With a flash of inspiration, three sixth-level spiritual swords appeared.

One piece of gold, one piece of wood, and one piece of water, released a powerful sword light, and in a blink of an eye, they transformed into three artifacts, a small golden eagle, a water spirit fish, and a small green python. They seemed to be condensed from the essence of heaven and earth, and their spirituality It was full of energy, tumbling around Li Mu.

The three weapon spirits seemed to have life. After they were freed, they started chasing each other around Li Mu. After discovering Venerable Xuan Ling and Venerable Lei Hong, they hid behind Li Mu, tilting their heads, looking curious and wary. Looking at them, bursts of sword power bloomed.

It was like a young tiger with fried hair, releasing the sword power and spiritual pressure that only a sixth-level spiritual sword could possess.

Feeling the power released by the spirit of the three spiritual swords, Venerable Lei Hong and Venerable Xuan Ling's expressions all changed, and they were surprised. They all felt the terrifying power contained in the three spiritual swords.

If any spiritual sword is placed outside, countless high-level monks will participate in the robbery, causing a bloody storm. However, what is shocking is that Li Mu actually owns three such spiritual swords.

In the circle of monks who transform gods, it is estimated that not one out of ten people can own a sixth-level spiritual treasure. However, he owns three sixth-level spiritual swords. If nothing else, three sixth-level spiritual swords, indeed It was refined by Li Mu himself, that’s right!
"Li Xiaoyou, look at this posture, you are preparing to refine a set of five elements and sixth level spiritual swords!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu with envy and asked with concern.

"I do have this plan, but the sixth-level fire and earth materials are too hard to find. I have only refined these three spiritual swords in these years!" Li Mu smiled slightly and introduced: "They are: Jinxiao, Green python, exquisite!”

Hearing Li Mu's greeting, the little golden eagle, the water spirit fish, and the green snake python all flew in front of him nimbly, disenchanted and revealed their original appearance, three spiritual swords exuding powerful spiritual energy and sharp sword light.

Originally, the Bishui Lingtan only had space for the two spiritual energies of thunder and water. With the advent of the three spiritual swords, the sword essence was immediately filled with the spiritual energy of the three elements of gold, wood, and water.

"Amazing, amazing, Li Xiaoyou, you possess the Five Elements Spiritual Roots and are good at setting up sword formations. If you can successfully refine this set of Five Elements and Sixth-level Spiritual Swords, it will be easy to defeat the late stage of God Transformation in the future!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at it! There were three sixth-level spiritual swords in his eyes, with envious eyes and admiration. He already had some plans in his mind and was ready to help Li Mu to raise two other sixth-level spiritual materials for him.

"Senior, that's ridiculous!" Li Mu smiled modestly, looked at Venerable Xuan Ling and asked with a smile: "Senior, can they confirm what I said! The promise to help you refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure is absolutely true! "

Li Mu had a faint smile on his face, exuding a powerful and convincing aura.

"That's natural. I deeply admire Li Xiaoyou's talent and strength." Venerable Xuan Ling expressed his respect to Li Mu and even bowed to him.

In the Bailian Sect, what is respected is not the level of cultivation, but the attainment of the lineage of weapon refining.

No matter what your cultivation level is, as long as you can refine high-level spiritual weapons, you can gain a high status in the sect. For example, the master of Bailian Sect, he is only the cultivation level of Nascent Soul True Lord, but he can refine it. He has a fifth-level spiritual weapon, so no one can shake his status in the sect.

But now, Li Mu was able to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure with the cultivation of True Monarch Nascent Soul, which made Venerable Xuan Ling full of respect for him.

Venerable Xuan Ling thought for a moment and introduced the Heavenly Fire Dao of the Bailian Sect to Li Mu: "Little friend Li, the name of our Bailian Sect's Heavenly Fire is: Ziyun Heavenly Fire. This is a kind of fire that descends from the Nine Heavens and contains the Purple Cloud Dao Yun." Heavenly fire has powerful effects such as melting all things, exorcising evil spirits, and burning souls."

"Purple rhyme sky fire can be used to refine weapons and defend against enemies. It is the divine object that all fire cultivators dream of. If a fire cultivator can integrate and refine this fire in his soul, then even if he is Even with an ordinary spiritual root, one can reach the sky in one step, advance to the extreme fire spiritual root, or even the fire path spiritual root, and one’s cultivation will advance rapidly from then on, but integrating the heavenly fire into oneself is extremely dangerous..."


