Chapter 208 Honorable Kun Family
The spirit beast car stopped at the gate of Kun's house, floated to a stop, and landed slowly.

The guards were heavily guarded. When they saw the spirit beast car approaching, the leading half-step Nascent Soul guard immediately led dozens of Golden Core guards to come forward.

"Welcome Elder Kun Ling!"

The leading guards shouted respectfully in unison.

Venerable Kun Ling opened the car curtain and walked out slowly, followed closely by Li Mu.

The surrounding Kun family guards took the initiative to open the door of the Kun family's fairy house, and their eyes fell slightly on Li Mu.

Who is this Yuanying monk?

The guards were very curious as to why the monk in front of them, who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, could be on an equal footing with their elders. What surprised them even more was that Venerable Kun Ling actually communicated with him as an equal, which was incredible.

Although Li Mu is the True Lord of the Nascent Soul, in the eyes of the Kun family, there are so many Yuanying monks in the Kun family. There are no less than [-] True Lords of the Nascent Soul in their branch, and the entire Kun family has as many as a dozen Masters of Transformation. number of digits.

Venerable Kun Ling is the most senior god-transforming Venerable in the Kun family. He has survived for thousands of years and is an ancestor-level existence.

Even the elders of the same clan who were in the realm of becoming gods were respectful to him. Ordinary Nascent Soul monks did not dare to breathe lightly when they saw him.

At the moment, the guards were incredulous that this unfamiliar monk in the early stage of Yuanying could be treated so politely by his old man.

Under the surprised gazes of many guards, Venerable Kun Ling chatted and laughed with Li Mu, and enthusiastically led him into the core residence of the Kun family.

When Li Mu stepped into the Kun family mansion, he immediately felt the force of the formation surging under his feet. With the fifth-level formation, he had an extremely keen sense of the formation.

Li Mu's eyes fell at his feet and he discovered the powerful and mysterious formation pattern hidden inside. It was an extremely large spirit gathering formation gathered at his feet.

With a simple glance, Li Mu, who was gifted with the ability to identify all spirits, immediately discovered that this was a fifth-level spirit gathering formation.

Li Mu's eyes flashed, and he clearly knew how much resources it would take to arrange such a formation, and what kind of energy it would take to arrange it.

Li Mu secretly sighed at the Kun family's great skill. Such a formation is not something that ordinary sects can possess!
Wherever you look, you can still see faint spiritual energy, condensed into mist.

The density of spiritual energy here far exceeds that of the Painting Realm Treasure Mansion, and is extremely powerful. In comparison, the spiritual energy scenes he saw in Qingxuan Sect and Yuling Sect were completely different.

At this time, Venerable Kun Ling also noticed Li Mu's gaze and found that he was studying the spirit gathering formation at his feet. His eyes were locked on the formation's eyes and he was immersed in it.

Seeing this, Venerable Kun Ling couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this kid is really a monster!
"Fellow Daoist Li, you must have discovered the Heaven Sealing Spirit Gathering Formation arranged by Elder Feng!" Venerable Kun Ling looked at Li Mu and asked with a smile.

"Uh! I got excited for a while, senior, please forgive me!" Li Mu apologized embarrassedly.

Venerable Kunling looked at Li Mu and praised sincerely: "Little friend, you are really amazingly talented! A century-old advanced Nascent Soul, with amazing combat power, the ability to turn the enemy into a god, has extremely outstanding refining technology, and is also extremely talented in formations." It’s astonishing. This kind of talent is simply the best among monsters, even those great saints and saints in Zhongzhou can’t compare with my little friend!”

"Senior, that's too much praise!" Li Mu smiled modestly when he heard this. He knew where his ability came from and was not proud of it.

Venerable Kun Ling was just about to introduce the situation of the Sealing Heaven Spirit Gathering Formation to Li Mu, when something strange happened!
"Kun Ling, come to see me from the temple." Suddenly, a majestic voice suddenly came.

Hearing this, Li Mu couldn't help but raise his head. The other party should have transmitted the message from a very far away place, but it was like an explosion in his ears.

This person has strong true energy, and he calls Venerable Kun Ling by his name. He must be another person in the Void Refining Realm!
"Little friend Li, this time you have returned the clan-protecting magic weapon to our clan, and you need to report it to the great elder, so you can go with me. You need to explain this credit to him face to face." Venerable Kunling smiled with a beard and patted him. Patting Li Mu on the shoulder, he introduced
Hearing this, Li Mu wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help but give up.

The Five Elements Spirit Plants will mature in a few decades, and it will be necessary to purchase the Spirit Plants again later, which is quite troublesome. It is better to accept this favor and take the opportunity to ask the Kun family for what they need.

Li Mu nodded and smiled: "Junior can only thank senior for the introduction!"

"Haha, where is it!" Kun Ling was very happy to see Li Mu being so knowledgeable.

