Chapter 237 Venerable Dazzling Spirit

Venerable Tianshang and Venerable Kunling looked at each other in surprise, and then looked at Li Mu. They did not expect that his weapon refining skills could reach this level.

Li Mu quickly stood up and humbly responded to the Zixiaocang Thunder Beast.

The purple sky blue thunder beast laughed, and fell in love with Li Mu more and more, asking him in detail about his movements and current situation over the years.

Li Mu responded truthfully and told about his experience in the ancient city.

"Little friend Li, I didn't expect that in just twenty years, you would have broken through the middle stage of Yuanying. You are only one step away from the late stage of Yuanying. It won't be long before you can break through to the next big realm! This qualification is indeed worthy of being a human being's." The winner is a dragon and a phoenix!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and praised with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

"Indeed! It has been more than twenty years since the last time. Li Xiaoyou, this cultivation speed has improved by leaps and bounds! I'm afraid it won't take long to catch up with me!" Lord Qingwei looked at Li Mu and nodded in agreement.

"A little chance, I was lucky enough to make a breakthrough, two seniors are honored!" Li Mu smiled humbly, looking a little embarrassed. His breakthrough in cultivation was indeed too fast, and his origin was a bit erroneous.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and smiled. Naturally, they did not believe Li Mu's excuse and had already concluded that he had qualifications and talents beyond ordinary people.

After chatting for a while, Venerable Leihong ordered his servants to hold a banquet in honor of Li Mu. He sincerely invited Venerable Tianshang and Venerable Kunling to chat about Xu's old past.

There were many topics that Li Mu couldn't get into, and he listened silently as they exchanged important events, interesting stories, and adventure experiences in the Southern Spirit World.

After all, Li Mu rarely went out most of the time. For more than a hundred years, he spent most of his time farming, and the total time he actually went out was less than four or five years.

He has only a partial understanding of the great events in the Great Wilderness of the Southern Spirit and the forces in the Spiritual Domain of Central Continent.

The topics that Master Tian Shang and the others talked about almost always revolved around the grievances and grievances between the eight major families and sects.

Venerable Qingwei talked more about Taoism and the strange things he encountered during his training abroad.

As they chatted, Venerable Qingwei raised his spiritual cup, took a sip, and murmured with a somewhat depressed expression: "I have lived for more than 4000 years and witnessed the decline of many forces, but I never expected that he would be with us. The Bailian Sect, Tianyan Sect, and Tianquan Sect that fought side by side with the Ling Sect were successively destroyed by the Nine Demons Sect, and now only the Qingxuan Sect, the Tianhe Sect, and our Yuling Sect are still persevering."

When Li Mu heard Venerable Qingwei mention the Nine Demons Sect, he couldn't help but feel moved, and asked with concern: "Senior Qingwei, didn't the Bailian Sect form an alliance with you? Why was it destroyed by the Nine Demons Sect? ?”

Li Mu's question couldn't help but attract everyone's attention. Lord Tianshang and the others also looked at Lord Qingwei curiously, looking forward to the answer.

Hearing this, Venerable Qingwei showed a bitter look on his face. He had nothing to hide, and said directly: "Originally, our Yuling Sect and Bai Lian Sect spent a great deal of money to hire a formation master from Central Continent. With the teleportation formation, once the sect encounters a disaster, we will help each other, but this time from the beginning to the end of their sect, we did not receive any news at all."

"Until the soul of a god-transforming venerable escaped and came to us, he informed us that there was a traitor in the Bailian Sect. He destroyed the teleportation formation and used the isolation formation to block the transmission of all news. He laid a dragnet and set a trap. They died."

Li Mu was not surprised. A similar thing happened when he was in Qingxuanzong. Fortunately, he discovered something and prevented the tragedy from happening.

"Senior, I would like to ask, do you know the whereabouts of the Heavenly Fire of the Bailian Sect?" Li Mu knew that it was not appropriate to ask this topic in such an occasion, but he still took the liberty to ask about the question of the Heavenly Fire.

Sky Fire is extremely difficult to find, and there is even less news about Sky Fire in the world.

Now that the Bailian Sect has been wiped out, the Sky Fire has become ownerless. If there is a chance, Li Mu is ready to inquire and see if there is a chance to take it back.

Venerable Qingwei shook his head slightly: "Little friend Li, I really don't know this news, but fellow Taoist Xuan Ling of Bailian Sect may know it. After all, he is one of the three guardians of the sect."

"Where is the other person?" Li Mu asked urgently.

Venerable Qingwei responded: "He was besieged by the powerful gods of the Nine Demons Sect. Only his soul escaped. Now he is reshaping his body in the Bishui Pond."

"Senior, can you introduce me to him?" Li Mu nodded and asked straight to the point.

"That's no problem, Li Xiaoyou, then I'll take you there!" Venerable Lei Hong stood up with a smile.

Li Mu thanked him gratefully, left the banquet temporarily, and followed Venerable Lei Hong to the Blue Water Lingtan.

Venerable Lei Hong led the way, followed closely by Li Mu. Soon, the two came to a spiritual mountain covered with thunder clouds.