Venerable Xuan Ling kept talking and introduced the characteristics of Ziyun Sky Fire to Li Mu in detail.

Hearing the name Ziyun Heavenly Fire, Li Mu couldn't help but feel happy. This kind of Heavenly Fire can actually boost cultivation. It is undoubtedly good news for him who has the Five Elements Dao Body.

However, for Li Mu, the main role of sky fire is to refine weapons, which is used to advance to the heaven level weapon refining method - the eighth level sky fire tempering method.

Talking about the information about Ziyun Tianhuo, a look of pain flashed in Venerable Xuanling's eyes, and unbearable memories emerged in his mind.

Venerable Xuanling gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mu and continued: "This time, the Nine Demons Sect's Ten Thousand Ghost Demon Lord, Xiaotian Demon Lord, Tianjue Demon Lord, and three sixth-level monsters launched an attack on our Hundred Refining Sect. A surprise attack, combined with internal support, destroyed our sect's mountain-protecting formation..."

"Knowing that the situation was over, we separated and fled..., the Purple Yun Heavenly Fire was on the Purple Jade Venerable, he must have fallen, and the Heavenly Fire was also obtained by the Tianjue Demon Lord, but the Ziyun Heavenly Fire was marked by our sect's seal An extremely obscure tracking spell - Spirit Planting Technique, is planted in the soul of sky fire, and even the Void Refining monks cannot detect it."

"As for the magic weapon that tracks the sky fire, it is a fourth-level spiritual weapon, and it is a matching soul tracking disk. I fought with the Demon Lord Ten Thousand Ghosts, and knowing that there was no chance of survival, I hid this magic weapon somewhere outside the sect. If You help me refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure, and I can go with you to retrieve this magic weapon and help you win the Purple Rhythm Sky Fire." Venerable Xuan Ling introduced it to Li Mu in detail and suggested.

After listening to the other party's request, Li Mu nodded in agreement without thinking. The other party's purpose was very simple, to help him find the Ziyun Sky Fire, and more importantly to avenge the people who killed the Nine Demon Sect!

"Senior, it is not a problem to help you refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. However, the sixth-level refining materials are scarce and valuable. This..." Li Mu looked at the only remaining body of the Reverend Xuan Ling and said sheepishly. explain.

"Of course this won't be difficult for Li Xiaoyou. The Bailian Sect's property has not been taken away by the Nine Demons Sect. I will prepare the weapon refining materials myself!" Venerable Xuan Ling waved his hand and interrupted Li Mu.

"Okay! Senior, after you collect the materials, I will help you refine the weapon! I won't disturb senior's recuperation anymore!" Li Mu nodded and said goodbye to Venerable Xuan Ling.

"Xuan Ling, please take a good rest and recover!" Venerable Lei Hong said goodbye to Venerable Xuan Ling.

Venerable Xuan Ling nodded and watched Li Mu and Venerable Lei Hong leave together.


Returning to the spiritual residence, Master Tianshang and Master Kunling were still chatting with Master Qingwei and reminiscing about old times.

On the table, delicious food and spiritual wine exude an alluring aroma.

Venerable Lei Hong's face was filled with joy, and he enthusiastically pulled Li Mu to the table and announced to the public the news that he could refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure.

"What? Li Xiaoyou, have you been able to refine the sixth-level spirit treasure?" Lord Tianshang, a calm and calm person, suddenly heard the shocking news. He couldn't help shaking his hand and spilled the spirit in the cup. Some come out.

Lord Qingwei and Lord Kunling were dumbfounded and looked at Li Mu in disbelief, unable to believe their ears.

In the world of cultivating immortals, sixth-level spiritual treasures are extremely precious treasures. There are very few weapon refiners who can refine them. They are either supreme elders of large immortal sects or reclusive masters with extremely noble status.

However, Li Mu's cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul has reached a level that they all need to look up to. This news is really amazing!

Seeing the surprised and dumbfounded expressions of several seniors, Li Mu couldn't help but feel a little numb. He could only bite the bullet and responded with a smile: "I have benefited a lot from the enlightenment of this retreat. By the way, I have broken through the weapon refining level and refined the weapon." The success rate of level six spiritual treasures is not high.”

