Chapter 232 Wanjian Mountain

Li Mu is preparing to refine an array that can create a sword field and carry thousands of spiritual swords, and it also comes with a 'Sword Mountain' with important rules.

The concept of this sixth-level spiritual treasure is very grand, and the possibility of failure is also extremely high.

However, if it is successfully refined, its power will be extremely extraordinary.

Li Mu took a deep breath, selected other spiritual materials, summoned the Extreme Yang Sky Fire, performed consecutive pinching techniques, and set up the Extreme Yang Sky Fire refining furnace.

"Heavenly Fire Furnace, condense!" Li Mu shouted sharply.

The small purple-gold fire phoenix then disintegrated and quickly condensed into a three-dimensional purple-gold stove in the air.

Put the seventh-level spiritual mineral-meteor crystal core into the sky furnace and start smelting.

However, the material, hardness and fire resistance of the seventh-level spiritual mineral - the meteorite crystal core - are far superior to other spiritual materials. It took an hour for its surface to turn red under the calcining of the seventh-level extreme sun fire. .

Seeing this scene, Li Mu frowned slightly. The seventh-level spiritual mineral of the meteor crystal core seemed to be beyond his current scope of weapon refining. Even smelting it was so difficult. It was necessary to arrange the weapon patterns, weapon arrays, and build it inside. The difficulty of Qi Shi is not that great.

The failure rate of the weapon refining this time has increased by a few points.

It was still early, and Li Mu was hesitant to give up on this weapon refining.

However, at this time, a cloud of purple-gold fireworks suddenly erupted from the Skyfire Refining Furnace, effectively smelting the meteorite crystal core.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu's face changed slightly. Through the perception of the Spirit Control Seal, the Extreme Sun Sky Fire seemed to be angry. There was never anything that it could not melt, and the seventh-level meteorite crystal core was obviously not in this category, so he couldn't help but get angry. The ill-tempered Ji Yang Sky Fire didn't need too much spiritual power from Li Mu. The Ji Yang Sky Fire burst out its original firepower and burned the meteorite crystal core crazily.

Soon, under the violent firepower of the Extreme Sun Sky Fire, the meteorite crystal core finally couldn't withstand its temperature and began to melt and liquefy!

Seeing this scene, Li Mu didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He originally wanted to stop the weapon refining, but now he had to take action.

Li Mu took out two bottles of fifth-level restoration pills and good fortune pills from the Jiuzang Spiritual Pearl, and drank them in advance. Then, using the nebula observation method and the Yin and Yang Five Elements Sutra, he injected spiritual power into the Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace. Thinking, assisting the extreme sun and sky fire to form the meteorite crystal core.

In the Sky Fire Refining Furnace, a blue boulder over one foot high and three to four feet high - the meteorite crystal core - was constantly melting, turning into a ball of silver metal solution, exuding a heavy aura.

Li Mu fully activated his spiritual thoughts, and injected a series of spiritual patterns into it. The condensed weapon patterns, according to the weapon potential of the Xuantian Sword Array, constructed an weapon array that breeds weapon spirits. At the same time, he did not forget to take advantage of the characteristics of the meteorite crystal core to construct The essence of the important principles of Taoism.

The Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace, bursts of shining spiritual light, kept shining out.

Li Mu devoted himself to supporting the extreme sun and sky fire, while refining the weapon and condensing the weapon pattern. At the same time, he controlled more than 1000 fourth- and fifth-level spiritual swords, pulling the sword intention, investing it into the "Jianshan Weapon Embryo", and catalyzing the "Jianshan" weapon. The sword power of the spirit,...

Soon, the entire Yin and Yang continued to exude terrifying high temperatures and terrifying sword intent, day after day, continuously.

With a "pop" sound, a pill bottle fell to the ground.

On the ground, dozens of pill bottles have been piled up at this time.

Relying on the help of a large number of fifth-level spiritual elixirs, Li Mu survived the difficult thirteen days. He continued to output spiritual power, expended his spiritual thoughts and energy, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the refining of the 'Sword Mountain' spiritual treasure.

