Chapter 227 Goodbye Hualong
"Thank you, senior, for your consideration. I'll forget about the scheduled refining of the sixth-level spiritual treasure. Li is not sure when he will be able to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. It is really inappropriate to receive a sixth-level spiritual material in advance!" Li Mu looked at it! Nangong Feiyu declined with a smile.

"Master Li, don't worry too much, it's just a sixth-level spiritual material!" Nangong Feiyu smiled and waved his hand.

"Yes! Master Li, if you can reserve an opportunity to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, Lianyue is also willing to reserve a place. If you can refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, if Master Li has any requests, Lianyue will try his best to satisfy them. "Sage Lotus Moon looked at Li Mu and said eagerly.

"That's right! Tian is also willing, and I hope Master Li won't refuse!"

"Master Li,..."

All the cultivators looked at Li Mu and begged fervently.

For them, using a sixth-level material to reserve a place for a great weapon refining master to refine spiritual treasures in the future is not a cost-effective price. Those great weapon refining masters are all the signatures of large sects, and they want to ask for The price he has to pay to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure is not ordinary.

Sometimes, it is common to pay a heavy price and have to wait in line for decades or hundreds of years.

A wild weapon-refining master like Li Mu is just a hair away from being promoted to the sixth-level weapon-refining grand master. At this time, investing in him with a sixth-level spiritual material and booking a refining quota is perfect!

The monks made their calculations and followed Nangong Feiyu in investing.

"Master Li, everyone is so enthusiastic, so don't refuse! It just so happens that I also have a collection. I hope Master Li can sell it to me! Count me in." Venerable Tianyuan took out a bead of elixir from the storage ring. Looking at Li Mu with a smile on his face, he gestured.

Li Mu glanced at the bloody spiritual plant in Lord Tianyuan's hand, and his expression immediately became a little uneasy.

【Dragon Transformation Grass】

[Rank: Tier [-] Spiritual Plant]

[Characteristics: Refined bloodline, rich blood spirit, formed dragon energy, true dragon's breath,]

[Status: Abundant spiritual power, dragon energy is growing. 】

[The 500-year-old dragon-changing spiritual grass is born with the true dragon. It is a sixth-level spiritual plant that has the effect of purifying the dragon's bloodline and breaking the inheritance. It is one of the main materials for refining the sixth-level dragon-changing pill. . 】

The blood-colored spiritual grass with dragon energy soaring into the sky and full of medicinal power in the hands of Lord Tianyuan, under the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, all the information was revealed.

This Dragon Transformation Spirit Grass is many times better in quality than the one Li Mu saw from Yun Xiaozi. Its 500 years of medicinal age has allowed it to break through the fifth level limit and be promoted to the sixth level spiritual plant. The aura of pure dragon blood surges, extremely powerful.

"Senior, are you really willing to use this spiritual plant to reserve a place for me to refine the weapon when I don't know when?" Li Mu looked at Lord Tianyuan and asked uneasily.

The Double-Horned Blue Moon Dragon who has already taken the Blood-Purifying Ganoderma, and then takes this Dragon-Transforming Spirit Grass, will definitely be able to greatly improve his qualifications. It is only a matter of time before he can advance to a greater realm.

This sixth-level spiritual plant was too precious and important to Li Mu, and he couldn't refuse it.

"Of course, I originally wanted to find a dragon to control the beast and use this spiritual plant. However, there are only a few dragons in the family. The potential of the dragons is extraordinary. So I will leave it at this time and take it out to reserve a refinement. The quota for the sixth-level spiritual treasure is definitely not lost, and I hope Master Li will accept it." Venerable Tianyuan explained with a smile, and then gave the dragon-transforming spiritual grass to Li Mu.

"In this case, Li will be disrespectful! Try to break through the weapon refining level as soon as possible and refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure for the senior." Li Mu looked solemn, waved a spiritual power, trapped the dragon-changing spiritual grass, and said seriously .

"Okay!" Lord Tianyuan smiled heartily.

"Master Li, this is mine, Cheng Daoxing."

"And me, I - Baimei!"

"Master Li, please accept it, I'm Li Tianxing."

"Shang Gonghong, please reserve a place for weapon refining with Master Li!"


Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel happy. They imitated his example and sent a sixth-level spiritual material to Li Mu.

Li Mu continuously exerted his spiritual power to receive various sixth-level spiritual materials. Then he looked at the cultivators and solemnly promised: "Thank you for your trust. Li vowed with his Taoist heart that if he breaks through the weapon refining skills, he will definitely fulfill the promise." To complete the refining agreement, I also ask all seniors to prepare the materials for refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure within 50 years, and then inform the manager of Wanbao Pavilion, Mr. Lin, so that he can find me!"

Hearing this, all the monks' spirits lifted up and their eyes shone brightly.

"Master Li, are you confident that you can break through the sixth level of weapon refining in 50 years?"

