Chapter 233: Emperor Zhenjiatu
【Dragon Flame Spirit Fruit】

[Grade: Sixth Grade Spirit Fruit]

[Characteristics: Dragon Flame Condenses Soul, Fire Flame Dragon Breath, Tempering Yuan Body, Replenishes Spiritual Roots, Dragon Soul Expands Spirit. 】

[Status: Millennium Flame Fruit, full of spiritual power]

[Sixth-level dragon beard wood is a dragon flame spiritual fruit that has taken 3000 years to mature and 300 years to nurture. Eating this fruit can complement the fire spiritual roots, improve the quality of the fire spiritual roots, temper the soul, refine the body, and improve The effect of root bone qualification is one of the main materials for refining the sixth-level Dragon Soul Pill. 】

With the innate magical power of identifying all spirits, Li Mu learned the properties of the spiritual objects in the jade box.

Li Mu sighed and closed the jade box. This spiritual object was of high grade, had good attributes, and was valuable. Lin Baoqing probably spent a lot of effort to give him this spiritual object.

However, if this spiritual seed could be replaced with a spiritual seed, Li Mu would be even happier.

At the last trade fair, several sixth-level spiritual seeds were obtained, including Yanyuan Spirit Grass and Mou Xing Spirit Grass, which have been planted in the Painting World Treasure Mansion. However, it is a pity that their attribute information has nothing to do with the Five Elements and Yin and Yang. .

This spiritual fruit has dragon breath and fire element. It should be one of the fifth-level fire element spiritual plants. If you can get its spiritual seeds, you don't need to collect the sixth-level fire element spiritual seeds.

"Master Li, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Just when Li Mu was looking at the jade box and was lost in thought, Lin Baoqing hurried over with two storage rings filled with spiritual materials.

"Master Li, these are the materials you asked for. There are still some missing ones. I will try my best to help you get them together next time." Lin Baoqing handed the two storage rings to Li Mu and said respectfully.

Li Mu reached out to take the storage ring, checked it with his consciousness, frowned, and felt a little dissatisfied.

The quantity and quality of this batch of spiritual materials, if you want to refine a fifth-level spiritual sword, you can refine almost seventy or eighty pieces. There are also several sixth-level spiritual materials, which are not enough to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure.

"Master Li, during this period, the Allied forces' campaign against the Nine Demons Sect is at a critical moment. A large amount of spiritual materials have been allocated to the front line. A large amount of spiritual materials will not arrive until this auction begins. Please give us these spiritual materials." Use it first, and the next batch of materials will definitely satisfy you." Seeing Li Mu's unhappy look, Lin Baoqing quickly introduced.

"Well! Can this spirit fruit be replaced with a spirit seed?" Li Mu nodded and looked at the jade box on the table.

"Master Li, don't you like this spiritual fruit? It has the effect of condensing the soul, replenishing spiritual roots, and improving cultivation!" Lin Baoqing was taken aback and looked at Li Mu in confusion.

'Master Li's' cultivation level is only in the early stage of Yuanying, no, now he is in the middle stage of Yuanying. In order to choose the spiritual object that suits him, Lin Baoqing tried his best. Who would have thought that the spiritual fruit he had chosen from thousands of times would not be affected by it? he likes.

"No, this spiritual fruit is good, but I prefer to plant this kind of spiritual plant instead of spiritual fruit, you know?" Li Mu looked at Lin Baoqing and said with a smile.

Lin Baoqing was slightly startled and then understood immediately.

"Understood! Understood! Master Li, just keep this spiritual fruit, and I will try my best to get its spiritual seed." Lin Baoqing nodded clearly and signaled.

"Yes! If there are seeds of other high-level spiritual plants, help me pay attention to them!" Li Mu smiled slightly and signaled.

"Okay! Okay!" Lin Baoqing agreed quickly, with a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

Master Li especially likes to collect high-level spiritual seeds. Lin Baoqing still remembers this special hobby. In the future, he will work harder in this direction and make more high-level spiritual seeds. No matter how high the price is, it will be worth it.

Master Li has successfully been promoted to the Grand Master of Weapon Refining, and his status is completely different!
Suddenly, Li Mu remembered something and looked at Lin Baoqing and asked, "Shopkeeper Lin, do you recognize Venerable Chen Heng?"

"Of course Venerable Chen Heng recognizes him! Master Li, what are your orders?" Lin Baoqing nodded happily and looked at Li Mu and asked.

"Yes! I promise to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure for him. You inform him to prepare the materials for the refining, and be careful to ask him to keep quiet." Li Mu smiled slightly and signaled.

"Understood!" Lin Baoqing agreed clearly.

After coming out of Wanbao Pavilion, Li Mu went to Huitian Medicine Pavilion again, and then to Tianji Pavilion to buy spiritual materials and find out the news.

The weapon refining technique can be upgraded to level 6, and other talisman-making techniques, puppet techniques, alchemy techniques, etc. can all be upgraded to level 6. However, currently, Li Mu spends most of his time on weapon refining and cannot invest in other skills. energy.

