Chapter 225
Li Mu took out a pill bottle and three spiritual talismans from the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead, looked at Venerable Tianyun, and introduced: "I have three bottles of fifth-level creation pills, four fifth-level red lotus fire talismans, and exchange them for a sixth-level talisman from my senior - Thunder Copper Wooden Heart, fifth level - Yuehua Spiritual Gold is enough!"

"What! The fifth-level Good Fortune Pill is a good fortune pill that can greatly increase spiritual consciousness?"

"Master Li, you actually have the Good Fortune Pill and the fifth-level Red Lotus Fire Talisman?"

"How dare you trade such spiritual objects?"


As soon as Li Mu finished speaking, all the monks on the scene looked at the pill bottles and four powerful spiritual talismans on his desk in amazement, with hot eyes and heated discussions.

"Okay, okay! I've changed it! There is also this demon egg, Master Li, don't you want it?" Lord Tianyuan responded quickly, fearing that it would be too late and Li Mu would regret it.

After speaking, Venerable Tianyuan quickly delivered Lei Tong Mu Xin and the storage bag containing the fifth-level Yuehua Spiritual Gold to Li Mu.

"No need for the demon eggs!" Li Mu smiled slightly, and then transferred the next two spiritual objects, the elixir bottle and the spiritual talisman to Lord Tianyuan.

Venerable Tianyuan took the elixir bottle and the talisman, quickly probed into his spiritual thoughts, and checked it out. It turned out to be a fifth-level mid-grade good luck elixir, which has extremely strong medicinal properties. As for the fifth-level red lotus fire talisman, it contains terrifying spiritual power. If he uses it, The power can be increased by a few percent, which is a good trump card. This deal is very cost-effective.

Venerable Tianyuan couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face. He looked at Li Mu and asked unsatisfiedly: "Master Li, do you still have the Creation Pill and the fifth-level spiritual talisman? I can trade with you for other spiritual objects."

"Fellow Taoist Tianyuan, this is not appropriate for you! One person trades three spiritual objects. You can wait for the next round!" Saintess Lianyue looked at Lord Tianyuan and said displeasedly.

"Indeed, fellow Taoist Tianyuan, it's hard to break the rules you set yourself!"

"Master Li, do you still have any extra good fortune pills?"


Saintess Lianyue's words immediately won the support of a group of god-forming monks who began to advise or directly ask Li Mu.

Li Mulue nodded slightly. He still had a lot of fifth-level creation pills, and he was also very rich in other spiritual pills.

When harvesting the Bodhi tree, Li Mu got a lot of Bodhi seeds. After learning alchemy, he obtained many fourth- and fifth-level elixir prescriptions through the Wanbao Pavilion and the Huitian Medicine Sect, and the fifth-level good luck elixir was one of them.

After refining the fifth-level good fortune pill, Li Mu originally planned to use it for himself to increase his soul and enhance his spiritual thoughts.

However, the full-level Nebula Observation Technique - God Convergence Chapter has raised his spiritual thoughts to the strength of a late-stage god-transformation monk, so the Good Fortune Pill has very limited effect on Li Mu.

Taking a fancy to the spiritual object in Lord Tianyuan's hand, Li Mu immediately decided to trade it for the fifth-level creation pill and the fifth-level spiritual talisman.

Unexpectedly, the Good Fortune Pill won a warm welcome from the god-forming monks, and they all begged him to trade the extra Good Fortune Pill. Seeing this, Li Mu was so happy.

"It's my fault! Let's continue the transaction. Fellow Taoist Watson, would you like to have this golden roc egg from me." Venerable Tianyuan reluctantly admitted his mistake, looked at the monk who was sitting on the left side of Li Mu, and gestured. .

"This monster egg is not suitable for me, please replace it with another one!"


The transaction continued, and Venerable Tianyuan's fifth-level Golden Roc demon egg was eventually exchanged for a fifth-level fire-type spiritual root by a late-stage Nascent Soul monk.

"Fellow Taoists, my deal is over. Next, it's the turn of Fellow Taoist Lianyue." Venerable Tianyuan announced in front of everyone, and then looked at Saintess Lianyue and signaled.