Right now, the embryo of the 'Sword Mountain' weapon has taken shape. Next, it is the final stage of refining the weapon, a critical moment to accommodate thousands of swords, condense the momentum of the sword formation, and give birth to the sword spirit.

Success or failure lies in this one move. Most of the fire source of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire has been consumed. This time the weapon refining is over, and it can no longer be used for a while.

Li Mu, who looked pale, was mentally exhausted and couldn't drag it out any longer!
Li Mu gritted his teeth and concentrated on maintaining the spiritual power consumption of the Heavenly Fire Refiner. At the same time, he fully deployed his spiritual thoughts and placed them on the surrounding fourth-level and fifth-level spiritual swords, urging them to plunge into the Sword Mountain.

In response to the master's command, a fourth-level or fifth-level spiritual sword was like a moth that threw itself into the fire. The whistling sword light flashed past, and was thrown into the Skyfire Refining Furnace one by one, forming a cyan metal 'Spirit Mountain' embryo. superior.

One handle, ten handles, a hundred handles,….

More than 1000 spiritual swords were integrated into the cyan 'Lingshan'. After time brewing, a terrifying sword intent soon emerged, suddenly and extremely swiftly.

This sword intention is like a dream, ethereal and ethereal, as if it is alive again, as elegant and natural as mountains and flowing water.

This sword intention is like the wind, unpredictable, sometimes as light as a feather, sometimes like a raging wind and huge waves.
This sword intention is as gentle as silk, and the sword energy is as thin as a veil...

This sword intention may be fast or slow, light or heavy, ever-changing and unpredictable...


Li Mu sensed its existence, and was greatly shocked. He stretched out his hand, and a green hill exuding a "thick" and indestructible sharp aura emerged.

The Heavenly Fire Refining Furnace then disintegrated and turned into a sluggish little purple-gold fire phoenix, which plunged headlong into the Heavenly Fire Cauldron and became silent again.

Li Mu didn't realize it, his eyes were all attracted by the 'green hill' floating quietly in front of him, and he used a large number of fifth-order wishful stones to blend into it, making it have the functions of large and small wishful thinking.

The 'green little spirit' in front of me is the result of this weapon refining. It is a six-level 'Sword Mountain' spirit treasure that incorporates more than 1000 spirit swords. but.

Li Mu put his spiritual thoughts into it and refined it easily. More than 1000 fourth-level and fifth-level acquired spiritual swords all have his aura, and the innate weapon spirits they spawned are born with his aura.

Innate magical power - Under the Ten Thousand Spirits, all the attributes of this freshly baked sixth-level spiritual treasure appeared in Li Mu's eyes.


[Rank: Tier Six Lingbao]

[Characteristics: Ten Thousand Swords Peak, large and small, Xuantian Sword Territory, Ten Thousand Sword Qi, nourishing Ten Thousand Swords. 】

[Status: The weapon spirit is reborn, and the sword spirit of the weapon is weak and does not appear. 】

[Based on the seventh-level spiritual mine - the meteorite crystal core, and 890 two spiritual swords as an array, an array weapon with the potential of a sword array is refined. This weapon weighs 360 kilograms, can accommodate ten thousand swords, and is self-contained. The sword domain nourishes the sword's spirit and improves the effectiveness of the sword. The more spiritual swords it contains, the faster the sword spirit of the weapon grows. It can accommodate thousands of spiritual swords with weapon spirits. There is a high probability that this spiritual treasure can be upgraded to the seventh level. soldiers. 】

After seeing the powerful attributes of 'Jianshan', Li Mu was overjoyed and immediately named him: Wanjianshan.

Isn’t it just ten thousand acquired spiritual swords with weapon spirits?

Possessing level 6 weapon refining skills, Li Mu is confident that he can put them together within a hundred years, allowing 'Wanjian Mountain' to successfully advance to the seventh level Taoist level.

Li Mu couldn't wait to produce the real power of 'Wanjian Mountain', so he threw a spiritual thought into it, input a little spiritual power, and locked his eyes on a wasteland outside the spiritual valley.

