Chapter 204

In the lobby, Lin Baoqing talked endlessly about a sixth-order wish-fulfilling magic weapon, and the auctioneers were fascinated by it, and in the VIP room, all the forces were sidelined by it.

Seeing this, Li Mu decided to leave, but he had to wait for Wan'er to deliver the last lot.

At this time, the door of the wing room was pushed open, Wan'er came in, presented a jade box with both hands, and introduced: "Senior, this is another item you have auctioned: an ancient bronze clock."

Li Mu quickly reached out to take it, opened the jade box, and a small cyan clock covered with copper rust lay quietly inside the box.

【Soul Bell (Closed)】

[Rank: Tier Six Lingbao]

[Characteristics: soul suppression, fascination, loss of soul, soul capture. 】

[Status: The spirit of the weapon is lost, and the spirit is self-appointed. 】

[The sixth-order soul-rescuing stone, the sixth-order ferocious beast bone, the sixth-order witch heart copper, and the sixth-order spirit treasure-the soul-rescue bell refined with the soul and god pattern, due to the long years of erosion, the spirituality of the spirit treasure gradually lost, and the spirit of the tool Self-proclaimed, downgraded to a fifth-order requiem bell, invested with millions of souls to suppress it, can reawaken the spirit of the weapon, this thing is the inheritance token of the Demon Suppressing Sect, activate the soul suppressing pattern, and can use it to enter the Dharma transmission hall on the top floor of the Suppressing Demon Sect. 】

Gifted with supernatural powers - identifying all spirits, Li Mu saw all the information about this fifth-order bronze ancient clock, and immediately put it in with satisfaction, put it back on, and put it in the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

"Not bad! I have other things to do, let's go first!"

Li Mu looked at Wan'er, smiled and said goodbye.

"Mmm! Senior, Wan'er welcomes your next visit at any time." Wan'er understood and watched respectfully without saying goodbye.

Li Mu nodded slightly, then got up and left.

Wan'er still guarded the door of the wing room. She had given an early warning that she had expected that Senior Zhang would leave midway, so she continued to guard the door, creating chaos and confusing the public.

There is a maid waiting outside each wing, and the owner is inside without anyone noticing.

However, there was one person in the venue who noticed Li Mu's departure in real time, and that was Taoist Wan Ling.

Taoist Wan Ling was listening to Lin Baoqing's introduction of the auction items. The next moment, the Tanling Orb suddenly swung again and pointed to the door. Then, he turned his eyes and happened to see Li Mu's leaving figure.


Taoist Wanling stood up in a hurry and was about to leave with him. He never expected that 'Fellow Daoist Zhang' would leave midway. If he was allowed to leave a hundred miles away, this opportunity would have nothing to do with him.

Just when Taoist Wan Ling was about to follow him, suddenly a Nascent Soul cultivator in a purple robe walked up to him and blocked his way.

"Fellow Daoist Wan Ling, Elder Ji Yun has an invitation."

The anxious Taoist Wan Ling was blocked, and immediately wanted to yell at him. Hearing what the monk Yuanying said, he dared not do anything wrong.

"What's the matter with Fellow Daoist Ziguang? Venerable Ji Yun is looking for me? Why is he looking for me?"

Seeing the person coming clearly, Taoist Wan Ling's heart sank, wondering what Venerable Ji Yun was looking for at this time!

"I don't know either. Your lord has an invitation, you will know when you go!" Ziguang Zhenjun responded indifferently, staring at Taoist Wanling, waiting for him to follow.

Taoist Wan Ling anxiously glanced at the disappearing figure, and sighed helplessly in his heart. The Ji family is one of the eight major families in the Zhongzhou mainland, with a supernatural status, and it is definitely not something that ordinary casual cultivators like him can offend!
If you don't go, you will be disrespectful, and it is very likely to offend the other party and cause a bloody disaster.

Fortunately, that 'Friend Zhang Daoist' doesn't know his plan yet, so he should be able to keep up with it later.

Therefore, Taoist Wanling followed Zhenjun Ziguang to the No. 18 wing.