"Another epiphany?" Master Kunling and Master Tianshang exchanged glances with strange expressions on their faces. They suspected that Li Mu had obtained some special opportunity, but they just couldn't make it public!
It took several people a while to digest this shocking news, and they quickly adjusted their mentality and attitude towards Li Mu.

A sixth-level weapon refiner is highly respected wherever he goes, and all forces will try their best to win over him. They are lucky to have a friendship with Li Mu.

Get the moon first by approaching the water tower, and then you can refine the sixth-level spiritual treasure. You no longer have to worry about finding a great master of weapon refining!
Lord Qingwei, Lord Leihong were very excited. Li Mu was promoted to the sixth level of weapon refining grand master. It had something to do with their gift of the Extreme Yang Sky Fire. There was some gambling involved. However, they never thought that this day would happen. Came so quickly.

Everyone excitedly took out high-level spiritual objects and presented them to Li Mu. While celebrating the great news, they also took the opportunity to enhance their relationship. The purpose was self-evident.Li Mu couldn't put it off, so he could only accept it with a smile.

Seeing Li Mu accept his congratulatory gift, Venerable Qingwei struck while the iron was hot and said with a smile: "Little friend Li, I have a cruel request. I want to ask you for your help. I have just broken the mirror to refine the void, and the fifth-level spiritual weapon is no longer suitable for me." use."

Hearing what Venerable Qingwei said, Li Mu also knew what the other party wanted him to do!

Li Muxiao interrupted: "Senior, I know what you mean. If you want to refine any spiritual treasure, just ask. It's best to collect all the refining materials first. Refining the sixth-level spiritual treasure is not easy, and the failure rate is quite high. It’s best to prepare more sixth-level spiritual root materials. If you want to refine spiritual treasures with better quality, it’s best to collect a portion of seventh-level spiritual materials.”

Lord Qingwei didn't expect that Li Mu had guessed his intention and agreed directly before he opened his mouth, which made him sincerely grateful.

"I know! I know, I'll get people ready immediately!" Lord Qingwei nodded happily.

"Little friend Li, I also want to refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure!" Lord Kunling looked at Li Mu, grinned, and begged.

"Of course it's no problem. Senior has prepared the materials and I will help you refine it. However, it's not free!" Li Mu smiled happily and said jokingly.

"Haha, that's natural. When this trip is over, I will collect spiritual materials!" Venerable Kun Ling said impatiently.

"I also have something to ask for, but I have to trouble you little friend Li!" Tian Shangzun looked at Li Mu with joy on his face.

Li Mu smiled and nodded, accepting all comers. For customers refining sixth-level spiritual treasures, the more the better, firstly, he can get a lot of money for refining the equipment, and secondly, it will help improve the refining skills. Thirdly, every time you refine a sixth-level spiritual treasure, your cultivation level and soul will also be improved..., and you will gain many benefits in one fell swoop.

At the moment, Li Mu has other plans and will not stay in Yulingzong for too long.
Venerable Qingwei, Venerable Leihong and others seized this opportunity, emptied the sect's warehouse, and issued a reward order for high-level spiritual materials to their disciples. At an extremely generous price, the sect contributed to charging the sixth-level weapon refining Spiritual material.

Soon, a large amount of sixth-level spiritual materials were gathered into the hands of Venerable Lei Hong, who handed them over to Li Mu.

"Little friend Li, we have all the sixth-level spiritual materials of our Yuling Sect here. We're sorry!" Venerable Lei Hong looked at Li Mu and entrusted him.

Li Mu took the storage ring and scanned it with his consciousness. Among them, there were a lot of fire and earth sixth-level weapon refining materials, and there were also a lot of thunder-attribute sixth-level weapon refining materials. All the sixth-level spiritual materials added up, based on his With his skill in refining weapons, he can refine seven or eight sixth-level spiritual treasures, which is a considerable amount.

"Sect Master Lei, Senior Qing, thank you for your trust, I will try my best to complete this treasure refining!" Li Mu put away the storage ring, looked at Qingwei, Venerable Leihong, and solemnly promised.

Venerable Leihong and Venerable Qingwei nodded together and sent Li Mu off together.