With a "swish", the 'green hill' flew out in front of Li Mu, zoomed in rapidly in the air, and turned into a [-]-foot hill in an instant, crashing down like a meteorite.

There was a loud "boom", and a heavy metal mountain appeared in the wasteland outside the valley, and the earth cracked and collapsed.At this moment, a spiritual sword inserted in the Sword Mountain flew out on its own. They bloomed with sharp sword light, like a school of fish, quickly gathered in the air, and then rushed down towards the wasteland.

"Puff puff……."

The spiritual swords with sharp sword energy sank into the wasteland one after another. The sword energy grew wildly, extinguishing all life.

Li Mu was pleasantly surprised. The power of 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain' far exceeded his expectations. Even late-stage god-transforming monks would have to shed their skin if they faced this kind of attack.

With the blessing of the sixth-level spiritual treasure of 'Wanjian Mountain', it is like having a master hub to control the spiritual sword. Summoning the spiritual sword and arranging the sword array have become simple and efficient, and the consumption of spiritual power and spiritual thoughts has been reduced to one become.

The effect is really great!
Just relying on the characteristics of 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain', Li Mu still has the courage to fight against multiple god-transforming monks even if he fights against them.

'Wanjian Mountain' is fully qualified to become the sect-protecting treasure of a large sect!
If we gather ten thousand spiritual swords for it and advance to the seventh level of Taoist soldiers, what kind of power can it unleash?
Thinking of this, Li Mu's heart couldn't help but become hot, and he wished he could immediately raise ten thousand spiritual swords for Wanjian Mountain.

However, a bitter smile soon appeared on Li Mu's face. In order to refine the 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain', his energy and spiritual power were greatly consumed during this period, and the overdraft was a bit serious. Even Jiyang Tianhuo was driven to full of resentment. It promised a lot of benefits before it reluctantly persisted.

In the next period of time, I'm afraid I won't be able to refine weapons.

Refining sixth-level spiritual treasures, especially some extremely powerful high-level spiritual treasures, costs thousands of times more than fifth-level spiritual treasures, not to mention the demand for the soul and spiritual power of the refiner. .

If he were an ordinary great master in refining weapons and could refine a spiritual treasure of the level of the 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain', his life might be tied up in it.

Li Mu attached his spiritual mind to the 'Wanjian Mountain' and asked him to recall the spiritual sword.

The sword light on the blue mountain peak of 'Wanjian Mountain' flashed, and more than 1000 spiritual swords broke out of the ground one after another. Like a flock of birds returning to their nests, they plunged into the sword mountain one after another, making a 'buzzing' sword sound, making them appear full of agility.

More than 1000 spiritual swords finally have a home. They can breed sword spirits in Wanjian Mountain and increase their power.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu became more and more satisfied. This spiritual treasure was indeed refined correctly.

Li Mu smiled happily, stretched out his hand, and called Wan Jianshan back.

Wan Jianshan's figure quickly shrank until it was the size of a fist, flew in front of Li Mu, and was absorbed into the Jiuzang Spirit Pearl.


Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Mu's figure appeared outside the Yin Yang Valley, and then, piloting the Tissot Spirit Ship, headed back towards the ancient city - the floating port.

After successfully refining the 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain', Li Mu rested for three months. After that, he tried to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. Finally, he exhausted all the fifth- and sixth-level spiritual materials in his body and harvested two sixth-level spiritual treasures. A sixth-level water-based spirit bead, a sixth-level fire-based fine wheel, and all the others ended in failure.

Li Mu had to go out of the valley again to sell spiritual treasures and collect spiritual materials for refining weapons.

Ancient city - floating port, Wanbao Pavilion.

Upon learning of Li Mu's arrival, Lin Baoqing felt wind at his feet and hurriedly ran into the inner reception room. With a warm smile, he walked up to him and greeted him: "Master Li, you are finally here. You have been waiting for me!"