After collecting a large amount of spiritual materials, Li Mu returned to Yin Yang Valley and continued to invest in refining weapons to gather ten thousand spiritual swords for the 'Ten Thousand Swords Mountain'.

A few days later, Wanbao Pavilion.

After receiving the summons, Venerable Chen Heng hurried over and met Lin Baoqing in the guest room.

"Shopkeeper Lin, why did you invite me here? You are so anxious." Venerable Chen Heng frowned and looked at Lin Baoqing and asked in confusion.

"Senior Chen, you are planning to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, right? Have you gathered the materials?" Lin Baoqing smiled slightly and asked straight to the point.

"Hmm! Who told you that there are still a few ingredients for refining the weapon? Why, can you help me get it? Who asked you to find me? Could it be for my emperor-suppressing armor soil?" Venerable Chen Heng looked at Lin Baoqing, wary asked.

Ever since the existence of the seventh-level Emperor Zhenjia soil was exposed at the trade fair, Venerable Chen Heng has been probed by many "old friends", seeking to trade this thing with them, which made him tireless.

"Senior Chen, I misunderstood! It was Master Li who informed me to find you. Master Li is willing to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure for you! If you collect all the materials, you can start refining it!" Lin Baoqing smiled slightly and conveyed road.

"What! It's Master Li, you mean, Master Li, he..." Venerable Chen Heng perked up and looked at Lin Baoqing with surprise.

"That's right! Master Li can refine sixth-level spiritual treasures! If you want to refine it, hurry up and prepare the materials! You know this news, I know it, don't let it out!" Lin Baoqing nodded and smiled, and solemnly warned.

"Is this true? Why, it's so fast, doesn't it take 50 years?" Venerable Chen Heng was in high spirits and asked puzzledly.

"I definitely don't dare to deceive my seniors. Master Li, you have outstanding talent!" Lin Baoqing smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and took out two sixth-level spiritual treasures, one water and one fire.

Venerable Chen Heng's eyes lit up and he stared at the two artifacts.

"These two sixth-level spiritual treasures were refined by Master Li himself! They will be auctioned at the auction next month. Master Li does not want to say anything about it and hopes that Senior Chen will keep it secret." Lin Baoqing introduced them and then collected them. Get up and say with joy. "It's true, I understand, Chen understands, and he will definitely live up to Master Li's trust!" Venerable Chen Heng was in high spirits and nodded happily.

"Senior Chen, what spiritual materials are you missing? What kind of spiritual treasure do you want to refine? Master Li has explained that the material requirements for refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure are extraordinary. The quantity, quality, and spirituality cannot be too bad! Otherwise, it is easy to fail." Lin Baoqing looked at Venerable Chen Heng and expressed concern.

"This old man naturally knows that I am going to refine a tree-cultivating spiritual cauldron and my Ten Thousand Trees Fengchun Skill. I have already collected seven or eight sixth-level spiritual materials on hand..., Shopkeeper Lin, your pavilion There are endless spiritual things, can you recommend any suitable spiritual materials?" Venerable Chen Heng frowned and looked at Lin Baoqing and asked inquiringly.

"Senior Chen, what you are practicing is the Ten Thousand Trees Fengchun Kung Fu. This technique does require Yangmu Ding to be supplemented. If you want to refine Yangmu Ding, it is best to use Wanling Spirit Milk, Mu Yuan Xuan Jing, and Hao Ling Mu. , Jiuxu Spiritual Soil,... to refine a wood-growing spiritual cauldron, Senior Chen, I can help you see what materials you are lacking." Lin Baoqing nodded clearly and analyzed in detail.

Lin Baoqing is in charge of Wanbao Pavilion and is well-informed. Although he does not know how to refine weapons, he still knows some of the requirements for refining weapons. His analysis is straight to the point and clear-cut.

Reverend Chen Heng regained his energy and told Lin Baoqing about the missing items for the weapon refining and started discussing with him.


Time flies, half a year has passed.

The Yin Yang Valley, shrouded in a strange dark wind all year round, welcomed an old man who transformed into a god. He was wearing a green robe, with messy beard and hair, and a somewhat unkempt look. He seemed to have come from thousands of miles away and gone through many hardships.

"Master Li, do you live here? Where is this valley a place for people to live?"

The person who came was Venerable Chen Heng. In order to gather the materials for refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure, he traveled all over the Southern Wilderness and the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains in the past six months to collect refining materials.

Now that he had gathered the materials for refining the sixth-level Yangmu Cauldron, he found out where 'Master Li' was from Lin Baoqing and hurried to Yin Yang Valley.

However, after seeing the terrible environment outside Yin Yang Valley, Venerable Chen Heng couldn't help but frowned, wondering whether the information given by Lin Baoqing was wrong.

The desolate black soil is barren of grass. As far as the eye can see, there are barren mountains and lonely ridges. The wind is howling and the strange fog is shrouded. Venerable Chen Heng lets go of his spiritual consciousness, and the expanded range is suppressed. There is also a vague strange power coming from everywhere. Revealing weirdness.