"Little friend Li, please pay attention to safety on this trip. If you need it, just crush my scales. I will arrive immediately within ten thousand miles." The seventh-level true spirit - Purple Sky Blue Thunder Beast walked through the air and watched Li Mu. Don’t forget to explain.

"Understood! I've written it down! Lord Beast God, you two seniors, there's no need to send them off again!" Li Mu nodded happily and responded.

Lord Tian Shang took a sip of the wine and stood up, interrupting: "We will take good care of you, little friend Li. The days are long and there will be plenty of time in the future. Kun Ling's matter is very important, so we won't stay any longer!"

After saying that, Master Tianshang released the Tianyun Spirit Ship, activated the power array, and flew onto the ship with Li Mu and Master Kun Ling.

Soon, under the watch of the senior officials of the Yuling Sect, the Tianyun Spirit Ship turned into a streak of white clouds and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, a vast and huge spiritual ship of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance was suspended in the air.

Venerable Tianyin, Venerable Lin Hai, and Venerable Huo Tian, ​​three powerful masters who transformed themselves into gods, flew to the front of the spirit ship and respectfully waited for the big man to appear.

Suddenly, two streams of light flashed and appeared in front of them.dry
Master Muzun glanced at the three Venerable Tianyin with a hint of indifference. Venerable Ji Yun showed a beautiful smile and introduced: "Hello, three fellow Taoists, this is the head of our Ji family. Elder - Lord Kumu."

Lord Tianyin and the three of them felt Lord Kumu's contempt for them, but in terms of strength and power, they were far inferior to the Ji family, and the other party's contempt was a matter of course.

"Tianyin, pay homage to senior!" Venerable Tianyin took the lead in bowing to greet him.

"Meet the seniors!"

Venerable Lin Hai and Venerable Huo Tian hurriedly saluted in unison.

Lord Kumu nodded slightly with a cold expression. After glancing at the three of them, he urged Lord Ji Yun: "Stop talking nonsense and leave for the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains immediately!"

The three Venerable Tianyin looked at each other, with a flash of displeasure in their eyes. They were all well-known figures in the Southern Wilderness, but now the other party was using them like grandchildren, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

Venerable Ji Yun knew how to deal with others. He greeted Venerable Tianyin and the other three with a smile and said in a low voice: "I'm really sorry for you three fellow Taoists. Elder Kumu has a cold personality and doesn't like to socialize. Don't take it personally!"

The three Venerable Tianyin are not fools. They naturally know what Venerable Ji Yun is. He is nothing more than a smiling tiger. The three of them have their own purposes, some are for the Cave Heaven Spiritual Treasure, and some are to regain what they need, because they all When enemies come together, even if they are dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, they dare not show it.

"It's okay. We would also like to thank fellow Taoist for providing the information, letting us know where the enemy who killed my brother is!" Venerable Tianyin showed a smile that was half a smile and said thanks.

Seeing that the other party was so polite, Venerable Ji Yun couldn't help but be very happy, and immediately invited Venerable Tianyin and others to board the spirit ship.

After the three people boarded the ship, they were arranged to rest in a room at the stern of the ship.

In the room, the magic circle that blocks the prying eyes of spiritual consciousness is opened.

"You two, it seems that we are going to be cannon fodder for them this time." Venerable Tianyin sat cross-legged on the bed and immediately sent a message to the two of them.

Venerable Huo Tian had a stern look on his face and replied: "Brother Tianyin's idea coincides with that of me. The Ji family has big plans for this formation!"

"Brother Huotian, the three of us must work together for this action. I'm afraid the Ji family has no good intentions!" Venerable Tianyin then reminded.

"No matter what, let's kill that bastard first. This time, even the masters of the Void Realm were mobilized. Things are by no means as simple as they appear." Venerable Lin Hai was sober for the first time, and his brows furrowed into a Sichuan shape.

Venerable Tianyin took out the guqin and gently plucked the strings, and a pleasant sound rippled out: "The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. If the situation is really wrong, don't fight, it's important to save your life!"

"Hmph, no matter what this time, I will kill the thief who stole my treasure and tear out his bones." Venerable Huo Tian said decisively with a fierce look in his eyes.

Venerable Tianyin and Venerable Lin Hai looked at each other with the same thought in their eyes. (End of chapter)

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