"50 years, so fast?"

"Tsk tsk, Master Li, you are still too modest. Fortunately, I reserved this quota in advance!"

"Master Li, can I use these spiritual materials to refine a natal flying sword?"

"Master Li!"


The monks immediately excitedly asked Li Mu about the material requirements for refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure, and Li Mu patiently responded one by one.

Seeing the transaction interrupted and the order falling apart, Lord Tianyuan had no choice but to intervene again, so that the trade fair could continue.

The scheduled refining of the sixth-level spiritual treasure will not affect subsequent transactions.

50 years is still a long time!It was enough for them to collect the materials for refining the weapons. Now these spiritual objects were all they needed urgently.

After the transaction resumed, Li Mu successively traded out spiritual pills, spiritual talismans, and fifth-level acquired spiritual treasures, in exchange for a pile of fifth-level and sixth-level materials.

Time passed bit by bit, and the trade fair that lasted for a day finally came to an end.

Li Mu gained the most, and other monks also gained a lot.

With the enthusiastic gifts from the monks, Li Mu left the Tianyuan Temple.

"Okay! Seniors and Taoist friends, let's meet next time." Li Mu said goodbye to the monks. As soon as he finished speaking, he flew out of the Taoist temple with a "swish".

next moment.

"Ang!" A dragon roar rang out, resounding throughout the sky, and Li Mu summoned the two-horned dragon out of the Yuling Treasure Bracelet.

A blue dragon with two horns appeared out of thin air and flew in a circle, exuding a terrifying aura and shocking the entire audience.

Li Mu jumped up, landed on the head of the double-horned blue moon dragon, and rode the dragon away.

"Sixth level, it's the sixth level Blue Moon Dragon!"

"I didn't expect! Master Li actually raised a Blue Moon Dragon!"

"Fellow Daoist Tianyuan, if it weren't for your dragon-transforming spiritual grass, Master Li probably wouldn't have accepted our spiritual materials!"

"It's so majestic! With the help of the Dragon-Transforming Spirit Grass, that Blue Moon Dragon will advance to the seventh level. It's just around the corner!"...

Outside the Taoist temple, the monks looked at Li Mu driving the dragon away. They couldn't help but look at each other and couldn't help but start talking heatedly.

"Fellow Taoist Tianyu, did you know in advance about the Blue Moon Dragon that Master Li rode?" Shangguan Hong looked at Venerable Tianyu and asked curiously.

"It should be so, fellow Taoist Tianyuan, you must have a close friendship with Master Li! Otherwise, you wouldn't have fallen in with him!" Saintess Lianyue looked at Master Tianyuan and said with a smile.

"It's thanks to the blessing of fellow Taoist Tianyuan!" Wang Wuchen glanced at Master Tianyuan and said with a smile.

"I don't know!" Lord Tianyuan watched Li Mu go away, was silent for a moment, and responded with a wry smile.

"Tsk tsk, this Master Li is really extraordinary! He sells all kinds of high-level spiritual objects, and even the imperial chariot is so powerful!" Venerable Chen Heng said with emotion as he chattered.

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, and they all took note of Li Mu's unusualness, and were even more impressed by his financial resources. Especially after the transaction was over, he brought a lot of high-level spiritual materials with him. It was inevitable that some bad thoughts would arise in their hearts. idea.

However, with the appearance of the sixth-order dragon, the bad thoughts of the monks immediately disappeared.

Master Li can take out so many high-level spiritual weapons and talismans, and he can also summon a sixth-level peak dragon. Who knows what other methods he has hidden for such a generous person, not to mention that he is a refiner of Wanbao Pavilion. Qi Keqing.

They are all respectable people. If they fail to steal the chicken, not only will it be as simple as stealing the rice, but it will be more realistic to wait for a sixth-level spiritual treasure.

"Master Li, his cultivation level is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but he can tame even the sixth-order dragon. His strength is truly unfathomable!"

"Yes! I just don't know which immortal sect these people are descendants of?"

"He can take out magic weapons such as the sixth-level demon-devouring gun and the sixth-level god-hating coffin. If nothing unexpected happens, I probably know a little about the origin of Master Li!"

"Oh! Fellow Daoist Wang, please tell me!"


After watching Li Mu Yulong leave, the monks on the scene did not leave. They gathered together and speculated about his identity. They even speculated that he came from a direct descendant of a certain immortal sect.

Listening to the monks guessing the identity of 'Master Li', Taoist Wanling in the corner looked filled with joy and fear.

At the beginning of the trade fair, Wanling Taoist had not noticed Li Mu. It was not until he successively took away the spiritual objects of the monks of the gods that Wanling Taoist realized his existence.

Seeing Li Mu harvesting a large amount of fifth-level and sixth-level spiritual materials and getting the approval of the senior gods, Wanling Taoist's eyes turned red, wishing to replace him, and greed inevitably arose in his heart.

