Gou Dao and Cultivation of Immortals, Start from Farming

Chapter 228 Heavenly Fire Enters the Cauldron

After passing the barrier outside the Yin Yang Valley, Li Mu landed in the valley. He immediately confirmed the situation of the magic circle and inspected the two spiritual plants.

There are two spiritual fields covered by the Yin and Yang Hunyuan Formation. The two spiritual fields of Yin and Yang are distinct. The spiritual field where Purple Yang Ganoderma is planted has gathered Yang energy and is covered with a light purple spiritual mist. The Yin Soul Fruit, where Yin energy has gathered, is slightly gloomy and filled with cold drinks. But it’s growing very well!

Seeing this scene, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving the valley for a few days, no outsiders came to visit.

The Yin and Yang Valley is extremely suitable for the growth of these two spiritual plants. In about ten years, a wave of Yin and Yang spiritual plants will be harvested.

Li Mu returned to the square room next to the standing spiritual field, took out the painting world treasure house, flashed his figure, and plunged into it.

Li Mu's figure appeared in the Painting World Treasure Mansion, and the rich Five Elements spiritual energy rushed towards him. As far as he could see, there was a towering five-color spiritual mountain in the center, thousands of feet high, and extremely powerful. It was the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain refined by the Painting World Treasure Mansion. Under the nourishment of a large number of five elements spiritual things, the body shape and spirituality have been greatly improved.

The Painting Realm Treasure Mansion is still in the process of upgrading, but the environment in the cave has changed drastically. If Lord Tian Yan comes out, he will definitely not recognize it. His cave sky spirit treasure has now changed its appearance.

The entire painting world treasure house is now centered on the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain, and the Five Elements Spiritual Qi has become a five-element spiritual realm with clear barriers. At the foot of the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain, there are spiritual fields, where various Five Elements Spiritual Plants are planted. The closer to the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain, the higher the rank of the spiritual plants. high.

Of course, there are also some high-level spiritual plants with special attributes, such as Bodhi Spirit Flower, Ice Mist Spirit Grass, Black Star Wood, Star Wood,..., etc. These spiritual plants with special attributes are shrouded in the exclusive elemental array. , growing in good condition.

After Huajie Baofu refined the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, it devoured a large number of Five Elements spiritual objects, which increased the Five Elements spiritual power several times in the entire cave world, making it extremely suitable for the growth of Five Elements Spiritual Plants.

Li Mu inspected the growth status of the spiritual plants. The fourth level - Jin Yuan Spirit Fruit, the fourth level - Earth Dragon Spirit Ginseng, the fourth level - Nine-leaf Green Lotus,... These Five Elements spiritual plants are all in full bloom and growing surprisingly well.

Li Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face couldn't help but reveal a happy look.

The choice of letting Huajie Baofu refine the Five Elements Spirit Mountain was indeed correct. According to this growth rate, they will mature in about ten years, maybe earlier than the Purple Yang Ganoderma and Yin Po Fruit in the outside world.

Li Mu flew over a lush and mature Tianfengcao spiritual field, raised his right hand, condensed the golden sword technique in his palm, and released the multi-layered golden sword technique.

"Whoosh...", sharp golden sword lights flew past the spiritual field below. Thousands of sky wind grasses, "swish" together, fell down, revealing green and gentle grasses. Plant spiritual light group.

Li Mu smiled slightly, let go of his spiritual thoughts and waved, and the next moment, a green ball of light shot into the sky, drowning it.

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +1]

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +2]

[Innate supernatural power - planting spirit extraction takes effect, you have absorbed a group of planting spirits, free proficiency points +1]


Looking at the dense proficiency point harvest prompts in the log column, Li Mu showed a satisfied smile on his face, and gained nearly [-] free proficiency points in one go.

Although the second-level Tianfeng grass provides a small amount of plant spirit, it is better than growing several times quickly enough. If you plant a large number, you can harvest it in a period of time, which can also accumulate a lot of plants!

After Li Mu harvested the Tianfeng grass, he did not forget to plow the spiritual field and prepare to plant the next wave of Tianfeng grass.