Before he even got close, Li Mu felt that between the sky and the earth, with the Thunder Cloud Peak as the core, everything around him was engulfed in spiritual energy, leaving only the true essence of thunder and the true essence of water.

The remaining five elements of yin and yang and other auras seemed to have ceased to exist. During the flight, Li Mu sensed a large number of thunder spirits. Traces of thunder snakes were swimming on the surface of his body, but the water spirit roots in his body were extremely active, and he liked the surrounding climate very much.

As I continued flying, this feeling became more intense.

The two quickly flew up to Lingshan Mountain. There were only a few dozen figures on Lingshan Mountain, sitting at the foot of Lingshan Mountain or halfway up Lingshan Mountain.

There were only two people at the top of Lingshan Mountain, and they tempered their cultivation against the terrifying power of thunder and water power emanating from Lingshan Mountain.

Under the leadership of Venerable Leihong, they landed on the top of Lingshan Mountain, on a cliff peak. Dozens of thunderbolts as thick as arms were whipping a body.

There was thunder and lightning and thunder all around.

A body with only half a body and the other half with blurred blood and blood vessels was being reborn in the light of lightning. The skeleton was filled with flesh and blood, and the appearance was extremely oozing. It looked particularly weird and bloody, and it was terrifying.

For the first time, Li Mu frowned and endured the discomfort of nausea when he saw a powerful person transforming into a spirit and reshaping his physical body.

However, Venerable Lei Hong was not surprised and said: "Little friend Li, this is the Blue Water Lingtan. Venerable Xuan Ling of Bailian Sect is a cultivator of both thunder and fire. The thunder and light essence here can accelerate the opponent's reshaping of the body. His soul was also It was severely damaged, and it was extremely difficult to rebuild the body. It took several years to rebuild half of it.”

Li Mu nodded when he heard the words, then stepped forward and slightly cupped his hands: "Junior Elder Qingxuan Sect, Li Mu pays homage to Venerable Xuan Ling."

The loud voice spread, and the Venerable Xuan Ling, who was conceived in the thunder, opened his scarlet eyes slightly after hearing the voice. The cow head looked at Li Mu with doubts: "Qingxuanzong? Li Mu? What do you want from me?"

Li Mu didn't hide anything. He raised his hands and asked respectfully: "Venerable Xuanling, I would like to inquire about the whereabouts of the Heavenly Fire of Bailian Sect."

Hearing the words, Venerable Xuan Ling suddenly paused, but the next second he seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, and couldn't help but let out an ear-piercing pitiful howl: "Hahaha, it's true that a tiger fell down and was bullied by a dog. The former Hundred Refining Sect , now that it no longer exists, anyone wants to take a piece of the pie, even the mere Nascent Soul Lord dares to peek at the sacred relics of our Bailian Sect."

Venerable Xuan Ling had obviously not yet come out of the grief of the annihilation of his sect, and was confused. Li Mu came directly to ask about the whereabouts of Tianhuo, which made him go crazy.Venerable Lei Hong immediately stepped forward and said: "Fellow Taoist Xuan Ling, Li Xiaoyou is definitely an extraordinary person. He was the benefactor who saved Qingxuan Sect and our Yuling Sect. Without him, today's Yuling Sect would have ceased to exist. You should still remember Li Jianxian’s deeds.”

Venerable Xuan Ling, who was smiling miserably, heard Venerable Leihong's introduction. At this time, his chaotic soul finally became more awake. He turned his head and looked at Li Mu critically, and then gradually remembered the rumors about Li Jianxian.

Looking at Li Mu, the sadness in Venerable Xuan Ling's eyes became more intense. Regardless of the lightning reshaping his body, he stood upright, raised his steps, and slowly walked out of the clear water pond.

Li Mu and Venerable Xuan Ling looked at each other calmly.

Venerable Xuan Ling walked up to Li Mu, grabbed his shoulder with an intact arm and an arm covered with blood and flesh, and said like a lump in his throat: "Little friend Li, why are you not destined to be with us? You can make two people with just one person." Zong, why don’t we have this blessing... My wife and children are all dead, and all my senior brothers are dead!"

As a powerful person who transforms into gods, Venerable Xuanling does not have the demeanor of a strong person at this moment. His fellow Taoists and his relatives who were sympathetic to him were all brutally murdered, leaving him alone, and the impact on his state of mind was extremely severe.

At this moment, Venerable Xuanling burst into tears, hoping that the Li Muzheng in front of him could be as powerful as the rumors and could save the Hundred Refiners Sect in their final crisis.

But everything is just extravagant hope and fantasy.

Li Mu sighed in his heart. He had always been self-centered and only wanted to live a long life. What happened to other people's lives had nothing to do with him.

But when I really saw others ending up like this, I couldn't help but feel pity in my heart. I didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so I just comforted him and said: "Senior, please forgive me!"

Venerable Xuan Ling trembled when he heard these words, and his eyes suddenly calmed down.

Venerable Lei Hong, who was standing aside, sighed heavily and looked a little worried. He had also seen the fate of the Bailian Sect, which made him feel very uneasy. The Nine Demon Sect was still there, and he was deeply afraid that the Yuling Sect would also end up like this. .