Saintess Lianyue nodded, rolled up her sleeves, and took out three spiritual objects from the storage ring. They appeared above the tables. They were a jade box containing elixirs, a simple purple-faced scripture, and a A thunder stone that exudes violent thunder energy.

"The jade box contains a [-]-year-old sixth-level Jinyuan blood ginseng. It is a spiritual grass with powerful gold-yuan properties. The growth environment is harsh and needs to contain Taiyi fine gold and Heisha gold. It can only grow under veins of high-grade spiritual minerals. It contains extremely pure high-grade gold elemental spiritual power and can be used as the main material for refining sixth- and fifth-grade gold-based elixirs!"

"The second item is half an ancient scripture. It comes from the ruins of an ancient battlefield. It records complex and mysterious ancient divine patterns. It contains a powerful Tao Yun. The specific content is unknown. Fellow Taoists who want to study it can exchange it. .”

"The third item is a sixth-level - vast thunder crystal, which contains the principles of thunder. It weighs 11 kilograms and is full of powerful thunder element. I use them to exchange for water-based spiritual objects of the same level. Of course, the three spiritual objects can also create good fortune. Dan, or other minor spiritual elixirs.”

Saintess Lianyue looked at the monks and introduced them in detail. Then, she looked specifically at Li Mu and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, all the monks looked at the three spiritual objects displayed by Saintess Lianyue, with thoughtful expressions on their faces, full of curiosity about the second ancient scripture.

Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the floating half of Ancient and Modern. With his gift of supernatural power - identifying all spirits, his true information could be seen at a glance.

[The true solution to divine patterns (sealed) (remnant)]

[Level: Eighth Level Taoist Scripture]

[Characteristics: Eternal divine patterns (sealing), invulnerable to water and fire, inheritance of ancient thoughts (sealing), self-derived divine patterns (sealing), three thousand divine patterns (sealing)]

[Status: The divine essence has dissipated, the spirituality is incomplete, and the divine object has defiled itself and returned to the earth]

[The eighth-level ancient chaotic animal skin, the ancient scripture with divine patterns painted by Xian Nian, suffered devastating damage, washed away by thousands of years, the charm dissipated, the spirituality was incomplete, reduced to a mortal thing, gathered the five innate spirit patterns, and thousands of threads of time , only with the power of all causes and effects can it be unsealed and restored on its own. 】

After reading half of the ancient scripture in the hands of Saintess Lotus Moon, Li Mu was greatly shocked, but he had to keep his calm expression.

Participating in this trade fair was indeed a worthwhile trip. Just at the beginning, a shocking leak occurred. This was the first time Li Mu saw an eighth-level Taoist artifact. It appeared so simply.

"Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​if you are interested in the spiritual object of Fellow Daoist Lianyue, bid quickly!" Venerable Tianyun looked at the forty-year-old male cultivator on the left of Saint Lianyue and urged.

"Fellow Taoist Lianyue, I want the Jinyuan Blood Ginseng. How about I trade it with you for a ball of sixth-level Taiyin True Water!" Venerable Tian Yi took out a true water bottle and looked at Saintess Lianyue and gestured.

"Taiyin True Water can be replaced!" Saintess Lianyue nodded happily and waved her hand, and the golden blood ginseng flew straight towards the opponent.

Without thinking, Lord Tian Yi waved the real water bottle to the other party and quickly completed the transaction.

"Fellow Daoist Lianyue, can I have a look at that ancient scripture?"

"Indeed, I am also interested!"

"What kind of divine pattern is recorded? Fellow Taoist Lianyue didn't have any clue?"


Seeing that Saintess Lianyue and Venerable Tian Yi had completed the transaction, several god-transformation monks who were interested in half of the ancient scriptures but were elusive started to make suggestions one after another.

Hearing this, Saintess Lianyue hesitated for a moment, then nodded quickly and said: "Everyone who is interested in this ancient sutra is free to read it. However, time is limited, so just read thirty breaths per person!"

After speaking, Saintess Lianyue passed on the ancient scriptures.

Venerable Tian Yi took the ancient scripture, studied it for a while, and lost his spiritual thoughts. He frowned and passed it to the next person without interest.

