Chapter 224
【Yanyuan Lingcao】

[Grade: Sixth-Level Spiritual Seed]

[Characteristics: Increase energy and prolong life, prolong the soul, eliminate the five declines, refine vitality, purify the spirit and strengthen the body. 】

[Status: full of spirituality, full of vitality]

[The spiritual seed of Yanyuan Spirit Grass, a sixth-level spiritual plant, needs to be watered by the Heaven and Earth Spirit Seed before it can be cultivated. Growth requirements: It needs to be planted in a place with strong vitality and abundant spiritual energy. It will mature for a hundred years, bloom in 50 years, and bear fruit in 50 years. Yuanshou fruit, a hundred-year longevity fruit has the effect of increasing lifespan. It is the main material for refining longevity pills and longevity wine. 】

【Mou Xing Ling Cao】

[Grade: Sixth-Level Spiritual Seed]

[Characteristics: Mou Xing condenses the soul, Mou Xing solidifies the soul, Mou Xing gathers the source, tempers the soul, and has affinity with the stars. 】

[Status: dim starlight, spirituality is not apparent]

[The spiritual seed of Mou Xing Ling Cao, a sixth-level spiritual plant, needs to be bathed in starlight and strongly infused with the spirit of the star source before the spiritual seed can be cultivated. Growth requirements: it needs to be planted in a place with strong star source and abundant spiritual power in the world, and needs a companion star. It is born from the crystal stone to help it grow. It matures in 150 years, blooms in 60 years, and bears Mou Xing Ling Fruit in 60 years. The 60-year Mou Xing Ling Fruit has the effect of strengthening the soul. It is the main material for refining the God-Gathering Pill and the Tianxing Pill. 】


After leaving Huitian Tower and returning to the inn, Li Mu immediately took out the spiritual plant seeds and checked their properties one by one, with a smile that could not hide the joy on his face.

These two sixth-level spiritual plants, one is related to longevity and the other is related to the soul. Planting them out, the spiritual plants obtained will definitely be in these two directions. The spiritual plants of Mou Xing Ling Cao may still improve the level of Nebula Observation. Star source.

In addition to two kinds of sixth-order spiritual plants, there are also more than a dozen kinds of fourth-order and fifth-order spiritual plant seeds. This transaction, Huitianlou gave him a big surprise.

Li Mu stayed at the inn for the time being, waiting to attend the trade fair three days later.

Li Mu solemnly collected many spiritual plant seeds into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, summoned the Tianxu Cauldron, and began to refine the elixir.

The Tianxu Cauldron was suspended in front of Li Mu. The lid of the cauldron was opened, and a stream of ethereal fire flew out. Inside the cauldron, there was a demon egg shining with fire, and a nine-yang spirit grass that was as red as fire, blooming with powerful energy. , the fiery breath of life.

Looking at the red fire phoenix demon egg, Li Mu narrowed his eyes and felt its surging vitality spurting out, as if it was about to be born.

【Red Refined Fire Phoenix (Egg Stage)】

[Rank: seventh-rank demon spirit]

[Characteristics: Reborn from the fire, Lord of the Fire Spirit, True Spirit Majesty, and Full of Vitality. 】

[Status: Tianxu Spiritual Fire is gestating and hatching rapidly. 】

[The eggs laid by the eighth-level incandescent fire phoenix and the seventh-level red skylark require a large number of innate fire spirits to help them hatch due to bloodline changes. With the assistance of the sixth-level ethereal fire, they can be successfully hatched within 20 years. 】

Looking at the attribute information of the seventh-level fire phoenix demon egg, Li Mu was delighted and a little anxious. When it hatched, he had another trump card.

Li Mu drew a trace of ethereal fire, took out a Nine Mysterious Grass, a Beast Yuan Spirit Fruit, a Purple Yun Spirit Ginseng from the storage ring, and then took out a Nab containing the essence and blood of all beasts from the Jiuzang Spirit Bead. Blood bottle,….