After calming down, Venerable Xuan Ling stared at Li Mu and said solemnly: "I can tell you about the whereabouts of Tianhuo, but I have a condition..."

"Senior, please speak!" Li Mu asked happily without thinking.

Venerable eyes filled the eyes of Venerable Xuan Ling, and he said with overwhelming hatred: "I know that you have powerful weapon refining ability. I want you to help me refine two sixth-level spiritual treasures to help me get revenge! "

Li Mu almost didn't think about it and nodded directly in agreement: "Senior, this is okay. As long as the refining materials are properly prepared, give me five years and I can help you refine two sixth-level spiritual treasures that are most suitable for you!"

Next, he has to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains with Venerable Kun Ling and others. Now, Li Mu doesn't have time to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. He doesn't know how long it will take to come back from this trip.

To be on the safe side, Li Mu extended the timeline.

However, after hearing Li Mu's response, Venerable Xuan Ling couldn't help but be stunned. Venerable Lei Hong on the side also looked dumbfounded.

"No! Li Xiaoyou, are you sure that you will be able to refine the sixth level spiritual treasure in five years?" Venerable Lei Hong took a step forward, looked straight at Li Mu and asked with concern.

Li Mu did not hide much and nodded slightly: "Yes, I am fortunate to have relied on the power of heavenly fire to reach a higher level of weapon refining. However, the sixth level spiritual treasure is extremely difficult to refine, and I am only [-] to [-]% sure!"

"Thirty to forty percent?"

Venerable Xuan Ling, who was deep in grief and anger, heard that Li Mu could refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure with a success rate of [-] to [-]%, and his mind was filled with these words on the spot.

For a moment, Venerable Xuan Ling forgot even his sadness and stared at the young Nascent Soul monk in front of him with a look of disbelief on his face.

Hearing this, Venerable Lei Hong took a deep breath, never expecting to hear such exciting news.

"Little friend Li! Last time you said that you could refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure within a hundred years. How long has it been?... You and I really don't know what to say!" Venerable Lei Hong looked overjoyed. Li Mu was so excited that he was speechless.

"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke. An epiphany gave me a lot of knowledge about weapon refining, and with the help of the extreme sun and sky fire, I was able to refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. Without the sky fire, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been possible even if it took me a thousand years. If you can successfully refine it, you have to thank your noble ancestor, who is expected to be True Lord Tianhong." Li Mu responded with a smile and said gratefully.

After a pause, Li Mu looked at Venerable Xuan Ling and Venerable Lei Hong, and said truthfully: "If I can get another ball of heavenly fire, the chance of success in refining a sixth-level spiritual treasure can be increased by several percent, and it can even be improved by several percent. Within a thousand years, take a peek at the realm of refining seventh-level Taoist weapons."

"[-]% chance? Seventh-level Taoist soldier? Li Xiaoyou, are you sure?" Venerable Lei Hong asked in shock.

"Of course!" Li Mu was confident.

"Seventh level Taoist soldier, this..."

Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and felt his head buzzing. These two words echoed in his mind and could not calm down for a long time.

True Monarch Yuanying is able to refine sixth-level spiritual treasures. This talent is already extremely amazing. If ordinary people dare to say that they can refine seventh-level Taoist weapons within a thousand years when they are True Monarch Yuanying, they probably have a backhand. Just slap him directly.

But now, Venerable Leihong had no choice but to believe this little friend Li, his acting style, and his talent that could be called a monster. His eyes were full of surprises.

"Little friend Li, can you let me see the sixth-level spiritual treasure you refined?" Venerable Xuan Ling, who still had some doubts, asked inquiringly.

Hearing this, Li Mu didn't take it seriously and asked with a smile: "Senior, the sixth-level spiritual treasure I refined is of course fine. However, after I issue it, can you reveal some news about your sect's sky fire to me? It doesn't need to be too much. A lot, but it must be valuable!”

Venerable Xuan Ling, whose expression returned to normal, understood the meaning of Li Mu's words. He thought about it and nodded: "Of course it should be, let me tell you first! The Sky Fire fell into the hands of the Nine Demon Sect, but the Sky Fire is ours In the past, there were some desperate monks who sneaked into our Bailian Sect and wanted to take the opportunity to steal the Heavenly Fire. However, we didn’t know that the Heavenly Fire had been secretly followed by us. Even to the ends of the world, we could do it. Know where it is!”

Hearing these words, Li Mu couldn't help but become excited.

It must not be that simple for the Hundred Refiners Sect to be able to survive for thousands of years. It is impossible for precious spiritual objects such as Sky Fire to be easily lost in the hands of thieves. There must be emergency measures left..., and the result was not as he expected.

If there is such a way to pursue the sect, the difficulty of regaining the Heavenly Fire of Bailian Sect will be greatly reduced!

After Venerable Xuanling finished speaking, he looked at Li Mu expectantly, as did Venerable Leihong. They were all eager to see the sixth-level spiritual treasure he had refined.

Facing their eager gazes, Li Mu smiled slightly, put his mind into the Jiuzang Lingzhu, and then a flash of inspiration occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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