In the wing room, there was a light and elegant rouge fragrance, which lifted people's spirits. In the room, a beautiful woman wearing a purple sand cloud dress looked at the auction table outside the window and did not bother to come in. Taoist of all spirits.

"Junior Wan Ling, pay homage to senior!"

Taoist Wan Ling bowed slightly and said respectfully.

"Wan Ling, you have made many friends and are well-informed. In the seventh wing, who is the Nascent Soul cultivator who has repeatedly competed with me for the treasure? You must know it!"


Daoist Wan Ling suddenly felt bad.

Venerable Ji Yun frowned, turned his head to look at Taoist Wan Ling, his eyes glowed, and asked, "Before, when you entered the ladder, I saw you chatting happily with an old Taoist. If I remember correctly, this person is seven The distinguished guest in the No. [-] wing, I want to know the origin of this person, and which power dares to be so bold as to oppose me!"

Taoist Wanling knew the reason when he heard the words, the surface was calm and the sea was chaotic, and he couldn't think for half a breath, and immediately replied: "My lord, I met Zhang Daoyou by chance, but I like Guang To make friends, we can just talk with him, I don’t know his origin, I only know that the other party is a fourth-rank alchemy master.”

"Hmph, how can you be so unreasonable, how dare you lie to your lord!"

Zhenjun Ziguang, who was behind Taoist Wan Ling, suddenly got into trouble, stretched out his tiger hand, and grabbed Taoist Wan Ling's shoulder to crush it.

Taoist Wan Ling was in a hurry and wanted to fight back, but he was stopped by a look from Venerable Ji Yun, and a look from cultivator Huashen crushed him to death. In an instant, he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Senior, spare your life, senior, spare your life! Everything I say is true!" Taoist Wan Ling begged bitterly.

In the next second, a huge aura suddenly erupted from Venerable Ji Yun, and the terrifying coercion of the peak of Huashen peak suppressed Taoist Wanling with all its strength.

With a sound of "bang", Taoist Wan Ling's knees softened and he knelt down, sweating profusely all over his body, and the breath of death repulsed his brain.

"My lord, I noticed that you saw that person with a greedy expression on your face. He left the table halfway, and you got up to chase after him. How dare you say you don't know him!"

Taoist Wan Ling didn't expect that Venerable Ji Yun would expose his plans in his heart, and he lost his confidence for a while.

"Give you another chance, tell me who the other party is, or die!"

Taoist Wan Ling groaned in secret, never thought that Venerable Ji Yun would keep the VIP in Room [-] in his heart, and even follow his every move.

For a woman who has lived a long time, she has such a magnanimity and a heart that is not so small!
"How could I not know who you are, Wan Ling? This person must be carrying a valuable treasure. You are planning to kill him secretly so that you can seize the valuable treasure from him. That's right!" Venerable Ji Yun raised the spirit wine cup. Taking a sip, he looked at Taoist Wan Ling and said with a half-smile.


Taoist Wanling lost his soul, never thought about his own thoughts, but was guessed clearly by the other party, this woman is as careful as a needle, and her wisdom is superb, it is really scary!
"Give you one last chance, tell the truth immediately, or die!"

The three embroidered spiritual needles of Venerable Ji Yun's fingertips danced slightly, and the terrifying fluctuations of true energy radiated out, each of which had the power to easily kill a half-step god-turning powerhouse!

Daoist Wanling's death is so dangerous, how dare he hide anything, and immediately informs: "My lord, I met Zhang Daoyou in the city of Bihai, which is looking at the sea of ​​stars. It seems that the other party is not a martial artist. After all, he is connected to the eight major families of Zhongzhou. The Kun family doesn’t know each other, and I happen to be carrying a treasure-hunting spiritual object, and found out that the other party is carrying a heavy treasure, so I have ulterior motives and want to take the opportunity to seize the other party’s treasure, and I don’t know the origin of this person.”

Facing Venerable Ji Yun's terrifying insight ability, Taoist Wan Ling dared not hide anything anymore, and told him everything he knew.

Where there is life, there is hope!

If he dared to hide it again, he would die himself. It would be better to abandon the treasure and find a chance of life. Taoist Wan Ling had a look of reluctance on his face.