"Are you thinking of me? Are you thinking of the spiritual weapon I refined?" Li Mu chuckled and asked.

"Same, same!" Lin Baoqing laughed and asked with concern: "Master Li, what spiritual weapon did you bring this time? The once-in-a-decade auction is about to begin. If there is a chance to auction it, can it be sold at a good price? "

"Huh? When is the auction?" Li Mu asked with concern. Refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure consumes a lot of high-level spiritual materials. This auction is a good opportunity to collect high-level spiritual materials.

What's more, to gather ten thousand spiritual swords, the spiritual materials required are not small. Taking this opportunity, selling two sixth-level spiritual treasures can exchange for a lot of high-level spiritual materials.

"In the middle of next month, I don't know, Master Li, what good things have you refined this time?" Lin Baoqing introduced it, looked at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Li Mu glanced at Lin Baoqing, and then found two sixth-level spiritual treasures from the Jiuzang Lingzhu.

After two sixth-level spiritual treasures, one white and one red, appeared, they immediately transformed into a small water snake and a small fire lion, and they faced off against each other, as if they were seeing mortal enemies.

"This, this, sixth-order spiritual treasure, it, they, Master Li, were they refined by you?" Lin Baoqing's eyes widened, looking at Li Mu in disbelief, and asked in surprise.

"That's right, I just refined these two spiritual treasures without refining other spiritual weapons. I used up a lot of high-level spiritual materials and finally succeeded!" Li Mu introduced with a slight smile.

"Congratulations, congratulations Master Li, congratulations on your successful promotion to the Grand Master of Weapon Refining, you are so awesome!" Lin Baoqin was excited and incoherent, watching Li Mu congratulate him with joy.

After saying that, Lin Baoqing remembered something, solemnly took out a jade box from the storage ring, respectfully handed it to Li Mu with both hands, and said enthusiastically: "Master Li, this is my promotion gift to you, you must accept it. "

"This! This isn't appropriate!" Li Mu looked at the things in Lin Baoqing's hands and declined with a smile.

"Is there anything inappropriate? This spiritual object was originally prepared for you. I can only reluctantly use it as a gift. Your promotion to the Grand Master of Weapon Refining is not only your personal matter, but also our Wanbao Pavilion's honor. I will wait for you Once this news is reported, more abundant resources will definitely be allocated, and maybe several big bosses from the headquarters will have to visit the ancient city in person!" Lin Baoqing was excited and talked endlessly.

Hearing this, Li Mu frowned slightly, looked at Lin Baoqing and said, "I can accept this gift. Let's talk about informing the headquarters later!"

"Master Li, you have been promoted to the Grand Master of Weapon Refining. If the headquarters finds out, you will definitely get higher resource permissions. Don't you want to?" Lin Baoqing handed the jade box into Li Mu's hand and asked curiously.

"Refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure is quite troublesome. I don't want to cause more trouble. At this time, it's good that you know! I don't want others to know too much." Li Mu accepted the jade box and said seriously.

Hearing this, Lin Baoqing couldn't help but feel happy. He wished he could keep this secret alone. In this way, he would have exclusive sales channels for the sixth-level spiritual treasures refined by Master Li.

"Of course I can keep this secret, but if these two sixth-level spiritual treasures are put up for auction, they will definitely attract the attention of many forces. I'm afraid this news can't be kept secret for long." Lin Baoqing looked at Li Mu and gestured.

"Hide it for as long as you can!" Li Mu sighed, put the jade box on the table, and then discussed with Lin Baoqing the collection of spiritual materials.


Soon, Lin Baoqing hurried to the warehouse to prepare spiritual materials for refining weapons. Li Mu looked at the jade box on the table and explored the spiritual objects inside.

The gift Lin Baoqing carefully prepared for him should not be an ordinary spiritual object.

Li Mu reached out and opened the jade box, and a powerful spiritual light bloomed, which cheered him up.

Li Mu's eyes lit up. He never expected that Lin Baoqing would be willing to give such spiritual objects to him.

(End of this chapter)

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