Under the control of Li Mu's spiritual thoughts, several things flew into the virtual fire vortex above the virtual fire in sequence, melted one after another, stripped away impurities, and tempered and merged.

Li Mu used his hand to hold up the fire element vortex formed by the ethereal fire. He patrolled and peeled off the impurities of many spiritual grasses, spiritual fruits, and essence and blood, and condensed them into balls. The firelight splashed everywhere, and a strange medicinal fragrance spread out.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the fire vortex dissipated and solidified into a dark red elixir that was steaming and shining with three elixir patterns.

[Ding, you refine the fifth-level high-grade Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill, and your alchemy proficiency +0. 】

Looking at the pop-up prompts that appeared in the panel log, Li Mu smiled slightly, looking slightly helpless.

Just like the weapon refining technique, after Li Mu upgraded the alchemy technique to level five, his alchemy proficiency was stuck. Even if he succeeded in refining the alchemy, he could not obtain the proficiency required to successfully refine the alchemy.

However, after learning alchemy, getting the recipe for the Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill from Wanbao Pavilion, and trading with the Huitian Medicine Sect to obtain the alchemy materials for the Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill, Li Mu successfully made Xiaojin and Xiaowa realize Xuantian. The Beast Transformation Pill is free.

Li Mu took out a pill bottle from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, filled it with the Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill, and continued to refine the next Xuantian Beast Transformation Pill.

The two-legged Green Moon Dragon is the peak of the sixth level, and the unhatched Red Fire Phoenix is ​​the seventh level demon spirit, with the potential to advance to the seventh level true spirit. However, although Xiaojin and Xiaowa have good potential, their starting point is too Low, the growth so far has just reached the fifth level.

Li Mu plans to use a large amount of Xuantian Beast Transformation Pills to help them grow and break through the sixth level as soon as possible. By then, he will capture another sixth-level wood monster. The envisioned five-element monster formation will have no flaws.


Three days passed in a flash.

Li Mu resumed his identity as 'Master Li' and appeared in Wanbao Pavilion. Then, under the arrangement of Lin Baoqing, he drove the spirit boat to Tianyuan Mountain - Tianyuan Temple, the dojo of Lord Tianyuan.

Tianyuan Taoist Temple is built on the top of Tianyuan Mountain. Not far away, a waterfall flies down. The sun shines and the water mist reflects a gorgeous rainbow. The Taoist Temple is hidden in the spiritual mist. Cranes and monkeys are flying in the dense forest. And, everywhere exudes extraordinary beauty, as if you are in a fairyland.

At this time, at the entrance of Tianyuan Taoist Temple, eighteen Jindan Taoist priests wielded spiritual swords and warmly welcomed the guests who came to the Taoist temple.

A sword cultivator in green clothes arrived from the air. Two golden elixir Taoist priests rushed up to greet him, and then led him to fly towards the courtyard of the Taoist temple.

The spirit boat arrived at Tianyuan Temple, Li Mu flew out of the spirit boat, and two Taoist boys stepped forward to greet him.

"It must be Senior Li from Wanbao Pavilion! Master is preparing spiritual tea for us. Senior Li, please follow me and wait!"

Two young Taoist priests flew to Li Mu, made an invitation gesture, and greeted him in unison.

Li Mu nodded and followed the two men to fly to Tianyuan Taoist Temple.

Entering Tianyuan Temple, you will be greeted by a courtyard. Various spiritual flowers and herbs are planted in the courtyard, including many high-level spiritual plants. Walking along the corridor, the doors, windows and eaves are full of historical atmosphere. The surrounding walls are carved with sculptures. Myths and legends, rare spiritual animals, war murals, etc. are all colorful and lifelike.