Venerable Kun Ling transformed into a spiritual ax and walked with it.

Li Mu followed closely behind with his spiritual sword on his feet.

On the way forward, Li Mu didn't release his spiritual consciousness. After all, there are so many masters in Kun's family, and there is still a virtual realm, if he releases his spiritual consciousness at will, it will be disrespectful.

Li Mu looked down and saw many disciples of the Kun family walking around in various major buildings. They were either riding on spiritual weapons, riding on spirit beasts, running in the sky for various purposes, and traveling freely. .

However, the children of the Kun family who passed by, when they saw Venerable Kun Ling, bowed down respectfully to greet him, and watched him go before leaving.

Many Kun family children are very interested in Li Mu who is walking side by side with Venerable Kun Ling. After all, in the Kun family, the family rules are strict, except for the two elders.

Even the other elders of the Transformation Mirror and even the head of the branch family must respectfully line up behind Elder Kun Ling, not to mention the Yuanying monk.

After flying to the Houshen Temple, in just a few breaths, I arrived at an pastoral garden with birds singing, flowers fragrant, dense spiritual energy, and a large number of spiritual grasses and spiritual trees planted.

In the garden, there is a ten-acre spiritual field, and there is a thatched house next to the spiritual field. An old man wearing a white robe is holding a hoe in his hand, using the hoe to weed and eliminate pests in the spiritual field. If you look at it from a distance, Looking around, he saw that this was nothing more than an ordinary old man. What he planted in the spiritual field was the fourth-level Fantasy Moon Spirit Grass.

Li Mu naturally saw that the old man in front of him was not an ordinary person. His body seemed to have no spiritual energy fluctuations, but in fact it contained tremendous power.

"Kun Ling, pay your respects to the Lord Tianshang."

Li Mu and Venerable Kun Ling landed lightly from high altitude. The latter quickly stepped forward and raised his hands, calling each other respectfully.

But the ancient and rare old man in front of him seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, focusing on planting.

Li Mu and Master Kun Ling were left alone, but they remained silent and waited.

Li Mu could tell that the Lord Tianshang in front of him was not really planting spiritual fields, but was cultivating his character and tempering his state of mind. Naturally, there were some shortcomings in the steps of planting spiritual fields.

If you are rude and deliberately remind others, it will make others unhappy.

What the other party enjoys is the process, not the result.After he finally finished hoeing the grass and poured the spiritual water on it, the golden sword grass emitted a gleaming golden light, giving it a certain golden feeling under the blazing sun.

"Kun Ling, I have already told you, Master Kun Yuan, that you are seeking revenge on Ji Yun of the Ji family. Why is this necessary? Cultivators have endless years. Although our way of cultivation goes against heaven, we have to It's not easy, but it's not incompetent. Now that you only have a hundred years left to live, you should go all out to attack the void and clear your mind of distracting thoughts."

Tianshang Zun came up to the thatched house and stamped his foot. The ground shook slightly, and a pavilion made of soil rose from the ground.

There is a stone table and four chairs, all made of stone.

"sit down!"

Tian Shangzun smiled kindly and invited Li Mu to sit down.

Li Mu smiled slightly, then took his seat with Venerable Kun Ling.

"Are you 'Li Jianxian'?"

Lord Tian Shang obviously already knew Li Mu's identity. He tapped his fingertips on the stone table, and the tea set appeared, with a pot of spiritual tea beside him.

"Senior, just call me Li Mu." Li Mu showed his real name to others for the first time. He didn't know what kind of technique the Lord Tianshang in front of him was practicing.

The feeling is extremely strange, and people can't help but feel like they want to be close. This feeling is not imposed on people's emotions, but seems to naturally affect the surroundings.

Integrate with heaven and earth, blend with emotions, and feel like you have transformed into heaven and earth. It is simply mysterious.

"Not bad, not bad. You are so lucky at such a young age. It seems that you are a lucky one." Tianshang Zun said frankly, while he had already brewed the tea. With the help of his spiritual power, the tea cup floated in the air and fell on it. In front of Li Mu, a cup was delivered to Venerable Kun Ling.

After hearing this, Li Mu was startled. The moment he made eye contact with Master Tian Shang just now, he felt as if his secret had been seen through.

Li Mu held his nerve, took the spirit tea respectfully, and said, "Senior, thank you!"

"My little friend, you have a bright future. Venerable Qingwei has talked with Kun Ling about your weapon refining skills before. I think you should know about the request for your weapon refining." Lord Tian Shang took a sip of tea and said bluntly. road.

Venerable Kun Ling at the side was bold, drank the spiritual tea, and introduced with a smile: "My lord, Daoyou Li accidentally picked up two magic weapons when he was killing a monster at Wang Xinghai, and I have returned them. "

After finishing speaking, Venerable Kun Ling took out the two formations, the Sealing Hammer and the Absolute God Disk, and dragged them with spiritual power to Venerable Tian Shangzun.