At this moment, he learned of Li Mu's aura, and the blue-eyed brachios, Xiaojin, and Xiaowa were flying toward him from all directions.

"Master, the old dragon has received great benefits, and I want it too!" The blue-eyed brachiosaurus flew in front of Li Mu, its figure shrunk and turned into a nine-foot-tall bald man, and said in a rough voice.

"Yes! Yes! We want it too!" Xiao Jin and Xiao Wa followed closely behind.

They all noticed the changes in the Double-horned Blue Moon Dragon, and they were envious and asked Li Mu jealously for it. After saying that, Xiao Jin and the Blue-eyed Ape ran behind Li Mu and beat their shoulders and arms, vying to please him.

In order to compete for a position, they almost fought.

The two live treasures kept making trouble all day long, and Li Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly. None of these guys were worry-free.

"Qingyue wants to prepare for the next level. Don't bother it if you have nothing to do. You can take these elixirs!" Li Mucong took out a dozen bottles of fifth-level Xuantian Beast elixirs from the Jiuzang Lingzhu and threw them to them. gestured.

The eyes of the blue-eyed brachios, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Wa all lit up, and they quickly grabbed the elixir bottle.

"Go! I'm a little busy, don't bother me! When the Five Elements Spiritual Plant matures, I will refine a batch of spiritual elixirs for you to improve your cultivation." Seeing the blue-eyed monkey taking the elixir bottle, it seems that there is something else When he had something to say, Li Mu quickly signaled.

"Uh! Okay! Master."

"Thank you, Master!"

The blue-eyed brachios, Xiaojin, and Xiaowa thanked Li Mu and rushed towards their respective spiritual masters.

Since the Five Elements Spiritual Mountain was refined by the Painting World Treasure Mansion, the spiritual power of the Five Elements in the Cave Heaven World has greatly increased, and an exclusive domain of the Five Elements has been formed. They stay in their respective spiritual realms to practice. For them, it is simply a holy land for cultivation.

Sending the three royal beasts away, Li Mu flew straight towards the palace building on the top of Five Elements Spirit Mountain.

Entering a refining room, Li Mu began to check the harvest of this trip. He immediately took out the fragment of the eighth-level Taoist Scripture - The True Interpretation of Divine Patterns, put his spiritual consciousness into it, and tried to read it.

However, Li Mu tried his best to use the spiritual power of the Nebula Observation Method and tried various methods, but was unable to break through its barriers and explore its secrets.

Li Mu frowned. The Taoist Scripture of Divine Pattern True Interpretation involves the power of cause and effect, the power of time, and the energy barrier that cripples it is unknown. In short, this thing is not something he can peep at now.

Li Mu sighed and put it into the storage compartment, fearing that it would have to be packed away for a while.

Li Mu then counted the other loot.

There are 37 kinds of sixth-level spiritual materials, and hundreds of fifth-level spiritual materials. The harvest from this trip out of the valley is extremely rich. The only pity is that there is still some time before the Nine Yang Spirit Grass matures. I don’t know when I can break through the sixth level of weapon refining. class.

Li Mu thought of something, and suddenly reached out and took out the sixth-order Tianxu Cauldron from the storage compartment.

Li Mu stared at the Tianxu Cauldron suspended in front of him, his eyes deep and deep in thought.

【Tianxu Cauldron】

【Rank: Tier [-] Spirit Artifact】

[Characteristics: The void space of the sky, transforming void spirits into objects, sacrificing and refining hundreds of demons, refining void spirits into objects, transforming void spirits into solid objects. 】

[Status: Breeding the seventh-level fire phoenix, the sixth-level nine-yang spiritual grass, and the ethereal fire energy is slightly insufficient]

[The sixth-level Tianque Jingjing, the sixth-level Void Origin Earth, the sixth-level demon-suppressing stone, and the Tianxu Cauldron refined with Void Spirit Fire. This cauldron can refine demons into elixirs, refine medicine into elixirs, and form the Tianxu Spirit Realm of its own. 】

Under the innate magical power - identifying all spirits, all the attribute information of the Tianxu Cauldron appeared in Li Mu's eyes.