In the center of a spiritual pool in the courtyard, there is a floating pavilion with a solemn banquet area. Venerable Tianyuan sat at the head of the table and entertained nine late-stage Nascent Soul monks and four Venerable Transformation Gods, wearing pink skirts. Female cultivators include young sword cultivators carrying sword boxes, barbarian cultivators carrying wine gourds, scholarly Confucian cultivators wearing white clothes and carrying fans, and white-robed Buddhist cultivators with silver hair...More than a dozen people in the venue couldn't help but frowned when they saw Li Mu's arrival.

Li Mu is too young, and his cultivation level is only at the first level of Nascent Soul. Is he suitable to participate in this trade fair?

"This must be Master Li, the guest of the Wanbao Pavilion's Weapon Refiner! I have long admired my name, please take a seat!" Lord Tianyuan, whose face was glowing red, looked at Li Mu and said with a smile, attracting an empty seat.

"Exactly, thank you, senior!" Li Mu bowed his hands and took his seat happily.

After listening to Venerable Tianyuan's introduction, all the monks at the scene were in high spirits. The eyes that looked at Li Mu immediately stopped their disdain and showed respect.

"It turns out to be Master Li from Wanbao Pavilion. Master, can you refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure?" One of the goddess-incarnation female cultivators looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

"I have tried to refine the sixth-level spirit treasure before, but all ended in failure. If there is no chance to break through this level, it will be impossible to refine it!" Li Mu smiled bitterly and responded.

Hearing this, the goddess-incarnation female cultivator couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She looked at Li Mu and continued to ask: "Master Li, how long will it take to break through this level?"

"Well! It depends on chance. To refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, you need to understand the principles of Tao and the nature of the weapon spirit. I can't predict it!" Li Mu hesitated for a moment and responded truthfully.

"Fellow Daoist Lianyue, please don't embarrass Master Li. I don't know how many monks in our generation are stuck at the fifth-level Hundred Arts level. It is already very rare for Master Li to have such weapon refining skills at such a young age." Venerable Tianyuan looked at him. The goddess-incarnation female cultivator comforted her.

"It's true. The sixth-level spiritual treasure involves the laws of heaven. If you don't have great luck, you will never be able to reach this level in your lifetime."

"Anyone who can reach the peak of the fifth level of cultivation should be respected! Master Li is so young, maybe he will become a great master of weapon refining in a few days!"


As soon as Venerable Tianyu finished speaking, the other monks were optimistic about Li Mu's supportive words, full of flattery.

Spiritual weapon masters who can refine fifth-level spiritual weapons, as well as alchemists, talisman masters, formation masters, and even spiritual cultivators of various other arts, each of them has an extremely extraordinary status. Reaching the fifth level is also qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

What's more, Li Mu looks extremely young, and he is already a Nascent Soul cultivator. He also serves as a weapon refiner in Wanbao Pavilion. This kind of person is definitely worthy of their friendship!

"Tian Yuan, who else hasn't arrived yet? If that doesn't work, let's start the trade fair first!" A sloppy old man with hair like a bird's nest and a long beard asked in an urging manner.

"Old ghost Chen, you are still so impatient, what will happen to me later!"

As soon as the sloppy old man finished speaking, a powerful voice sounded. The next moment, a fifty-year-old monk wearing a brocade robe appeared in the floating pavilion leading two monks.

Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the three people in front of him were all old acquaintances.

Twelve years ago, when Xiaobai was going through the thunder tribulation, he encountered three of the several god-transformation monks. One of them, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk, has now advanced to the level of god-transformation.

Nangong Feiyu noticed Li Mu's gaze and couldn't help but glance at him. He ignored the mere Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Shangguan, Fellow Daoist Nangong, and Fellow Daoist Wang, please take your seats quickly. Wait for three more fellow Taoists, and the trade fair will begin!" Venerable Tianyuan looked at the three of them, with a bright smile on his face, and invited enthusiastically.

After saying that, Venerable Tianyuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, smiled and said to everyone: "Great, the three fellow Taoists are here, now everyone is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures rushed over. Two god-transforming monks and a late-stage Nascent Soul monk came down one after another.

