Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 209: Demon Breaking Heart Fruit

Chapter 209: Demon Breaking Heart Fruit
The elixir that can help Nascent Soul cultivators improve their cultivation and achieve breakthroughs in divine transformation is certainly precious!
However, for Li Mu, who has the talent of spiritual planting and absorbing supernatural powers, high-level spiritual planting and special spiritual planting are more valuable.

Li Mu was unwilling to give up the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds. After thinking for a moment, he looked at the Lord Tianshang respectfully and insisted: "Senior, thank you for your kindness. I accidentally picked up two spiritual weapons. Now that they are back to their original owners, I dare not take credit. This junior does not dare to ask for expensive pills such as Soul Yuan Pill and Xuan Ling Pill."

"You boy! Grand Elder, don't listen to this guy talking nonsense, he's just too embarrassed to speak!" Venerable Kun Ling said, pulling Li Mu aside.

"I'm talking about you! Hey, Li Xiaoyou, do you look down on our Kun family? How much spiritual plant seeds do you want in total? Do you want us to send beggars? With the help of our Kun family, we can break through the peak of Yuanying within three to four hundred years. , it’s no problem to advance to become a god within 400 years!”

"You can advance to the Nascent Soul stage within a hundred years, and you are very talented, but this kind of advancement speed is not unique! There are several saint sons and saintesses in Central Continent who didn't advance to the Nascent Soul within a hundred years!"

"However, once you enter the Nascent Soul Realm, it is extremely difficult to improve each level. It will take endless years to absorb spiritual power and strengthen the Nascent Soul just by accumulating over time. Without the assistance of a large number of cultivation resources, ordinary monks will not be able to reach it in one or two thousand years. To reach the peak of Yuanying, let alone to advance to become a god, the Great Elder has seen your outstanding talent, so he can conclude that with our help, you can reach the peak of Yuanying within 2000 years, and advance to become a god within a thousand years! "

"Furthermore! If you don't focus on your cultivation, you will spend several times as much time studying both refining and formations. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you may not be able to advance to the peak of Nascent Soul in a thousand years, let alone You have entered the realm of transforming gods!" Venerable Kunling pulled Li Mu aside, angrily persuading him.

Venerable Kun Ling really doesn't understand, this Li Xiaoyou looks quite shrewd, and he is not a soft-hearted person, why did he lose the chain at such a critical moment?

What's difficult is that they don't want to accept their Kun family's love?

The reason why Venerable Kun Ling did have some selfish motives in persuading Li Mu to accept the kindness of the Kun family.

If talented people like Li Mu, who are extremely talented and proficient in the art of weapon refining, can form a deep friendship, it will be beneficial without any harm.

Hearing Kun Ling's respectful kindness, Li Mu couldn't laugh or cry, and didn't know how to respond for a while!
Breaking through the peak of Nascent Soul within 500 years?The efficiency of breaking through to become a god within a thousand years is too slow!With the help of massive Five Element Spiritual Plants and Yin-Yang Spiritual Plants, within a hundred years, Li Mu would plan to launch an attack on the Realm of Transformation!

Therefore, if we can take this opportunity to obtain another batch of precious spiritual plants from the Kun family, it will be much more valuable than asking for spiritual elixirs, elixirs and other minor resources from the Kun family!
Li Mu thought for a while, looked at Lord Kun Ling gratefully, and declined gratefully: "Senior, thank you for your kindness. I have the five elements of spiritual roots, and I have understood yin and yang. The exercises I practice are different from ordinary exercises. I pay attention to the cultivation of my mind, so I need to plant spiritual plants while feeling the brilliance of all things, from the rise of the morning sun to the setting of the sunset, from the birth of brilliance to the withering of rotten trees. I need to understand the five elements and understand the life and death of yin and yang. Only in this way can my realm steadily improve. , while strengthening the soul.”

"Indeed, the elixirs allow me to be prepared and push my cultivation to the peak of Nascent Soul in a very short period of time. However, this kind of cultivation method will inevitably make the state of mind deficient and lead to an unstable foundation. , when the time comes, the attack on the God Transformation will most likely fail, so I will cultivate spiritual plants and understand the way of heaven and earth. This is the safe way. The juniors really don’t need it, so I hope the seniors can do it. Complete."