Sure enough, Venerable Ji Yun's phoenix eyes lit up slightly when he heard that Taoist Wan Ling was carrying a treasure-seeking spiritual weapon.

Before he could speak, Taoist Wan Ling took the initiative to offer the Treasure-Exploring Lingzhu with both hands.

After obtaining the Buddhist beads, Venerable Ji Yun jumped into a trace of his soul, and waved a wave of spiritual power, erasing and refining Taoist Wan Ling's spiritual thoughts.

Venerable Ji Yun refined the Soul Detection Orb and learned about its functional properties. His spirits were lifted. He obviously liked this spiritual treasure very much.

"That's right, that's right, it's a good treasure! In recognition of your contribution to offering treasures, let's get up and talk about it!" Venerable Ji Yun looked at Taoist Wan Ling with satisfaction, and motioned.

Taoist Wan Ling would not dare to look directly at Venerable Ji Yun if he was granted amnesty, and said frankly: "Thank you, Mr. Ji Yun, for the grace of not killing, I have already told you everything I know, there is absolutely no lie.".

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and Venerable Ji Yun waved his hands and said, "For the sake of offering the magic weapon, let me spare your life and get out." Taoist Wan Ling was overjoyed, mixed with joy and sorrow, but it is not bad to be able to save his life right now. He didn't dare to stay any longer, he quickly left the wing room, and fled away.

"Congratulations, Elder, I am blessed with a great treasure!" Ziguang Zhenjun cupped his hands in celebration.

"This spiritual treasure can only peek at the treasures within a hundred miles. The Nascent Soul cultivator doesn't even know the eight major families. He must be a sect cultivator from a land of scarcity. Such a waste is deeply treasured. It must be not easy!" Venerable Ji Yun grasped In the treasure-exploring Lingzhu, a cold light burst out in the phoenix eyes.

Zhenjun Ziguang also understood what he meant when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Elder, this subordinate is going to deal with him and fetch the treasure!"

"For this person to be valued by Lin Baoqing, it is obvious that there must be something extraordinary. I can just go and get it myself." Venerable Ji Yun left the room while he was speaking.

True Lord Ziguang followed quickly.

Leave Wanbao Pavilion.

Li Mu did not leave the ancient city of Huang, but temporarily left the Beihuang Gate of Wanbao Pavilion and went all the way south to the Nanhuang Gate.

The Nanhuang Gate is crowded with people, and it is a place where many monster hunting monks and casual cultivators gather. The monster hunting monks are very good at distinguishing, and often play games with monsters, causing a bad breath.

This is also the largest meat market in the entire deserted ancient city. Various stalls selling the flesh and blood of monsters emerge in endlessly, supplying meat from major restaurants and restaurants in the entire deserted ancient city. The monsters complained repeatedly.

Li Mu was not surprised by this, and now in a shop that sells spiritual tea, he chose a place near the window, sat cross-legged leisurely, and ordered a pot of spiritual tea.

While drinking tea, pay attention to the pedestrians around you.

The road was busy with traffic, and from time to time there were some monks riding spirit beast carriages, or phantoms, moving quickly through the crowd.

"Why haven't you caught up yet?"

Li Mu had already drunk how many cups of spiritual tea, the reason why he didn't rush to leave this place, he wanted to solve the trouble of Taoist Wan Ling.

When he left the wing just now, Li Mu also noticed the movements of Taoist Wanling.

This follower is a trouble, Li Mu intends to deal with him first, and by the way, seek the Treasure-Exploring Spirit Orb on the other party.

With that treasure in hand, looking for high-level spiritual objects in the future will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

However, what happened to Taoist Wan Ling?
I had already left Wanbao Pavilion for a stick of incense time, and under the cover of spiritual consciousness, I didn't even notice that he was following him.

Is this a bit illogical?
Could it be that because he was in the side room, the other party suspected that he was a noble person, maybe belonged to a certain powerful force, so he didn't dare to offend and chose to give up?

This is unlikely, right?

Do you want to wait?
Li Mu decided to wait for another incense stick, if the other party still didn't come, then even if the other party was lucky, he would no longer peep at the Treasure-Exploring Lingzhu.