Venerable Chen Heng was hesitating whether to enter the valley and explore it, or to return to the ancient city to question Lin Baoqing.

At this moment, a puppet flew out of the valley and flew straight towards him.

Venerable Chen Heng perked up and looked at the fourth-level puppet in front of him. He was inexplicably shocked. This puppet was made from fifth-level star wood. The puppet pattern was deeply embedded in the wood grain of the star wood. Its limbs were agile and exuded. The spiritual pressure that comes out is powerful without leaking, and is not weaker than the calm aura of the mid-stage Nascent Soul. The monks who refine these puppets definitely have extremely high skills in the puppet way.

"Welcome, distinguished guest! The master invites you!" After the fourth-order puppet flew over, he made an invitation gesture and a neutral voice greeted him respectfully.

"You can still talk? Are you a spiritual puppet made by Master Li?" Venerable Chen Heng was startled, looked at the star wooden puppet, and asked in surprise.

"Yes! Invite you, distinguished guest!" The fourth-order puppet's gesture remained unchanged and he respectfully led.

Venerable Chen Heng nodded, followed behind the fourth-order puppet, and flew towards the core of Yin Yang Valley.

After flying for a certain distance, it suddenly became clear, revealing a paradise-like spiritual valley. The two qi of yin and yang were clearly separated under the guidance of the valley protection formation. The two ends were separated. In the valley, the spiritual energy circulated and surrounded. The aura of purple clouds, gloomy. In the spiritual mist, the two spiritual fields bloom with completely different auras.

In the center of Linggu, a small and smart waterfall falls, stirring up waves of water in the quiet pool. The pool water rushes out of the valley with the clear stream, making a clear and pleasant gurgling sound, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

A square vessel house sits by the stream, guarding the two spiritual fields on the left and right sides.

Venerable Chen Heng soon saw the real master. Master Li had a ball of five-element spiritual fire in his hand and was refining a spiritual sword.

Pieces of fifth-level weapon-refining spiritual materials were thrown into the Five Elements Spiritual Fire one after another. Under the high temperature, they were quickly fused. They were soon smelted into a ball... and Master Li waved his hand and drove in a series of spiritual materials. With force, he penetrated the condensed weapon embryo, and the red sword body immediately aroused bursts of spiritual light.

If there are no accidents, it is a device pattern that has been condensed and formed and burned successfully.

Soon, a "buzzing" sword sound came out, and the spirit sword bloomed with spirituality, making a "joyful" sword sound, celebrating its new life.

Venerable Chen Heng's eyes were wide open and he could not take his eyes away.

In just a short time, this fifth-level spiritual sword was ready!This is too fast!

In order to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, Venerable Chen Heng asked many people for help, and he also put in a lot of effort himself. He even spent some time learning to refine weapons and gained some knowledge about them. Now he is refining a third-level spiritual weapon. Not a problem.

However, compared to 'Master Li', the weapon-making skills and methods he learned were like a blacksmith in a blacksmith shop, and there was no comparison.

Spiritual fire smelted spiritual materials, spiritual thoughts assisted in refining the weapon embryos, spiritual power was refined step by step, the weapon embryos were condensed, and the weapon formations were... He witnessed Master Li's uncanny craftsmanship and miraculous weapon refining skills with his own eyes, and he couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of his heart.

"Senior Chen, please don't be offended if you miss the chance to welcome me from afar!" Li Mu put the refined sword into the Jiuzang Spirit Bead, stood up and greeted Venerable Chen Heng.

"No, no! It is Chen's honor to have the honor to witness Master Li's weapon refining skills. There is no need to mention the word senior again. Master Li, we can treat each other as peers." Venerable Chen Heng waved his hand to Li Mu, Said excitedly and enthusiastically.

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Chen, you're welcome to Li!" Li Mu smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

"Haha, it should be, it should be, Master Li, this is the weapon refining material I collected. Is it enough to refine a wood-growing spirit treasure?" Venerable Chen Heng laughed happily, and then took out a treasure chest from his arms. Li Mu asked respectfully.

Li Mu took the storage ring, probed into his spiritual consciousness, and immediately saw eleven double copies of precious sixth-level spiritual materials. In order to refine this spiritual treasure, Venerable Chen Heng put in a lot of effort!
"Refining a Wooden Cauldron Spiritual Treasure! These materials are enough!" Li Mu smiled and nodded, confirming.

"Great! Master Li, this is Chen's reward for refining this weapon. I hope you will accept it!" Venerable Chen Heng nodded happily, took out the Emperor's Armor Soil, and presented it to Li Mu with both hands.

"Well, the Emperor's Armor Earth is indeed what Li needs, so you're welcome! Fellow Daoist Chen, you can go into the valley to get the treasure in fifteen days!" Li Mu smiled slightly, accepted the Emperor's Armor Earth, and signaled.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work, Master Li!" Venerable Chen Heng thanked him gratefully. After saying that, he stood up and left simply.

After watching Venerable Chen Heng leave, Li Mu set up the protective formation, summoned 36 star wooden puppets to guard him, and started refining the Yangmu Cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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