Li Mu looked at Master Kun Ling and took the opportunity to reject those so-called elixirs on the grounds of his martial arts, in exchange for the Five Elements Yin and Yang Spirit Planting Spirit Seeds.

Hearing this, Venerable Kun Ling couldn't help but take a serious look at Li Mu up and down, with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

There are thousands of cultivation methods in the world, but most of the mainstream cultivation methods are similar. They mainly focus on cultivating spiritual roots, refining true energy, cultivating the soul, and cultivating both internal and external to the peak. The qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes have produced breakthroughs.

Of course, there are also some miraculous exercises that can directly achieve qualitative changes through cultivating the mind and understanding the great truth.

However, this kind of cultivation method is extremely difficult. If you don't have the understanding, talent and character, practicing this kind of cultivation method will undoubtedly push you into the abyss, and you may not be able to achieve what you want in your life.

Those who have enlightenment can make rapid progress by practicing these techniques. There are very few such methods of cultivation, and they are extremely difficult to practice. They have been gradually eliminated in ancient times. Nowadays, no one can enter a deeper world in this way. Avenue.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Li would practice such skills. No wonder he was able to enter the Nascent Soul stage in such a short period of time. It seems that Little Fellow Li has a great chance." Venerable Kunling is not that kind of corrupt person. He can tell with just one word. , I couldn’t help but marvel in my heart.

At this time, Lord Tian Shang's tea-drinking hand trembled slightly, and golden light bloomed in his eyes. He couldn't help but put down the spiritual tea and looked at Li Mu seriously.

He originally wanted to hear why Li Mu rejected the Kun family's kindness, but what he didn't expect to hear was this.

This kid is really bold, to practice this kind of mind state technique that is extremely difficult to practice from ancient to modern times.

However, since the other party stepped into the Nascent Soul within a hundred years, he also has extraordinary attainments in refining weapons and formations. From this point of view, the other party's understanding, aptitude, temperament, and talent are all extremely outstanding, so he is so confident.

This can also explain clearly why he was able to break through the Nascent Soul in a hundred years, and he was able to master formations, refining tools, and other cultivation skills to such a high level.

Cultivation of formations and weapon refining requires people with extremely high levels of understanding. Without understanding, you will not be able to achieve extremely high achievements in your lifetime!

Lord Tianshang's eyes were deep and thoughtful, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After understanding the reason, Venerable Kun Ling immediately stopped forcing himself. With a smile on his face, he pulled Li Mu back to the pavilion.

"Great Elder, whatever Li Xiaoyou wants, let him have it!" After sitting down, Venerable Kunling looked at His Majesty Tianshang and signaled.

Tian Shangzun looked at Li Mu with a smile and asked doubtfully: "Little friend Li, I didn't expect that you practiced the state of mind technique. It's really rare. I happen to be also comprehending the Tao. If you don't mind, let's talk about it!"

"Great Elder, you overheard our secret conversation!" Venerable Kun Ling blamed with a slight twitch of his mouth.

However, Lord Tianshang raised his hand and continued to make tea, and said angrily: "Do you think my cultivation is just a decoration? Unless you are a few miles away, I can hear the sound as quiet as a mosquito. Who can let me hear it? You don't talk through soundproofing, and you still blame me."

Venerable Kun Ling was so reprimanded that he smiled bitterly.

Li Mu smiled slightly, nodded happily and said, "It's my honor to communicate with seniors. The ancient Yin-Yang and Five Elements exercises I practiced are just fragments..."

Li Mu non-stop explained to Tian Shang Zun some of the essence of the Yin Yang and Five Elements Sutra related to the five elements and yin and yang.

Through the proficiency absorbed from the magical talent - Spirit Planting, the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Sutras were piled up. After the level was improved, Li Mu not only improved his cultivation, but also obtained a large number of essential contents of the sutras.

Having never communicated with anyone to discuss Taoism, Li Mu somewhat knew its shape but not its meaning. The Tian Shang Zun in front of him was a man of great cultivation, so he was a person he could consult.