The ethereal fire of the Tianxu Cauldron feeds the seventh-order fire phoenix demon eggs, and also feeds the sixth-order nine-yang spirit grass. The firepower is slightly insufficient, and Li Mu hesitates whether to use the seventh-order extreme sun sky fire to intervene.

The extreme sun sky fire has the ability to eat fire, which replenishes the self-generated fire element. The fire power is extremely strong, and Li Mu is afraid that he will not be able to control it. The extreme sun sky fire cannot resist the temptation and swallows up the ethereal fire and the fire phoenix demon eggs.If the Extreme Yang Heavenly Fire can be persuaded to support the seventh-level fire phoenix and the Nine-Yang Spirit Grass, their growth rate may be further improved.

Li Mu hesitated for a moment, but he had some confidence in the Spirit Control Technique, and immediately decided to summon the Extreme Sun Sky Fire to give it a try.

Li Mu's spiritual consciousness poured into his body's Dantian, awakening the sleeping extreme sun and sky fire.

The next moment, the Extreme Sun Sky Fire was awakened and turned into a purple-gold fire phoenix that emerged from Li Mu's body. It seemed to sense the existence of some delicious food, and it was excited and impatient.


Seeing the extreme sun sky fire rushing toward the Tianxu Cauldron, heading straight for the Fire Phoenix demon egg, Li Mu quickly used the Spirit Controlling Soul Sharing Technique of the Spirit Controlling Seal to stop the action of the Purple Gold Fire Phoenix.

The Void Spirit Fire in the Tianxu Cauldron felt a crisis, as if a natural enemy had appeared. It swooped back into the depths of the Tianxu Cauldron, like a turtle with its head shrinking, not daring to reveal any more firepower.


The little purple-gold fire phoenix screamed angrily, circled around Li Mu, and emitted a trace of extreme sun fire, which suddenly burned some of his hair.

"Don't be angry, you can't eat these, I'll give you something else!" Li Mu quickly comforted him with words, and reluctantly took out two sixth-level fire-type spiritual materials from the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl, Ganghuo Crimson Crystal and Yangyan Huoyuan. stone.


The little purple-gold fire phoenix glanced at the two fire-type spiritual objects that Li Mu took out. His eyes were fixed on the seventh-level fire phoenix egg, full of disgust, as if to say, these two spiritual materials are not as good as the demon in the cauldron. Eggs and ethereal fire are delicious.

Feeling the emotions of Jiyang Tianhuo and the emotions it expressed, Li Mu felt dumbfounded for a moment.

"No! You can't eat it! I also want to use your power to make it come out as soon as possible! Wouldn't you treat it as a companion? In the future, I will find other 'delicious food' for you!" Li Mu passed the Yuling Deed Seal, Convey spiritual thoughts and persuade.

After listening to Li Mu's 'persuasion', the purple-gold little fire phoenix responded, spreading its wings and hovering over the Tianxu Cauldron, as if thinking about something.


As if the little purple-gold fire phoenix had figured it out, she suddenly raised her head and called out to Li Mu, expressing another meaning.

"What! You want the ethereal fire, that's not possible!"

Li Mu 'understood' the meaning of Jiyang Tianhuo. It was willing to be a partner with the seventh-level fire phoenix. However, it was not satisfied with only two sixth-level fire spiritual materials. It also wanted to swallow the ethereal fire in the Tianxu Cauldron. .


After hearing Li Mu's rejection, the purple golden little fire phoenix raised his head angrily. The next moment, the terrifying power of fire slanted out. The rock gold around the refining room immediately turned red, and the temperature in the room rose sharply.

Li Mu's expression changed slightly, and he once again felt the terror of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire. With his gift of supernatural power - identifying all spirits, he also saw that the current state of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire was undergoing terrible changes.