Upon hearing this, the usually calm Lord Tianshang couldn't help but be stunned. Looking at the two lost magical weapons, he felt incredible for a moment.

After studying the two magical artifacts for a while, Tian Shangzun looked at Li Mu and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that our Kun family has a destiny with my little friend. These two magical artifacts are extremely important to the Kun family. Defense is on the one hand. Status and identity are the most important.”

"These two six magic weapons, any one of them is very powerful when used alone. Even the formation master who is good at formations in the late stage of becoming a god cannot break it. If the two magic weapons are used together with each other, even if it is to refine the void A strong person in this realm cannot break it in a short time. If an ordinary person gets this thing, he will definitely take it as his own. My little friend is not greedy for this thing and is willing to return it. I admire this person."

His Majesty Tian Shang spoke sincerely, and he looked at Li Mu with a little more appreciation.

Li Mu smiled calmly and explained: "A gentleman does not take away what others like. These two magical weapons are indeed extremely powerful, but after all, they are not inferior things. Returning them is only human nature. Senior, you do not need to reward me."

Li Mu's humble attitude couldn't help but make Venerable Kun Ling beside him smile, and he became more and more pleased with him.

"A gentleman does not take away from others! Well, well, well, Venerable Qingwei said that he would rather have great ambitions, support the strong and support the weak, and he is a truly righteous man. What I saw today is that it is true. There are probably not many people with this kind of mind in the world. People can find it." These words of Lord Tian Shang are not polite. In the world of cultivation, anyone who obtains a valuable treasure will keep it as his own. How can anyone be as selfless as Li Mu?

"Little friend, you have done a great favor to our Kun family this time. If you have any needs, just ask me. I can make the decision and you will be satisfied." Tianshang Zun put away the magic weapon and said with a smile.

finally come!

Li Mu smiled slightly and said humbly: "Senior, I'm serious, I didn't help you at all. As the saying goes, there is no reward for no merit. These two magical artifacts belong to the Kun family, and they should be returned!"

"Look at you, little friend, don't be humble. We ascetics are taboo on the ritual of debt. You have helped us so much, and it is appropriate to give back a little help. If you don't accept it, you are looking down on us. The Kun family!" Venerable Kun Ling wanted to help Li Mu obtain some cultivation resources in order to make good friends.

However, he was afraid that Li Mu would be too modest.Unwilling to accept help, this is the last resort.

Tian Shangzun deliberately glanced at Venerable Kun Ling, who has lived for thousands of years, how could such thoughts of Venerable Kun Ling escape his eyes?

"This!" Li Mu was overjoyed. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and said, "Thanks to the love of the two seniors, I will shamelessly ask for some training resources."

"Haha, that's right. You should be more free and easy as a human being." Venerable Kun Ling was naturally very happy when he saw Li Mu finally taking the road.

Master Tianshang also showed a kind smile and nodded slightly: "My dear friend, just tell me what you need."

"Senior, I currently need a batch of five-star spiritual plants for my cultivation, including Golden Source Spirit Fruit, Purple Yang Ganoderma, Yin Po Fruit, Nine-leaf Green Lotus..." Li Mu didn't intend to be modest anymore, and in one breath he revealed all the things he needed. As for the quantity of spiritual plants, he didn't say. If you want so many things, it depends on how the other party gives them.

As for the refining materials, he didn't dare to say anything yet. After all, these spiritual plants alone were extremely valuable.


Venerable Kun Ling couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. He thought that Li Mu would propose some cultivation resources that were extremely difficult to find and very expensive, such as Yuan Soul Pills for Yuanying monks to improve their cultivation, or specially designed to break through to the realm of gods. The Xuanling Pill and other auxiliary pills needed.

These elixirs are also extremely important cultivation resources in the Kun family, and their quantities are limited.

But he never expected that what Li Mu wanted was a large number of spiritual plant seeds. Where did this come from?
Master Tian Shang was also slightly stunned, and his eyes met with Master Kun Ling's, and both of them smiled bitterly.

"I say, little friend, just boldly propose the training resources you need. Our Kun family has a great cause and we will definitely be able to meet your requirements. We can even help you to reach the peak of Yuanying within 800 years, and you will be able to Provide you with a batch of elixirs that you need to overcome the calamity and transform into a god." Tianshang Zun did not know the true purpose of Li Mu's spiritual plant, and mistakenly thought that Li Mu was not easy to talk about, so he decided to plant the spiritual plant himself and collect the materials. Then find someone to refine the elixir.

When Li Mu heard this, he couldn't help crying or laughing in his heart.

It took 800 years to reach the peak of Nascent Soul?This was much slower than planting spiritual plants on his own, but the elixir used to break through to the realm of transformation and transcend tribulation caught his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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