Listening to Li Mu's eloquent explanation of the essentials of the Five Elements Classic, Tian Shangzun's expression was originally relaxed, and his expression gradually became dignified. Sometimes, he would frown and ponder before replying.

Time flies by bit by bit, and night falls before you know it.

In the pavilion, Lord Tianshang, Lord Li Mu, and Lord Kunling have been chatting about cultivation matters.

"This kind of exercise is really good, but the shortcomings are too obvious. It requires qualifications in the five elements, the ability to sense yin and yang, and the cultivation of the five elements. The progress is slow. Li Xiaoyou, it is really a miracle that he can advance to Yuanying with this method! However, In the future, if you want to advance to become a god, your chances will be slim!" Lord Tianshang looked at Li Mu and sighed with some pity.

After some exchanges, the Lord Tianshang had a general understanding of Li Mu's cultivation techniques, and was very pessimistic about his prospects.

"Yes! Little friend Li, it's still too late for you to change your practice. I happen to have a good Five Elements practice!" Venerable Kun Ling persuaded him.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. However, my cultivation is on the path against the heavens. I still want to continue exploring in this direction!" Li Mu declined with a smile, and said firmly.

"In this case, you can stay here for the time being. I have a lot of the spiritual plants you need. I don't have many Yin-Yang spiritual plants. I need to have the clan's warehouse transport them back. It will take three days!" Lord Tianshang nodded. Looking at Li Mu, he smiled and agreed. "Thank you, senior!" Li Mu thanked happily, there was no white robe this time.

After obtaining these spiritual seeds, they will stay in Yin Yang Valley for the next period of time until their cultivation level is greatly improved.

"Just taking some spiritual plant seeds to repay my little friend's achievements, it seems that my Kun family is too petty! Li Xiaoyou, what else do you need, just ask!" Venerable Kunling looked at Li Mu and signaled.

"This! Apart from the fact that these spiritual plant seeds are difficult to find, this junior has no shortage of other spiritual objects for the time being." Li Mu declined in embarrassment.

"Ha! That was my abruptness! I forgot that Li Xiaoyou has a lot of money, and at the auction, he made that poisonous wife of the Ji family so shameless that she bullied the younger!" Venerable Kunlin thought of something at this time, and laughed and teased Li Mu said.

"Hahaha! I've heard a little bit about this!" Tian Shangzun sent the brewed spiritual tea to Li Mu and said with a smile.

"Uh! I'm good at refining weapons and have had many interactions with Wanbao Pavilion!" Li Mu felt a little embarrassed.

"Haha! Little friend Li, you are not lacking, but our Kun family has to give them! Let me give you a batch of high-level weapon refining materials!" Venerable Kun Ling nodded with a smile and said sincerely.

As soon as the words fell, Venerable Kunling stretched out his hand and took out the token. Not long after, a disciple at the peak of Yuanying came to Houshen Garden.

When the other party came here, he saw Li Mu sitting in the gazebo with the respected and respected Tian Shangzun and Kun Ling, drinking tea and talking freely, his face full of disbelief.

What is the origin of this Yuanying monk?He was actually able to sit in the same pavilion with two elders of the family, chatting and laughing.

Could it be that he is a genius among the eight major families?
"Xuan Lingzi, this is a list. Go to the tribe's warehouse to exchange it. You must be quick to avoid any loss."

Venerable Kun Ling popped up a jade slip, which recorded what he needed.

Xuan Lingzi didn't dare to neglect, and left the place after handing over.

"Little friend, why don't you stay in this old man's yard and continue to discuss the Dao for a few days." His Majesty Tian Shangzun liked Li Mu very much and warmly invited him.

Hearing this, Li Mu was naturally very happy. The brief discussion and exchange just now gave him a deeper understanding of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Classics.

"Senior, excuse me for disturbing you." Li Mu responded with a smile.

"Haha, don't bother!" Lord Tianshang smiled and nodded. As he spoke, he tapped the ground with his toes. In an instant, the ground shook slightly, and a stone house made of marble rose from the ground. It had an exquisite appearance and was quite beautiful.