In this way, Li Mu waited for a whole stick of incense, but still did not wait for Taoist Wanling to come.

"It's your fate!"

Li Mu smiled wryly, drank the spirit tea and got up to leave.

Li Mu never imagined that in the restaurant opposite him, by the window on the third floor, Venerable Ji Yun had been watching him for a long time.

"Why didn't the elders make a move?"

Ziguang Zhenjun asked suspiciously, it was very strange that they sat here for half a cup of tea, but they didn't make any movements.

Venerable Ji Yun said with a normal expression, "Don't you see that that Nascent Soul cultivator seems to be waiting for Taoist Wanling to take the bait?"

"Huh? Elder, you mean?"

Zhenjun Ziguang was taken aback, and couldn't help being a little shocked in his heart!

Venerable Ji Yun didn't answer, his eyes touched Li Mu's leaving direction, he dropped the spirit stone, and said to Zhenjun Ziguang coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, just follow."


Zhenjun Ziguang didn't dare to ask any more questions, concealed his aura, and hurriedly followed.

Make sure Taoist Wan Ling did not catch up.

Li Mu immediately left the barren ancient city and walked out of the city gate. Outside, there was still a busy team entering the city, as well as various spirit ships and merchant ships with various strange functions.

Li Mu ignored it, and immediately summoned the Tiansuo spirit ship. After entering randomly, it immediately turned into a streamer and flew towards Yinyang Valley.

At the same moment, Venerable Ji Yun, who followed closely, held the Lingzhu in his hand and pointed straight ahead.

"Bauhinia Cloud Boat!"

Venerable Ji Yun patted the magic weapon on his waist, and a spirit boat that was bigger and more powerful than Li Mu's Tiansuo spirit ship appeared in the air.

Venerable Ji Yun and Ziguang Zhenjun entered in a flash.

The next spirit boat started, and it turned into a thunderous light in an instant, and disappeared outside the ancient city.

Inside the Tiansuo spirit ship, Li Mu was planning to check the total harvest this time, just as he took out the stored magic weapon, before he checked it, he felt a terrible evil spirit coming towards him rapidly.

Li Mu couldn't help being surprised, he let go of his consciousness, and noticed a Bauhinia cloud boat approaching at an astonishing speed.

This could not help but make Li Mu vigilant.

The innate supernatural power-recognize all spirits took effect, Li Mu saw the spirit ship coming quickly from behind, it turned out to be a fifth-order spirit ship.

"Damn it! Who could it be!"

Li Mu couldn't help frowning, the road to Yin Yang Valley is wide, with a radius of thousands of miles, the spirit boat behind could have flown in other directions.

But the fact is completely opposite, the other party actually came towards him, obviously aimed at him.

Now, it was too late to escape.

The fifth-order spirit boat was as fast as thunder, and in the blink of an eye, the huge Bauhinia cloud boat rushed to the front of the Tiansuo spirit ship.

Bauhinia Yunzhou swung its tail when it hit the subduing dragon, and almost collided with the Tiansuo spirit ship. Li Mu quickly changed direction and stopped the progress of the Tiansuo spirit ship.

Li Mu's eyes became colder, and with his spiritual consciousness released, he noticed that there were two rather powerful auras in the spirit ship in front of him.

The Bauhinia Cloud Boat suddenly floated to a stop, and a beautiful figure in purple gauze fluttered in the wind slowly flew out.

Next, a purple-robed Taoist followed closely behind.

"Get down!"

Venerable Ji Yun stood in the air, staring directly at the Tiansuo spirit ship, speaking in an orderly tone, and gave orders that could not be refused.

Inside the Tiansuo spirit ship, Li Mu wondered, he didn't know the beautiful woman in front of him, why did she come to her?

Facing the powerful female cultivator of goddess transformation, Li Mu's random thoughts had no results, so he might as well meet her face to face.

Just like that, Li Mu flew out of the Tiansuo spirit ship, used the spirit fox mask, and transformed into a young sword cultivator with a sword armor on his back!

(End of this chapter)

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