Li Mu squinted his eyes again. The late Yuanying monk was also an old acquaintance. He was obviously Wanling Taoist. As for the two god-transforming monks, he didn't know who they were.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng, fellow Taoist Baimei, and Taoist Wanling, please come and take your seats. The trade fair can begin!" Venerable Tianyuan smiled and asked the three of them to take their seats quickly and signaled.

The three of them nodded in unison, looking at everyone attending the trade fair one by one, then flew behind a few tables and sat cross-legged.

Li Mu looked around and said, "Hey guys, there are nine Divine Transformation monks, ten late Yuanying monks, and only one early Yuanying monk participating in this trade fair. The lineup is so gorgeous."

"Thank you all for being invited to participate in this trade fair. Except for Master Li from Wanbao Pavilion, who are strangers, everyone is familiar with each other so I won't introduce them one by one." Venerable Tianyuan glanced at Li Mu and started with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Li Mu one after another, and several subsequent monks couldn't help but know Li Mu's identity.

"The trade fair has officially begun. Let me first talk about the rules of the trade. The cases in front of you have the effect of exhibits. The trade has begun. Three spiritual objects will be displayed at a time for publicity and explanation. Fellow Taoists, proceed in order from left to right. Transaction, if the transaction is not completed, it will be the next person's turn. During the transaction, all fellow Taoists, please remain silent and abide by the transaction rules, so as not to hurt each other's harmony!" Venerable Tianyuan looked around the audience and introduced the transaction rules in detail.

"If there is no problem, the transaction will begin, starting with someone first!" Lord Tianyuan looked at everyone and signaled.

All the monks nodded in unison, no one objected to the trading rules set by Lord Tianyuan.

Lord Tianyuan nodded with satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned three spiritual objects on the tables, a suspended black broken wood, a golden egg that exuded golden light and full of vitality, and a cyan storage bag.

"This is the spiritual object I want to trade, a piece of sixth-level thunder copper wood heart, a fifth-level golden eagle demon egg, and a million catties of fifth-level Yuehua spiritual gold. I hope to exchange it for a spiritual elixir that can enhance the soul. A spiritual elixir for further cultivation, or a spiritual object of the same level as fire." Venerable Tianyuan looked around the audience, introduced the three spiritual objects, and looked at the female cultivator.

Hearing this, Saintess Lianyue, who was sitting on the left side of Lord Tianyuan, shook her head and said, "These three spiritual objects are not what I need. Please trade with the next fellow Taoist!"

"I have three bottles of fourth-level super clear elixirs. Each bottle has five pills. They have the effect of strengthening the mind and soul. Is it possible for me to exchange them for the fifth-level golden eagle demon egg?" said the fourth person on the table to the left of Saintess Lianyue. Xun male cultivator took out three bottles of elixir and put them on the table, looked at Lord Tianyuan and asked.

"The effect of the fourth-level Shangqing Pill is a little weak. Fellow Daoist Lin, it's your turn!" Venerable Tianyuan frowned in disgust, passed the forty-year-old male cultivator, and looked at the next yellow-robed god-transforming cultivator.

"I also need the elixir to enhance my soul. Next one!" The yellow-robed god-transformation monk shook his head and passed on the transaction.

Lord Tianyuan nodded and looked at the next person.

However, elixirs that enhance one's soul, or elixirs that enhance one's cultivation, are what everyone desires. The spiritual items that Lord Tianyuan offered to trade were not what everyone urgently needed, and the transactions failed time and time again.

During this period, several people offered elixirs and fifth-level fire-type spiritual objects for quotation, but they failed to catch the eyes of Lord Tianyuan, and it looked like the first transaction was going to fail.

As the transaction progressed, it was Li Mu's turn to make a quotation soon. However, the items he showed for the transaction immediately shocked the monks present.

(End of this chapter)

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