"Senior possesses the best earth spiritual roots?"

At this moment, Li Mu felt an extremely dense aura of earth, which was comparable to the earth spiritual roots in his Five Elements Dao body.

"That's right, this old man is the best earth spirit root." His Majesty Tianshang said bluntly.

Venerable Kun Ling laughed at the side and said: "The Great Elder is indeed the best earth spiritual root. Although he looks like a bad old man farming here, he is actually practicing like Li Xiaoyou. While farming, he understands the laws of the earth way."

"Kun Ling, how dare you arrange the old man like this?" Tian Shangzun glared at Venerable Kun Ling angrily, and said reproachful words, but his face was full of smiles.

"You can't say that. Your cultivation level is higher than mine. However, in terms of age, I am two hundred years older than you. In terms of seniority, I am your second uncle." Venerable Kunling's death is approaching, and his whole person has become extremely free and easy. , Dare to say anything.

"Fart! You are a generation younger than me."

"Oh, if you are brave, come with me to look up the family tree!"

Li Mu watched the two thousand-year-olds bickering, and couldn't help but feel amused.
"But having said that, Kun Ling, you should hurry up and make preparations to attack the Void Refining Realm. Your life span is about to end, and you should be open-minded about revenge. Entering the Void Refining Realm, you have to kill Venerable Ji Hong even if the Ji family wants it. Weigh the pros and cons." Lord Tianshang put away his smile slightly and reminded him carefully.


Venerable Kun Ling fell silent, unable to answer for a while.

Seeing this, Li Mu also gave a kind reminder: "Senior Kun, don't let hatred blind your eyes. After a hundred years, it will not be too late to take revenge in the future."

Venerable Kun Ling took out the spiritual wine, took a sip, and said with a downcast expression: "I have no confidence in attacking Lianxu. I can't even survive the inner demon tribulation in my heart! If the attack fails and I survive, my cultivation level will inevitably decline. The chances of killing that poisonous woman Ji Yun have become extremely slim."

Venerable Kun Ling was determined to kill Venerable Ji Yun, which made Venerable Tian Shang frown and said: "This tribulation may not be unbearable. I have found out the whereabouts of the Devil-Breaking Heart Fruit in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains." Deep inside, within the soul-eating demon clan, they guard a demon-breaking heart fruit, which will mature in about 30 years. With the help of this thing, the power of the heart-demon tribulation will be greatly reduced. By then, you will still be able to It is possible to break through the Void Refining Realm!"

The devil-breaking heart fruit?Ten Thousand Demon Mountains?
Li Mu had a look of surprise on his face when he heard this.

Venerable Kun Ling perked up, handed the other party a glass of spiritual wine, and asked with concern: "Great Elder, is what you said true? Is the Devil's Heart really whereabouts?"

"Of course, the old man spent a lot of money to find this news. There are two seventh-level monsters in the Soul Devouring Monster Clan. You can't defeat them with your strength. The old man decided to go forward with you at that time to help You have won the spiritual fruit." His Majesty Tianshang took the spirit wine from Venerable Kunling's hand and drank it all.

"Great Elder! Venerable Kun Ling couldn't help but be moved in his heart, and his eyes were filled with gratitude.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Li Mu remembered another thing. The three-tailed little fox demon who was still in the Yuling Treasure Bracelet had promised it before to send it back to the Snow Fox Clan.

It has been a while, and if you can follow a peak God Transformation Realm and a Void Refining Realm strongman to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains, you will definitely have less trouble.

Seeing this, Li Mu stood up and couldn't help but cupped his hands and said, "Senior Tianshang, I wonder when you will leave?"

"Huh?" Lord Tianshang and Lord Kunling couldn't help but look back at Li Mu.

"Little friend Li, are you also leaving for the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains?" Venerable Kun Ling was a little surprised.

Li Mu nodded and explained: "Yes, I really want to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. Before, I happened to save a spirit demon and promised to send her back to the tribe."

Hearing this, Lord Tian Shang and Lord Kun Ling looked at each other, both of them curious.

(End of this chapter)

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