Cultivation of various arts requires a lot of time and energy. Even if you become a god and have an extremely long lifespan, the time it takes to specialize in a certain mysterious technique is counted in hundreds of years.

Things like ancient scriptures and secret treasures may take thousands of years to complete.

The ancient scriptures were circulated among the monks who transformed themselves into gods. After the initial search was fruitless, many people were no longer interested in it. With this time, they might as well specialize in one of the various arts of cultivation!About a quarter of an hour passed. After Shangguan Hong took over the ancient scripture, he looked at Saintess Lianyue and asked with concern: "Fellow Taoist Lianyue, you have this ancient scripture in your hands. I'm afraid it won't be stored for a long time!"

After hearing this, all the cultivators looked at Saintess Lotus Moon, waiting for her reply.

"It's true, it's been 500 years!" Saintess Lianyue's face turned cold and she responded truthfully.

All the cultivators of the Transformation God showed a look of understanding, with different expressions on their faces, and they immediately no longer cared so much about this ancient scripture.

Soon, the ancient scriptures were passed back to Saintess Lianyue.

"Okay, let's continue the transaction." Venerable Tian Yuan ignored Venerable Tian Yi, looked at the next yellow-robed god-transforming monk, and signaled.

"Friend Lianyue's things are not what I need, please ask the next fellow Taoist!" The old man transformed into a god, who was dressed in a yellow robe and had messy beard and hair, said bluntly.

"Me too!"

"Thunder-type spiritual objects don't match me!"


The monks declined one after another, and soon it was Li Mu's turn.

Saintess Lianyue frowned and her heart suddenly rose. Everyone looked at Li Mu, very concerned about the movement of the Fortune Pill.

Feeling everyone's attention, Li Mu felt slightly uncomfortable. He looked at Saintess Lianyue and said, "I want both of your senior's spiritual objects. I will trade them."

After speaking, Li Mu took out six elixir bottles and a fifth-level water-based spiritual weapon from the Jiuzang Lingzhu. He looked at the Lotus Moon Saint and introduced: "Senior, I use three bottles of good luck elixirs and three bottles of clear jade elixirs." , as well as a set of fifth-level water essence chakras and mother-child chakras and Houtian Lingbao. I want to exchange them. I wonder if it’s possible!”

"Qing Jade Pill, you still have Qing Jade Pill!" Saintess Lianyue's eyes lit up slightly as she looked at what Li Mu brought out for the transaction.

The fifth-level acquired essence wheel has extremely strong spirituality and turns into two spiritual fish, one large and one small, chasing each other.

Holy Goddess Lotus Moon bargained with a slightly dissatisfied expression: "My two spiritual objects are of extremely high rank. If you exchange these items for them, their value will be significantly lower!"

"Senior, this is wrong. These things I have are hard currency. Good Fortune Pills and Qing Jade Pills are needed by several seniors in the field. On the contrary, the two spiritual objects of seniors have unknown specific uses. I just satisfy my hobby of collecting. , this price is very suitable." Li Mu smiled slightly, looked at Saintess Lotus Moon, and gestured in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

Saintess Lianyue was silent, and couldn't help but agree with Li Mu's words. The deal had failed many times, and it was time to give up when it was good.

"Okay! I've traded two spiritual items for you!" Saintess Lianyue rolled up her sleeves and threw half of the ancient scripture and the sixth-level Cangbang Thunder Crystal to Li Mu.

Li Mu quickly cast a spell, held up the two spiritual objects, collected the Jiuzang Spiritual Beads, and then delivered six bottles of spiritual elixirs and water-based spiritual weapons to the Lotus Moon Saint.

Seeing that Li Mu and Saintess Lianyue had concluded the transaction, Venerable Tian Yi couldn't wait to take out three spiritual objects from the storage ring, a soul bottle, a storage bag, and a demon python bone, which were displayed above the tables.

"It's me!"

"A seventh-level evil spirit of the Canghu Emperor, a bag of sixth-level Caixiao True Sand weighing thirty-five thousand kilograms, and a sixth-level Scarlet Flame Demon Python bone." Venerable Tian Yi looked at the crowd and introduced his three pieces of spirit. Way of things.

"Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​you can get hold of the evil spirit of the Canghu Emperor. His body is still there!"

"Yes! Why do you need a vicious soul? It's not like a demon cultivator can refine horcruxes. Does Canghu have the real bones?"


Venerable Tian Yi took out the three traded spiritual objects, which immediately attracted the attention of a group of god-transformation monks who asked questions one after another.

The evil spirit of the seventh-level Demon King!It is rare to see it. However, the monks of the Transformation God are more concerned about the corpse of the Demon King. That is a valuable thing and can be used to refine many high-level spiritual objects.

Li Mu was also very attentive and looked forward to Venerable Tian Yi's response.

Li Mu, the seventh-level true spirit, was lucky enough to witness it and formed a good relationship with it. It was the seventh-level true spirit of the Yuling Sect - the Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast.

However, Li Mu has not had the opportunity to see the true appearance of the corpse of the seventh-order demon emperor, let alone practice with the corpse of the seventh-order demon emperor.

"What are you thinking! This evil spirit of the Cang Tiger Emperor was found by me during my exploration. I didn't get its body. Fellow Daoist Chen, it's your turn to make a bid. Do you want it?" Venerable Tian Yi waved his hand and looked at where he was sitting. The old man in yellow robe on the left gestured.

"I don't care about your things, let's take the next one!" Venerable Chen Heng curled his lips and said in disgust.

Lord Tian Yi didn't take it seriously and looked at the next trading target. However, four consecutive trading targets failed to reach the transaction intention.

Soon, it was Li Mu's turn.

Venerable Tian Yi couldn't help but look at this master of weapon refining expectantly. He is rich and has a collecting habit. He has many high-level elixirs and high-level spiritual talismans in his hand. He is a good trading target. Who knows what a weapon refining master is? Master, where did you get all these high-level elixirs and talismans?

"Master Li, what's up? Do you like Tian's three spiritual objects?" Venerable Tian Yi looked at Li Mu and asked nervously.

"Well, senior's third-level spiritual objects are pretty good, the sixth-level Scarlet Flame Demonic Python Bone, and the sixth-level Caixiao True Sand can all be used to refine good spiritual weapons. As for the evil spirit of the Canghu Emperor, it should also come in handy. , However, the real value of the third-level spiritual objects is slightly lower. Senior, I will use three bottles of good luck pills and a fifth-level spiritual sword of the spirit transformation system. Can I trade it?" Li Mu looked at Venerable Tian Yi and gestured.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mu took out a fifth-level gold spiritual sword and three pill bottles from the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead.

After a golden spiritual sword with astonishing evil aura appeared, it immediately transformed into a small golden snake, standing upright towards the venerable Lord Tian Yi, sticking out its tongue, and exuding a sharp sword light.

"Another acquired spiritual treasure!"

"Master Li, is this a spiritual sword that you personally refined?"

"It's amazing! It's fierce and full of spirituality. It's not long before this golden spiritual sword reaches the sixth level!"


Seeing the gold spirit sword that Li Mu took out, the eyes of the monks on the scene shone brightly and they asked questions one after another.

"Fellow Taoists, please keep quiet and do not disturb the transaction between the two of you." Venerable Tianyuan smiled bitterly and quickly spoke out to maintain order in the chaos.

"Okay! It's a deal!" Venerable Tian Yi thought for a moment and agreed to the deal. He couldn't wait to throw the three spiritual objects to Li Mu. He stretched out his hand and took the first step to take the fifth-level gold spirit sword into his hand. Three bottles of good fortune Dan put it away smoothly.

Li Mu smiled happily, stretched out his hand and waved out a large amount of spiritual power, holding the three spiritual objects and pocketing them.

The deal between Lord Tian Yi and Li Mu was concluded, and the next person began to take out the spiritual objects and began to introduce them.

However, their transactions all stopped with Li Mu. The high-end spiritual weapons, elixirs, and talismans he presented were all popular products that they could not refuse. The prices were fair and they were very easy to accept.

After several rounds of transactions, it was Li Mu's turn to take out three spiritual objects and introduce them. However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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