【Extreme Sun Fire】

[Rank: Seventh Daoist Spirit]

[Characteristics: Melting all things, extreme yang to strength, burning evil and expelling demons, extremely yang way. 】

[Status: After being rejected one after another, my thoughts are not smooth, I fall into a violent rage, and I don’t hesitate to hurt the source, trying to break free of the spirit weapon seal. 】

[The fire of the seventh-order heavenly law, after thousands of years, gathers the fire energy from the heaven and the earth to the yang, and the extremely yang skyfire bred by the condensed dao is the skyfire with the most fire-yang spirituality in the world, which can swallow other positive flames, complement The meaning of extreme yang, restraining the power of the most yin and evil in the world, can burn and refine everything in the sky! 】

Seeing the change in Ji Yang Tianhuo's state, Li Mu's complexion immediately changed. He didn't dare to delay. He quickly stopped him and said: "Okay, okay, stop quickly, let's discuss it carefully."


Seeing that things had turned around, the fire spirit of Jiyang Tianhuo was like a coaxed child. The violent emotions came and went quickly. The purple and gold little fire phoenix quickly restrained the violent flame power on its body.

With the help of the seventh level Extreme Yang Sky Fire, apart from assisting in refining the Tianxu Cauldron, its other functions are too inferior. It is possible to sacrifice the ethereal fire to supplement the source of the Extreme Sun Sky Fire and increase its power even further. .


Zijin Xiaohuofeng looked at Li Mu who was thinking and urged him anxiously.

"I understand, I can give you the Fire of the Void Spirit, and I will give you both spiritual materials. However, you have to help me take on the responsibility of the Fire of the Void Spirit, and help the Fire Phoenix Demon Egg and the Nine-Yang Spirit Grass in the cauldron mature! Yes! Can't do it?" Li Mu stared at the 'Purple Gold Little Fire Phoenix' and said with spiritual thoughts.


Zijin Xiaohuofeng glanced at the situation inside Tianxu Cauldron, looked at Li Mu and responded simply.

"Okay then! Our deal is done!" Li Mu smiled slightly and held up two pieces of sixth-level fire-type spiritual materials.

"Chirp!" The little purple-gold fire phoenix called out excitedly. It spread its fire wings and pounced on the two fire-type spiritual materials. In a moment, it swept them away, leaving some residual ashes.

The next second, the little purple-gold fire phoenix plunged into the Tianxu Cauldron and chirped excitedly.

The Tianxu Cauldron shook violently, as if a wail came out, and then quickly fell silent.

Soon, the body of the Tianxu Cauldron became extremely red and vibrated violently, as if it could not withstand the power of the extreme sun and sky fire and was about to explode.

Li Mu's eyes narrowed and he stared at the changes in the Tianxu Cauldron. His spiritual thoughts conveyed the extreme sun and sky fire, urging it to restrain its strength and not to damage the Tianxu Cauldron.

However, the spiritual thought that Li Mu conveyed to Jiyang Tianhuo fell into disarray. It seemed to be concentrating on something and had no energy to respond.

With the gift of magical power - identifying all spirits, Li Mu saw the changes in the Heavenly Void Cauldron. The Void Spirit Fire, which was closely related to the spirit of the weapon, was swallowed up by the Extreme Yang Sky Fire. However, it did not let it collapse. The Extreme Yang Sky Fire seemed to be refining. Transform it and build yourself a nest?
[Tianxu Cauldron (in progress)]

[Rank:? 】

[Characteristics: Skyfire Domain? ? ...]

[Status: The spirit of the weapon has been taken away, and the body of the weapon has collapsed?Spiritual pattern reshaping? 】

[Sixth-level Tianque Jingjing, sixth-level Void Origin Earth, sixth-level demon-suppressing stone, Tianxu Cauldron refined with Void Spirit Fire, Void Spirit Fire dissipated, cauldron pattern, weapon array changed dramatically, reorganizing...]


Li Mu stared at the changes in the Tianxu Cauldron. He already knew what the Jiyang Skyfire was doing. He was worried that the Tianxu Cauldron could not withstand the heavy refining of the Jiyang Skyfire. The seventh-level fire phoenix demon eggs stored in it, and What happened to the Sixth Level-Nine Yang Spirit Grass?

This guy is so messed up! (End of chapter)

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