter)

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