However, looking at Li Mu's majestic appearance while riding the dragon, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down from Wanling Taoist's head, making him regain consciousness instantly.

Venerable Ji Yun and Venerable Kun Ling successively asked him about Li Mu's existence, but in the end they couldn't get any benefits from him. Taoist Wan Ling deeply felt how terrifying he was, and was very lucky that Venerable Ji Yun blocked it for him. It was said that she had been recovering from her injuries since that disaster.


Li Mu was not surprised by the discussion of the monks, nor did he take it to heart.

After this trade fair, Li Mu plans to return to Yin Yang Valley to work hard. He will not consider leaving the valley until these spiritual plants have been harvested and his cultivation level has improved.

Li Mu drove the two-horned blue moon dragon and rushed to Yin Yang Valley at lightning speed.

"Qingyue, stop for a moment!" Halfway through the flight, in a remote mountain range, Li Mu stopped the double-horned Qingyue dragon.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon stopped moving forward in confusion. Its body as thick as a giant pillar was suspended in the air. Its jade-green scales reflected the light of phosphorus in the sun. Spiritual mist and clouds surrounded it. The dragon's energy erupted, and its four claws Sharp as a hook, extremely majestic.

Li Mu smiled slightly and took out the bloody spiritual grass from the Jiuzang Spiritual Bead.

Smelling the medicinal power of the Dragon-Transforming Spirit Grass, the Double-horned Green Moon Dragon immediately became excited, its mouth wide open, its body twisting and turning, its pair of vertical pupils showing unconcealable enthusiasm.

"Master, what did you take? What kind of spiritual grass is that! How can it contain so much dragon energy?" The Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon sensed the existence of the dragon-changing spiritual grass and asked Li Mu anxiously.

The Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon has never seen this kind of spiritual grass in its thousands of years. Just smelling it can make its blood boil.

"Dragon Transforming Grass! I promised you before, and now I have fulfilled my promise!" Li Mu smiled slightly and threw the Dragon Transforming Grass in his hand towards the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon.

The double-horned Green Moon Dragon raised its eyes and shone brightly. It stretched out its head, opened its bloody mouth, and eagerly swallowed the Dragon Transformation Grass in one gulp.

As soon as the dragon-changing spirit grass entered its belly, the next moment, a large amount of blood gushed out from the body of the double-horned blue moon dragon, and its whole body turned red, as if it was suffering from severe pain, and its huge tail couldn't help but swing up.

"Ang! Expensive!"

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon couldn't help but raise its head to the sky and hear dragon roars, feeling the pain of powerful sharp changes. Its thick tail whipped in the air, bursts of air explosions were heard, and the huge dragon's power poured out.

In an instant, the entire area was filled with a violent atmosphere, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly flew out from the head of the double-horned blue moon dragon and flew more than ten miles away to avoid being affected by the power it unleashed.

I saw the blue-moon dragon with two horns, red eyes, and jade-green dragon scales all over its body, as if bleeding, bearing the pain from its soul.

"Aw! Aw!"

The two-horned Blue Moon Dragon roared in pain again and again, as if it was suffering from cramps and skin peeling. The sound became stronger and stronger, flying in the air continuously, flying in circles, crying blood and screaming in pain, resounding throughout the sky.

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly flew further to avoid the monstrous and violent dragon energy released by the double-horned blue moon dragon.

Time flies, and an hour passes in a blink of an eye.

The double-horned Blue Moon Dragon kept flying in the air, sometimes ascending to the sky, sometimes diving, and sometimes spitting blue dragon flames to the ground, frantically venting the pain of the sharp change in its bloodline. As time went by, its condition became better and better.

The green scales on the double-horned Blue Moon Dragon are one size larger and crystal clear. Long beards have grown on its back and tail. The two long horns on its head have become more slender, with many more forks, and its texture has changed. It becomes harder and the overall shape becomes more three-dimensional and powerful!

In the end, the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon successfully digested the medicinal power of the Dragon Transformation Grass, and its body no longer suffered pain. It slowly flew to Li Mu.

"Qingyue has no repayment for the master's kindness! I am willing to serve you all my life!" The two-horned Qingyue Dragon looked at Li Mu gratefully and said sincerely.

"Ha, it's good if you have this intention, you and I don't have to be like this!" Li Mu smiled happily, flew to the top of the double-horned blue moon dragon, and asked with concern: "How is it, after consuming the Dragon Transformation Spirit Grass, what's the improvement? I can't be promoted yet. Seventh level?"

"Master, Qingyue's bloodline has been purified. Once I absorb the knowledge passed down by the bloodline, I can move towards a higher realm!" The two-horned Qingyue Dragon couldn't help but report to Li Muhui happily.

"Okay! Let's go back to the valley!" Li Mu nodded happily, looking forward to the advancement of the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon.

The double-horned blue moon dragon nodded happily, took Li Mu, turned into a green shadow, and quickly flew towards Yin Yang Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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